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Real Ghost Stories

The Street Walker


This is one of the odder things that I have saw dealing with the paranormal, I was eighteen working at a waffle house it was a pretty normal Friday night. Mainly people grabbing a late dinner from hanging out with friends or running errands, a couple drunks and stoners and pervy old guys hanging around the top bar sharing personal stories, reading the paper and staring down the wait staff.

We had a pretty busy night and I had made some decent tips, it was 1:30am and I was cleaning my last table of the night getting ready to do my shift change work when my cellphone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly stepped into the storage room and checked it to find a text from my roommate saying she wasn't going to be picking me up because she was hanging out with her boyfriend and got a little too tipsy to drive but that our friend Jake said he would come get me after he got off from his shift at Wal-Mart. I thanked her for letting me know text Jake and told him I would just meet him there seeing that it wasn't too far of a walk maybe a mile and I needed to get a few things anyway.

I finished everything up and finally clocked out, changed my clothes (I HATE smelling like food and grease so I always packed an extra pair) and headed out. I was taking the back road leading behind a strip of restaurants and small shops trying to avoid the main highway as long as I could. Sure it was a little after 2:00 and there wasn't much traffic but I wasn't going to risk it considering drunks were usually still out and about around that time and there were sidewalks for the majority of the way seeing that it was part of the older section of town so it was a little safer.

I had just about made it to the round about meaning I would soon be closer to the main highway when I heard the distinct sound of clicking high heels on a sidewalk. I looked around wondering who in the world would be out walking at that hour, specifically in heels. When I didn't see anyone I decided to back track a little bit to check it out. I was just about to round the corner between two restaurants when I saw her!

A tall, red curly haired young woman in a blue short dress and a denim jacket, black high heels, I stopped in my tracks and just stared. She looked back at me with a cold stare but her facial expression seemed blank. She seemed like she was having a hard time staying on her feet swaying a little bit like she was drunk or something." Are You just going to stand there and gawk or are You buying?" I looked around expecting to see someone behind me but of course nobody was there.

"Nah, I'm good", I said quickly and started to walk away.

"What am I not good enough for ya," she yelled after me.

I turned around and asked if she needed help. "Yeah, let them know that this is not who I want to be, Let who know I asked."

She started to walk away and I quickly followed asking, "who am I supposed to tell"

"Anyone who will listen," she called over her shoulder blowing a clumsy kiss and vanished into thin air like a genie in a cartoon movie without the cheesy smoke of course.

I remember feeling so sad when she vanished, I never got her name but at least I have a chance to share what she asked me to without sounding totally nuts.

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Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-26)
Aaru275, Most likely yes and it is very sad. Since posting this I have thought a lot more about what actually took her life. It's a really messed up situation all around.
Aaru275 (4 stories) (55 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-26)
I think she still shows up at that place looking for people who can listen to her. It's too sad though. I feel bad for her. 😟
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-18)
AugustaM, I never really thought about it, I honestly couldn't think of a way to help her. It is rare that I am ever on that side of town but it isn't a far trip. Just not sure if I would see her again but who knows I might. This may sound really harsh or weird but I always just thought that once a person dies the deal is done. What you get is your fate, but the more I am reading on this site the more my eyes are being opened. Thanks for the advice.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-17)
As there is still part of her left - sending a few positive vibes her direction couldn't hurt. I wonder if she is out there wandering more because of her own sense of shame and guilt than any cosmic (call it what you will...divine, heavenly, etc) judgement - ie that if someone could get her to forgive and accept herself perhaps she could be crossed over. It just seems sad for a woman to wander alone like that just for having been a prostitute - worse still when one considers the likely violent tragedy of her demise. If it isn't something the OP feels comfortable doing then I hope someone crosses her path that can help her find her way to the other side and peace.
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-14)
RcRuskin, That is completely fine everyone is allowed to have their own believes and thank you for being respectful on the fact that we have different views.

I truly appreciate some one who can agree to disagree. Congratulations on Your parents 55th anniversary that takes true love and devotion.

I have always thought it better to be odd than the average status quo originalities go a long way. I will check out the story you shared with me and keep an open mind.

Stay golden,

Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-14)
Jubeele, I can only imagine some of the things that they had to share. It was very touching/sad. Murphy has some interesting history and I have heard that some of it had to do with prostitution.

It's just surprising and hard to imagine that such a small town like this would, I mainly imagine or place things like that with bigger cities but I don't question it what so ever after seeing her and after another experience I had once at a friend's house but I will actually share that one a little later separately.

Thanks for commenting and the song suggestion I will check it out in a little bit. 😊

RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-14)
LilWolf, I'm just going to quietly disagree and say prayers for the dead may make a difference. Just my experience is all. It is why I pray 'May (his/her/their) memory be eternal' whenever I encounter a funeral procession. And every time I pass that cemetery near my place.


On a side note, my parents have decided to have their 55th wedding anniversary dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. My family is odd.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-13)
Lilwolf, you can also check out this song on YouTube, "All the Girls Love Alice" from Elton John's 1973 album, "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road".

I used to work in an office near Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross. The Cross is an inner-city Sydney suburb infamous for nightlife, drugs and crime. However, it was a different place during the weekdays and I could walk along the long stretch of road undisturbed. There seemed to be an unwritten rule with the nightclub bouncers, hustlers and working girls to leave the "locals" alone. They knew who were the regular faces on their turf and could spot a wandering tourist from a thousand paces.

I struck up an acquaintance with Arielle (not her real name), a French woman who owned a boutique selling cosplay costumes, fancy lingerie and stiletto shoes. Upstairs, she had her "adult" toys and other more exotic paraphernalia. Arielle would tell me sometimes about the "working girls" who visited her store and their sad, funny and frightening experiences. Whether by choice or unfortunate circumstance, those girls and women lived hard, dangerous lives. I often thought it was unfair there wasn't more legislation to ensure their safety.

There are a few spots in the Cross that do send out a strange little vibe whenever I pass by. Just a skin tingle, or my heart would quicken its beat for no reason. Knowing the number of murders and various fatalities that have taken place there over the years, it's hardly surprising.

Quite a touching experience, Lilwolf. Thanks for sharing it. 😘
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-13)
RcRuskin, She was definitely a ghost/spirit however You would like to word that. Sorry I wasn't very clear, I will make sure to have more clarity in the next story that I share. I'm not really sure if prayer would help her now that she is dead.

Her fate is already sealed, but it's certainly very sad. Kinda makes me wonder if She still shows up around that area or not and if anyone else has saw her. Thanks for commenting.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-13)
Was she a ghost? Or not? This experience is not clear, but it is a tragedy either way.

All we can do, I think, is to pray to the powers of the universe to have mercy on her and help her.
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-13)
Rook, It's definitely a fitting song for this one. I had to go look it up on YouTube because I have never heard of it before today, at least not that I remember.

The whole situation was just very creepy and sad, it would be a cruddy existence constantly roaming the streets even after you died. It's bad enough that she had to deal with that while alive.

Really pulls on the heart strings ya know. 😳 Not sure why it randomly came flooding back to me recently but wham. There it was, wish I could have got her name. I was just so shocked by it all that I didn't think to ask. I guess it is what it is though.

Thanks for broadening my musical world.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-13)
All I have to say is...

"Roxanne you don't have to put on the red light
Those days are over you don't have to sell your body to the night
Roxanne you don't have to wear that dress tonight
Walk the streets for money you don't care if it's wrong or if it's right

Roxanne You don't have to put on the red light
Roxanne You don't have to put on the red light
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light) "

(The Police)


Puff Bayram (resident DJ and Pilot of the Miss Demeanor)

(I am not doubting your experience... Just posting the very first thing that came to mind when I read it.)

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