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The Mimicking Spirit


There has been some pretty creepy things going on in our apartment the last two weeks that is unlike anything I have dealt with.

It started last week Jocelyn had been asleep for awhile and Cuyler was getting a shower while I was putting away dishes. I was just about done when I heard what I thought was him walking down the hall. I remembered that most of our towels were in the dryer so I quickly said stay in the bathroom I will grab You a towel, I didn't want him to get the carpet wet and I kind of felt bad because I had forgot to put them away.

I noticed that I didn't hear the bathroom door shut, its kind of squeaky. When I came around the corner he wasn't standing at the bathroom door in fact the shower was still running and the door was shut.

I got two towels, one for Cuyler and one to dry the floor when I opened the door to my surprise the floor was dry. I asked how he managed to avoid getting the floor wet when he stepped out, he said that he hadn't.

But I heard You, he laughed and asked me what I meant by that. I explained that usually I can hear his necklace clink as he walks and he always shuffles his feet. Well it wasn't me,

All observant one he teased.

I laughed it off and told myself that I was just hearing things and went to get ready for bed. Later that night around 3:30 maybe a little after I woke up to Jocelyn crying like I had never heard her cry before. It automatically sent me into protective Mommy mode and I ran to her room. Now before I go any further let me just say this. I do NOT believe in the witching hour so please don't even go there.

I merely mentioned the time because it was unlike Jocelyn to wake up at that time She had already been given a bottle and changed around 11 when she last woke up which is her normal estimated time. She is pretty insync with her schedule, Anyway moving along.

I went in her room and picked her up trying to calm her down, Cuyler wasn't far behind me. He asked me if I noticed how it felt like somebody else had been in there and I nodded my head yes as I continued to try and calm down the baby. She was looking all over the room, clinging to me as tight as her little hands would let her and sobbing. Something had defintley scared her, Whatever it was had left its energy signature behind.

We managed to get her back to sleep and went to bed ourselves. I lay there thinking about everything that happened and made a mental note to talk to Cuyler about refreshing the shields over our apartment. I am yet to master that and he has a lot more experience with the supernatural than I do.

We hardly ever have any issues with spirits in our house so all of this was frustrating for me especially considering that it was bothering Jocelyn, that's something I won't stand for mess with me but not my baby.

I heard once again what sounded like Cuyler walking down the hall. Same shuffle and the clank of his necklace but this time I knew it wasn't him, he was laying right beside me. Why would it try to mimic the sound of his walk, I rolled over and snuggled into Cuy whispering to myself Your going to have to do better than that to scare me, I'm on to You.

Yeah, I probably shouldn't have said that.

The rest of the week was pretty normal except for the electricity, the lights are either absurdly bright or really dim but none of the appliances seem to be effected. I am still not sure if its due to what's hanging around the apartment, the fuse box or the wiring were still waiting on maintaince to come check that out.

I have noticed that it only happens in the living room and dinning room. And that it usually happens when I am in the room alone or with Jocelyn. It's super rare that it happens while Cuy is home so I'm leaning more towards supernatural but not swearing to it. I also know that its not the lightbulbs because we use the energy efficient ones and I know they are put in flushly but not too tight and that they are the right wattage. So they shouldn't be blowing as quick as they are.

It wasn't until this week that I officially got freaked out by this spirit. I was reading Jocelyn a bedtime story waiting on Cuyler to get home when I once again heard what sounded like him walking down the hall. I decided to ignore it hoping that it would get the point and go away continuing Joce's story like nothing was going on.

For a minute it stopped and I said to myself, that's what I thought and smiled in triumph. I tucked Jocelyn in, turned on her mobile and was just about to go into the living room when I heard Cuyler call out Hi LittleWolf.

Feeling all giddy because I love when he calls me by that nick name, I quickly went to greet him. As soon as I stepped into the living room and saw him standing by the door I stopped, something wasn't right but I couldn't figure out what.

What no hug, he asked grinning. I stepped closer to him and then I spotted what was wrong his eyes were the wrong color Cuyler has dark brown eyes not blue! I froze in a combination of fear and anger.

Then just as quick as snapping your fingers it just vanashied, I stood there feeling dazed and exhausted. I went and checked on Jocelyn to make sure she was alright and found her sleeping peacefully.

As soon as Cuyler got home I told him about what happened and he cleansed and shielded every room of the house, Jocelyn and me. Neither one of us have ever ran across something that can mimic the voice and appearance of someone almost flawlessly like that.

And we have no clue what it is, why it is bothering Jocelyn and I or how we can get rid of it once and for all. I have never dabbled with an Ouija board or tarot cards, they have always creeped me out. Any info or suggestions are super appreciated I just want peace back in our house and to make sure this spirit can't come back.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lilwolf, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-23)
Thank you Lilwolf! I'm so happy I found this site ❤ I hope things are under control and stay that way too! 😊
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-20)
Lady-Glow, Well that's a bummer at least I know how that works now. Thanks for letting me know.

CuriousDee, Hey 😊 I hope you like the site I do, there are a lot of good stories on here. I hardly ever comment but I hang around in the back ground quite a bit. Thanks for reading this, were trying to get this under control and slowly but surely we are... I think that or its being sneaky. 🙄 kind of hard to tell. Thanks I appreciate the positivity.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-19)
I'm new here, so hello there!

Oh my goodness, that is scary! I'm sorry you are going through this. I don't have experience with spirits mimicking (and hope I never do!), but wanted to comment on your story. You told it so well; Great details and I felt like I was there. Lots of light and love to you. Hopefully, whatever it is, it is gone soon! ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-19)
Lilwolf - it works only for few seconds, perhaps two or three... Just enough time after realizing ones mistake and saying a naughty word, after that, it's too late.😝
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-19)
Lady-glow, Thanks for letting us know. I actually tried to change it but it said that I had already voted. 🤔 Can you change it the next day or something? Though I'm probably just going to leave the karma buttons alone. They are so TINY on my phone I don't want to accidentally make the same mistake twice. I'm glad You found this interesting.

Melda, Thank You for understanding and honestly the idea of someone just going around down voting stuff just sounds immature and pathetic. People seriously do stuff like that on here? I'm glad things are chilling out I will just be so glad when it completely leaves.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-18)
Lilwolf - No need for apologies, I know it can happen accidentally. Every now and then some unknown person targets specific people and it used to annoy but I am now beginning to see the funny side of it, mixed with a dash of pity. Imagine some bored little birdbrain with nothing to do thinking "I know, I can hand out a wheelbarrow load of negative karma points, what fun!?

I'm pleased to hear that things are calming down for you and that at least Jocelyn is being left in peace.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-18)
To EVERYONE: are you aware that there's a few seconds window to change a 'down' vote for an 'up' one, or vice versa?

Sorry for the interruption Lilwolf, I just want to share this little piece of information for anyone that has been in a situation in which they pressed the wrong karma arrow.

I have your experience to be very interesting and spooky.
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-18)
😐 I'm sorry if I did accidenly push the down vote instead of the up Melda, I use the site on my phone and the arrows are super tiny. I'm also wearing press on nails and not use to them quite yet sorry about that. You didn't say anything I disliked I actually found your comment quite interesting.

For a quick update, we did find out that it's the wiring that is causing the issues with the lights so that's crossed off the paranormal list But a few days ago my husband ended up with some fine scratches that were unexplained and we still hear the pacing quite a bit...

On the other hand after multiple cleansing of our apartment it is starting to get weaker which is a pro. Every time I see it now it is for shorter amounts of time and its replicas of Cuyler are becoming less and less accurate.

It also hasn't went into Jocelyn's room anymore which is a relief. It seems that it has shifted its sights to Cuy. I'm guessing because he is the main one doing the shielding and cleansing.

Its not over yet but we are getting somewhere at least.

Thank you, all that has given advice or just taken the time to read this.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-17)
Augusta - Thanks, I take it that you provided the plus point, which started off as a minus, the minus removed by a kind soul and now a plus karma point appears.

Actually it goes a little further than that. The funny thing about it is (and I mean funny ha ha) the negative point had hardly disappeared when the plus point on the comment I made before that, was removed 😆 So the perpetrator, not being able to down vote me a second time on the same comment, did the next best thing and removed the plus point on my previous comment.

I know that sounds all jumbled and I hope you can make out what I'm trying to explain. Anyway, it doesn't matter as perhaps I can now consider myself the flavour of the month! Isn't negative attention better than no attention at all? 😆

Regards, Melda
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-17)
Melda, likely someone was feeling small or actually tried for an up vote but was stricken by 'fat finger syndrome' and hit the down when they meant the up and didn't notice. Otherwise, I can't see anything at all wrong with your post ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-16)
On Lilwolf's account I got a down vote. I accept that but I would really like to know the reason for it. Did I say something which was insulting to the OP or unacceptable to other readers? Just curious. I was simply replying to a question posed by the OP.

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-14)
Lilwolf, your experience had me a little spooked. 😨 I feel your instinct is spot-on to go into "super-protection" mode. Especially where Jocelyn's concerned. I'm so glad Cuyler understands the need for cleansing and shielding.

Augusta has given you some excellent options for cleansing. My parents used frankincense in our place when I was a child. My mother had a feng shui master (geomancer - earth diviner) do some purification rituals for us at one time. Some of the steps also include clearing stale air, using salt, sweet scent, light etc. I've found this article on various cleansing steps which I hope you may find useful:

I've also hunted around for similar accounts to yours that might give you some basis for comparison. One has a mimicking voice and the other has something pretending to be someone's husband too:

Forewarned is to forearmed. I hope all this helps. My well-wishes go with you and your family. Be Safe and take Care. ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-14)
Lilwolf - Thanks for responding. He told me his name but that only happened shortly before he moved on. Up until then I called him "the cupboard ghost" 😁 When you have a free moment read the story, he was a very interesting character.

Regards, Melda
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-13)
Theblackcat, Feel free to ask any questions, I don't really know a lot about this type of spirit but I will try to help you out as much as I can. That's the annoying part about spirits is You never really know what Your truly dealing with because they can usually present themself in all sorts of ways. The pro of this is eventually some how they usually slip up. Research and patience go hand in hand with the paranormal.

Melda, Its interesting that You mentioned that. This spirit did something very similar it copied my husband's work uniform, only thing missing now that I think about it was the name tag and the hat. Thank you for sharing that I will check that out in a bit.

How did you find out his name, did he eventually tell you or how did that come about?

Augusta M,

Thank you for Your response and for the info I will keep that in mind.

Hopefully I will find something to get rid of this spirit once and for all. Its clingy that's for sure my question is why... I guess we will find out one way or another.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-13)
Hi Lilwolf 😊 I preface this with I am NO expert - when I worked in 18th century living history, I had a fascination with folk remedies and folk magic and was fortunate enough during that time to have access to an excellent research library and some awesome people who truly are experts (and SO INTERESTING). From what I recall of my readings etc, salt was typically used as a barrier to keep evil things (in some cases people too) out - but there may have been something I missed and I am a firm believer that in this sort of thing, an item's power is very strongly linked to the faith you have in it so if in your belief salt will keep said nasty close to your baby, then regardless of what I think, you should go with what you believe. There are some other easy options too, though. I poked around online to see if I could find any pages that had some of the pertinent information (since I can't seem to lay hands on my notes right now) and came across this one that, while not exhaustive does cover some good ideas.


Of the remedies they cover, I have had most luck with the simplest things. Burning a small dish of thyme, rosemary, juniper cedar, St. John's wort, frankincense and/or myrrh (any of the above or any combination of the above depending on what you have easy access to). Leaving a dish of vinegar out over night to evaporate. And sticking garlic over the front door.

Again, this isn't an exact science and I am not an expert - I can only make suggestions based on what I have read and what I have tried. My best and most earnest suggestion is that you go with what you have the most faith in as that will give it the power you need. ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-13)
Lilwolf - I can understand that someone "otherwordly" walking around mimicking your husband would have its own fear factor, or at the very least be rather disconcerting. Although it might be somewhat unusual, it isn't unheard of.

I had a resident ghost for a number of years who also mimicked my husband at times. He was constantly rummaging around in my husband's closet - why I don't know.

However, on the occasions that I saw him he was wearing a T-shirt exactly like an old one owned by my husband. This T-shirt had blue and light grey stripes. He also wore it with blue jeans, as did my husband in the days when he used to wear this particular T-shirt. Okay almost everyone wears jeans and I suppose it is possible that the T-shirt was coincidental but I'm not a huge believer in coincidence. Then again, I suppose my husband wasn't the only one in SA who owned a T-shirt with that design.

I think I omitted to mention the T-shirt in my story which was published a while back but your account of the ghost mimicking your husband brought it to mind.

On the very first occasion I saw Vic (which I established was his name) he did exactly what my husband does when getting ready for bed. He took off his T-shirt, put it on the bedside table and walked to the closet.

During his "adjourn" at my house, I very often heard my name called in my husband's voice, whether he was home or not. When he was home I would go to wherever I heard the voice coming from and ask him why he had called, only to discover that he had never called me. This all stopped after Vic left which leaves me with the conclusion that Vic was the one doing the calling.

Now I don't know whether this was Vic mimicking my husband or whether he just felt like having a nap but every now and then, before my husband turned in for the night, he would lie down on my bed. I normally sleep on my left side, so I would think it was my husband, only to discover that he was still sitting in the lounge watching the TV! I have a night owl for a husband.

If you're interested, my story is on my profile page "His name is Vic".

Well I thought I'd let you know that others have also experienced these mimicking events. Why some of these ghosts/spirits decide to do this, only they would know.

Regards, Melda
tehblackcat (1 stories) (2 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-12)
I am baffled to read this! I never heard of mimic ghosts, so I though my mind was tricking me when me and my family saw it in our apartment. I never would thought it could do something like this on purpose. I thought it was my mind making approximations when it saw a ghost, because they were mostly shadows.

I really would like some more information on this. I am starting to rethink every ghost I ever seen, if they were exactly what they showed me.
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-12)
The 8M's, We use the LED's thanks for the tidbit I didn't know they don't work that great inside. I will try changing them and see if that helps.

I'm not sure what exactly would have went down if I went for that hug. 🙄 it would have been bad either way. I would have been really freaked out or really ticked.

Probably both, or I would have toppled into the door I don't know if it can create a solid physical form or not. It hasn't ever came in physical contact with me and I'm 100% ok with that.

I am super protective with my baby, most say too protective but I would rather make sure that all my bases are covered rather than miss one and things go south.

The cleansing and shielding seems like it's helping. I still hear and see it quite a bit at least a few times a week but its always really brief. Kind of a now you see me now You don't kind of thing. Hopefully its getting weaker.

AugustaM, Thanks for the advice, We use a very similar method only thing we haven't been able to do is open the Windows, Too much heavy rain lately but usually we do.

The only change that I can think of is we have been under a lot of stress latley and I haven't been sleeping much but other than that everything is about the same. Thankfully Cuyler knows about a lot about this stuff or I would be pretty lost.

But I gotta admit the salt idea makes me a little nervous I thought it was more for keeping spirts in one area not letting them leave. If I'm wrong though please let me know.

Thank you we could really use some good luck right about now. 😊 and I will defintley keep everyone up to date.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-12)
Wow! What an experience! The mimicry is especially discomfiting! And that it is a nasty enough fellow to intentionally scare an infant like that. I am no expert with cleansings but it sounds as if your husband (the real one) knows what he is doing. Perhaps for the time being, a quick simplified cleansing would be a good nightly ritual or at least every few days. And perhaps some old fashion methods like opening all the windows and cleaning the house top to bottom and sweeping every room until you sweep all the rubbish out the front door - all done with intent that nothing that isn't wanted should remain. A ring of salt round your daughter's room might do a spot of good as well.

All just ideas, of course, but something has to work. Can you think of any recent events or changes in your life that might have brought this on? Knowing how this entity got to you might give you the ammunition you need to get rid of him once and for all!

Good luck and keep us posted ❤
The8Ms (2 stories) (21 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-11)
What kind of energy efficient bulbs do you use? CFL's or LED's? I only ask because we were using LED's and blowing them out in right about the same timeframe, it was super frustrating. Turns out that LED's are not designed to be used in enclosed light fixtures and act all wonky and eventually blowout when they are.

As for the rest of it, that's super creepy. I wonder what would have happened if you had followed through with that hug. 😳 I also totally feel you on the protective mom instinct. The whole mama bear thing is intense. I'll put up with a lot but never mess with my kids. I think that would bother me the most too. Hopefully the shielding worked and you and you're baby will have peace and quiet now.
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-11)
Lucia Jacinta, Yes it had a full body and looked eerily close to Cuyler. His height, build, appearance, and the voice was almost spot on though the more I think about it the voice was off a bit deeper darker sounding but not very apparent.

I didn't even realize it wasn't him until I got close enough to see the eyes.

Our lights don't blow that quick more like in two or three weeks. And the brightness changes a lot sometimes its super bright and sometimes its so dim that it looks like we have a dimmer but we don't its just a regular light switch. I'm still not sure if its wiring or not because maintenance still hasn't came to check it out. 😐

Amor, Yes, its defintley freaky but the clanking noise of his necklace dosen't bother me. Its more that its mimicking my husband. Why, I'm not sure.

As I told Lucia, the more I've thought about it the voice was off but not enough at the time to be really noticeable. Wow, see I always thought doppelgangers were more myth and I'm still not sure what this is.

I still hear the sound of Cuyler's walk and necklace when he isn't home and there are times where for a minute it looks like he quickly passed by or like he is standing in the room but isn't.

It hasn't gone to the extreme that I shared but that one time. And after a few minutes it just vanishes. I'm not sure if its getting weaker or just laying low since it knows that I busted it in the act or if it's trying to gain strength or what.

I've got my eyes wide open though and I am still trying to figure out how to totally get rid of it.

Thanks for both of your input, hopefully I can get this figured out pretty quick.

Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-10)
That is totally creepy. And alarming. Yikes! The clinking of the necklace alone would drive me nuts, let alone a full apparition 😨

I was wondering. When it spoke, did it sound human? Can you recall if it is in any way disembodied? We once lived in a house full of doppelgangers. My mom saw one changing/shifting into my two brothers. One relative saw one mimicked my mom. But they never spoke. They faded or vanished eventually but they remained silent when seen.

I hope it will never bother you again after cleansing. Thanks for sharing.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-10)
Ok, that's weird. So you were face to face with this entity? Then it just vanished? Did it have feet and hands and everything else?

Also, the lights always blowing out, that reminded me of our house we had issues in. The lights were never able to stay on. We would change the bulbs, but by that night they would blow out... Like electricity surges through the wiring.

I'd definitely be telling this thing to leave in a forceful tone.

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