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Was It A Man-Beast Spirit?


I was tired last week working until late. I met up with my close friend and had a drink or 2 of gin lime and went straight home.

We parted after walking awhile together, me to my flat and my friend to her home. I was really tired that I literally just dropped asleep on my bed with all my dirty clothing on soon as I entered my bedroom. Henrique was there and I could feel him smelling my face and licking my finger. I could not wake myself since I was too tired.

After a while when I was half wakening, feeling a little better and needed a shower, I moved my heavy body up but just could not do it. I felt as if someone or something was sitting right on my back. I was struggling trying hard to push myself up, I hear a knock on my door and something appeared right beside my awakening eyes.

Was It A Man-Beast Spirit?

It was sort of like a werewolf looking, half man-half-beast looking figure. I did not move a bit, and I thought that it will see me if I move. I can smell the beasty smell of it, as it lingered in my room. Since I was half awakening, I am not sure if it was a dream or real. When I became completely conscious the figure was gone and Henrique was sitting on my working desk beside my bed looking at me as if he was worried for me. I struggled up from my tired body and went to shower.

The next day, I was still very clear about what I had seen and smelled the night before. I was thinking if I was smelling Henrique instead and the werewolf like figure to be Henrique being a little too close? Since I was only half awake and was tired, the weight I feel might just be the symptoms of tiredness and stress. And the figure I saw might just be something made up in my mind, something like a dream mixed with reality. Yes, since I felt a little fear, I might be imagining things. Yes, yes, and I had alcohol right? Noted too, so that was my conclusion, but please read on.

While I was in my shower room the next evening, I saw my back through the mirror and found a strange bruise or a mark. It was not painful at all and it seemed to be at the spot where I felt a heavy weight the night before. I am getting a little confused on what had happened and sort of starting to change my thoughts that it was not as simple as a dream or hallucinations.

Could it be a spirit that I accidentally brought home looking for its way out? I do not believe that it was a demon or bad entity, t since nothing bad had happened so far. It has been a week since it happened, still I am fine and nothing else odd had happened.

Did anyone here experience something similar? Did you know what that is?

Please feel free to ask me for more details if needed and other questions if there is any.

Love from São Paulo


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, roylynx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Martin, Thank you for posting it! I was going to e-mail you to see if there was a problem.

Melda, You mean the red pimple mark? It's a pimple (?) that my close friend pop-ed a few days ago, not a fang but its cost by some finger tips lol Oh, BTW, its gone now along with the bruise.

Well, indeed, it was not that brutal that some people think it was so I did not bother too much. And yes I am thankful that nothing really serious happened to me, I do feel sorry for people is the opposite.

Well, I did have lots of questions to ask for this encounter but most of you readers had answered them, I am so thankful to have you guys and gals around to answer my simple questions. Oh and sorry for having a dirty back... I did a scrub spa and it is now getting better lol

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Roylynx - Yes I see the bruise but it would seem that the entity wasn't too brutal.

There's a mark below that. Please don't tell me it was caused by a fang 😨

And so all we normal people on this site carry on with our normal lives. Don't you feel just a little bit sorry for people who aren't normal?

Regards, Melda
Martin (602 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Note: some new photos provided by the author have been published 📷
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-17)
Hmm... Does posting a picture take that long? Or is there something wrong?

Eden14, Thanks for the warning, but I am still OK.

Jubeele, Darn! I just bought a new tooth brush! "Extra soft to do better protection" it says. I think I will be OK lol

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-16)
Is that the secret behind the signs of bruising? Oh no, I must be in serious trouble! (And here I was, thinking I was just born clumsy).

Don't worry, Roy, I'm getting you a brand-new toothbrush for Christmas. Armed with that, you should be ready to face anything.

I'm really hoping to see that photo soon (c'mon, Martin)...
Eden14 (14 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-16)
Bruising is a sign of a spirit trying to take possession. Don't be careless. Go to a good psychic or paranormal expert.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-06)
No problem Mona777!
I hope you find your works helpful on what you want to know:-)

Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-04)

Sorry for the late reply and Thanks I'll try finding it 😁
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-02)
Rex-T, Hahaha! You are a funny guy lol
Yes, Henrique does that too but he is a male cat. Female cats temp to do that often because they are really sensitive to their environment they are at lol
Well, it depends on any cats you know, 10 cats 10 difference, and I got to tell you that's nature, though luck lol

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-01)
Roy, as usual, Melda has put this far more delicately than I could but then again she's a lady.

Let's not forget our furry friends. I once accused my cat of... And she immediately turned her back to me and started washing herself. A classic case of cats telling you that they are not amused.

I'll take heed to cut down on the beans but at the moment I'm stuck on a high protein diet.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-01)
Mona777, If you are interested find a document about Tutankhamun's Tomb on NG. It explains how really Howard Carter died. I know there are several series I forgot which one was it.

Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-01)

Thanks for explaining, I'm already learning 😁 and yup, everyone who comments here brings out something new that we don't notice.

About the Egyptian Mummy's curse, I've heard of it but I am not sure about the specifics.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-01)
Melda, Oh... I see lol
Thank you senhora!

Rex-T, Well control your diet or change a colon to suit yourself in any occasion, perhaps that will help?

Now, I am a man myself so I might just not be paying any attention to ladies covering their noses behind me, so... Less beans more veggie?

Oh, BTW I became a vegetarian few years ago, and my sister begun to tell me that my body odor is weaker than before. Maybe we can all become vegan to smell less horrible? LOL

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-01)
Roylynx - Ha ha! I wonder how Rex-T is going to get himself out of that one 😆

I think what he is not so subtly trying to say is that when sudden unpleasant odours occur, all the ladies will stare at the man in the room, as if he could be the only possible culprit. Why? Because ladies don't do things like that 😊

Right Rex-T? Got it Roy?!

Regards, Melda

Regards Melda?
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-01)
Rex-T, Hmm? Well, I am not really sure if it was a man-beast at all.

>How come when there is a bad smell, it's the males that fall under suspicion?

How do you mean by that? 😕

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-01)
Apologies Roy but I have a slightly off topic question.

How come when there is a bad smell, it's the males that fall under suspicion?

Also, are you sure it was a Man-beast.

Just curious
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-01)
See? Another new thing to learn!
When cats pass gas, it smells beasty lol

Valkrucry, Oh, thanks for explaining I guess we will just need to wait for the picture if further description is needed:-)

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Roy, I just had a thought about the smell - it's possible that Henrique passed gas. Seriously, I have a furball myself, and every once in awhile it'll smell like a lion ate beans in here because of him, and he's not very big at all. 😭
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Actually, I have no control over the pictures (decision or otherwise) Martin takes care of that. We mods only get to see them here, like you (readers) do. Sometimes, a submission will clue us in that there's to be a picture (those familiar with the site generally). It really is no biggie, Roy. Like I said was my error, not yours. 😊 It can take awhile for the picture to appear, but when he adds it, he generally makes a comment so those interested can take a look.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Mona777, Hmm... Curses eh?
I consider them as another theme, or other things other than spirits, you know about Egyptian Mummy's curse? Most are cost by poisonous bacteria and in some Chinese tombs they burn poisonous materials during the sealing procedure that is why scientists found that they are too dangerous to be unsealed, rumors rumors rumors... Spiritual curses... Of course they are possible too, but in my opinion, there must be an explanation for those as well. Do not fear them be calm and think, do some research if you don't understand the fact.

Like this "encounter" I have here, the bruise on my back may not possibly has been the affection of a spirits and there are many explanation on such a simple case as you can see people commenting. I learn from them most of the time.

Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)

That is true, there are no studies unfortunately. 😢

Thanks for your advice, sadly I already do watch some supernatural shows lol but I don't really pay much attention to the supernatural part. I believe that in reality it's really different from what they show.

Also, have you heard about whole families being cursed?
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Valkricry, Well I was surprise to see comments already and I thought it will be up later like some other stories I read.

Hmm... So it will be up? Yes, I am including it sorry about it.
Oh, important part it is safe for everyone? (Joking, nothing guilty about my picture)

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Sorry, Roy, my mistake. I THOUGHT it mentioned about pictures in the Submission Guidelines. Turns out that was only about owning the copyrights, or using a link to a picture you have. Seems where it was mentioned is in the email you receive that let's you know we got your submission. A bit too late to say you're including it, eh? Lol
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Mona777, Oh wow! Since when am I an expert? Lol
Well, I am also "learning" from everywhere since supernatural is not a "proper subject" and there has not been a "proper study" for supernatural itself. Basically things can be explained in other big titled "proper studies" under the name of science. Well I personally don't like using the term "ghosts" since 80% of that is made up of fear, I would consider the encounters and beings there as spirits otherwise "energies" to sound more "scientific".

Oh, one big hint if you really are into what I am, do not watch any TV shows about ghosts, most of them misleads you.

Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)

I was just curious, I've always been really interested in the supernatural. Maybe I can learn a few things from you. 😊
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Jubeele, Gee thanks! Checked that picture it was the edited version, no worries LOL

I always only write what I think the situation is just seeking for more details or meanings from all you readers of my stories, I really appreciate all the comments and all the questions asked.;-) I hope my stories will not bore people off their sleepy eyes while reading. No, sometime it happens to me lol

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Roylynx, I hope your photo wasn't overexposed! You always bring me a smile. I enjoy reading all your accounts, whether they prove to be paranormal or not. 😊
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Valkricry, Oh sorry for separating my reply. The picture is taken 3days later still it was very clear! It was gone after a week of later.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Randym, Hmm, thanks for reminding me that! BTW, I might go out of Brazil this Christmas to Thailand with my close friend; she is already very excited about it.;-P

I would be happy to host a New Year party instead:-) I can invite all you guys and gals to my cozy home if you want lol, cat lovers can play with Henrique and my sister will cook you guys good food! How is that? No, worries about the tooth brush, just bring your own personal ones if you need; I have some powerful gem stones to protect the house:-)

Lady-glow, Johnny Depp!? Wow! You must be famous! Lol

Valkricry, I am sorry for the inconvenience!
Well, if that was like if I had bumped into something it would have been on my knees and arms instead not my back, well, the knock I am not really sure I thought I wanted to look back at the door but I seemed too tired even to do that. The "bruise" seems very unusual and so I needed you guys or gals to judge, it is not that serious that I need an answer immediately since it is not causing any problems yet. You know some of you can be an expert that's why I wanted to show it.

Wait... Did I send the edited (just trimmed out unnecessary parts) version or the one showing a little of my butt-chick? Let me check my sent messages

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-11-30)
Gee, I wish you had mentioned in your account that a picture was included. Those take a different route then text only, so that they can be posted with pictures already included. As is, might take awhile for it to be added. No worries, though, sooner or later *BAM* there it'll be.
There's some aspects that you might consider like who knocked on your door? Half awake dreams can seem real. You really need to look at the prior days events: did you bump into anything? Did the bruise look fresh or a bit old? Sometimes we just don't take notice of things until something else happens. I'm always finding scratches and bruises I can't explain. Apparently I just don't pay attention as I'm collecting them. 🤔

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