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Ghost Of The Golds


It happened way back 2008. A Japanese with our locals approached my dad asking if they can search his parents' lot where their old house was standing because someone told him that there might be golds underneath the old house.

At first my dad was hesitant and didn't believe them but eventually he agreed because they keep on insisting that there's golds and they will share it to us. They started digging and they found several 1 dollar coins, old school bombs, garlic shaped golds with diamond on top and some gold Buddha. It was explained to us that maybe the japanese hid it during war. The digging of the golds went smoothly until the day my brother cannot eat properly and is always sick.

I was college at that time and I'm only at home every weekend. My mom told me what's happening in our house, that my brother is always sick and whenever they're eating lunch my brother will just cry and will start to point finger outside of the window. He then explained to my mom and dad that every time he is eating, may it be lunch or snacks, he sees a short old lady passing by. Same spot everyday. He described the old lady with a long grayish hair wearing white dress with embroidery but he cannot see her face. My brother cannot eat fearing that he might see the old lady again.

Friday night, I just arrived at our house, my dad was outside, my mom was watching while me and my brother was having a chat facing each other. All windows are closed as well as our door. I cannot remember why we closed the door and the windows though.

We were happily chatting when I felt something strange. I got goosebumps and I felt very cold and I can feel a wind breeze at my back. I was so nervous and afraid because I can sense that there is someone behind me, I can feel it.

Then my brother said "Ate!" but I told him not to say anything. He put his hands in his mouth trying not to say anything. I told him to just look at me and I hold his knee at least giving him the assurance that I'm there and nothing bad will happen to him. He was just staring at me.

When I didn't feel any presence behind me, I called our mom. She asked us why and started to run going outside. Our mom left us inside the house, the atmosphere became light because of our mom. We laughed so hard because she felt afraid because we suddenly called her. It shows that she was affected that much of what was happening to my brother.

Me and my brother decided to go outside and buy food. He told me that he saw the old lady behind me and that is the first time she was inside of our house, he still didn't see her face though. He was amazed of what happened because he can see it while I can sense it. We just made fun of it but actually I was really scared and it scares me more knowing it went inside our house for the first time and I don't know if it's because of me.

After that my dad decided to stop digging as the elders told my dad that if he will keep on digging golds, we might lose my brother. After they stop it, my brother cannot see the old lady again, he can eat normally and his health goes back to normal.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, yourstrulie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

yourstrulie (4 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-18)
Hi Zaruje, thank you! That explains why there's golds hidden in our property! Hopefully no one killed in our family during that time. I'll ask my dad.
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-15)
Hello yourstrulie! I'm also from the Philippines. These "Japanese Treasures" are legit. Because when I was still in highschool, we had this project that we would interview WW2 veterans and most of them commented on how the japanese soldiers, at that time, hurried to bury or hide their treasures when their troops were being overpowered by the americans. The Filipinos who would be commanded by the japanese to bury their treasures would also be buried or killed by them so as not to spread the knowledge as to where the treasure is.
Thank you for sharing your experience and I'm just so happy that another Pinoy is also part of the YGS fam.
yourstrulie (4 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-15)
Oh no, this is our experience and it's all true. I don't want to post something not related to me and my family, it's kind of off to use someone else's story. And this is the first time I heard that there's a legend in Thailand which is something similar to my story and now I'am thinking that maybe the legend in Thailand is true because they happen to experience what we have experienced before. There's a lot of spirits lingering in our compound but as per my brother the lady was the stronger one because he can see it in daylight and everytime he eats. I also don't know why it entered our house when I was there. There's a lot of questions on my head tho. But thankfully my bro is safe and he cannot see the lady anymore. I remember he describes it as if it were a 3D short lady with black/grayish long hair but he really cannot see the face tho. I'm lucky that I didn't saw it. And as for the japanese he recently contacted my dad and that he's bankrupt now and all the golds was stolen by the healer. Talking about greed 🤔
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-14)
Hmm...Interesting... That's all I can say.
But though I am not a Christian myself, I belief Virgin Mary is not the entity... But something else.

Anyhow, so there is no historical evidence and no legends, and it's hardly related to those Japanese as well so far as I understand of.

To tell you one thing, there is a similar story happened in Thailand, it's said that the smugglers was caught years after but it remains as an urban legend in Thailand. Same thing happened to the teller's brother, same contract the teller's father had made to dig up some golden Buddha statues and other treasures, even the same woman they had encountered.

I know it's not from the internet I have searched for it but it's nowhere. To be honest did you hear it from somebody else?

Good one though

yourstrulie (4 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-14)
That I don't know but as per my dad there's lot of japanese in our town during that time and the person approached my dad is a japanese.

Yep it's Virgin Mary, there's a story bout HER but I'm not sure if SHE's linked to my story tho.

All I know was they started the digging after my dad approves of it since it was a private property and I don't know if the local government knows about it, they cover the place so that no one can see what's happening inside. And they had a very hard time digging because it becomes muddy the deeper they dig and strange things happen after collecting the golden Buddha, one is with my brother, other are with guards.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-13)
Yourstrulie, golden Buddha? Could it be old Chinese Treasure instead of Japanese? For me it looks like it. Back then during the war most Japanese soldiers were Shintoism. Are you sure they were Japanese? I know Chinese these days are all over the Pilipino Seas for some political reasons?

Talking about Mama Mary, did you mean Virgin Mary? Is "Marian Shine" related? Does it link to the case you are talking about in your story?

Again more and more questions... Please tell us everything which will be important to support your own story, it helps a lot!

yourstrulie (4 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-13)
Hi roylynx!

The shapes are gold Buddha small and big and several garlic shaped gold with a diamond on top.
yourstrulie (4 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-13)
he (healer didn't told my dad the consequences) it's just that the elders told my dad that we might lose my brother by digging golds. That's different. In my comment, i've mentioned that the healer told us that the entities doesn't want them to dig the golds but he never told us the consequences only the elders did. And I think the reason he didn't inform us if ever he knew it before hand is because of greed, most of the people will be like that because the japanese also promised that he'll give him golds well as per the pawn shop it was all fake which the japanese didn't believe.

Legend? I only knew one story it's about Mama Mary but other than that I'll have to check. But the lady that my brother saw that time didn't appear right after they stopped the project. We didn't receive golds but the 1 dollar coin is with my dad's uncle. He gave it to him when I really wanted to keep it. 😭
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-12)
Yourstrulie: thanks for answering though, to be honest, your input only made your story a little more confusing. 😐

If the project was under the supervision of a healer and s/he was aware of the effect the digging had on the protective entities, How come s/he didn't inform your father before it (almost) was too late?

According to your original narrative "...the elders told my dad that if he will keep on digging golds, we might lose my brother..."
But in your comment it was the healer who informed your family about the reaction of the protective entities?

Like roylynx, I am waiting for your answer.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-12)
Sorry "dumb Phone" mistakes, I have written "Artificial" for the below I was supposed to mean "Artifacts".

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-12)
Yourstrulie, thanks for replying, so they did bring back some of the artificial back? I still do not understand how? Were they smugglers? My head is itching so much...

Hmm, what interested me is that as you had written in you comment they were digging up fake jewels and what I knew, if they were some kind of religious groups (since you said they did some rituals) yes, the possibility of them owning a company (group) is not low, I could think of a couple of famous (unfriendly) Japanese religious clubs/ groups, I would not say their names since you did not too.

SO, what I understood now is that your father had made a personal agreement with the group (as commented below) and the group somehow got the permission to dig up the jewels and found that they are fake? Hmm... Interesting...

Does the street you live in have any legends? Like some kinds of witches (famous victims during or after the war, etc) and spirits (gods, monsters, etc)? If so, could you possibly link this case to the legends at all? If you could, tell us about it in details.

I know it can take lots of time, your future comments would pop up like this time's so at least some of us would be reading it.

One thing I have to say is, there are more and more questions as you have commented, you do not have to make up any stories if you are doing so, really. Me, I just wanted so more details, if you know what I mean.

yourstrulie (4 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-12)
and for the legality of that project, that I am not sure lol. But most of the people in our street knows that they are digging in my dad's property. Oh and I remember that they tried to check the items in the pawn shop to see how much would be the cost of it but they were informed that the diamonds are fake and the faith healer who is responsible for the rituals told us that it was protected by some entities and those entities doesn't want what they are doing.
yourstrulie (4 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-12)
hi!thanks for reading it! For all those questions I don't know if that japanese have his own company but yeah they do some rituals before and in every item they've found. We didn't get anything though, after my dad told them to stop digging because of the apparitions they took all of the items ans well as the bomb. In regards with the bomb, they were very careful not to cause harm. I don't know if its related or not but there's also strange things happening with the guards that time. One guard told my dad that sometimes, he can hear someone whispering when no one is around, other one is he will clean the site but when he goes back everything is in a mess again.
thegreenmachine (3 stories) (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-09)
Hi, I'm from the Philippines too and I've heard of some of these "small" diggings for buried Japanese treasure. These diggings are usually done in secret, meaning the government is not made aware of.

One that I heard of based on rumors was a dig for Japanese treasure beneath an old mansion. The team of diggers kept digging until they reached the level where there is water already (the location was surrounded by marsh lands years before urbanization). Based on the rumor mill, they did not find anything though.

But what's interesting is that the group of diggers hired a psychic or a spirit medium. There is a belief in the Philippines that these treasures were not only buried with booby traps but also guarded by some spirit or elemental. He was hired to help the group to maybe avoid angering whatever entity was guarding the treasure, if any.

But then again, they did not find anything, only mud. Maybe the spirits led them away from the treasure?
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-09)
Hi Yourstrulie

Thanks for sharing. I would have thought the digging would have come to an abrupt halt as soon as the first "old-school bomb" had been unearthed 😨

Maybe greed and "gold fever" just drives people on to do dangerous things?

I'm struggling with not so much who the old lady might be, but why is she appearing to your brother? I could understand if she was connected to the house and the even more so the gold and coins etc, but why is she targeting your poor old bro?

If she had an issue with the excavations, I would have thought she would have tried to upset the Japanese member of the treasure hunt, as the Japanese army invaded the Philippines during WW II and the soldiers may have killed this woman's relatives /family/ her and also possibly stashed that gold?

Or, why wouldn't she appear to your Father who agreed to the excavations, and scare him? This spirit would know if she was upsetting your brother (everyone has intent and motive), so why would she? Maybe the excavations and the old lady are completely unrelated events?

Sorry for all the questions, but this story just creates more and more questions for me.😕



roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-08)
Senhora lady-glow, Yes, it is either the story is lack of information or... It is made questionable... Hmm... We will have to wait for our answer from the OP.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-08)
roylynx: thanks for your enlightening input. You are right, I do not know the existing regulations about archaeological findings in the Philippines, though according to yourstrulie's narrative it seems to me that this is more of a person to person agreement.

Perhaps I'm assuming the treasure to be greater than it is but, I imagine that taking out any amount of gold of any country has to be declared to the proper authorities, specially if said gold has a historic value.

... I'm afraid this story's normal facts are more questionable than the paranormal ones... Just my opinion.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-08)
Lady-glow, I am not sure if you know about it but if those Japanese are archeologists or historians, the government of the Philippines will have to agree to give them permission to do so, under an agreement with the local people. Since they got rejected by the local (called to stop) the Japanese people would have to leave the place alone.

Yourstrulie, The gold, I have questions too, if those Japanese people took away the gold, from who did they have permission to do so? Did they sneak out the treasure? Those Japanese people have to belong to a group or some kind of industry in order to form such an operational team (since there are bombs, etc), you don't have to name the company but do you know which company they belong to?

Much more questions are coming up so be prepared;-)

Blessing from São Paulo
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-08)
Hi yourstrulie.

Did the Japanese people split the gold with your parents as they have promised? It seems like there's a lot of gold buried in your house!

Were the elders aware of the existence of the treasure? If so, Do you know if they asked for any remuneration for their advice? Sadly it is common for people to get greedy when finding something of this nature and everyone wants to have a "slice of the pie".
Did any of the neighbors ask what was going on?

Do you know who the old lady was and her kind of attachment to the golds? Did the Japanese perform any ritual/s before starting to dig holes all over the place?
Did your parents inform the Japanese people about this apparition and about what the elders said? Did they agree to stop digging out the gold?
I find it hard to believe that they would agree to give up on retrieving the whole treasure, it is well known that greed for gold and wealth are the cause for many murders.

Sorry for asking so many questions.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-08)
Hmm... As I read on. It does not sound like it is some treasure which belonged to Japanese. It sound like a local curse, but the origin seemed modern. (Not sure if I am right correct me please)

You know of any historical events or old places and religions before the Japanese occupation? The shape of the treasures sometimes tells the culture of the time it was buried. It will be very interesting to know of!

Blessing from São Paulo

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