Part 3
21 July 1988 (Thur)
Time: 2130
Class was short tonight, test review, only so much to review over a soldering practical. Good thing though as it has given me time to ensure I am packed for what tonight holds. I have my cards, crystals, crosses (1 crucifix), bible (w/scriptures marked), incense and candles. Still worried about C, something not quite right going on with him... More so than just 'negative energy' around him like A and B. Well tonight will 'prove' out.
Time: 2315-2345
Arrived at the Cemetery early and set up/prepared myself. A and B arrived about 2330, they seem nervous but ready. It's now 2345 and C is still not here. B has gone to call him and see what's going on. (The rest of the entries were made 'after the fact' because C arrived at 2355 and I (we) wanted to start by 2400)
22 July 1988 (Friday)
Time: 2400
C arrived just in the nick of time for us to start at midnight. I had him break out the Ouija board and asked A, B and C to join me in 'Opening' a session. A and B joined right in but C seemed very reluctant. I opened the session asking for as much protection as I could think of. All four of us placed our right index finger on the Planchette;
(Me) "I call upon the Spirits of the Elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Grant us strength as we strive to contact the Spirit World. I call upon the Spirits of the 4 winds, North, South, East, West, may the energies of those we contact flow around and past us as like a breeze. I ask that the Cardinal Archangels (I faced each direction as I asked each for protection) for protection; (North) Uriel, grant us Wisdom that guides our path. (East) Raphael, grant us Healing that we may overcome any negative forces we encounter tonight or have encountered in the past. (South) Michael, grant us Strength that we might put off any negative forces or energies we have or may encounter. (West) Gabriel grant us open minds so that we may have the confidence to make clear decisions. Lord ***I may have been a witch, but I always believed in God, His Son and the Holy Spirit so this 'seems' out of place but for me it was 'part of the whole.*** We ask for thy divine protection as we undertake to close this doorway that has been opened here at this location. Allow any negative energies or entities that have attached themselves to A, B and C (used their full names... First Last and Middle if they had one) to return from whence they came."
(As I spoke the Planchette began to move, slowly at first then faster... Making a figure 8 pattern on the board.) "A, B and C I want you to visualize, I want you to feel the negative flowing in or around you flowing from you into the board... See it leaving your bodies, feel it returning from where it came." (I repeated this 3...4 times)
" (B) My arm and hand feels...,"
" (A)...cold, I feel cold moving down my right arm and into my hand."
" (B) Me, to... It kind of tingles like my arm has fallen asleep."
" (Me) That is the negative energy flowing outwards... Focus on that and let me know if or when that changes."
" (C) This is crap, I don't feel nothing."
" (Me) Keep your finger on the Planchette, do not break contact... Focus on the negative leaving your body.
(5-10 Minutes passed with 'A' and 'B' making various remarks concerning how 'cold' their hands/arms feel then, 'C' however continued to complain that this was all crap, that he felt nothing, that I was clueless and that 'these two guys' were full of BS... He felt nothing. It was his comment (quoted here) "These two Yahoo's are full of BS, I don't feel anything." Which caught my attention... Until this point 'C' had always used their first names, or at least his friends' nicknames... Then 'B' said, "My finger feels warm, what's going on?" Echoed by 'A'..."Yeah, my arm is no longer cold".)
(Me) Good, this is good, the cold you are feeling is negative energy leaving your body, the warmth you are now feeling is positive energy trying to enter, this is what I was hoping would happen. Visualize the warmth, feel it enter your finger (s), hand and going up your arm. Let it fill your body. When you feel it has covered you from head to toe slowly remove your hand from the Planchette. 'C' have you felt anything, warm or cold trying to work its way in or out of your body?"
(C) He glared at me and said, 'Who are you? This is complete and utter BS. I'm going..."
(Me) "To keep your hand on the Planchette, you will also tell me who you are."
(C) "You know who I am, and I will...
(Me) 'C' will not let you remove your hand, he wants control of his body returned. I COMMAND you to tell me your name!
(At this point both 'A' and 'B' were slowly removing their hands and backing away.)
(C) (A low growl from deep in his throat was the only response from 'C'. This went back and forth for some time and I finally stated...
(Me) "I command you, in God's name and by the Powers that be, give me your name!"
(C) With a glare of total hatred and a growl of rage he said, "________ _________ _________" This voice was NOT 'C's' but that of an older man.
(This was 'C's' Great Grandfathers name, not a 'demons' name so I asked again.)
(Me) "I command you, in God's name and by the Powers that be, give me your TRUE name!"
(C) "________ ___________ ___________!"
(Having been repeated AND having my Faith in the way I had asked for 'its' name I continued.)
(Me) "________ ___________ ________, I command you, in God's name and by the Powers that be to depart from 'C's' (used his full name here) body. You are unwanted, unneeded and shall return from whence you came."
(C) "No, 'C' asked for me, It is my bloodline, I have a right to be here."
(Me) "Be gone and possesses 'C' no longer. He may be of your bloodline but this is NOT your flesh and blood body. That has been returned to the Earth, you have NO RIGHT to his.
(C) Voice weakening "I am patriarch, my bloodline, my body."
(Me) Your bloodline only, this body belongs to 'C' (full name again). Be gone and leave him be so that your bloodline may continue.
(C) "Bloodline, must continue... Must endure...")
(Me) "And it shall, let 'C' (full name) return and he will tell you.
(C) "Bloodline must..." Voice trails off.
(C's entire body shuddered, so much so I had to grab his arm to keep his hand on the Planchette.)
(C) In a weak voice, 'My face feels cold... Are we done yet?"
(Me) Not yet, please focus on that cold feeling... Feel it travel down your arm and into the board. Can you feel that?
(C) "Yes"
(Me) "Good, let me know when that feeling changes."
After a few minutes 'C' tells me his hand has begun to feel warm so I instruct him the same way I did 'A' and 'B'. I then have them replace their fingers on the board and I properly close the session. We discussed what had happened while we clean up the area. I look at my watch and I am surprised to see it's 0330... (3:30 am) and remark on that point. 'A', 'B' and 'C' are as surprised as I am at how much time has passed. We say our good byes and I take the Ouija Board with me as we part ways.
(The above was pulled from my Journal written at 04:30 (4:30 am) 22 July 1988 a record of events from earlier that night.)
I always meant to follow up with these three again, but somehow never did and of course now I have lost their numbers and addresses.
23 July 1988
So I have gone back over my notes, and realize there are some take aways... Lessons learned, they are:
Lesson 1: Possession/Oppression is not 'unique' to Demons... Strong 'spirits/ghosts' can 'pull it off' as well.
Lesson 2: Ouija Boards can help open Portals or remain open themselves as a Portal between the Spirit and the Physical Realm. They must ALWAYS be closed properly.
Lesson 3 (more of a confirmation): A Spirits or Demons 'TRUE NAME' gives you power over it.
Lesson 4: Have a plan to dispose of 'confiscated materials' (such as the Ouija Board from last night). Note to self; contact ________ she will know what to do.
3/17/2016 Thursday
Well, that's it. I apologize for the length of time between parts 2 and 3 being submitted. Real life managed to happen and it took some time for me to get this finished. The events at the cemetery were 'condensed' a wee bit as I felt a 'word for word' copy was not really needed to convey what happened that night. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
"I COMMAND you to tell me your name!"
By what authority do you give commands?
There is always order and hierarchy - even in the unseen world. So I am wondering whence you have derived or think to have derived authority over another being?
The only instance I could think of may be something similar to Emperor Julian's visit to the temple of false gods (demons), wherein he (from old habit) after being scared of the sights and sounds during the pagan priest's ceremony made the sign of the cross and thereby caused the demons to flee.
For a command to work, however, there needs to be authority. Otherwise, all one can do is to make a request - one which may be heeded or not.
Minor possessions sometimes can be stopped even without the demon's name. I am quite surprised to hear of an account wherein a demon almost hands over its name on a silver platter without even putting up much of a fight.
Finally, what are the "powers that be"?