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Be Careful Of The Ghosts That Follow You Home


I truly enjoyed the Lawrenceville Ghost Tour on October 31st. Our tour guide Manny Moonshine was excellent. I wish I would have known I would actually have events now happening in my house.

Two days after the tour my CD player has turned itself on, and my boyfriend and I woke up at 4:30 AM hearing voices and feeling an odd presence in my bedroom. I would have dismissed the chatter in the room had my boyfriend been on the tour with me but it was only my sister and I who went on the tour. He and I both woke at the same time wondering who the heck was standing over our bed and talking and it was ONLY us in the house. And I can not explain the CD player turning itself on and pictures falling off my wall.

I know I have the ghost of my ex-boyfriend in the house but it was like he was having a discussion with another ghost. Like I said, had my boyfriend not sat up in the bed the same time I would have dismissed it as maybe a dream but we BOTH were spooked because it was not audible but it was clearly two males talking to each other.

I am now scared to sleep alone in my house. Because I CAN NOT explain why a CD player that I haven't turned on since the summer all of a sudden turns on and starts playing, YOU HAVE to hit play in order for that to happen.

Be Careful Of The Ghosts That Follow You Home 1

Be Careful Of The Ghosts That Follow You Home 2

Be Careful Of The Ghosts That Follow You Home 3

Be Careful Of The Ghosts That Follow You Home 4


I wish I was making this stuff up but I am not. I think I need a professional to come to my home and find out who the heck is the ghost that now followed me home and decided to haunt my house. Like I said I have been to a medium before years ago and I know my ex comes to visit me in the spirit world matter of fact this is the month he died BUT who was he talking to or was it two more ghosts I bought home.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, NikkiB, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

piyuprmr (1 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-15)
it was quite nice story hope
Didn't understood relation with birds lol 😜
God bless you
Goretorium (1 stories) (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-15)
I genuinely enjoyed this story and hope the ghost returned to the site of the tour, if not I suggest doing a cleansing with sage if you ever feel at harm.
publicways (32 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-08)
are you the gentleman who posted the story about the haunted CD player (or something) on another site?
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
One of the guides on The Fort George ghost tour told me of a scoffing tour guest that insisted he did not believe in ghosts of any kind (he went on the tour to appease his girl friend). Towards the end of the uneventful tour he challenged the ghosts to make themselves known and then made disparaging remarks about them. The tour guide told me that the tourist returned several days later, looking much the worse for wear. He reported that he had all kinds of strange goings on in his home since his challenge and he wanted it to stop. The tour guide suggested he go home and apologize and then return to the fort with the unwanted guest, (why a ghost needs to ride in a car is beyond me) to bring it home. This seemed to solve the issue.

So as rookdygin says, returning to the tour site with the ghost in tow may solve your problem.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
Hi NikkiB

Thanks for posting. Can you please clarify a few points for me?

You wrote: "... I would have dismissed the chatter in the room had my boyfriend been on the tour with me but it was only my sister and I who went on the tour..."

I don't understand why your reaction to the "chatter" was different because your boyfriend WASN'T on the tour?

I'm also confused (it happens a lot - bare with me) when you say:

"...I know I have the ghost of my ex-boyfriend in the house but it was like he was having a discussion with another ghost..." and "...Like I said I have been to a medium before years ago and I know my ex comes to visit me in the spirit world matter..."

It appears that you seem perfectly accepting of the "fact" that the spirit of your ex-boyfriend resides in your house, and/or visits you often, yet the idea that your ex-boyfriends ghost MIGHT be having a conversation with another ghost appears to send you into some sort of panic? That seems contradictory to me. Are you able to elaborate?

My advice to you is you probably shouldn't assume that you brought some ghosts home. My understanding of the spirit world is that it's all around us, so we are constantly surrounded by spirits (ghosts). These spirits, if they desire, could attach themselves to any of us at any point. I don't believe it makes a difference where you physically go. If spirits are trapped / chained to a material location for whatever reason, then there they stay until they have worked through their issues. I don't believe they are like cats and dogs that simply "follow someone home" looking for a new playmate, unless your own desire is very strong for that to happen. Then you possibly may attract them...

There could be a perfectly mundane reason your CD player turned on. We must be careful not to instantly put that down to a paranormal incident. Yes, spirits are known to interfere with electrical equipment, but it's not ALWAYS the case.

And pictures do fall off walls by them selves. A good idea is to check either the hook / nail in the wall or "thing" on the picture to make sure nothing there has failed. If everything looks ok, then there's the possibility "something" else removed the picture.

If you are extremely concerned, I suggest you go back to a reputable medium and ask for some more assistance, or use Rooks cleansing method. Whatever floats your boat.

And finally, I can only echo Tweed's sentiments; not sure what the birds pictures are all about? Maybe the connection is they are going out on a limb as well?😉


Revajane (1 stories) (71 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
I was wondering what the pictures had to do with the story as well.

I would suggest you follow the advice that Rook has made.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
I have absolutely no clue what a bunch of relaxed ravens has to do with this. 😕
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
Interesting...while it is possible something attached itself to you during the tour it sounds as if its just making itself known... This may have been due to the 'energy' you give off attracted a spirit (or maybe two) to you. Now that they are in an 'unfamiliar' place they are seeking attention so they can go back 'home'.

Plan to 'walk' the tour route again, heck if you can just drive it. Before you leave your home 'invite' those who followed you home to once again follow you and then as you retrace the tour route pause at each location on the tour and tell your 'guests' they can return home now.

Once you have done this I suggest a Home and Self Cleansing and Shielding (I happen to have one posted on my profile that you can use...)

Thanks for posting this experience and please ask any questions you may have.


Creepa99 (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-11)
Good story I enjoyed it must be scary having a ghost in your house because I am into this stuff, but I have never seen or experienced a paranormal activity, and I hope I never do.

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