Way back before we moved in a priest had lived (and died) in the house. He had crosses lining the walls and all sorts of church artifacts tucked up in boxes. My parents removed all of the stuff and sorted out the house so we could move in. I was only a baby back then so I had little knowledge of it. However, little things have been happening recently and I am staring to get more than a little anxious.
Firstly the fridge turned off by the plug; however, you have to physically move the fridge to turn it on and off. My mum's curling tongs were switched on and left on for three days even after she was adamant she had turned them off. Things being moved or disappearing completely, floorboards moving when there is no-one upstairs. Doors opening and closing of their own accord.
One particular incident completely threw me. Standing in the kitchen doing the dishes I felt something tickle my eyes so I took off my glasses to wipe them, only to see the letters RD scratched onto the lenses. I assumed that it stood for Reverend D, it panicked me really badly.
Also there is a feeling when you walk up or down the stairs particularly at night, the kind of stomach churning, run down the stairs with your hands over your ears kind of feeling. My mum says that the walls of the stairs were where most if the crosses were found. It panics me because none of my family feel or are bothered by it, it just effects me.
There are several other happenings but none of that magnitude and I don't know what to do?
The house that I moved out of has been abandoned for two years now and no-one will buy it.
I used the runes in the hosue asking only yes or no questions. I only ever got no. Even if I knew the answer was yes. (for example - did you live here?)
The crosses were plain and removed immediately.
Divination has been in my family for years. My grandma has a natural talent for finding and predicting things. She also has a friendly entity in her house and has told a malevolant spirit to leave her alone (never had a bad experience since).
I have a new problem, the landing of my old house was terrifying and now the landing in my new house has started feeling the same. The letters RD continue to pop-up (once in a coffee shop on the fog on the window). Not sure if this is a bad sign.
Again, we don't know anything on the priest who lived here, just that he lived and died there.
Thank you for your comments