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Real Ghost Stories

Planchette In Hostel


This is my story which happened in the year 2011 in Delhi. I have many of my friends staying there and had gone to meet them. I had planned to stay there in my friends' hostel for 2-3 days and then come back to my home.

That was the time I got introduced to planchette. I had heard a lot about Ouija board and planchette but had never believed in it. My friends wanted to carry out the seance and asked me to participate. Out of sheer curiosity I agreed.

We decided to perform planchette that day itself when I reached. We went to a room which was vacant. We made a board with all the alphabets, numbers, yes and no, goodbye and thank you written over it. We used a 1 rupee coin as our pointer on the board. We lit the candles and kept 4 candles at 4 corners of the board. We were 4 people- Neha, Nidhi, Richa and me.

We kept our index fingers on the coin and first prayed to the almighty. Then we started saying in chorus for good spirits to respond to us. We waited for half an hour but there was no response. Agitated and disappointed we all said goodbye to the board, burnt it and went to sleep.

The next day went normally as we went for shopping and all. After dinner (9 pm) we 4 friends again decided to perform seance again. We all gathered in Neha's room as she claimed it to be colder than rest of the rooms of the hostel. We all prepared the board, lit the candles and sat with our index finger on the coin. This time also we all prayed to the almighty and then started calling out to good spirits. After about 5 minutes we got the response. The spirit was none other than Neha's friend who had died in a car accident few years ago. That friend's name was Amit. He replied to our queries and questions. He even predicted about our future colleges (which are true).

Suddenly Neha fainted. We all got scared and tried to wake her up. She is a patient of migraine. So we all thought that maybe she has got migraine attacks but that wasn't true. Her head was on my lap and I tried my best to wake her up. I closed her nose so that she regains consciousness and suddenly she woke up and narrated something that sent shivers down my spine.

She told that when she was in the unconscious state, she could hear us all talking. She told that after going into that unconsciousness stage she saw Amit who took her to someone's house where she saw that person's dead body and then she regained consciousness. The person whose dead body she saw was her ex-boyfriend and she remembered telling Amit not to harm him.

After she woke up we all kept our fingers in the coin to see if Amit was still there. He was there and he told us not to play with Ouija again as it is dangerous and acts as a portal for evil spirits too.

That was the last time I ever touched an Ouija board.

What do you guys think about Ouija?

There are few more stories related to my experience with Ouija and other paranormal events which I will post later

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kokopat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Para-Hunter-Anne33 (19 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-11)
Redwolf In regards to your assertion that Parker Brothers "invented" the Ouija board," This belief by any person is absolutely FALSE; The Parker Brothers company Bought the Rights to Sell and Mass Produce the boards for sale. From The legacy "inventor," William Fuld. But the True 'original patent' holder, was Elijah Bond who filed his creation patent in the year
1891. Bond's Ouija (yes, he even named the Tool) patent # 446, 054 was granted and filed while he worked on it for the co founders of the Kennard Novelty company, Charles W. Kennard and William H. Maupin. Then Kennard company registered to file for the Ouija trademark name on February 3rd, 1891. And when Fuld made an Improved version of the board a year later, he was granted an added patent on July 19th, 1892. After family and business disagreements and court hearings, William Fuld who had bought the original patents from Elijah Bond, was primarily recognized as creator and producer of Ouija* since after all rulings it was concluded that in 1915 William Fuld held the United states patent, 2 United states trademarks, 3 Canadian trademarks, a Canadian patent, Plus the United States Copyright on the name "Ouija." In fact, The Parker Brothers toy company did not gain ownership until buying the company, William Fuld Inc. Between January--February 1966. On February 23rd, 1966, the pres. Of the PB company released a press document in which he stated he estimated that they planned to produce, market and sell the boards to oversell the 1965 sales results. This proved True in fact since company sales records showed tangible proof that sales of Ouija board sales totaled 2.3 Million dollars in sales in 1967; This over sold their most popular board game, Monopoly, by 2 million sales dollars as Monopoly sales only totaled 2.1 million in 1967. (this is all described as historical Fact in the book, The Ouija Board: A doorway to the Occult by Edmund C. Gruss) in the chapter detailing the History of the Ouija board. --- take care and stay safe. Slaem
Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
I am really sorry for the typing mistakes... Its really cold here especially in my room 😜
Do ignore my silly typos

Thank you
Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Thank,you for the information... I really had no idea about all the information tou gave... I was in an illusion that planchette and Ouija board are the same. Ignorant me! 😢
What I wanted to say is my friends had decided to call some spirits and talk with them and they tagged me along with them and that's how I participated in their so called game!

Thank you once again
Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Thank you for the advice! I am not going to use it ever again!
Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
He came when we had our fingers placed on the coin. After answering some of, our silly questions he himself asked us to remove our fingers... He wanted to talk with Neha only... And after Neha became conscious... We all placed our fingers on the coin to check if he is there... He himslef asked us to lift up our fingers!

If you have any other questions please do ask!

Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
😆 why shaving foam?
And thank you for the advice
Take care
Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Thank you for reading my story
And... Answers to your questions :
Yes...she saw his body in her subconscious state.
He is completely fine... About to get married next month!

Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
That's really scary Brian... And I will not play with it ever... Take care

Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Ashar... Thank you so much for your compliment and yes Ouija board IS NOT A GAME. I have learnt this truth the hard way though!
Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Thank you Redwolf for your information and advice. After that incident I have never ever thought of doing it.
After that incident I had felt a presence by my side for a long time.
Kokopat (2 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Really sorry guys... For the late reply... My exams are going on so I didn't get any chance to check about my stories and the replies.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
I've used the Ouija Board many years ago. I don't know what you are talking about when you say you were introduced to the planchette. Then you say that you have heard of the Ouija Board and planchette but didn't believe in it.
Your friends wanted to perform a seance and asked you to participate. Out of sheer curiosity you agreed. You and your friends decided to use a planchette went into a room made up a board you used 1 rupee coin as a pointer, prayed to the almighty etc.
I just need to clear something up for you. Parker Brothers the board game company "invented" the Ouija Board. It has the yes, no on the top, numbers 0-9 underneath, the alphabet in 2 lines underneath that, then under that Goodbye. It has been so long since I've even looked at one I truly do not remember the words Thank you being on the board. The pointer IS the planchette, it is almost triangular but the bottom is rounded off and the top comes to a point and there are 3 legs, there is a circular "window" with a small nail that is in the middle of the window and where the nail lands is what letters,numbers,yes,no,and of course goodbye. I would only do it telepathically, question written, my mother would read it to herself and I was the only one who would have fingers on the planchette. If I didn't like the energy coming through I pushed the planchette to goodbye and end the session.
Just a warning. Never play with a Ouija Board. Also NEVER use one to try to do a seance. You don't truly know who or what is coming through. A demon can immitate loved ones and given the chance they will.

ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
He has clearly written that Amit died in an accident. And it was his spirit who contacted them by the Ouija Board and to Neha in her subconscious state.
liza25 (1 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
Well, I have never performed a planchette but surely as per the stories in YGS, its not a game. Sometimes, evil spirits mimic the person you know.

Well, my question is, your friend Neha saw her ex-boyfriened's dead body in her sub-conscious state. Was that any sort of a potential warning for the future? To make myself clear, is everything okay with Neha's ex presently?

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
Kokopat... I liked your story as other posters has advised that Oujja board should not be used and I backed their opinion too. I have one confusion after Neha got concious then How amit contacted all of you. '...After she woke up we all kept our fingers in the coin to see if Amit was still there. He was there and he told us not to play with Ouija again as it is dangerous and acts as a portal for evil spirits too...'

Kindly share,

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Yeah, generally Ouija is bad news and seems to attract negative spirits. Not all experiences are negative but best avoided unless you know what you are doing (or have lots of shaving foam on the floor - that's a must) 😆
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Kokopat--It's best not to use a Ouija board. Many people use it as a diversion little knowing they can let any spirit in. Think of a Ouija board as leaving your front door open before going to sleep. Who knows who or what might wander in!

I never had a bad experience with one but after a freaky incident I have never used one again. There are enough dangers in life without adding another one.
Brian10 (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
that's right because I used to have Ouija board because I bought one from a strange lady. And stuff start to go weird; my TV strangely turns on and I know I didn't do it because the remote was on the TV. Oh and nobody nows who is the strange lady but I recommend you don't play with that board.
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
First of all its Ouija board, its not a game. You wouldn't have tried it. If one gets afraid very soon he/she should not try Ouija board as the spirits later on dominate the user. The consequences in your case would have been even more devastating. Amit advised you correct.

By the way a nice story and too spine chilling. I'll eagerly wait for your other stories to be posted here.

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