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Electrical Phenomenon?


This isn't a ghost story, but I'm wondering how many contributors here regularly experience electrical problems & if it's connected to being "open" to things of this nature. As I've said in the past, I always try to debunk something before declaring it paranormal. But this is getting annoying. And expensive. Light bulbs don't seem to last a month around me (even the ones touted as "long life"). Brake lights & turn signals go out regularly. My cell batteries also seem to drain quickly, and this has varied brand-to-brand over the years. The streetlights by our house have never seemed to work right or be reliable. I have to change the batteries in my keyboard & mouse at work about once a month (coworkers claim theirs last six months or more).

The first time I noticed this might be a me-thing was in the year 2000. My boyfriend & I had just moved into a brand new apartment building in southeast Portland - we were the first tenants in our particular unit (hurray - no weird crumbs under the fridge!). One Sunday evening, I was boiling some pasta on the stove in the kitchen, he was watching TV in the living room. I wandered out into the living room & we got into an argument about something. It became heated with me raising my voice (I have quite a temper), and with my shouting - the electricity went out. Everything. I went to the fuse box to see if something blew there, and I couldn't find anything that looked out of the ordinary. I regularly blew fuses drying my hair, so I was familiar with this happening on a smaller scale. I went out into the building's hallway, and the lights were still on elsewhere. I'm annoyed, so I make a call to after-hour maintenance.

Maintenance staff at that place was less than friendly... I dreaded calling them, but this couldn't wait. The guy shows up to our door, cranky that we'd interrupted his day off. "Well, did you check the fuse box?" Of course we did. He shakes his head, checks it himself, "Doesn't make sense." He starts getting more agitated, asking if we'd been running the kitchen fan, heater, vacuum, microwave, had all the lights on at once, etc. - we'd only had the kitchen light on, one burner on the stove, TV, and a lamp in the living room. Hardly anything extreme, especially for a newly constructed building. The maintenance guy doesn't believe me, and storms out to check the building's main breakers.

He returns about 10 minutes later, still agitated. "Are you SURE you weren't running a vacuum and the heater at the same time? You must've been doing SOMETHING in here! You blew out the main ___ (something or other technical term I don't remember nor did I understand at the time)!" Oddly, it had only affected our apartment - no one else's - and apparently it was a real pain to fix. He had our electricity back on within an hour & I was happy. Maintenance dude was not. It did stick in my mind though, that when we'd began arguing, that's when the power went out.

A few weeks went by and we had started an argument about something else. The lights flickered. They ALWAYS flickered whenever we argued after that, even after moving. I started noticing we went through lightbulbs like crazy, having to replace them every few weeks. I've moved house five times since that one big power blow-out and no matter the age of wiring, which lamp they're in, brand of bulb - they always crap out before their time.

Most recently, the bathroom lights have been exploding on me. We have one of those recessed bathroom fans, with lights on either side. Three times in the past six months, I've gone into the loo & one of the bulbs in the ceiling goes POP! Luckily the bulbs are protected by a glass slide-y thing, but it shatters the entire bulb... Making it a mess to clean up. A couple weeks ago I was in an argument with my other half. I slammed the front door to have a smoke outside, the porch light popped & went out. Not the first time this has happened, either. It almost always seems to happen when I'm upset or annoyed.

I've done a couple of quick searches on the interwebs and all I can come up with are "sliders" or "SLIders", which seem to pull energy from electrical sources. I have yet to find a reputable-looking site with a logical explanation. Do you guys experience this also? Suggestions?

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Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-09)
Hi, Cherubim! Thank you for the note. I'm not sure - it has always been solely electrical, and in various places I've lived. It seems to have quieted down some the past few months, although both porch lights went out with days of each other two weeks ago. One bulb was a year old, the other maybe six months old.

I hope you are on the mend! Don't you love when you wish something and it happens instantly? Wish life were like that all the time! ❤
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-09)
Well it sounds like a type of poltergeist to me. I think that because you were saying an electrical problem would happen when arguing. I've personally had one incident. I had a serious injury and was in a wheelchair for about 5 months. It was late at night and I had just transferred myself out of the chair onto the couch. I suddenly realized I didn't turn off the lamp and was so bummed out because it was so hard for me to get up and down. My boyfriend was asleep and I wished so much someone could help me when the lamp just turned off?! 😲 It's never done that before or since then. I couldn't believe it.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-12)
Jubeele -dang I already live in the country! But, we did take a vacation to the Oregon coast last year & it was sooooo nice, I hadn't been in ages & felt so at peace there.

Huh, that's funny - I wouldn't consider myself tech-savvy, but am pretty good at figuring out electrical problems in general (not blowing bulbs so far unfortunately!).

Girl, I wish I could zap people too! How cool would that be? I will check out reiki - never occurred to me, thank you! I've practiced yoga in the past but never delved into that one! Zzzzzzappping some good karma to you. ❤
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-12)
Meditation is the way to go - you're on the right track. ❤ When the excess energy or negative buildup gets too much, my friend heads off for the countryside to ground himself in nature's surroundings and meditate. He finds moving water like a river, lake or the ocean works best for him. Think of it as 'earthing' yourself in electrical terms.

He also has an affinity for electrical stuff, like fixing appliances. He usually knows what's wrong before he even has a look at the thing. But if you can drain energy from batteries and such, maybe you can learn to channel it elsewhere. How about Reiki? Don't know much about it though:

Maybe you can zap Bad People with a static charge...? I've often wished I could do that! 😜
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-12)

Here I am, grammar police... Instant karma! I hate typos! 😐
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-12)
Jubeele! Hi!

Yes, freaky and ANNOYING! I really wish I could easily hone this energy into something useful - I'd have a killer side-job!

Thanks for sharing... Makes me feel better. I haven't had problems with those tings, that I've noticed, just an occasional zap due to static electricity (but I won't take credit for that 😉). Is your buddy an anxious one? Quick temper?

We do have wireless keyboards & mouses (mice?) at work. I'm afraid that's how I drain the damn things. 😟

I am going to try to cool my jets a bit, maybe meditate... I enjoy doing so anyway. Thanks for your input! 😘
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-11)
Hey Cups, that's some freaky ability. A big thank you to Augusta for hunting up all those examples. 😊

A friend of mine is a SLIder too. He says it's a type of electro-kinetic and electro-magnetic ability that some people have. You either have it or you don't. He blows light bulbs and electric fuses, and has to keep his smartphone in an otterbox and hang it off his front pants pocket. Since quartz battery watches tend to die out on him, he now has a automatic dive watch.

Do you also have problems with touching shopping carts, using self-checkout and biometric scanners?

Try using a wireless keyboard or mouse with your computer and see if that helps. If you need to contact me, my details are on my profile page. 😘
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
Hi, Amor - ha! I do keep a supply of batteries in my desk at work... And come to think of it, I've never had a problem with my PC or printer - but they are connected to surge protectors. I wonder if that's why...? Hmm.

I like what you said about balls of energy in flesh form. So true! Thanks for reading! ❤
Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
Whoa, Cups, I wouldn't want to be working with you when there are deadlines and computers and printers are needed. They'd completely conk out and I'm so dead. 😂

I agree with Tweed. Music can help, and that's also saying I agree with possibilities that there are people whose energy is different and affects inanimate objects that rely on power. I think it's akin to some people having green thumb. Or similar to dog whisperers. We're really just balls of energy in flesh form.

Have a great day! 💚
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
If your aunt is anything like me, we are constantly vibrating but can fake calm when needed! 😉

Oh yes, the ADHD brain... There goes something shiny... What was I saying? (that's totally me) Excellent advice, as usual! I do best with guided meditation, so I may revisit that & see what happens. 😁

Thanks for following up! ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hey Cups,

Yes, my aunt definitely falls into the anxious category, but I've seen the electrical phenomena happen when she's calm too (however, she could have been bottling her emotions up). 😜

I am similar to you... I have a hard time sitting still and turning my brain off. I call it ADHD brain (I was diagnosed as a child, but it's gotten better as an adult). It's been said that everyone has some sort of psychic ability, and the best place to start in identifying yours is through meditation. For individuals like us, it can be difficult to clear and calm the mind. I would recommend researching some meditation techniques tailored to your needs. There's a ton out there, and no 'right way', so find one (or two) that you are most comfortable with.

All the best ❤
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hi Dee! Thanks for making me feel a bit less crazy! Now I'm curious, is your aunt an emotional &/or anxious person? I have a need to always be "busy", & have a hard time sitting still (movies can be a challenge for me!).

Dang, it sounds like I need to look into developing my psychic abilities - wouldn't THAT be cool! I'd take that over blowing out light bulbs any day. 😉
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hi Cups,

I didn't know about the SLIders term until I joined YGS. However, you are definitely not alone in experiencing the electrical interference phenomenon. I think high or erratic emotions have something to do with it, but wonder if some people are just 'made that way'? I've experienced some of what you described, although not on a large scale or even frequently. I have an aunt that constantly effects electrical equipment and lights. I didn't believe it until I witnessed it on several occasions. From streetlights, to light bulbs, to checkouts at stores, to computers, phones, etc... She's a walking electrical failure. 😜

I also think psychokinesis and perhaps psychic abilities may have a hand in this. It's interesting nonetheless.

Thanks for sharing 😊
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
BeautInside - thank you! X-Men? Heyyyooo! 😜 I will see what I can do to get this under control. If anything, I'd save a ton of money on light bulbs! I also think it's worth saying that I should work on my temper as suggested. Something I already knew I should do, but it helps getting "nudged". 😉 Thanks again!
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hi Cups,

I've heard about SLIders, and as Val already mentioned the SLI stands for street lamp inteference. In your case you can also intefere with other electrical objects and for me this phenomenon is similar to that of psychokinesis/telekinesis (psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction).

So I agree with Augusta when she says that this is something that can be controlled, but of course you'll have to learn how to control it. Your anger seems to trigger it (but other "over the edge" emotions and by that I mean deep sadness, happinees or even frustration can trigger it too) so when you feel you are about to "explode" think about the cause-effect and maybe you'll start to get hold of the situation.

In sum, think of yourself as part of the X-MEN crew. 😉

Thank you for sharing. ❤
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Val, I reread your comment & can't help but think of the film, Carrie! 😜
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Thanks, everyone! I will try & hit you all back in one fell swoop...

Melda - that's interesting. Warm days + freezing nights might muck things up, huh? Makes a bit of sense to me!

Tweed - I KNOW! That was kind of my thought on "sliders" also - and why only street lights? It doesn't stop there with me. Shielding and slowing my roll are excellent suggestions. Particularly the temper part. I also like the idea of "soothing" the electrical stuff - worth giving it a go! You have indeed put a bug under my butt 😁

Valkicry - I had actually just come across that definition recently on another story here at YGS! Funny timing. I will check out the link - thank you! I've never tried to purposely blow anything out... Good idea. And I always love a good pun!

Augusta - YES! That's the one! I will check those out - thank you SO MUCH for all the links! Funny you should mention hormones... This may be too much information, but I feel it's relevant. I have had very erratic "lady time" since I was around 15... Over 20 years now, regardless of the kind of medication I've been on. Some were supposed to level me out, or leave me with no monthly visitor at all - nope, I still get all the horrible cramps & gory details that go along with that sort of thing. The teenager thing makes a ton of sense - my hormones are THAT out of whack, even though I'm pushing 40. I'm so blessed. 😉 I used to do a lot of yoga... Maybe I'll pick that up again & see if things improve. Good suggestions!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Tweed, only if they are 'lit' themselves. 😆
Sorry, Cups, not making light (no pun intended) about your situation, just having a wee bit of fun with, Tweed. On the serious side, many of the articles I scanned through associated this phenomena with telekinesis, so I was wondering if you ever tried to purposely cause the blown bulb effect, to test if your anger was indeed the trigger?
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hi Cups!

As I read your experience, it struck a familiar chord with me - I seemed to recall having read another contributor's account within the last few months who seemed to have been experiencing similar electrical anomalies. So I did a site search to see if I could find it and luckily I did:


However, I also found many other folks as well! It seems that you are not alone! Many of these individuals are posting on what I take to be a sister site to YGS focused on psychic experiences so it seems that no one is certain enough about what they are experiencing to know for certain which category it should be stuck in... I can't begin to say... But perhaps try posting this experience over on the psychic forum as well to see if that community might have some additional advice or insight.

I have posted links to the stories I found in the first two pages of results only when I searched "street light/lamp" so there is definitely more out there! Also try searching electrokinesis.









If I was to make any guess as to what is going on - it would seem to me as though you put off more energy than the average person - maybe this is something that some folks are just born with just like some bodies naturally produce more or less of certain chemicals or hormones leading to various physical and mental effects. Heck, maybe it runs in families... But as such, it could be something that could possibly be managed or controlled. Perhaps think of yourself as a teenager that has inadvertently whipped up a great deal of poltergeist activity or an overworked executive that has developed a tick from stress - your causes are different (more organic) but the acting agent would seem to me to be quite similar (excesses of energy). Maybe do what one might suggest for them - activities that help you blow off steam, relax and focus - anything that brings you peace and a bit of physical or mental exertion - rowing, canoeing, dance, yoga, meditation, coloring, painting, hiking, long strolls, etc...

All the best!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Val, that makes it all the more funny. If a SLIder walks under a street lamp, do the moths mob them? 😁
Thanks for the info though, I honestly thought it was leet 'l337' speak!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Tweed, I have an answer for you. SLIders is actually part acronym.
"The SLI stands for "street lamp interference." People that are SLIders report street lamps spontaneously going out when they pass near them. This apparently happens so often that it leads them to believe it's something about them rather than just coincidence. Some SLIders even report that watches stop and credit cards have their magnetic strips erased while in the SLIder's possession."
Yep, had to look it up, because the only thing that came to my mind was to differentiate it from slider (that little knob thing you pull across to open or close something), a slider (slang for this particular fast food tiny hamburger), or Sliders, an old TV show.
I talk to machinery all the time. Cars, computers, radios - you name it. Are you insinuating that isn't normal? 😜 All I know is it seems to work.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hi again Cups,

About half an hour ago something happened that occasionally does to me, and I think it might encourage you to calm down these energy bursts, or whatever they be.

So I decided hearing Avon by Queens of the Stoneage would be a jolly good idea. I loaded my media player (yeah, I know 'media player' how retro) and there it was 'Avon' highlighted and ready to play. I'd not heard this song in yonks, it just didn't make sense.
Occasionally things like this happen to me, and I *think* it may be the want of the individual in harmony/sync with the moment, if you will.

Sometimes when a computer chucks a wobbly (when don't they?) I make smoothing motions with my hands and say 'shhhh, 's okay' and stuff like that, but I really mean it. Usually it snaps out of it. Maybe what's happening is going to happen anyway. But I don't know, when I don't do anything, it seems to bung it on forever. So who knows, I'll keep doing it anyway.

I believe I once made an out of date browser sign into my bank account, so I could check my balance. Perhaps this was the fault of the bank. But I couldn't load with this browser the week before, nor the day after it worked, nor since.

A few months ago I managed to upvote Lady Glow (I am forever barred from voting her up, as I do it so often) So I was barred again. I found something she said so funny and I swore at the 'vote for someone else' message, tried again and it voted her up. Got to say that made me laugh more.
It didn't work the next day though. Maybe I just voted at the right time and it went through by coincidence. But I don't know, because it gave me the bird moments before.

There's been many other moments like these, but these are the recent ones that are fresh in my mind. Hopefully I've put a bug under your butt and got you thinking about this in a more constructive way.

Wishful thinking and coincidence or actual influence over machines? Well, who knows for sure, but I think it's an exciting area that goes overlooked, and with such potential, why not try putting those energy bursts, or whatever they are, to good use. Just don't go overboard and upset the karmic balance, no lottery wins, that'll just end it tears. If you want to give it a go, keep it simple and innocent.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hi Cups,

Firstly what the heck is going on with the word 'SLIders', seriously? Read this term on here before and it's so lame. I mean why the random caps letters? Idiots.

My advice, shield, shield, and shield yourself, to save on electrical nonsense. Also calmly negotiate? Instead of slamming doors with steam coming out the ears. Nudge, nudge.

Unfortunately it seems this really is a thing. Clocks hate me, watches too. I've had a few weird moments of lights flickering, once when I screamed because of a surprise spider. I'm sure that was an energy release thing. Sounds like the same thing with your arguments.

The SLIder (LAme) stuff is a bit different, I think. This is where you inadvertently influence something, like a darn watch or any other appliance you're in close proximity to, for seemingly no reason. To that I can only suggest keeping yourself cleansed and shielded. As I think that can improve it, a bit. But my clock and watch thing has yet to be solved, so I guess it's not a full on solution.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Cups - We tend to have problems with our lights and batteries as well but guess what - always during the winter months. I know South African winters are mild compared to USA but nevertheless this is when these incidents occur regularly. I won't pretend to know why this happens in my home but I believe it has something to do with warm winter days and freezing early mornings and nights.

There might be other explanations for your experiences but I have decided to put my electrical problems down to winter weather. In summer we have no problems.

Regards, Melda
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)
Haven, thanks for reading! Don't apologize... I was just curious if this was a thing among YGS contributors. Thanks for your comment.

Cuddlebear- interesting! That may account for the bathroom fixture for sure. Other fixtures have been upright, so I can't make that correlation there. 😟

An update to this after submitting...
Saturday I went to my mom & dad's, a couple miles away. As I was leaving, my car wouldn't start. Jumped it, got home. Upon getting home, my other half was having trouble with both sets of our Bluetooth speakers. Tried connecting two different receivers, different speakers, nothing - just static. Tried to connect our phones instead of the tablet - same thing. Tv it is. Went to take a shower, light flickered & went out.

Sunday morning, a newer kitchen bulb went out. Tried speakers again that day - work fine.

The car battery may be unrelated as I have had issues with it in the past, but the timing was just odd considering the other things over the weekend. 🤔
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)
Many modern lights will not function properly unless they are upright, the packages will indicate if the bulb can be used in an inverted fixture, such as most ceiling fixtures. This may or may not account for your lighting anomalies. With out visiting your site I can't really give you any more information.

I will add that my mother seems to be able to drain a watch battery in months rather than years or decades. She does not seem to effect other electrical or electronic equipment. Frankly if baffles both Pop and I, and between use we have over 90 years experience of working on electronics...

Best of luck
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)
Hi Cups,

I have experienced lights flickering and going out and electrical appliances going on and off by themselves in my house that we attribute to paranormal activity, we usually see, hear and feel things after that. I'm sure it's not any of us in the house causing this, it only happen in my home. I have heard of people that can do this but can't really say what causes it.

Anyway, I really enjoyed your story, sorry I can't be of any help.

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