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This story was shared by my mother. She has so many paranormal stories, being sensitive and all. But this struck me the most because it involved me, even before I was born!

In the Philippines, it is common for pregnant women to call for 'hilot' or what you may call a therapist in modern world. Therapist, I say, because when you fall off and dislocate a joint, they can easily fix it by expert massaging. Some know cleansing as well, as they would burn an incense and stuff if they think you are being haunted or something.

Well for my mom, she was pregnant with me but she feels utter discomfort. She would call her usual therapist to help her align things, so to speak. Her feet were swollen and it was not helping that I seemed to be doing some cartwheels in her tummy, lol.

Well, her usual 'hilot' lady was not available. And she needed help so bad that she settled for whoever was available. Came a weird old lady who introduced herself as a good one. My mom felt strange but not wanting to be rude, she let the old woman massage her. She was surprised when as the old woman was getting some oil and other paraphernalia in her bag, mom noticed a black candle. The weird thing was the lady immediately went on massaging my mom's tummy and it felt like her nails was really clawing in. She asked the old lady to stop and it took a bit of struggling before she did.

My mom was upset, but was so relieved that the old lady left, although she did charge my mom way too high than normal. Before leaving, she said that it's a girl. My mom didn't know that yet. She was five or six months pregnant and did not go through ultrasound yet. But she was ecstatic (although felt weird at the process of finding it out) because she had a son already and really wanted to have a baby girl.

Fast forward to when I was born, my mom was very happy. But then, she immediately noticed something. There was a huge scar on my left temple, just above the hairline. She called the nurses, and asked everyone why I have a scar. The nurses and the doctor were clueless. They said it may be just a birth mark but it was a scar alright. My mom remembered the creepy lady and said a prayer. She was thankful that I was born healthy, aside from a really huge scar on my head.

I still have it, though, and no hair will grow on top of it. It appears like I had an accident. When I asked my mom, she told me the story. Not sure if it was connected but it makes me cringe knowing that some crazy witch may have tried to harm me. Thank heavens my mom and I weren't harmed.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to share what you think.

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Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-05)
Hi Primordial-T, thing is we were in the city. We grew up in Metro Manila and it's maybe because my grandparents were very traditional that my mom got used to those stuff. These cases happen not only in provinces. I won't trust anyone without a scrub suit and a face mask, an RN or an MD. Lol

There was a story about that same woman being seen walking at night when the moon was full, with her hair standing up and she was foaming in the mouth. But this cannot be verified. Maybe she was sick or something.
Primordial-Trimurti (1 stories) (1 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-05)
Since your Mom goes to 'hilot' does this mean you live in a province before? That was really creepy. Not sure if the old lady was some kind of 'aswang' or 'mambabarang' 😂
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-05)
Amor - Thanks for sharing the photo. That looks like a scar to me, especially with hair not growing in the area. Hey, mom is always right Hahaha!

Royalty... I like that! Lol
Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-05)
Hi Pinka,

Thank you, Pinka. I wish you and your family well, too ❤

Whoa, didn't think of that. So I'm the girl who lived! Lol. Mine isn't a glamorous scar, though. Here's the link to the photo: Https://goo.gl/36CSvw

You could imagine how huge that was when I was born. It almost reached my top. Right now, it's that quirky bald spot that shrunk or did not change in size as I grew.

CuriousDee, maybe that's a royal mark of your family 😊

Thank you all for the insight:)
Pinka (5 stories) (25 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-05)
Hi Amor,

Your story reminds me of Harry Potter. Glad that your mom went through a safe delivery. Hope you are keeping well and your family as well!

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-05)
Almost forgot, thanks for trying to upload a photo, I find it fascinating. Have you heard of any such thing? As far as identical birthmarks on brothers? I can't help but think that they were connected before they knew it.

I hope this all makes sense!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-05)
Yes, almost exactly. They look like a small dimple. I have a strange mole/birthmark a bit below where my brothers are. Mine is pretty close to where they have there's. I had it checked for cancerous cells and its fine. I was told it was there from birth. I just don't understand why we would all these marks. They've become a sort of joke about how we're all connected ❤
Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-04)
Yes, Lady-Glow, even if I did not directly state it is aplasia cutis congenita, I believe it is. In both my mum's and dad's side, however, we have a large family. I have loads of cousins and none got that, eliminating that this is genetic. The reason for the non-hereditary ACC, however, is unknown. I hope it is a spontaneous thing, but mothers know best, lol, and she insists its the witch who did that. Quite scary, I prefer the former.

CuriousDee, both your brothers have it in similar place? A birth mark twice appearing in family is indeed curious. I will upload the photo one of these days.:)

Thank you for reading.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-04)
Interesting story Amor! I don't know if it's possible for you to upload a picture of the scar in comments? I was thinking maybe a birthmark. I know my two brothers have very similar marks on their chest, just below their neck. It resembles a small dimple. I've always thought it interesting that they have similar marks in the first place.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-04)
There's a medical condition that could explain your scar:


I guess it's hard to say if this was a coincidence or if the old woman did it to you.

Thanks for sharing.

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