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Real Ghost Stories

Oak Island


This story took place at the Oak Island hotel. I was staying there for March Break with my family. It happened when I was swimming and the water started to bubble. I went under and saw someone. I was terrified. They say people haunt that hotel and the Island but I guess I never really thought about it. When I was trying to buy something from the vending machine, all my money came back out and I tried to do it without money and it worked, so I didn't have to pay. At night, I saw someone in front of my curtain in my hotel room and I was terrified. I have seen a lot of things happen at that hotel and around it, but I guess I never thought I would notice anything like a ghost. I have never heard of anyone being killed there, and hopefully not. I am going back this March Break with my family and a friend and I can't wait to witness more surprises.

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jafo2k (1 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-09)
No one I know was killed at the hotel, but there have been suicides. Oak Island is also an interesting place. Check out
Maggie and Ashley (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-01)
Hey, that's a really cool story! Me and my friend are doing a project on Oak Island and we could probably use some of your story for it. Cool!
-Ashley and Maggie.
Janice (7 stories) (248 posts)
18 years ago (2007-02-11)
Oak Island?, where is that? Well, when you do go back, investigate more and maybe ask around to see if anyone died in there somehow. It was probably most likely to be someone that stayed there and died, maybe drowned in the pool, never know unless you really investigate. I do think that it was pretty cool that you got to get something from the vending machine free, but what really gets me is how that could've happened. Well, I wouldn't know unless I actually went over and do some research, you know, hunt for clues. Well, that's all I have to say for the moment, have a great life and good- bye!!
kylachantel (1 posts)
18 years ago (2007-02-10)
good story... I know that hotel I'm going there with you on march break. even though you told me all those scary stories about that hotel I still wanna go..good story kaitlyn!

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