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Real Ghost Stories

The Beast On The Road


Six years had passed since the events from "the green house". I knew that since that experience, my life was going to change for ever.

Now, getting into the story, I was on summer vacations-my father has a house on Puerto Cayo-so I went with my sister and my dad for a week. Puerto Cayo is located on the province of Manabi in Ecuador.

It was Friday afternoon, when I decided to go a play a soccer match with some people of the town. The soccer matches, take place, in a soccer field, which is located on a small mount that is about five minutes from the center of the town.

After the soccer match, I stayed with a group of friends talking until around seven o clock. Then, my friends told me they were going to the local canteen. I refused to go and drink, I was tired and wanted to get a bath and sleep.

So, I left the field, and started to walk back home. There was a crescent moon high up on the night. I had made like a hundred meters from the field. I was in the middle of the road, in the middle of the mount when a cool breeze, made me shiver with cold, this breeze chilled my bones.

Then something made me turn around, as if the wind called my name. Then I saw a big figure it had the shape of a boar, this thing had red eyes and then it cried. What I heard pierced my soul; this cry had the mixture of the crying of a woman and the crying of a pig. It is the most horrible thing I have heard in my life.

I started to run as fast as my feet allowed me. I rolled, and fractured a finger from the fall. As soon as I reached the town, this beast disappeared in a kind of fog like smoke, and those red eyes, disappeared in the dark.

The strangest of all things is that none of the people in that town have ever seen that beast. I wasn't drunk, I was completely sane.

The night I was leaving Puerto Cayo, I saw that on the road which connected the highway with the town, there was a black-cloaked figure with red eyes staring at me. I saw the figure vanish with the wind when I was about a mile away.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Carlos, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

flamewithin (57 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-30)
could it have been a windigo 😕 they are creatures that have been seen in woods and they do shape shift at least I think they shape shift.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-04)
ChrisB, hi. Thank you for your supportive and kind words, I take them to heart and tuck them away. I have great respect for the opinions and advice you offer to those who are looking for answers and comfort. Francois and Carlos, thank you for your concern. Know that all is said and done. I never have, and never will, form or impose any opinion regarding any person's belief.FRAWIN, whitebuffalo and Rhodes have been around the block with me, I thank them for their support.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-04)
Wow.Good thing I wasn't here. I hate to be in arguments. Not that I would argue because I am one of those who wish others to solve there problems. I see that things have all been cleared Up and that James and Bellisma have cleared up everthing with themselves. And that great 😁.I sometimes see here that there are arguements here that can be harsh and never cleared up. But I'm glad it did. Bellisma has been here longer then all of us have and she has been kind to me ever since I met her. I know what she was saying was from her heart. She would never say anything simplay just to talk but to share her thoughts and heart with us. For that I thank her. I don't know James and I honestly can't say anything about him. All I can say is that it wise people know how to sol. Ve problems. And I'm glad that it happened.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Excuse me Carlos. Not wishing to further inflame the debate but I was asked for my opinion. After reading all the comments I have come to this conclusion.

While James didn't set out to hurt anyone, he did carry his comment one step too far. To suggest that people that do not believe in God are evil and in league with the "devil" is inappropriate and insulting, not only to atheists but to anyone that has friends that are atheists.

The twelfth paragraph of the guidelines to posting comments state: "We would like to remind you that this site is an open discussion on the topic of ghosts, with people coming from various cultures, so please avoid proselytizing or endless quoting of your religious book. This site is not about religious doctrines, it is about actual personal experiences and exploring reality with an open and investigative mind. Everyone has their own religion, they don't need someone else to push theirs down their throat, even if that is part of your religious mandate..."
I quoted this to point out that ALL religions and belief systems are welcome here and they must be respected. I draw particular attention to the last line - " Everyone has their own religion, they don't need someone else to push theirs down their throat, even if that is part of your religious mandate..."

If I was the one that issued that comment, I would apologize to anyone that I might have offended. I have respect for both Bellissma and James- I consider Bell an old friend and James a new friend. I feel that James spoke carelessly and a apology is in order-but that is up to James.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Hello Carlos. Thank you for sharing you experiences with us, they were interesting. I will have to agree with Tammy and Autumn that your first sighting was more than likely a wild animal. Wild animals can make some spine chilling noises. The second sighting, it would appear that you saw a shadow person. These entities have been seen the world over and they appear in various forms. Here is a link that tells about shadow people: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_people. Take Care.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Not wishing to carry the argument any further, I wanted to clarify something about the terms that were used since they are all Greek and there might be some sort of confusion.

Going back to Ancient Greek, a-a negative prefix before Theos-god, doesn't mean rejection. It is wrong to identify an atheist with a Nihilist-one who doesn't believe in anything. The prefix signifies the person's rejection of the general consensus or established beliefs concerning God. Atheists cannot be judged by a theist's moral or belief standards simply because their beliefs and standards differ.

An Agnostic doesn't deny the existence of God but believes there's no proof of a Supreme Being. They believe in knowledge (gnosis) and according to their doctrine, nothing is known or knowable of the origin or nature of the universe or its creator, except the physical manifestations of phenomena-neither accepting nor rejecting a Deity with supernatural power.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Hello, Carlos.
If I am reading this correctly, the "boar" did not morph from the creature, to a mist, to a cloaked being. If I am reading this correctly, there were actually TWO separate sightings, but both on the same road. That is just how I read that final paragraph.
I would suggest that in what you saw was at first a wild animal. Wild animals, while on the prowl do let out the most chilling calls. There are certain cats who have been blamed for "calling out" campers with the sound of an infants cry. Only to destroy the human once it has crossed an imaginary safety line.
As for the cloaked figure, I would think I need a bit more insight into that to offer an opinion.

In looking through the comments I saw that there was a discussion on different religious views. I have to admit that I looked up the term atheist in my dictionary and read the same description as to what Bellissima has written. I hesitate to comment on this as it appears that the matter has been laid to rest, but I would like to remind that MOST religious views are acquired after much searching, researching and personal experiences.
To me, "one who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings" would suggest that there is no belief in the whole Devil, God theory that others may subscribe to. It ALSO clearly suggests that it is a BELIEF and should not be admonished as "light thought work".
WITHOUT the belief in Heaven and Hell, in God and Satan, it would be impossible for the devil to have atheists on his side. As there IS no devil in this form of belief. Therefore, I can see where the comment of "Only the good does the devil seek to ruin..." COULD be offensive to those under this belief.
In short, I would like to applaud BOTH of your handling of this discussion. Religion is such a delicate area, and that is why we try to keep those thoughts on the "lighter" side of this site. Setting out to destroy someone else's view is never a good way to get them to think further on YOUR view. All is does is fuel the flames of a heated argument.
Just as ALL of our views are a very valid commodity to this site.
Thank you.
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-31)
Dear Carlos:

It's often difficult, as Ms. Rhodes pointed out to me, to understand what emotion is behind written words when you cannot hear how they're said or see the faces of those writing them.
Please believe that Bellissima and I were only "arguing" in the Platonic sense of the word, arguing academic points--not "fighting" in the street battle, hair-pulling type! <G>
You are a kind gentleman to beseech me to peace, and that is the best "argument" of all. Thank you.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-31)
Wow That was one scary story! I have to agree with Rhodes that this could have been a real Boar. Even when you played soccer your bidy was tired and the brain might have been playing tricks on you. That may be the reason why you saw the shadow. But you told this story from the heart and I know that there is no lie in it. That makes me wonder. I see that you don't know what you saw exactly but there is something telling you that it was paranormal. But you realy believe what you saw. If you believe it thenm I believe it. Maybe it was some kind of entity. Who knows? I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Carlos (3 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
Dear frends don't fight, I really like you all friends to comment and give your opinion, but please don't fight. If you have any qustion regarding my story, feel free to contact me
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
The nature of paranormal experiences is the subject of much debate, and reported experiences often flout conventional beliefs. Can we see the unseen? Do some see what others do not? This site seems an open forum where all manner of speculation takes place. I'm glad to be assured we're all entitled to our personal beliefs; I merely suggest it's a logical inconsistency to be offended by references to subjects one is rock certain do not exist. Strong opinions will always cause heat of contention, but long live debate; it's how new ideas are formulated. I do not believe in ad hominem arguments,either,so let's bury the hatchet on this topic. Long may peace reign. And Carlos, may the solution to your experience make itself known.
Jasmin314 (13 stories) (210 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
Calros,como esta? Que susto! I have seen animals that take evil forms. In fact, I think I will post one of those experiences. My experience was frightening as well adn it was also very odd. I always thought of these creatures to have been sent by someone. I do think that if it wasn't an actual bore, then it pertained to something on a religious matter. That is my opinion. ❤
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
Francois, hi.Don't worry, there's no battle going on. I fully agree, best put to rest. I needed a say and now I've had it. Like I said, a variety of advice could supply just the right answer for someone in need.I'm glad there are lots of different colors in the spectrum, it would be mighty boring otherwise!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
JamesRobiscoe.Offensive to me and inappropriate to the site. People offer the solutions and advice on what their beliefs lean towards. Take it or leave it at that, I do. Many do offer advice based on their religious systems, I would never disagree with any advice given if it was from the heart.I've suggested prayer and symbols that are within the person's belief system. All beliefs are important to the individual, you and yours, me and mine. I also would never make a statement against anyone's belief system. As I said, I don't believe in god or satan, the definition I offered came out of the dictionary. It offended me by implying I must be evil or damned in some way because my views don't match yours. I don't have the authority to 'boot you' off the site, that's not what I want at all. I think you have every right to offer your advice and insights in the way that is true to you, I wouldn't want you to change that. Some offer prayers to god and religious ceremony as a suggested solution, that's wonderful. Especially if the one seeking advice is comfortable with it. If the person doesn't have strong religious convictions then I'm sure they will choose to disregard the things that do not apply to them without condemning. I haven't seen anyone berate the advice given, most are happy for any suggestions and just to know they aren't alone in what they are going through. A variety of opinions could add up to just the right answer. I don't see any need to disrespect anyone, directly or otherwise. I can't see where atheism was mentioned anywhere in the story or previous comments. For the record, satan doesn't want me, I don't even believe in him.
Francois (220 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
Dear Carlos,

Sir, that was one of the terrifying types of experiences were the antagonist was not a spirit but a demon. I reckon there was portal near the area. Since you were a target, I reckon something that coincided with the paranormal occurred in your childhood; I am just poking around the grass with that theory. I advise that you wear a medal of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Benedict which is one if not the only medal with a prayer of exorcism. I cannot assure you that you will never experience something like that again, but I will assure you, this story is certainly going to my favourites.

Thank you for posting your experience and sharing it with the yourghoststories community. I cannot wait to read your next post. God bless you and take care.


Francois 😁

Dear Bellissima and JamesRobiscoe,

How are you two doing? Forgive me if I am wrong and acting nosy but it seems there is a little battle between your beliefs and stances on atheists. It is best that we put that subject to rest in order to restore peace and unity among the members of YGS. Thank you for reading this message and have a nice day, God bless and take care.


Francois 😁
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)

Offensive and inappropriate to whom? Both God and Satan are referenced plenty amongst these postings. I agree this is not a religious forum, however. If you have the authority to boot me out, I shall confine my comments to go no further than metaphysical and ontological levels. By the way, an atheist denies the existence of God; an agnostic withholds belief; a freethinker believes only the rational and scientific proven.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
Oh, please people, I said it could be a real boar he saw since the description of the animal in darkness is exactly that but I won't bet my life on it! Carlos is the one who experienced the encounter that night, he's the one who knows what he saw.
Chrono (2 stories) (41 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
Woooooo, that's freaky!
Do you plan to do anymore trip to that place?
If so, definatly go back there, (maybe with a few other people) and see if 'it' comes out again.
Or, rhodes, could be right. It could of been a wild board, but nonetheless... What you saw, is definatly a frightening experience.
Take care,
Chrono 😳
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
JamesRobiscoe.ATHEIST - a person not inclined toward religious belief or a particular form of religious belief, one who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. An atheist believes in neither god or satan. Your remarks are offensive and inappropriate, this site isn't about religion.It's about true experiences people want to share, sometimes needing advice, understanding and compassion.
Dan (1 stories) (51 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
This an intresting story and must have been a frightening experience for you. I think that what you saw was most likely a wild boar from what Rhodes said. However the second figure still makes me wonder. Is it a demon? If so why did it not approach you or try and indanger you? Anyway that's what I think.
Sarah (1 stories) (53 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
Hi Carlos,

I would be more than happy to discuss your story in detail. You have my e-mail address so feel free to drop me a line or if you prefer just keep in contact through the site.

Talk to you soon,

matticus (2 stories) (26 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
I would say you have seen a wild boar... And then the dark figure in the cloak... May have been your mind playing tricks. When I was a child I used to get scared and sometimes the darkness would take shapes of beings that scares me. But that's the power of the mind.
Also you were in exhaustion which could cause these visions.
Thats my opinion but yet I'm still trying to figure out all the things that happen to me so anything is possible.
Sweet dreams and god bless 😆
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-30)
Carlos hi. I don't mean to belittle your experience- I wasn't there so I may be completely mistaken but I was wondering. Wild boars have red eyes in the dark and look like huge demonic dogs. I also know for a fact that their cries are spine-chilling. Is it possible that what you saw was actually a wild boar that caused you to panic? Are there wild boars in Ecuador to begin with?
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-29)
Hello Carlos:

A terrifying encounter with that beast. The question is, was it actual or phantom? If a phantom, was the second one the same creature in different disguise? (I deduce "it" was dressed in vesture not common to the area--or weather.)
Did you have a sense of its purpose, other than to scare you?
Sarah mentions in her story a powerful prayer to St. Michael. God has given him the power to vanquish all evil, and if you even feel in danger, call out to him to protect you. It's his job to come to your aid, and he does so willingly, but you must ask.
The devil does not need to threaten atheists; he already has them on his side. Only the good does the devil seek to ruin.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-29)
Whew! That terrified me! I do hope your finger has healed well.

The figure you saw as you were leaving town, was it in a human shape or animal?

Although the towns people had ne... Ot seen the shape of the boar before, did they mention the hooded figure?

Thanks for sharing!
God Bless!
Sarah (1 stories) (53 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-29)
Hi Carlos,

Certain things in your story strike a chord with me. Something very similar has been seen by several member of my family, including myself, through out the years and on occasions when we too have been alone. It is believed to be a black dog with red eyes but unlike an average dog, it stands at an alarming 5ft plus in height. What remains different to you is that it makes no sound yet its evil presence is firmly felt.
Hope this helps to know that you are not alone in what you have seen.


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