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Shapeshifters And Gold


I saw a creature that looked like a goblin, looking like some tree spirit, very small but mischievous. I can't say it had pointy ears but rather sticks and branches coming out of it. It had shape-shifted into a tree trunk, looking like it had a belly ready to burst with the wood cracking open. And almost as if from a hollow, a hand came out offering gold coins.

It was a friendly goblin, maybe just an elemental messenger, eager to tell a story. I didn't feel threatened but just a little bit confused. Why gold? Like a leprechaun offering you a glimpse or the possibility of the riches that lie at the end of the rainbow.

Mind you, I had been to an Irish party recently and have Irish-Scottish blood in me. Okay and I never believed in "small goblins" before, although I heard many stories of them and always was a bit skeptical. And due to the fact of me unbelieving my animal spirit guide who came in the form of a black cat shape-shifting into a woman sitting on the side of my bed showing me the same symbol. She seemed frustrated because I didn't want to listen to the small goblin, and with a much more serious attitude, pushed the same golden coins in my face upon her palm, as some offering.

Keep in mind that this is the first time I saw one of my animal totems transform into human form and back. The cat came like a shadow rubbing against the bed and in seconds a beautiful woman with long black sleek hair appeared. She looked disappointed in my unbelief, because I have no problem in believing in ghosts and angels, even demons. But not so easily in shape-shifting legends.

Now both the "cat woman" and the goblin were showing me these coins, pointing at the face imprint on the coin. And I was under the impression: "Yeah right, what is the catch? You want me to take something from you so that you can take something from me. Do you really think I am so stupid? Nothing is for free in the spirit world, making bargains with the spirit realm."

I do believe that this was a message: that guardians, as well as demons, can shape-shift to convey a message. My guardian appeared as a goblin in the shape of a tree denoting the Tree of Knowledge wherein spiritual riches are to be found, and the head imprint had something to do with choosing who I will worship, as money is only as good as its decorations, maybe the shape of God's head instead of some worldly president's. And as for the cat, I have no doubt that there is always a cat spirit around me.

Maybe they didn't want to make a deal, just wanting to show me where the real riches are to be found. Yet again, if you eat of the Tree of Life, you have to do some work for the source as well.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, vidya_amani, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

JessicaWishon1989 (6 stories) (57 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Yes... The story seems far-fetched! But in Vidya's Defense. There are many self-acclaimed "witches" out there. And not calling you one By a long shot. But I know of one in particular that once sent my inner goose just a squawking. She started talking about Bogart's and Brownies and tree spirits and elf's and fairies! I was like... HAHA no way woman, I am a realist and these things just don't happen in the "real world!"

A Bogart is a closet spirit. One that is angry. Bogart's Form when "Brownies" get angry! A Brownie is literally the helper of the house. Ever noticed anything shiny that has gone missing? Or have you ever left any sweetie treat out and it not be there the next morning? I thought this woman who was telling me this was trippin' or something! That is until she came in and Cleaned my house of any bad spirits! She took a sage sponging stick to clean my house... Including every nook and cranny! Including my cupboards! In our Kitchen we have a cupboard that we never use... In fact there is about a foot in between this cupboard and our refrigerator. This is why we never use it, because it is pretty much a wasted space. A 4 foot long cabinet door I guess you could use as a small pantry if you wanted to. However, Our trash Bin sits in between this cupboard and Our fridge. So it is pretty much sealed, with the trash bin wedged between it and the refrigerator! So when she was cleaning our house, we walked behind her with a voice and video recorder just to see if we could "get anything" No sooner did she open that cabinet door did her sage stick burst in flames at the tip. The smoke was gone and replaced with Flame. She said, HMM... BOGART!

After the cleaning the was done, I asked her what she meant by "BOGART?" She explained! Later we opened that cabinet door and saw a half eaten, Moldy Hershey's kiss. And we also found my roommates chrome colored house key. Amongst other shiny things. So I believe the whole Bogart, Brownie theory! Because how ever would that stuff have gotten in that cabinet, if no one ever went in there... And no one ever used it for anything? As for tree spirits. This woman told me, when ever you say to a tree, "Oh wow, took at THAT tree... I wish I could just take it home with me." And Bam, a tree spirit has clung to you. The only way to get the tree spirit off of you is by actually taking it home and hugging a tree. So I tried this theory out. Going to a number of trees over a course of a few days, and saying it. All taking it home and hugging one tree. Afterwards, I took a picture of the tree in my back yard, low and behold the number of so called "tree Spirits" I "took home" with me, were seen in orbs around the tree I hugged. I did this with 5 different trees that I found in parks or such. When I snapped the picture, there were 5 orbs in it! Weird huh?
aman_yooo (17 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Sorry, I couldn't get through the first paragraph of this story, does anyone here actaully believe you Vidya?
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-26)
I'm so sorry but your first paragraph had me in fits of laughter. When did goblins become nice?!
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-26)
Bluefoxx - After 4 days and no response to our questions, I am forced to agree with you. I was kind of excited about this whole thing - Was imagining a pot of gold, and a goblin for a slave and a personal tree, etc... Sadly none of that is to be
bluefoxx01 (81 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-26)
So it turned out to be a pointless vision, the goblin, the gold coins, the tree of life. You talk in riddles vidya_amani, perhaps you need to climb down from your coo coo tree, get a job and cease the gibberish you are subjecting us to.
ram (25 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-25)
oh god should I believe in this so called fairy tale...? I mean to say that it is something I'm not able to believe up on...
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Hi Vidya - You may have missed what a few of us actually asked for in the rush of responding to comments.
Please shed some light on the physical circumstances around the story. Time/ food/ physical well being/ etc.
vidya_amani (2 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Wow moon you don't "know whether there's an afterlife or not" yet here you are on this site giving your scholary opinions on ghosts and the supernatural. *scratches head* why don't you join some atheist site instead?

I really would like to see what happens to those which are faced with similar experiences, I couldn't sleep all night, went into a panic and even shed a few tears due to confusion... I would like to know how they'd handle something like this, a ghostly woman sitting on their bed which ran towards me in the shape of cat first and a small goblin, genome or whatever it was trying to get my attention. This is serious, I wasn't drunk nor on any sort of medication... What was the woman doing here, what message did she and the little ghost came to deliver? And the next day another genome jumped up and down on my bed... But far less scary than the elf the night before. The woman's spirit's was real, believe me... And whether spirits can "shape shift" into different forms, I don't doubt any more... If they can manipulate their energy into different shaped bodies, then anything is possible.

Moon you have a great point: leprechauns only give "gold" and spiritual riches to certain people, they keep it away from people who would only abuse spiritual knowledge such as yourself due to your unbelief... Well those who don't believe in fairies don't get their fair share in fairy dust, nor in magic... Because you don't deserve it. Thanks for the reminder what happens if you don't believe!

Yes pjod, but unfortunately they weren't material coins, but symbols to convey a message as spirits communicate in symbolic language... Would be nice if there were a Buck's head or Deer's head on... You have a good point, it was a face I couldn't make out, you just gave a link to my missing puzzle, colouring in the face needed. Thanks!

Hey stephy: yes thanks for reminding me what drugs can do, I am not on any sorts of drugs, and If I were I would have seen more then, right? Which is odd since anti-psychotics and anti-depressants are made to take spiritual awareness away, by slowing brain processes... I don't have ADDH but those who do have brains that work on higher levels of consciousness, fast and almost transparent, since it is so clear due to not being slowed down by normal brain activity... Also medicine that is used to slow down brain activity is used to put down right brain function, so that the only "functioning part" would be the left brain that is not susceptible nor capable to process the creative force that is called Spirit... Closing the mind to the spirit world.

Hello crescent, yes it is indeed beyond me that some think they can define the supernatural only linked to "ghosts"- but as far as I know any intelligent spirit can shape shift or rather project their desired "body image" into the psychic's mind...
stephyw2001 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Once, my sister was prescribed two different meds for two different things by two different doctors. They weren't supposed to go together, and the doctors overlooked this flaw. At night when they clashed in her system she thought her computer chair turned into the girl with black hair from the Ring. Amongtst other things, her Japanese lanterns all took on the faces of old women and started talking to her.

The point of my story is: Girl, you be trippin'.
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Moongrim - you beat me to the response.
Crecentblue - Like I said in my comment, 'I may be wrong, provided am proven by the OP'.
Mind you, if I get enough evidence and background, I will be glad to believe this actually happened. At least then I know there is some scope to grab some gold! 😁

So we have a problem with fictional accounts and that stays... No matter what.
Vidya - Please provide some more insight on this as we love to be proven wrong.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
It ain't shapeshifting, crecentblue03, that we've got a problem with. As plenty of stories involving Skinwalkers and the like have been reported and taken into account.
What we have a problem with- is obviously fictional accounts, disguised as a 'real' encounter.
What we don't know for sure is, if there really is a life after death. Or if folks are just projecting their own desires.

So where did this account occur? What were the circumstances? When did it occur? What was the person's emotional state prior? This reads less like a personal account than it does a story outline.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Woah. Those S. African gold coins are worth, what? About $1,800 a piece now? One ounce per coin. What did the coin look like? Was there a pic of a gazelle or something on it?
crecentblue03 (151 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
What I don't understand is how some people have no problem believing in ghosts but when it comes to shape shifters if someone mentions them they are tripping!. For me not to believe in shape shifters is like me not believing in Jinns, who incidentlly can shape shift. I believe you have seen just exactly what you saw and the fact that you did see them is a gift just like someone who can see ghosts has a gift. We don't know for sure how big the next live is or how varied its residents are. I for one liked your story and I do believe you should pay close attention to them when they visit I think your right they do have a message for you. Thanks for sharing your story
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Well said Moongrim! This does not seem like an experience. Rather seems like a story, a scene taken from my list of 'best sellers'. And I may be wrong here provided it is proven by the OP.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Yowza. This is intriguing. Because according to Legend, Lepracauns and Cluricauns do everything they can to keep folks from taking their gold.

You've got the basis for a nice bit of fiction here; but you're going to have to develop it quite a bit more. I'd recommend 'fleshing it out' by giving it a setting, character names, and some more plot development.
It is a good outline.
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Some of the best sellers in the market - The Inheritance life cycle, Ashok Banker's Ramayana, The Lord of the Rings (Obviously), Harry Potter (Again - obviously), Amish Tripathi's Shiva Trilogy (Third book yet to be released).
If you haven't read any of these, try reading them - who knows, you may find some proper explanations
nyuboom (1 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-21)
Lol you were tripping out. Halluncinations are are just a dream you know.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-21)
Uh...I'm thinking maybe some bad Haggis as well. You can't eat corned beef cabbage and haggis too close together you know. You get to bloating up like a baloon. Toss down some absinthe on top of all that, and you are just begging for trouble...

WReck72 (1 stories) (116 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-21)
Any chance you have been drinking absinthe at this Irish party?

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