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Oppression And Banishment


These events happened in the weeks following the events detailed in my experience titled Ouija Boards Invite Trouble ( Paula and I had lost touch until recently so I did not include these details in the original experience. She and I now talk on a regular basis again and I have her permission to share what follows.

I was 15 during these events. I had been a practicing "witch" for three years. The "Board" that had been used the night I was "attacked" had been left with my friend Paula as the "birthday girl" had been badly shaken by the events that had happened the night of her birthday party. It ended there for her. This is an account of what happened to me over the next 3 weeks to a month. This is also why I know that what happened that "first night" (the night of the birthday party) was not a panic attack.

A week after using the board with that group of people, I showed up at Paula's house at about 11:00 (11:00am) on a Saturday morning. I knocked on the door and Paula shouted out, "Just a minute" and I got the overwhelming feeling she had that Ouija Board out and had been using it. When she opened the door I said, "You had that Board out didn't you?" She admitted she had, but she had closed her "session" and put it back in it's box and then put it away in the closet because she knew I was leery of the "darn" thing. We went and sat in the living room. A description of Paula's house is in order to help understand what happened next.

The front door was centered on the home. You entered a hallway, on the left was a closet that was closed with "bi-fold" doors. To the right was the door to the living room. If you stayed in the entry hall and walked past the living room the hall came to a "T." If you turned right you could proceeded into the dining room and then into the kitchen, and taking a left in the kitchen you could enter the garage. If you turned left and walked down the hall the bathroom was on your left, there were two bedrooms on the right and the master bedroom was at the end of the hall.

Anyway, she had told me she had put it up and we went into the living room and had been talking for about 15-20 minutes there was a crash from the closet. Paula said something to the effect of the games must have fallen down and we continued talking when we heard a tapping coming from inside the closet. I looked at her and she looked at me... Both our eyes were wide...fear, curiosity... A mixture of both? I'm not sure which it was for her, for me it was fear... Not a "run screaming" type, but I was scared. Paula walked over to the closet and pulled open the door and sure enough the games had fallen over...overbalanced? Possible as she had placed the Ouija Board and box on the top of the game pile on the shelf of the closet; however, when she opened the closet door the planchette (pointer) of the Ouija Board was pointing directly at me and was sliding forward and backward... It had been what was tapping against the door. Paula quickly picked it and the board up... Set the planchette (pointer) on the board and closed it again. I didn't stay much longer that day and made my way home. But I couldn't shake the "nerves" that had developed.

That night I had some of the worst nightmares I've ever had. I woke up tired, with bruises on my upper arms and on my calves. The feeling of being watched remained with me. The restless nights continued and at times it felt like "something" was trying to get inside of me. Sundays were my best day of the week... Wednesdays/Thursdays were the worst. I couldn't focus on anything and at times I had strange urges... The desire to hurt others accompanied by the images of doing just that filled my head. My friends at school began to avoid me and I even skipped nearly a week of school. My journal is full of dark thoughts and desires during this point of's one dated Wednesday, October 13.

"It's 3:15pm, missed school today, figured I didn't need to be there. I feel like, No 'I' don't feel like this, but there's something around (in?) me that wants me to take a knife and use it on someone, anyone. Last nights dream (vision?) was full of blood, The restroom in the 100 hall was full of blood and I saw 'myself' walking away from 3 bodies but when I looked down at my hands and the hunting knife clutched in my right fist they were not my hands... They belonged to an older person."

Paula skipped school the next day (Thursday, October 14) and came for a visit. We talked for a long time and based on my feelings/journal/entries/nightmares and some research we decided that I was being oppressed by an entity, possibly a "Demon" (Yes, I used the "D" word... THIS is one of the reasons I "stress" the differences between a Malevolent Spirit and a Demon). We grabbed all my books concerning Demonic Oppression... I had 3...and went over to her house and used them as well as her family's collection (not sure how many) and spoke with her Mother. After all was said and done, it seemed I was the victim of Demonic Oppression (not Possession but Oppression... Big, BIG difference). We also figured out a Ritual for getting rid of it (part of this is now part of my Shielding Method).

Paula's Mom helped us with the ritual, even helped us rent a hotel room so we had a private place to conduct the Banishment. She insisted we had brought it "on" and that we had to deal with it. I will not go into details except for this. We started on Friday, October 15th at 1930 (7:30pm) and finished on October 17th at 09:45 (9:45am). I will say what I went through during that time was "not pleasant" to say the least. It felt like I had been in a fight. My body ached, I had bruises and no one had "physically" touched me.

At one time, late that Saturday night, we both saw a form manifest. This form wore a red shirt or jacket and was shaped kind of like a man I remember seeing, head and shoulders on "something" that stood almost 7 feet tall, and we reached for something to write with as this formed and then faded away. This is what we both wrote. (from my Journal) I wrote these letters BAALBERITH and Paula wrote the same letters, but she used both capital and lower case letters, Baal Berith. With this we had a name and that name "gave us power" over it. Baal-berith is the name of a Demon who tempts men to blasphemy and murder.

I also learned a very "personal" name for myself during this period of time, and between "knowing" the "Demon's" name and having learned my "spirit name," we continued and on Sunday morning during the "Heaven knows" what number of the banishment ritual the air in the room changed... I swear, to this day, I heard a man screaming and the hotel door shook violently and the air felt lighter. I had been sitting in a chair and I collapsed onto my hands and knees... I was drenched with sweat and absolutely exhausted. Paula and I repeated the ritual one more time and then packed up and went home.

I've had my "personal shield" up since that time. There are more details to be sure. I choose not to share them at this time as they are too personal. I will do my best to answer any questions anyone may have, but reserve the right to keep personal things personal.

So...there it is...I'm still not sure if the Ouija Board session on that Early September night caused this or, if in my ignorance, I had left myself open to something like this happening... One thing is for sure. LESSON LEARNED.



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rookdygin, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-18)
Martian, Mods and Members,

Apologies in advance if this 'goes to far'.


You can disprove science? You can disprove established, studied facts?

Interesting...very interesting?

I do not Skype, nor chat in any other 'type' of chat room... I e-mail or at times FB message if it's related to my volunteer work, so I do not know how you wish to communicate.

I open this experience of mine to your comments and would LOVE to have this conversation and if needs be, be a part of your 'proof'.

I do wish to say this, the most I have said is there are parts of your experience I find hard to believe and that perhaps you have reached a point in your 'studies' that its time to open your mind and learn MORE... But that's on you.

So you have dropped this gauntlet...

"Now lastly the sleep paralysis, I can prove that sleep paralysis is anything but science related. How will I prove it is something I cannot write here, I would like to take this conversation into either skype or hangout or something similar. But again I can literally prove that sleep paralysis is nothing related to science and none of those brain chemicals or hormones you said in OPs post."

Well consider it picked up... 😉 Either right here on this experience or via e-mail (you know how to reach me).


Monty998 (1 stories) (50 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
You are an empath and you couldn't feel the OP feeling? I felt it very strongly though. Now if you remember our last email when I said I can suck out the power, you said that it sounds like a video game and that the next thing you will say is that I have a sword and if I hit it to someone I get a bit of there power. This is what you said.
Yes I am also waiting for the pics to be posted and you can see it yourself.

Now lastly the sleep paralysis, I can prove that sleep paralysis is anything but science related. How will I prove it is something I cannot write here, I would like to take this conversation into either skype or hangout or something similar. But again I can literally prove that sleep paralysis is nothing related to science and none of those brain chemicals or hormones you said in OPs post.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)

This seems to be the type of experience you want to read/comment on so I bring our conversation here... (Quoting your last statement...)

" Yes I understand what you are saying with physical/mental etc needs to be ruled out. But as an experienced demonologist and ex wizard yourself, you should be able to vibe the story and rule out any mundane relationship immediately. I am surprised you are not doing that? Why? Are you now in a state where you act extra super logical? Or is it that you cannot vibe cannot project remotely what happened? By the way the science thing you told just now is exactly what I said in the previous comment but in different words. We have emailed a lot and finally you came to a conclusion that my experience was all an elaborate imagination, so I decided not to talk about it but to show it when its needed. So how can I continue this discussion in one of your topic? We have tried that before."

I quoted your last comment in it entirety so I do not miss anything with my reply...

Let's start here, you stated...

"But as an experienced demonologist and ex wizard yourself, you should be able to vibe the story and rule out any mundane relationship immediately."

Let's be clear, I have NEVER claimed to be a Wizard or demonologist... I was a practicing WITCH and I have studied DEMONS and I even have experience in dealing with unwanted spirits/entities/ghosts/haunts and even just negative energies. I have studied much, learned via trial and error and applied those lessons in my Life.

I am not 'super logical' nor have I let my 'gifts' waste away. First and foremost I am an EMPATH... And quite often I pick up on the emotions the O/P remembered going through during the experience they have related and WHEN that happens it helps me draw conclusions about what they experienced. Staying with the experience this conversation started on... There was not a single time during reading it I 'felt' anything except this was a ONE OFF event that scared the O/ event that COULD be explained medically by SLEEP PARYLISIS so I suggested that as a reason they had their experience. It fits the FACTS as the O/P related them AND any 'extra' I may have picked up on.

"We have emailed a lot and finally you came to a conclusion that my experience was all an elaborate imagination,..."

We have chatted via e-mail and that is well and good but I NEVER said the experience you shared was your imagination... (here's my quote)...

"I can't really say much about this experience except that YOU feel this really happened... I have to admit some of it sounds 'movieish' but I wasn't there... If you have the photo's please post them."

For you, with your belief's where they are, and what you understand about your 'gifts/powers/abilities' call them what you will, this experience really happened... The ONLY real part I question is the worms... I still hope the pics get published as they will allow for some level of validation.

So here it is, our conversation, one of my experiences... What say you?


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-26)
Ruskin & Rook:

Oh, dear. Being an English Teacher with as strong affinity for works of Art (my classroom is covered in posters, reprints, and -in some cases- beautiful images I excised from books about to be recycled, and I've framed ALL of them!), I took one look at the image in the link Ruskin provided and I thought "cartoon vaginas." Perhaps I should remove some of the Georgia O'Keefe flowers from my walls... 😉

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-25)

I poked around a bit and it seems the earliest book (s) I can find about kryagenetics are dated 1999 (first printing) while Nancy Ann Tappe... Well here this is quoted from her web site (she passed in 2012) Please note the date range mentioned is 1960 and 1970...


"Indigo was only one of twelve life colors that Nancy Tappe has seen her entire life in the human electromagnetic energy field. Originally Nancy saw eleven colors, but that changed in the late 1960's and early 1970's when she noticed another color among infants. She called it indigo, a color between blue and violet in the color spectrum. It took her forty years to identify and clarify consistent patterns of Indigo behavior and influence. Her information system about life colors came from her study of color and the human personality."

Thanks for joining the conversation.


RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-25)
Rook, I got curious too, did a google search, and I'm not enlightened much.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-11)
Thanks for the explanation. It really does clear that up. I probably would have freaked out if I heard a tapping on a closet door and a planchette was pointing at me when the door opened.

In another post you said that sensing rather than seeing a spirit are not the same. I don't always SEE spirits the way I did when I walked through the 9/11 site they all looked solid to me but my husband pointed out nobody was there but I could SEE them. My father in-law is different sometimes I'll get a glimpse of him but I can always sense when he is around. Could that be because he is hanging around in the aether (sp?) in my house? I should say I feel him ALL the time.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-10)

When I originally arrived and knocked on the door she rushed to close her 'solo' session that she was conducting. I think because she hurried it she was not completely focused on closing it and this caused a 'window' (for lack of a better description) to remain open.

After everything fell I was able to witness her close the board and, at that time, she remained focused the entire time. Resulting in a properly closed session.

Does that answer your question?




RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-09)
I read your story with great interest because it just proves what I tell people who look at me like I have 3 heads when I tell them the O.B. Is not a toy.
My question is if your friend closed the board correctly how could the planchette be tapping on the door and pointing at you?
L_Melb (220 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-09)
Rook, I'd like to thank you as your experiences/comments are a major reason I decided against using the board in an attempt to contact my partner after his passing - grief not well dealt with can put all sorts of ideas in your mind. Now I look back at that time as "crazy" Did I believe it was the way you contact the "afterlife operator/switchboard"? 😕 So you (and others too) helped me shake that "craving" for contact in such a way, thanks, L:)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-16)
rook - nope, it's not just you. My phone has the ads on it. Oddest thing, when I read your comment about the stuffing, I was sitting in line at Tim Horton's and had ordered a croissant. Guess what ad flashed on my phone? Seriously. Croissant with cheese sandwich (I didn't order cheese with mine though LOL). Maybe it's like f/b ads, where anything you Google (or whatever search engine you use) shows up on your timeline 😕
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
Hi Rook,

Lately I've been reading members older stories and just binge read all of yours. Your experiences have made me laugh, cry and everything in between.

This story struck a chord with me because of my own wretched ordeal. Since then I've been thinking about how important it is to maintain a higher frequency in day to day life. To nurture that higher vibration of consciousness we all have that connects us. I think as long as we do this we'll all be alright.

Parker Bros can get bent. It's companies like this who disconnect us from higher consciousness. Little wonder lower entities easily slip through their ouija boards. I wondered if this entity went after you because of what you represented to it. That this entity perceived your lightness as a threat. In a similar way Parker Bros might feel taking their unit shifter, profiteer, crappy excuse for a ouija board off the shelf a threat.
I have an odd love for ouija boards, more a respect for their potential. They remind us how little we really understand about paranormal phenomena, in a way that's a good thing. With that said I'm by no means confident to use one, I don't view that as a loss though.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)

One of the GREAT things about YGS is the varied ideas and beleifs that can be drawn from to help individuals, either directly by 'intervention' or indirectly with our own thoughts based on personal beleifs and experiences.

Never be afraid to share yours. You never know who may find inspiration and aid from your words.


Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Rook, I feel a little guilty now, but I really must thank you for what you've written about nature spirits today on "More Family Experiences, One Demonic".
In my comment I said 'not because of what it looked like but because everything else in the home'
You know what I was thinking when I wrote that? I was thinking "I'm typing a load of BS here, I reckon that's a curious nature spirit... But the OP and the majority here don't want to hear my airy fairy ideals and won't listen to no nature spirit theory anyway"
Again, when I said something about 'keeping the stupid thing outside', I was thinking "it's just because the parents aren't together arguing"

Usually I ask questions, play along with the regular demon assumptions, wait for some 'curious evidence' to surface, then hit them with what I 'really' think. What am I, 12?! To hell with that. You've just inspired me to be a bit more relaxed around here. So thank you!
Moonkeeper (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
Rook, I know this is an older post but curiosity got the best of me, anyway I have a question what is the difference between being oppressed by a demon and possessed? It may seem like a dense question but that line jumped out at me massively. Thank-you for sharing this experience.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
Rook the exact place gets called Sarahs way on maps there is a? Next to it same as room Xxxiv as they don't know why they are there belief is Sarah's way which is named after the woman who got attacked was built and never completed while Xxxiv is bricked up they believe there rituals (satanic may have been done here) or atleast the body's of the dead animals/people whatever was sacrificed.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
The branch your talking about branches of south and west I believe along the way there is another branch that goes east this is not on many maps as it goes down a steep narrow tunnel if you go to the caves and look left you can see a security fence where this tunnel is. We were allowed to go down there with ropes harnesses etc. As no one was down there since 1999 this was when the police were phoned due to a woman being attacked and nobody came out of the tunnel while the police were there. With our ex marines etc. We get to go places not many teams do (e.g RAF Leuchars) one of our marines as he was still signed up at this point was pushed atleast 20" our camara said its range was 19.5" and he was out of screen view so we changed to thermal as this can reach 200 feet with no zoom and we saw him bend over and seem to move like he was running about 2/3 feet in the air and hit a wall, when he got up on the thermal you could see handprints on his chest, but there was no thumbs this was obviously confusing and a few more guys went over to deal with whoever did this to one of there platoon members and found no one until about 100 feet deeper there was a deadend, back onto the marine who was thrown the handprints seemed to expand this was definitely weird until his whole body was reading at 96 degrees Celsius, this was the same time he started feeling sick and we said to him about how it could have been conclusion due to due the hit of the wall, he had no recollection of this happening and seemed to get upset all of a sudden so we got him out of the caves the whole time we were moving he kept saying that something was touching him. When we left him in the van and got paramedics to him he seemed fine and could remember everything except how he got out of the cave. He had bruises on his chest were the paramedics said he impacted the wall so we went through our camara and it was his back that impacted but there was no broken bones and no conclusion to this day we don't fully understand what happened a few months later he told us he got discharged (which he was trying to leave a year earlier to be with his wife and child) and for the last 2 years there has been no contact so we don't know what has happened since then. We advised them to keep people out of there. We did some research and it seems the tunnel was starting to be built prior to 1980 and never finished for some reason.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)

Ya got a link to a map that shows what your talking about. What I've seen of the Caverns only shows one possible brach off that supposedly leads to the Church above the location.

What else is there?


Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)

Lemp Castle is one place we are looking at going to next year, I bring up Hellfire Caves as our team was the first to get to go east instead of west or south and this is where we believe we came across a demonic entity as something pushed our team member atleast 20 feet to a wall.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
Church above, Tunnels (caves) beneath?

Yup...and I've watched a couple of 'Ghost Investigative Shows' that have investigated there. That place has some intresting history but I have 'gut feeling' that anything there is residual in nature. But that's just my gut based on what TV shows have captured.

Leap Castle (Ireland) holds my intrest more... Just saying.


Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)

Have you ever heard of the Hellfire Caves (got rights to use the name).
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)

Yes I have it is still ongoing trying to catch as much evidence of this soldier as possible the one time we had camaras running at someone saw anything by there own eyes it just comes up on screen as a blackness even though Naomi (she has given permission for her name to be used) saw a full on apparition she was the first to see him.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)
Thank you sir, that covers it all. Have you ever conducted an investigation of your own home?


Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)

I have been on easily 100 plus investigations my first 10-20 where places around Scotland that were suposedly haunted, everything after this has been private, my first memory of any spirit was when I was in hospital for 6 months at 5 years old and myself and 4 nurses saw my gran who had died a few years before hand looking in a window that was 3 storeys high, to this day I still have spirits in my house, the spirits seem to be my sons and my wife's oldest daughter as my now 6 year old daughter has been talking about them since she was 2, and a 1700 era man everyone who has ever spent a night in our house has witnessed this spirit we so far believe he is residual.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)
(Seems like a good place to ask this...)


How many investigations have you been on? How many of them are 'public haunts' (examples: Lemp Castle, Ancient Ram Inn) and how many of them have been 'private residences'?

Did you have prior experience with hauntings, spirits and the paranormal BEFORE joining the investigation group?


Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-28)
Hi Rook,

I am here, once again, to congratulate you on the milestone you have reached in life. May you have a wonderful day surrounded by happiness and love. May good health dog your footsteps.

Thanks again for all your insightful replies and advice to those of us on YGS.

Best wishes,
bloodshoteyez (3 stories) (31 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-21)

This is a very interesting story though I am too afraid to research about demons. I thought I had reached a certain degree on my belief on things but of course... I had learned beliefs will change as you go through life. So may I ask, is there a place called Hell? So are wicked beings doomed to this place or the souls of heavy sinners in this world?

And okay, I am still trying to figure if demons do exist but I do not want to encounter one. I had heard and watched news about certain spirits possessing students in my country. I had concluded based in my understanding that these are just a couple of kids who want attention.

As I read about stories or maybe it will be based on personal experiences, I will come to the real conclusion. I really thought I already know certain things but experience does shape you.

BTW Glad to know you are rid of this demon... Looking forward to your stories if you had a new one coming, or I will just read your past posts. Good day to you.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
Happy birthday Rook! 😊 May the road before you be paved with health and good fortune.

Thank you for the good advise you have dished out to me and others.

Warm wishes,
ms_st0308 (6 stories) (66 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
It seems I keep finding older posts to comment on today! I would like to say this, though. I agree with you in being very careful with naming anything that doesn't have an explanation or anything that does cause fear as demonic/satanic/demon/devil... I think sometimes we can give way too much credit to Satan and demons, which in my opinion, may in some way give power to those "individuals", if you will. I believe there is evil in the world around us, but not all evil is straight from the pits of hell. I have had some difficult personal experiences recently, which I may write about later, but I have looked for a physical explanation instead of strictly paranormal. My grandmother, however, immediately told me it was the work of the devil and that is was Satan himself who was after me. Sorry this is so long, and I'm not sure if anyone will even read this now, but in this recent incident, I have to disagree with her. I believe that I would only be giving power to something more evil if I were to speak out loud that this was the "work of the devil." Basically, I think I've been having panic attacks, just to clear up the mystery of my comment. 😜 Very scary what I have experienced during these attacks, which is why I mentioned possibly writing about them in the future. Maybe someone else has more insight into what I was feeling/experiencing than I do.

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