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Elizabeth & The House On Alberta


I will preface this story by saying I am very open-minded to the paranormal and do believe ghosts or spirits exist... However, the logical side of me always tries to find an explanation before deeming something "paranormal". Some things cannot be explained. Here are some of them.

Portland, OR in 2008: My then-husband & I had found an adorable house to lease on trendy Alberta Street. The rent was reasonable, and the woman who owned the house worked with my husband - she was easy-going & artsy; her husband was a furniture designer. It seemed like the perfect fit. I instantly fell in love with the large dining room with built-in cabinets & a buffet. We learned that the house was nearly 100 years old, with all original single-pane windows. I love older homes, so this made me happy.

Soon after we signed the lease in August of that year, I lost my job & found myself unemployed for the first time in years. After the initial panic, I thought - "Oh well, this will give me plenty of time to set up house & move in." I even found a set of antique furniture that was period-appropriate for the house: A beautiful, hand-carved wood trim Italian sofa & chair... The rich-looking curved kind, covered in pink damask. The couch was hands down my coolest piece of furniture, and we barely used it at the time for fear of messing it up. The antiques dealer told me the set had belonged to a very wealthy old woman who kept it in her sitting room, oddly enough it looked as though no one had ever used it for actual sitting. I got it at a huge discount, as they had had the set in the display window for many years, and the fabric was sun-faded.

My husband at the time worked a cushy corporate job, and was able to make his own hours - he preferred to go in early and start his day at 6:30am, which meant he had to leave the house by 5:30am. It was between the time that he'd leave & the time I'd get up - generally around 9 or 10am (I'm not an early riser) - that things started to get weird.

It began with what I believe to be sleep paralysis - the house would be completely quiet but it just felt like something came over me... I can't explain it. This would happen several times a week for months, between about 6 & 9am. I started to have terrifying "dreams"... About walking around in the house & being terrorized by an unseen spirit. I'd try & try to wake myself up but couldn't move or open my eyes. Like being forced to sleep somehow, paralyzed with fear. Eventually I'd wake up, shake off the strange experiences & carry on with my day.

I often would go for a long walk mid-morning, then come home to browse jobs & do housework... Not bothering to get myself "presentable" until later in the afternoon. One day, I'd had the television very low in the living room while I took a shower & started to get ready. The bathroom was through the kitchen & around the corner from the living room... I couldn't hear a peep from the TV. The house was mostly silent and I was alone. I was putting on makeup in front of the bathroom mirror when I heard a distinct female voice whisper, "What is that?" It was so clear that it frightened me, and I whipped around to see who was in the house. I walked through the house, checking the doors, which were still locked, and walked into the living room to see if the TV could have carried a sound like that through the house. I came up with nothing.

Days later a similar thing happened to me, but this time it was seen & not heard. I was again putting on makeup in the bathroom around the same time of day. I had the door wide open, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed movement right outside of the door. As I turned to look, I saw what I would describe as a 1900's black dress, showing only the very bottom hem, with ruffles... As if someone were walking by very quickly wearing a long flowy dress... Only you couldn't see anything above the ankles. This of course was very alarming to me, so I set off around the house to see if there was some explanation for it... Again, I came up with nothing.

One night, I had stayed up late & went to bed long after my husband. He was sound asleep and just as I got comfortable, the bed started vibrating. I sat straight up, thinking maybe it was my husband, but he was still as can be. I laid back down & still felt it. I got up, thinking I was losing my mind, got a glass of water & returned to bed. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, like an appliance running or a truck nearby that might be causing it. Whatever had been vibrating the bed didn't seem to affect the floor or anything else in the house. The vibrating continued, and I tried waking my husband, but he didn't budge (he is a very heavy sleeper). I shut my eyes tight & tried to go to sleep when I felt the distinct pressure of someone sitting on the edge of the bed and then standing up. Too afraid too look or move, I eventually fell asleep that night and it hasn't happened again since.

By October of that year, we had been hearing little noises here & there, but shrugged them off as old house stuff. The house was always freezing cold, and I mean always. Portland is generally very mild in the fall & winter, but we were running our heat around the clock just to keep it 65 degrees inside. Again, I chalked it up to old house stuff, what with the single-pane windows... Though our landlords had put a layer of plastic insulation on them by that time.

My husband & two friends of ours were gearing up for Halloween, and one night we decided to watch a few classic horrors at our house. Of course this adds to the imagination. We were kind of spread out around the living room, all on separate seats. My friend Analise sat on the pink sofa, and I sat next to her in a chaise in the corner, which sat just slightly behind the sofa. A few minutes into one movie, I noticed Analise (who claims she's a sensitive) stroking the arm of the sofa the way one would stroke a cat's back. I didn't think anything of it, and averted my attention back to the film. Then I noticed Analise reach into her handbag, pull out a pen & notebook and write some things down. She went back to stroking the sofa & closed her eyes occasionally. I knew something was up but wasn't sure what.

This went on for maybe twenty minutes or so before she leaned over to me: "I need you to come into the kitchen with me." She looked alarmed, so I quickly went into the kitchen with her & asked if she was okay. She said that yes, she was fine, but there was a woman speaking to her on the sofa. Analise said something like, "You're going to think I'm nuts, but sometimes I hear & feel things. This woman's name is Elizabeth (with a specific last name I'll omit for privacy), and she is attached to the couch. She contacted me to let you know she's here. Have you had any experiences lately?"

My eyes got huge, I said, "YES!" and proceeded to tell her everything that had happened. She said the "What is that?" whisper was likely curiosity about the makeup I was putting on, and that she probably felt intrigued by my "process" and thus made herself known while I was getting ready. She didn't have an explanation for the bed incident, but we agreed that it's all probably connected.

The next day, out of lingering skepticism, I did a lot of digging on the internet. I found death records of an Elizabeth in Portland with the same last name Analise had described. The woman had died in the 1920's. Could be a coincidence, or perhaps Elizabeth's heir was the wealthy woman the antiques dealer bought the set from.

We stayed in the house for another year, but eventually an opportunity we couldn't refuse came up, and we moved. We said goodbye to Elizabeth as if she would stay with the house, and not the sofa. Maybe she did.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cups, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
Jubeele! I am well,thanks! Nothing to speak of lately, and I think the old gal was happy - my sofa looks beautiful and was completely time for the holidays. πŸ˜‰
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
Hey Cups, how have you been? Just the other day, I was just reading this account again and thinking of you. Have you had any more activity from Elizabeth lately? Did you end up finishing the cushion case and did it finally meet with her approval? πŸ˜‰
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Jubeele - ditto on the dime stories - thanks for sharing!

EmmalineTexas - YES! My BC is absolutely ADDICTED to Frisbee! Even this week as our temperatures are climbing into triple-digits, he will beg to play! 😜

I feel like I am just returning to old friends... My apologies for the very long delay in responses. Fun to get caught up with everyone's stories though!
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-19)
Jubeele - thanks for the links on dime stories. I love them!
Cups - after you have a border collie nothing else will do! Mine will lead me to the refrigerator and wait patiently until I give him cheddar. Is yours Frisbee OCD-Maxed too?
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-19)
Cups, this relates to Emma's comment (and for anyone who gives a "dime") - a "bitcoin" of "non-cents" <*collective groan at terrible puns*>. I used to find 5 cent pieces too.

Here are some interesting accounts about dimes:
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-15)
Jubeele - WOW, on top of a Chinese cemetery... Yikes! 😨
Who knows - I am generally the only one who gets in that closet, so I like to think it was Elizabeth, too. πŸ˜‰ Slipping something under the tree for her is a great idea!

Emmaline - Good grief, me too! I just about went bonkers looking for it.
Dimes, really?! That is crazy! Dimes aren't really something you'd just find lying around without something strange going on. Cute story! Love it.

Thanks for the comments, loves!
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-13)
Hi Cups,
Well, I'm glad that you found your cushion cover! I don't know if it's Elizabeth or not, but if she IS around, she clearly likes you.

You got me thinking about things that happen here. My husband and I were engaged in 2001 but it didn't work out. He was a widower of 3 years and I had things I was dealing with too.

When we started living together in 2o12, we found dimes constantly. Inside window frames, on tables that I had just cleaned, in our shoes. You name it. When we got married it stopped. We kept wondering which relative - his late wife or my late father - kept trying to nudge us into tying the knot. At the drop of a dime was the message. LOL

Life is funny.

Thanks for the update ❀
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-12)
You know, Cups, we still get a bit of that at my Mum's place in Singapore. It was built over a Chinese cemetery. Over the years, she's misplaced all sorts of things. Sometimes she does find them again, sometimes not. We always thought it was due to forgetfulness, but I've had some stuff go missing too, never to be found and everyone denies ever touching it.

It could be that someone found the cushion cover lying around and kept it away for you, and then forgot all about it in the chaos of the move. But I rather like thinking that it was Elizabeth exercising her decorating skills (I'm sure she'll be happy once you have it fixed up to her exacting standards).

Have a great festive season in the months to come. Hey, maybe you can leave Elizabeth some eye-shadow or lipstick under the Christmas tree! 😘
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-12)
Hi everyone! Well, I asked very nicely to please return or help me find the dang missing cushion case. Prepping the guest room for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday yesterday, I was finally getting around to putting laundry away. I opened the closet door, and there it is hanging right in front. 😳 I said thank you.

Now... I should also add that in my frantic searching, my mom asked if I'd looked in that closet. I said, "Ha! No way I'd put it in that closet, it's a black hole, and I know better!" Meaning... It's stuffed to the gills with clothes & shoes, and quite... Messy. I am a tidy person but storage places are another story.

Odd to say the least. I find it hard to believe I'd put the case there & forget, but stranger things have happened!
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
I am loving all this feedback, you guys! Thank you!

Jubeele, YES! Love that idea! And I'll bring the wine & cheese!

Manafon & Jubeele, these are excellent points & theories. Manafon, the story about the manifestation your wife saw is insane! I can't imagine what I'd do if something like that visited me, bedside.

The Alberta house was (and still is) a rental for over 30 years, so who knows what kind of energy is pent up there. I've tried looking up properly history on it without luck. I suppose we'll never know what really caused those things to happen to me, but keep the ideas comin'!
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Hey Cups, wait for me - <rushing up on short legs> If we're meeting up, we can get in a circle (this idea is from Roylynx πŸ˜‰), each person with a lighted candle (or flashlight). We take turns to speak, then when one finishes, the light is put out (or turned off). I'll bring some custard tarts and coconut buns to go with that coffee.

I've read your account again and I think Melda, Emmaline & Manafon may be right. You probably had two entities visiting at the time. Hopefully, the one that gave you terrifying dreams and unsettled you remained with the house on Alberta, while Elizabeth may just have followed you along with the sofa. If that is the case, you can leave out some pretties for her when you ask if she could return that cushion. 😘
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Hi Cups - I have read the comments to this particular account with much interest. EmmalineTexas suggested that you might have had two spirits in the house. That is a real possibility. However, single spirits can have a wide ranging repertoire (for lack of a better term) that can seem like multiple entities when only one is actually active.

I bring this up because I lived in a very haunted apartment years ago that had a wide range of activity. I believe there was probably more than one spirit there but at least one incident showed clearly that a spirit can switch, instantaneously, its activity. I describe this event in detail under my old Manafon account, but in a nutshell my wife awoke one night to see a spinning blue mass above her. It looked like a glowing spinning top. She half yelled at me asking if I saw it. I didn't but whatever it was instantly seemed to have moved below a window on my side of the bed. No longer a spinning and floating object it now appeared as a gelatinous glowing blob-like mass, with a blue luminescence. It also seemed to be oozing down the wall. When we switched the light on it was instantly gone.

My point here is to show how fast a spirit can change its form. Many other things happened in that apartment that were completely unique to other events which also suggests the possibility that a spirit was trying different ways of communicating. It seems to me that the vibration you felt on the bed and the feeling of someone sitting on your bed could have been the same spirit trying out different ways of getting your attention. Of course it could have been two, or more, spirits as well. Just thought I would suggest another possibility.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Emma - OH my GOSH - that had not even crossed my mind! I wouldn't say I found the vibrating to be threatening, more alarming and... Electrical somehow? I'm not sure how to describe it but it was definitely scary to me. Sort of like when you're standing under a row of those enormous power lines. And yes, it DID stop when I felt the pressure of sitting! Huh. This is more interesting to me now, haha!

You have just blown my mind today - thank you! πŸ˜†
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Cups - I would dearly love to sit down and have a chat with you over good coffee and of course something fattening 😊 Fast reader that I am, I missed an important point in your story.

You said that the bed was vibrating. I would take that as something meant to make you unnerved and shake you up. Then you mention someone sitting on the edge of the bed. Curious, that. Were you frightened at the time? Did it feel threatening? Or was it merely surprising that it happened?

The reason I ask is I'm wondering if Elizabeth saw what was happening and sat down there like "Stop it! You're frightening her." That would be a very protective thing for a spirit to do. And it would tend to confirm that there were two separate entities in the same house. I don't know how many times I sat on the edge of my son's bed until he fell asleep when he was scared.

Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Hey, it's worth a shot! I will ask tonight when I get home, and update everyone if something happens. We shall see! 😜

Thank you, I love your stories as well! Don't you wish we could all sit in the same room & gab about this stuff all day?
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Cups - I'll bet you money that if you ask Elizabeth very politely for your cushion cover back and explain that it will be perfect when it goes back on the sofa it will turn up in a day or two. ❀Thanks for your reply. I love your stories!
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Hi Emmaline! Thank you for commenting. I do think it makes more sense to have at least two spirits in the house, and I like your theory. Often it takes another set of eyes (or a dozen sets) for something to make sense!

Haha! I love your take on "no, that just won't do." Too funny... I can picture that also. I am a perfectionist, so she darn well should know by now that I won't stop until it's just right. Sheesh... I just wish it would turn up. I have quite literally looked in every nook & cranny of my house!
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Hi Cups - I wonder if you had two spirits in that house. One seems like it was using physical signs to show you that it was there. The cold, bed shaking and the sleep paralysis. To me, that sounds like something that was attached to the house. That one sounds a little hostile, like it didn't want people in it's house. Maybe someone who lived there in the past?

Then you have house-proud Elizabeth, who was a little protective of her prize sofa. I remember when no one was allowed to sit on the good furniture. I had to laugh at the thought of Elizabeth hiding your cushion. I can just see her shaking her head like no, that just won't do. If you've moved and had no problems, it sounds like Elizabeth likes you and came along. She was curious about your makeup but never threatened you. It seems that she didn't object to the reupholstering. It must have suited her taste.

Thanks for a great story. There are a lot of questions there.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Hi, all! Thank you for the feedback!

Manafon1: Definitely not a rocking sensation - it was a pretty intense vibration like someone was running a blender under the bed. Never felt anything quite like it.

Jubeele: HA! I should have left her some pretties! You would think she'd stick with the couch if that were indeed the real source of the activity. I try to be as skeptical as possible with these types of things, and the activity waned after we moved into the new place. Perhaps Analise had her wires crossed & was picking up on more than one energy as Melda mentioned. Who knows. I do hope that she/they are at peace now.

Melda: It does make you wonder. I feel like one entity wouldn't necessarily do the sitting/vibrating/talking/walking by... But I'm of course not an expert! We did indeed take the couch with us - I still have the dang thing and actually just reupholstered it.

But, I could be wrong about Elizabeth not following my sofa. On a strange & related note: I wrote & submitted this story last week. In February of this year, I bought a really nice fabric to reupholster my beloved piece. It looks fantastic - did the deep-button tufting & all that. However, I am not a seamstress and the cushions require sewing. A friend of mine is a master on the sewing machine, so I had her help me start on the cushion covers - this would have been in April of this year (yes, a weekend project turned into months... Embarrassing). Anyway, I did the middle (square) cover myself, and *brought it home* to show my other half my handiwork. I discovered that I'd flubbed one seam very badly, and raw fabric (the wrong side) was hanging out of the "right side"... It looked awful. I put it with the rest of my fabric & supplies, and figured my seamstress friend could fix it later.

WELL... We are now into November and I somehow made it through the summer without couch cushions (it's surprisingly comfy without them! 😁). I always host Thanksgiving, so figured it was time to get the things finished, and I called my friend to schedule a drop-off of fabric & patterns on Sunday afternoon. I got to her house & started unpacking everything: 3 cushions, the patterns for the covers, bolt of fabric, the cording, and the dang middle cushion cover I messed up - which wasn't there. I went back home, tore the house apart and cannot find it ANYWHERE. I'm very organized with my upholstery supplies & especially with the cover I worked on because it was such a pain! (If you've ever made your own piping, you'd guard it with your life!) It's like the thing just vanished.

I'm now wondering if I "woke something up" by writing about Elizabeth & the couch. πŸ™„ Sigh. Pretty frustrated at this point... I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Hi Cups - I was curious to know if the vibration you sensed on the bed felt like someone rocking it? As you also felt what seemed like a person sitting on the bed and then getting up, it seems a good possibility that it was the same spirit you who asked you, "what is that", on an earlier occasion. In both cases the presence was focused exclusively on you.

If it was the same spirit that was possibly attached to your antique couch, she certainly was varied in her forms of contacting you. Seems that she was friendly and curious which is a good combo but could be a bit unsettling once you realized the quizzical guest was of the paranormal variety!
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Cups, you should have left Elizabeth her own makeup kit! A lady needs her compact and lipstick; I bet her colour would be pink. 😜

You were certainly fortunate to have a friend like Analise to help you with Elizabeth's identity. Somehow, I thought Elizabeth would've tagged along with the sofa to your new place... But I hope she's at peace now and all is well with you.

This is a good read. Thanks for sharing this experience.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Cups - You might in fact have had more than one ghost in the house.

The fact that you did some research and the death record of an Elizabeth with the correct surname came up sounds to me like more than coincidence.

You say you said goodbye to Elizabeth when you moved out of the house and you hope she stayed with the house and not the sofa. I am assuming, therefore, that you took the sofa with you.

From all accounts that I've heard (of course I could be wrong) these "people" tend to move with the furniture. Perhaps she decided she preferred the house or otherwise just quite simply decided it was time to let go of earthly things and moved on.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards, Melda

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