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The Man With A Gold Tooth


Reference: Memories and a pad of paper by Msforgetmenott

This happened nearly two months ago.

He is here again, that man with a gold tooth, just as he appeared when I was a young child. I was nine when I last saw him, now I have had my 70th birthday this past May. While I have aged each year, Mr. Gold tooth has not aged a day. He had not seemed so small when I first saw him as a child, but now he makes me almost think of one of "Tweed's" little people.

Sitting smack-dab on my big old rocking chair, his legs out straight, holding on to the edges of the rocking chair's seat, as his limbs are to short to reach the chair's arms. It would be hard to tell how long he has been up here as I seldom come up to the attic. The chair has been up here for years, not fitting into my polished antique look.

The little man's hair is shinny white, but it is thin. He shows a bold smile that is noticed first, but the gold tooth is unforgettable. I couldn't remember what he wore as a child, but today he is wearing a grey woven suit, a fine gold watch chain slipped into his front side pocket. His eyes have bold laughing wrinkles, a vivid blue are their color.

Once held in my childhood home cellar, the chair we moved to our home, as it has family value and was a connection to the past. I looked towards the chair, for as a child when coming down the cellar stairs I had memories... The smiling man was a friend, I had thought, one only I could see. He had often greeted me back then and we would talk. My Mother had thought I had a big imagination as she did not see or hear him. I recall laughing with him and enjoying his kindness. The chair left me with fond memories of my Dad also, sitting near the chunk furnace, unlacing his old work boots while the furnace fired up. It was on the other side of this furnace that the farm dog would lay, lost in doggie dreams, but ever watchful, should my Dad shake the tin can, holding her supper.

I have made myself busy, what to keep what to throw, jobs I had put off until now. It was when I reached the last attic stair that I noticed him, my step instantly stopped. I know why he is here, this time it will be for me, not my Mother. I remember gazing upon him during those last days before my Mom had died. The chair had rocked ever so slowly now as it had then.

I made myself pass by him, centered on the second drawer of our old bureau dresser. My project today was to label all the old pictures, so that later, they could be copied and claimed by the nieces and nephews, also the Grandchildren. Each free day I pick a project to do, making it easier for my Husband and Son, when I am gone. Free days are the ones not filled with medical appointments, or other obligations.

The memory of this Oncologist slowing voicing her words has not faded from our minds, since the day my Husband of forty-eight years and I sat in her office stone frozen. It seemed like her words "stage four, and urgent" must have been for someone else, I had this cancer in 2003, and we were told at that time it was gone, cured. Yet in 2018 it is back and packing a very big punch. So I began the treatments, a total nightmare repeat... The moment I had seen little man sitting there I knew, as it was with my Mother, he had come to take me to the unknown level. When? I have no answer.

I backed up from the bureau, asking quietly, how soon? He continued to sit unchanging also not answering. His eyes seemed to look at an object not even there. His hair moved to a wind that was not in the room. A wind I did not feel nor were the windows open to create such a draft. I asked again, when? He stared beyond, beyond my scope. Clenching my hands, I am not nine anymore! The earlier project forgotten I slipped away and down the attic steps... Unable to cope.

Sitting at my computer desk that evening, my phone in hand I needed my niece Val, close in age, and best friend. The daughter of an older sister, Val was born when I was only four. We were more as sisters, sharing much in an unusual way. We had even had paranormal events together in the past. Much like twins we would plan a meeting, and wear the same color and type of clothes. Oh how I needed her at that moment. She planned to come in a few days but... Now Val... Now At that moment the phone rang, I brightly answered, Hi Val! I was shocked when I heard Val's Husband's voice instead. "Val left early, but was involved in an accident, she is in a hospital not far from you, can you get her please, I will start early in the morning and be there to pick her up as soon as possible. She has a broken wrist and minor bruises. She faired better than her car though."

Heart, is stopped, my dear friend. "She will fine but will be needing a new car"...heart is beating again. She will be ok... I can usually guess especially when it concerns Val, but my radar is way off. For much of my life I had thought the man in the rocking chair had come to take my Mother. The problem is, I think now I may have been wrong, I now think Mr. Gold Tooth may be trying to help in keeping my family alive. I am confused so confused, totally.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, msforgetmenott, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Oh, Also Tweed,

You are so correct about the support that goes two ways between Val and I. I am blessed that she is in my life. Over time the Husbands are also like brothers.

Val and I have given up thinking about Mr. Gold tooth. Yet Val has stated the shimmer had color in it, that might have been just what we first thought. However it turns out, we do not think we have seen the last of that little man.

Jan ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Thank you Tweed,

I am beginning to think about doing nothing, it may end around the same time either way. I fear so much, what surgery can do, with more chemo following. It seems the so called cure can be much more painful.

I may think more clearly if I just take a holistic approach and no surgery. Will keep you posted.

Just thinking,
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Jan thanks for the update. You and Val are obviously very much in sync. The shinny thing she saw is very intruding. Glad she's staying with you, it sounds like you guys are a great support to each other at the moment.

Pretty peeved about the doctor/vacation crap. You'd think they'd be more organised than that. Have some working while others are on a break. Surely that's common sense. Oh well, I'll leave my grumble there.

Will be sending you lots of love and support on the 31st. ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-17)
Hi BeautInside,

Val can usually tell what I am thinking, and I her. We often wear the same clothes. In her bag there a top and leggings. I had bought the very same top, bought at J. C. Penny in my area, as Val in her area, both on sale. So it can be concluded, we are very close and think alike or there is more to it. We have been this way for so long it no longer surprises me.

She said she saw a shimmer, like heat lines in the road, it had a shine. What ever she saw within this haze was very blurry, she was on the ambulance gurney and quite upset as she had just seen her destroyed car. Perhaps she heard me talk about it and could have imagined, or not.

I think it might confirm that he was projecting to help her. I guess we will never know. Val has always been with me when needed and it was wonderful to see her, I had to console her, she is distraught and had more concerns than normal.

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-17)
Hi Jan,

Yes,we have the same problem here... Vacation equals to no doctors, so if we are to get sick we should wait until holidays are over. As is if we could pick the time to get ill. 😕

So,by shimmer you mean she could possibly have seen mr. Gold Tooth? If you do, then it validates the theory he was there to warn you about your niece! 😊

Take care and please keep us updated. ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-17)
An update on the story:

To all that wrote, or have been interested in Mr. Gold tooth. I have a short follow up. Val and I convinced her concerned Husband to let Val stay with us for a few days. She lives over 300 miles from our home. It would have been hard to do a round trip. He also still works.
She is not just my niece, she is my best friend. We talked in the days following, and she can be sensitive, is self described as not as gifted as she would like to be.
When she was being taken away from her car, being wheeled to the ambulance, she saw a shimmer beside her, while not easy to see, it could have been a glowing chair and a small doll sitting in it. She kept her mouth shut, LOL, as she didn't want the ambulance taking her somewhere else.
She is now home, we met half way and her husband has taken her from there. She is mending fast, and has a shinny new car.
She gave me permission to add this but wonders now if she just saw a shinny spot, and I put the image into her head. If I did it was not intended.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-17)
To iamaps and Mist, Thank you both for your thoughtful words. I am hoping for lots of energy sent my way very early on Aug. 31st. Sadly it has taken that long to line up the other surgeons. The lesson here is, don't get sick during prime vacation time.

Myst (63 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-17)
Sending you hugs, positive energy, and comfort. Be at peace.
iamaps (2 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
Loved reading this story and the comments. All the best with your surgery and treamtment. ❤ 😊
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
Thank you Cups, for your post. I am getting so many indications from so many, that I think it is a world wide hug! I am blessed, truly a lucky person. I am so glad I reached out to YGS.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
Helloooo Babygoatpuller!

Thank you for the welcome and you can consider my hand spanked.

In re-reading some of the postings I saw your question about what views my Mother may have had on the spirit world.

I was so young, and protected by her. Yet, when in the middle of the night I remember running into my Parents room, from a bump in the dark. She would hold me and say I should not be afraid, from those that make noise. They once were people like us.

My Father also talked of visits from those that had gone before. He would say one of the Great Greats had kept him up in the night, but should have known how much he needed a good sleep. He also saw things on the farm, much as I did. We would share when we had an experience, but not everything and not always.

My Dad built our house, on a spot where there had been only an apple orchard. Yet he told of finding pottery, but a different pottery than the Yankee made. He had kept some that he found in our nearby garden. It was decorated with a dark marking along the smoothed top, thinner than the colonial jug and lighter. It had been taken before I settled the house and sold it. My Dad never locked his door. The pottery had a different feel than the old beer jug.

I do remember my Mom telling me I had too much imagination, and when looking back, I think I really did see and hear things, but she would poo the stories I told as a child's fiction. I also remember a very old wrinkled man sitting on a dining chair in the center of their bedroom. The walls were not yet papered, and that indicated I would have been a year or two or maybe three in age. Who could he have been? Good question, all I can vision now is wrinkles.

I also, at about five years, turned over a pasture rock as I was curious as to what might be living under. My Mom stood nearby, I saw a dirty face, moving his mouth. My Mother stepped over a moment later, but she saw only ants with their eggs. I did see that little face!

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
Thank you Lady-glow,

Going to do my best to get better, thank you for your warm thoughts. I have felt hugs from the distance.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
Jan - wishing you a quick recovery, I'm sending your way the most positive thoughts.

With love, prayers and faith everything will get better.❤
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hi Jan-

Please know that I am pulling for you as everyone else here is. Sending nothing but good white light and positive thoughts to you.

I have to admit that I was miffed that you had left us, you being one of my favorite posters, but had always thought, in the back of my head that you'd come back. And I'm so happy you did.

I'm with everyone else here in that I don't think the g-tooth man is here for you but a harbinger of sorts. I want to ask you what your mom's thoughts were on the ghost/spirit world were? I've got an idea forming but will wait for an answer first.

You seem to have such a wonderful grasp on this "bump in your road". This is the only way I'm going to think of it as any other way is too negative and I know you're going to be back to tell us all how well you're doing. We'll all be waiting with loving open arms for you.❤ ❤ ❤

If you want to talk about anything or everything, I'm going to add my email address to my profile.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Dearest Jan,
I've mulled over what you've shared, and it is possible the chair does have some control, but you are also overlooking that perhaps Mr. Gold Tooth is controlling himself. In the lore of old it is said that many creatures control their size. There is proof of this in nature, just look at the birds, how they can puff themselves up to look much bigger.
Where was he when you needed him most? Tough question, but perhaps there's an answer. Of course I don't really know, but it could be there was a reason for it, perhaps he did not want you becoming too dependent on him. Maybe space was needed for you to bond closer to someone living? Perhaps the best way he COULD help you was by not helping?
Perhaps, if you asked him, you'd get an answer. I know it sounds crazy, but if you talked with him as a child, perhaps he could speak to you again. Won't know if you don't try. Not out of fear though. You need to set the fear aside and let the hatred go. Those sort of feelings just hurt your soul you hang on to them long enough. As crazy as it sounds, I think you need to listen with your heart, not just your ears. Hopefully that makes some sense.
I'm sending you positive vibes, healing prayers and an extra large hug.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Msforgetmenott, I've been following this thread, and you absolutely have my positive vibes... Sending healing energy your way. ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Thank you Tweed,

I know there are wonderful people out there praying for me right now. I would gladly ask for more from anyone what ever their personal faith may be. My surgery may be as soon as next week. 7 to 9 hours long.

Thank you again,
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Jan, glad you find this place a nice way to wind down!

Feel free to ask the forum for prayers and/or positive thoughts whenever you want an extra boost to help you through.❤
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hello Jan,

I'm from Portugal (probably you've already noticed 😁) and I've seen a few people wearing a gold tooth here and there. In fact, one aunt of mine has one. Funny thing is, she has it for a couple of years and I only noticed it a few months ago! Lol Shame on me! 😊

Yeah, I think Mr. Gold Tooth deserves some credit Jane. All these years thinking he took your mother away from you, and in the end he might have given her some more years to be with you. ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hello Valkricry,

Leap frog with words, well put!

That first sip of coffee has your mind rolling, I wish I could think so fast.

The idea that my state of fear, or lack of is controling the size of Mr. Gold Tooth, is a fresh way to view things. I will have to study, as to if my mind would have that type of control. Or perhaps the chair might have some control?

The chair may have more power than indicated. It was given to my Mother, when her own Mother died, long before I was born. She told my sisters that our Grandmother would sit and stitch the most beautiful embroidery, in that chair. You may have pictured the rocker as all wood, it had a shaker back and firm arms of oak wood, but the seat is heavy black leather. As it sits in our attic, the leather has a small age crack in the leather, showing the old time horsehair stuffing. Does it have some kind of power? Perhaps...

My Grandmother may have brought it with her when she married. She had been raised, educated and refined. Then, unlike now, a woman of some wealth, was taught the piano, fine stitching and household management. All I am told, she had mastered. What she couldn't have controled, was after giving birth to four children, her husband and their Dad died in 1917 from the dreaded influenza. The youngest was still a baby, and she had two choices after selling all of her valuables, work in the Lowell Mills or teach others her skills. She became a teacher of piano and fine stitching but also took in stitching repairs and ironing. I bring this up, as to how much energy she might have left in this large rocker. All this is also why I could not part with this chair.

Getting back to something you said, I harbored a hate directed toward Mr. G. Tooth, and I have. Perhaps it is time to put that hate feeling to rest. I know he did show kindness during the time he was my friend and entertainment. Why did he leave when I needed him most. I remember going to that chair, asking for him, but received nothing but silence. Where was he then. There really were reasons for why I thought he took her, but I don't think I formed that feeling until some time had passed.

Thank you for your thoughts, and kindness Valkricry, wisdom shows in your words.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hello BeautInside,

Thank you for your kindness.

Seeing a gold tooth was not strange to me as in growing up in the country, it was not uncommon to see an older person wearing a partial gold tooth in their smile. Gold was a filling that could last forever, not wearing out as quick as other materials. This rocking chair man had the entire tooth in left front covered with gold, or the entire tooth was gold.

My Mother lived three more years after first diagnosis, and was often gone for more surgeries. She had been excepted into a Hospital in Boston, and while it was a great distance, before the three lane highways, she had been able to enter into a cancer study. I think they would take credit for the three years longer, that she lived, but perhaps the credit should be given to Mr. Gold Tooth.

I had a fear of the cellar stairs when young. My Mother often saying "hold on to the railing" may not have helped. Also at the bottom was a cement slab, that would have hurt. A Lot! So if helped down by anyone, was fine by me.

What ever the case, it has been fun and distracting to join in the YGS debate and idea section. I am just back from a long day with the Oncol. And others, setting up for a most serious surgery. This visiting with you and others is a wonderful way to wind down.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hello Tweed

Thank you for your response, both of them!

I agree with the direction you have taken. He probably was concentrating on my niece. Val was traveling down a three lane, city highway. She was hit by a car on the far right. He had ignored a red light and plowed into her completely destroying her car. Her car was only a year old but his was a much larger older car, so his weight and power, when impacted, did not give her a chance. That she was not hurt much worse, is a miracle.

Mr. Gold Tooth was sitting completely concentrating on something I could not see. If he and the rocking chair were placed in the road, by Val's car, he would have felt the breeze with each passing car, at that intersection. This would have caused his hair to fluff up, and the chair to rock slightly.

I am still trying to wrap my mind around the possibility that he is, in fact, watching over members of my Mother's family, instead of taking them to the next place, after they pass. It is difficult to switch a lifelong belief, yet each of you that put forth a potential idea, made a great deal of sense.

I never thought of a leprechaun as he is thin, and not wearing the typical green. He wears no hat either. I recall, as a child from age six to nine, his size was just much larger than myself.

So much to speculate, and also it is so nice to learn of other people's thoughts. A fresh way to ponder over an old subject.

Thank you Tweed!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
I wanted to comment yesterday, but my mind was playing leap frog with words I wanted to use, so I thought I'd wait in order to stand a chance of at least perhaps making some sense. (Won't guarantee that, as I'm just having morning coffee.)
I wonder if perhaps, Mr. Gold Tooth's size is in relation to your emotions/energy/need. You remember him carrying you down the cellar stairs to safety; to me this says you were probably scared (high energy) and you needed him to be big and strong so that you would feel safe. But, when you saw him in the attic - well given your health, your energy level is probably not as high, and you were afraid of HIM, so perhaps the smaller stature to be less threatening.
For a long time you've associated him with your Mother's leaving, blaming him for 'taking her', as it were. Understandable from a 9 year old's view. You would have never entertained the thought that perhaps he had only eased her way, or escorted her - not in the world of hurt you had been hurled into, or that he was there FOR you, trying to be supportive, letting you know you weren't alone. All his kindness, the shared laughter forgotten in a blink of an eye. That sort of hurt can do that. Maybe, to give you space he remained hidden for all those years. Just waiting for you to need/ want/ accept him again, to forgive him.
Maybe, he felt it was time to show you that he's still there, taking care of those you love the best he can, and you don't need to worry, he'll always be there for them. Maybe, just maybe the message goes a bit deeper, maybe he's trying to let you know he's still there for you too.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hi again Jan,

I have to agree with BeautInside, and after re-reading your other account the word 'harbinger' springs to mind. For some reason I imagine him resembling a leprechaun, do they exist? I guess why not. I hope you don't fear him, he seems to be on your side and looking out for you. Also a harbinger could apply to an entire family, another idea to consider.
He's definitely a mystery, but I think ultimately a wise one.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hi Jan,

After reading this account (also read "Memories and a pad of paper" to have a bit of background, so thank you for mentioning it), I believe The Man with the Gold Tooth isn't an omen.

Despite the vibe you get, and if I got it right, your mum lived 3 more years after you saw him. And this time, you saw him and you thought it was for you, but actually your niece had just had an accident. I don't think it's for you either (yeah I think you still have to deal with us for a long time 😉), I guess he was just preparing you somehow for the bad news you were about to hear. So I agree with my fellow posters about him looking after you.

And the description matches of those little people Tweed knows about, so I am eager to know what else Tweed might add to the new comment. 😊

Tweed's point about the direction Mr. Gold Tooth was looking at is very interesting, I am very curious now and looking forward to your reply about that point.

My email adress can be found on my profile Jan, so if you ever need need anything please feel free to contact me. This works for other users too. 😉

Thank you for sharing Jan! ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)

I felt a lump in my throat when I read your line: "All children need their Mother as long as possible." I miss my mother terribly sometimes. I believe in most cases, we need and want our mother's, no matter the age. ❤

I can understand your ill feelings for Mr. Gold Tooth because of the association with your mother's passing. I was thinking of the way you described him previously; kind and gentle, with a bold smile. Not to mention his carrying you down the stairs. He seems to watch over you and care a great deal for you.

I'm interested in the member opinions/input as to why he appeared so small (how strange!). If you feel inclined to chat or wish to swap theories, my email is on my profile (just put YGS in the subject line). 😊

Much love and light ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)
Jan, such an emotional read, as Manafon said intense.

I want to comment more in depth tomorrow, as it's late. I'll also re-read your other account about this little man too.

But I wanted to get this down quickly now, while it's fresh. The direction the man gazed in, the invisible 'something' he appeared to be aware of, the direction of the wind, the direction he faced. Could these be aligned with the direction of Val's location, either at the hospital, or where her car was?
My thinking is, he may have answered your question in an indirect way with the wind and his gaze, and his answer could have been to do with Val.

Thanks for sharing, I have a thing for attics. 😊
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)
Hi Manafon1,

Upon first seeing him I felt fear, he is here as I am ill. My loud thought was, go away, please not yet. He may still have shown himself, just to let me know that he is watching-waiting. That is why the confusion. I am convinced he did help Val, as perhaps without his help she may have been hurt more seriously.

I might like to visit with you, do not be surprised if you see and email beginning with Pr.

Thank you,

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)
Hi Dee,

That is the thing, I had come to hate him, as I became convinced he had only been there to take my Mother away. Now I wonder if it was because of him, that my Mother lived for a wonderful three years longer then the Doctors predicted. Those three years, to be spent with me, allowing for a loving connection. All children need their Mother as long as possible.

I am happy you understood that I was trying to convey, that his concentration was on Val, not myself.

A nature/elemental? I remember, as a child, he was lifting me down our cellar stairs to safety, he was strong, and I thought full size for a man. Now he appeared to be so much smaller. It is odd.

I guess, we just may never know! Don't think I am not grateful that Val was not badly hurt, but I think I would just rather not see him again. 😊

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)
Hi Jan - Your account was very moving and intense. Just moments ago I woke from a nap with tears in my eyes. A woman named Dorothy who helped raise me was talking to me in a dream. I don't think it was a visitation dream but it was intense nonetheless.

I have thought about you much since you brought up your diagnosis here on YGS. You, of course, have your priorities, but if you ever want another person to chat or vent to, please feel free to contact me at any time on the email on my YGS page.

As for the man with the gold tooth - what feelings did you have when seeing him? That should be a good indication of what his recent visit was for.

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