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That'll Do Pig. That'll Do


I'm not going to disclose several specific things in this submission because it would make me immediately identifiable to anyone who knew me that read this. I've lived in a region of Mississippi for 20 years now and I'm a lawyer. I've been with the same firm the entire time.

As I've stated and / or referred to in my previous postings, I grew up in a small town around Jackson. My parents built their house in 1964. My Mom died in 1999. In 2001, my Dad remarried a nice elderly lady who lived in the small town. When they married, Dad moved into her home, in town, and they never spent a night in the house I grew up in.

Following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, my Dad, 79 at the time, was diagnosed with a terminal illness. As they get towards the end of life, they're really helpless. My stepmother, being three years older than my Dad, absolutely could not care for him when he got to this stage. We knew that was coming, so I arranged to take a leave of absence in the Fall of 2006 when he started having difficulty caring for himself. I moved back into the old house I grew up in, cleaned it up, aired it out, and I moved Dad in and cared for him until he died in the house around the end of that year. That period of time was absolutely golden. It was probably the best thing I'll ever do in my life.

Gathering myself together, mentally and physically, I returned back to the office following the New Year's Holiday. In February of that year, two months after he passed on, I finally made partner with the firm after being there close to a decade. I know my Dad would have been very proud and I expressed to family, friends and folks at the office several times that I wished he'd been alive to see this.

Having inherited the old home place and the land that accompanied it, I ended up going up there at least once a month, and during the summers, every couple of weeks to cut the grass. This was far more time than I'd spent up there since when I was going to college 20-25 years earlier. I still keep all the utilities on at the house. Given the lifetime of experiences I've pretty much related in these stories, I must be honest and say there was a slight part of me that would not have minded receiving some sort of sign from my Dad that he was pleased with how I hadn't abandoned the place and that I'd finally made partner at my law firm. Of course, by far and away, I'd hoped that he had moved on and had more important and interesting things to do than watch over whatever trivial stuff was going on with me.

Many months went by, perhaps a year, and I'd well given up wondering if Dad would contact me. Nothing at all happened in the house. I came in one Friday night and, as was not uncommon, there were voicemails on the old answering machine. Usually, they were just robo-calls from a politician or recorded marketing pitches. I went through them, erasing them as I went, until I got to a very peculiar one. It was very garbled sounding. You could tell it was a man's voice, but it sounded like the voice itself was static. Trying to spell it out phonetically and breaking it syllabically, the voice is saying, "wan hu uh rah- u-lay you on... May-hee pah-nah". There is another voice in the background saying two words: "yeah" "yeah". Yes, it sounds like one of those EVP recordings (I will never try to make one of those). IF this was a spirit voice, I and my beautiful, intelligent bride believe it was saying "want to [con]gratulate you on making partner". We are convinced that is what the voice is trying to say. If it wasn't a spirit voice, it was a horrible, horrible connection - not even a voice box for people with trachaeotomies is that garbled sounding - it really didn't sound like what I associate with a bad connection in that the message wasn't broken up as if the call was dropping out.

I looked up the model of the Sony answering machine to see if there was any way to get the recording off the machine, but I couldn't find anything about it. I'd be happy to share it and I wanted to transfer the recording, but I don't have any idea what sort of storage is utilized by the machine or how you could access it as there appears to be only the line-in / line-out phone jack sockets and a socket for an AC adapter. I'm aware of pareidoila (or however its spelled), and of course that's a possibility.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Agua, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ms_st0308 (6 stories) (66 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-29)
Way late to the game, but just a thought I had while reading Caz's last comment. Since our eyes are considered the windows to our souls, would it be that much more difficult for an apparition to manifest eyes? This would go along with the belief that our soul is elsewhere and our energy is all that remains, but just a thought.

Love both those movies by the way! But it's been a looong time since I've watched either.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Sorry to go on about it, but thinking about the same subject, I'm wondering if 'practice' is the reason why some spirits seem to be able to manifest better than others. What about all those people who testify to seeing spirits who don't have eyes... Just two black holes where the eyes should be! I'm sure they don't appear like that just to scare people! Could it be that eyes, (the windows of the soul) are particularly difficult and they just haven't quite managed to master the art yet? Sorry if this sounds crazy!
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Having thought about it a bit more, I do remember in the movie 'Ghost', Sam had to practice hitting things and kicking things, so he could beat the baddie! Hmmm... (stroking chin)...Perhaps that movie was closer to the truth than we realised! πŸ˜†
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
I don't know anything about it either Agua, but it can't be easy to do it without a voicebox, so it just seemed kind of logical!
Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Caz, I didn't know anything about the energy required to do that, but upon reflection, I suspect that is what was going on as well because the "yeah, yeah" voice sounded more like a real voice - as if it were something that required practice and the other voice was better at it than the primary speaker.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
What a wonderful thing to happen Agua! 😁 I did wonder if your Dad's message was unclear because for a spirit to do that requires practice? Hence the encouragement from the clearer sounding 'tutor'? In the background! Maybe one day you'll get another clearer one and if you do, I hope you're there to pick up the phone! Your interpretation sounded right to me! πŸ˜‰ Loved that film 'Babe'!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Ah, okay got it. How in the world did I not draw that comparison? πŸ˜• Yes, you did good 😊
Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
re- Babe - SPOILER - Okay, long and short of it, the little pig is taken to a farm - learns every animal has a purpose on the farm, but wants to herd sheep like the female dog on the farm who adopted him after her litter was sold. Well, rather than snap and bark at the sheep, he asks the politely to help him and they do everything he asks flawlessly. The farmer is the boss, of course, and all animals look up to him. A house cat tells the pig every animal does something except the animals who are food and - pigs are food. The pig is heart broken, won't eat, the farmer really likes the pig and is amazed with its herding abilities, so he nurses the pig back. They go to a sheepdog contest, drawing derisive laughter, but the pig gets the sheep to perform at the contest as well drawing a perfect score. Taciturn farmer looks down at the pig, with the sun outlining his face and says, "that'll do pig" the pig looks up with nearly tearful eyes, the farmer repeats with a smile this time, "that'll do". Pig sighs happily and all the world is right. Real tearjerker.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Agua - okay, I'm going to have to rewatch that (own both of them) because it's just not clicking for me πŸ˜†
Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Hey Jerry,
Yeah, there is one other voicemail on that answering machine that I saved, and it was from my Dad right before I moved him into the old house and he said, "Hey ______, give me a call". Yeah, it is a comfort. 😁

Re: name of story - It's from a movie named "Babe" produced around 1995 about a naΓ―ve, sweet-hearted pig. If you'd seen the movie, it makes sense. I can't tell it without ruining the movie and hope you'll watch it. It is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's ostensibly for children, but there's a lot in it for adults too.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
JerryB - I wondered the same thing about the title and figured I must be missing something πŸ˜† Definitely an attention getter 😊
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Agua -
I read your story yesterday and again this morning. Very well written and as has happened when reading other stories here in YGS am reminded of happenings in my own life events. A telephone call I received one day and a short message from my mother left on the answering machine.

My mother passed away back in 2010. Over the years I had switched phones a number of times, and nothing unusual in that, it's just that one day last year I re-discovered one of those aforementioned phones (it had been packed away during my move from Maryland to Texas) and decided to plug it in and use in it my outdoor kitchen. My mom's voice is still there, a simple little call she had made and I had missed hearing and picking up at the time. Hearing it seemed my mother was still there. Better than a photo, better than a video in many ways. Wish I could figure out how to get it off there and save it. As a precautionary measure I unplugged the phone and returned it to storage in case of an accidental erasure.

Agua, I have to ask you: Why do you call this story what you've called it?
Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Sheetal, thank you for the thoughtful post.

Db, much you have mentioned I have come to the same tenuous conclusion, esp. Parallel existence.

I went through a divorce from an abusive alcoholic only 2-3 years ago and during that time there were some unmistakable signs that he was giving me encouragement. After I remarried, they just ceased. I will *eventually* get around to writing up these accounts, but there were so many in that time period, it would just be so, so lengthy. I think I'd do better to break it up into smaller bits.
db (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Thank you for sharing what sounds to me like a positive reassurance that your father may have left a message using technology in a way provable to you. It certainly sounds like a congratulations for making partner to me.
The static nature of it caught my attention because my husband as well as several in his family (and most are long lived Native Americans) have a history of being able to see, hear and communicate with those who have 'passed to the other side' (including animals, both those in nature taken by hunting and pets) and who are on the 'other side'
Because I am relatively skeptical but open to the possibilities of his claims of recent events involving our lovebird that passed earlier this month and periodic 'visitations' by my father (who passed in 2003) to communicate important messages over the years (that have proven to be true about my estranged family so far) it is seeming more real to me that 'the other side' is a parallel existence. For example, the most recent 'visitation' my husband says occurred as he stepped out of the shower to find my father appearing 'very static looking' as if he is having trouble 'coming through' (which he says sometimes happens just as if the energy is being affected somehow) but the message concerned a cousin who only recently contacted me (after over 15 years) to relay what my father said was 'Not true' concerning funds that my father had in fact paid back to other family members. My husband says he was rather shocked that my father would show up in the bathroom this last time and says he told him so and asked 'Why here?'
My guess is that my father had or has 'loose ends' to tie up but that overall he is OK on 'the other side' and another detail, it seems someone calls him back such as an 'old friend' or he excuses himself saying he has 'someplace else to go' after he relays whatever message it is. Now, sometimes he does pop in to just 'check on me' through my husband which in life would make sense and when he 'comes through' it seems like it's sudden as my husband is just 'minding his own business'
I don't know what all of the varieties of the ghost stories represent because some on this site are definitely disturbing and I do wonder how many among them have some connection to the individual having actual clinically diagnosed mental illness alongside others which hint at the internal state of the individual attracting and/or creating the alternate realities and events. It's definitely interesting while being a mixed bag of curiosity, emotion and evidences that include reassurances!
If my father came through on a voicemail it would seem very real to me if the message was very much like he would say in real life but still, as always, my skeptical side is always right there and perhaps multiple events would be something to look for as further evidence of your father communicating and, it may be something that only you can know for certain.
Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Otheer, Thanks for the comment. Yes the voice in the background does sound as if it is trying to encourage the speaker. Interesting, also, the voice in the background has an actual tonal quality to it, like a real voice, whereas the primary speaker is very static like. That also leads me to believe it wasn't just a bad connection.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
This is an interesting incident Agua... Really we still don't know much about after life and how spirit can communicate us... Beautiful ❀

With Respect ❀
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-02)
What an amazing story! I wish I could help you with the sony thing but I cant, I can only recommend that you record it with some other device. Sounds like a class A EVP, how blessed you were to have been the recipient of it! And with someone else in the background cheering your dad on! I totally believe in telephone communication as it happened to my niece when she was a little girl, talking to her dead Grandpa Larry.
Good luck with that device!

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