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Real Ghost Stories

House Haunts 2


This was typed up yesterday, Sunday, but I was way too tired to submit it. So went to bed. While going to bed something else odd occurred which I'll tack onto the end.


Well now, didn't expect to be updating this quite so soon but here we are. It would appear this new place be certifiably haunted.

To recap I've just moved into a rental in my old hometown. It's an old house probably built in the 1930's or 40's. Cool place if you're into old houses, which I certainly am.

A couple of weeks ago it rained and the roof leaked. So that sucks. Long story short tin roof, section of which is beyond the joke in need of replacement. Four patch jobs later and it still leaks. Section needs replacing, it's now the wet season therefore can't be replaced while wet. So that really sucks.

One night last week it rained particularly hard and I was up late emptying buckets. I was standing in the kitchen practically falling asleep on my feet waiting for the rain to subside so I could go to bed. There's a hallway off the kitchen. The hall light was off so it was dark in there. I thought I saw a person in the darkness, short and podgy, looking at me from the hall entrance. However I must stress I was really tired and half asleep, so there's that.

A couple of days ago, during the day, I found the lounge room light on. Definitely wasn't by me. There are three light sources in the lounge room. One nice warm style light over the tele, one ugly fluro light over the middle of the room which I don't use because fluro is gross. Then there are two nice warm lights in or over an old bar at the end of the room. The ugly fluro light was on. My piano is directly under the fluro light. I wondered if someone might have been checking it out. Or maybe they were showing me there's another light, because I haven't been using the fluro at all.

Then today the reason I decided to write all this up happened. I previously wrote about the cupboard door noises. That's stopped, except for a few days ago when I heard a couple of slams. I was in the lounge room watching a hose get hoisted onto the roof, guy testing for leaks. Heard a cupboard slam then another slam, sounded like the kitchen. Can't say I was bothered to check it out. Too tired to care, really over leaks.

When I first moved in, about three weeks ago, I took a picture off the wall. It was in the room that leaks. The picture is of geometric shapes, the kind of thing you'd pick up at Ikea. It was the only picture in the house that was left by the owners, who were the previous occupants. I took the picture off the wall and behind it were about five or so squashed ants. Gross. Got a wet rag and cleaned that crap away. (Why leave squashed ants on your wall?!) Anyway, after cleaning where the picture was I put one of my ethical taxidermy pieces in its place. I just realised the irony in my actions there, har dee har.

I put the owners' picture under the kitchen table to put somewhere safe later. Still unpacking and there were boxes under said table. So didn't notice when the picture went bye byes. But can attest it hasn't been under the table for at least a couple of days. I know this because I keep staring at a box of books thinking, 'gotta do something about them'. I had put the picture on top of that box.

Last night I put a witch pendant on one of the kitchen cupboard doors. Have a thing about witches in kitchens. Like no kitchen is complete without something witchy. The pendant is a witch on a broom flying in front of a crescent moon. As I was going to bed I decided to look in the cupboard where I'd put the witch pendant. There were some small tubs of paint. All the same colours as the house. The rooms are all different colours.

This morning I went back to the cupboard to look at all the paint pots again. It's an overhead cupboard and I'm short. I could feel something else on the floor of this cupboard. It was the picture I didn't notice was missing. All I got to say about that is I didn't put it there. But maybe I heard it go in when I was watching the hose the other day.

Later this afternoon I was emptying a wee birdbath for the night. Possums suck and if you leave water around it encourages them then, you know, you end up with a knackered roof. A neighbour's German shepherd came up to say hello. This neighbour lives in the house behind. It's a subdivide. Said neighbour restores classic cars and I could hear him tuning a motor. His dog, a lady dog going by how she peed on the lawn, followed me into the backyard. Lovely dog, it was nice to have her around. There was much loud brooming coming from the guy behind, sounded like a V8, I couldn't call out that I had his dog. So I waited with the dog in the yard until all the broom broom stopped.

His dog did the usual smell everything and trot everywhere doggy thing but she kept looking up at the kitchen window. There's a little balcony outside the kitchen window, the dog kept going up there and putting her paws up around the window. Wondered if she was seeing something I couldn't. Wouldn't have wondered if anything was there otherwise. Didn't feel watched or anything.


It's early Monday evening now. As I typed the above out last night I could hear a door creak. The doors in this place are pretty heavy and don't move about easily. As I was going to bed I found the bathroom light on. I could have left it on by mistake as I was very tired. But I was back and forth passing the bathroom enough, surely I would have noticed. Think someone likes playing with lights.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
1 month ago (2024-08-01)
Thanks Val, no problem.
And I need to put more characters blah blah
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
1 month ago (2024-07-31)
Hi, Tweed! First, thanks for the heads up, it will make things less complex. You may certainly resubmit your story, as the first copy you sent has NOT been posted yet. I'll need to 'reject' that submission, so when you get it, don't worry. Looking forwards to reading it!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
1 month ago (2024-07-31)
Val/mods, I submitted something to the site last night and I realised I left something out. Is it possible I could resend it?
Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-11)
Hey, Tweed, it's good to hear from you again. I enjoy your stories, & your comments.
I agree with the others that it appears to be rather benign, but do show respect to it. Let it know you're taking care of the place the best that you can, & hope they approve.
If you have no problem living with it. Fine. However, if it were me, I'd, politely, ask it to move on to be with those that love them. Go to a place where they can be happy forever. However, you handle it is, of course, your personal business, but I just thought I'd throw this out for you. It was an enjoyable read!

Take Care! ❤ 😁
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
4 months ago (2024-04-28)
Iwgrn, sorry I just saw your comment.

Like Rajine said, and I agree, the spirit seems harmless. As for the picture not being liked by anyone I hadn't thought of that LOL! Maybe there's a good reason it was left behind. 😁
I don't go out of my way to acknowledge this ghost, but I don't ignore them either. I sort of just say hello if I feel they're there. If things were going to escalate into something bad I'm sure it would be happening by now. I get a good feeling about this presence. They're protective of the location and I can respect that.
lwgrn4real66 (6 stories) (51 posts)
4 months ago (2024-04-23)
Seems the previous home owner didn't like the picture enough to take it with them and sounds like the spirit (s) they left behind don't like the picture either! Sounds like you have a harmless spirit (s) that like to be a prankster! Thanks fir sharing your experiences!

P.S. I wouldn't acknowledge the spirit (s) because it can escalate things which could attract other spirits which may not be so nice! Thx!
Rajine (14 stories) (866 posts)
5 months ago (2024-04-15)
Seems like you have a seemingly harmless spirit, whether it's a resident or passing by, time will tell.

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