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Real Ghost Stories

Ghost In Our Building


I stay in Goa and, not wasting time, I will come to my story. Goa was ruled by Portuguese and got liberated in 1961. I live in a building which was built by my grandfather way back in 1950.

This incident happened with my dad's sister way back in 1977. She was unmarried then and she had a habit of getting up in middle of night to use washroom. One day she got up to use washroom that was located outside the main building in those days, so she had to walk some distance.

When she was returning she saw one old lady in the bushes with a small kerosene stove, frying something in pure ghee. As smell was apparent, it felt like she was frying egg on tava. She got shock of her life seeing this old lady in dark, but she could not make out her face. All of a sudden this old lady appeared in front of her and she looked very scary. Seeing her, my aunt fainted. Later in the morning she was spotted unconscious and had high fever. She recovered in few days but what she saw that night she never forgot.

To date when she comes home she remembers this incident. She told her husband about this and he said she was mad, but my aunt believes that it was a spirit.

Later my granny cleared this that it was a spirit of a worker woman who was involved in construction of that building and fell from the terrace and died at night. No one knows if it was a murder or suicide or accident. But one thing my granny stated was even more shocking. My granny said that the woman liked eggs very much and she would make sure that she ate eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and that too she loved egg fried in pure ghee.

So it must be the spirit of that lady wandering in premises.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rocky-sur05, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-12-18)
talib - when a submission is full of mistakes, including only one paragraph, as well as spelling, grammar, confusion, etc., it does get returned. If the poorly written story fits our guidelines, we do recommend editing and resubmitting. If it does not fit our guidelines, we will return it for poor writing.

English is the only language I can communicate in, and I will not even pretend to understand what someone, to whom English may be their 2nd or 3rd language, is trying to say if the submission is full of errors. I don't try to edit it because I could be completely misinterpreting what the author is trying to say.

We don't ask for perfect English. We do, however, require the submission fit our guidelines. Poor writing is a valid reason to reject a story.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-18)
Talib - Believe me, very few people speak (or write) perfect English, whether they're English speaking or not!

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)
Hail Talib!

Please do not distort the meaning of my words, I have never denied that English is my second language nor that I write/speak it poorly... But there's a substantial difference between using poor English grammar and writing it on a way that is as clear as mud.

Auf Wiedersehen.

This comment from talib is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-12-06)
Rocky-sur05, you will receive an email notification either way. You do need to be patient when it comes to having your story published (or rejected), we get a lot of submissions and try to get to them as quickly as possible, how quick just depends on how many are in the queue.
Rocky-sur05 (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-06)
My second story is pending for last 10 days... How can I di d if its rejected or accepted
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
Miracles, you wanted to help Rocky-sur05; you were being kind.

I honestly believe that we were drawn in by the details of the narrative *because* it does belong here on YGS.

Much of the frustration in the comments reminds me of 'Cool Hand Luke': "What we have here is failure to commun'cate."

Best to all,
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
lady-glow - thank you 😊 There have been submissions that have no punctuation, paragraphs, or capital letters. Most of the time I will reject the submission but if it is a really good experience, I take time to make the necessary corrections. Even while I'm doing it, I tell myself all I'm doing is telling the author it's okay to submit their experiences without taking the time to do it correctly. That is not a good thing LOL
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
Miracles - your input explains a lot.
Moderating the site and editing stories must be harder and more time consuming than I could ever imagine.

I really appreciate the work and the time that the team of moderators puts into running this site.

A big thanks to all of you. 😘
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
Lady-glow and Biblio - this is one of those situations when the editor (me 😉) originally intended to reject the story based upon confusion and poor writing. After leaving the story in queue for another day, I took several deep breaths, bit my lip and edited to the best of my ability. This is why the comments and the story appear to be written by two different people: they are.

I have said before that sometimes editing a story alters the personality of the author. In this case my editing, however helpful I intended to be, created confusion.

Hindsight is a piece of crap LOL
Rocky-sur05 (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
As it is written in the comments that this story that I posted has been written by 2 different people is not true, I wrote the story in short and when details were asked I thought of viving more elaborate explanation...
freakedoutfreddy (1 stories) (77 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-22)
Rocky bro, all this talk about eggs and the way the woman died made me think of Humpty Dumpty. 😁 😜 😁
Rocky-sur05 (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
There have been incidents when this woman was seen by my grandmother
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
Here I am again. I told myself I was never coming back here but I was lying to myself.

I sometimes eat more than six eggs a day as part of a low-carbohydrate diet. My best motivation for doing this is because diabetes runs through both sides of my family. Bread and pasta (though I am hopelessly in love with them) wreak havoc upon my blood sugar levels.

I do not have full blown diabetes yet. Eating eggs are a way for me to feel "full" without having to die young.

I don't think this has anything to do with the old woman's love of eggs but all I'm saying is the practice isn't uncommon.

There it is. I'm going on a walk.

- Maria ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
I think, in the future, some attempt at proper punctuation would be very helpful. Those comments read like long convoluted sentences.

I was lost before I knew that I was lost.

I am going to endorse Lady-glow's opinion that it seems as if the story and the comments are the work of two different people.

- Maria
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
Greetings, Rocky-sur05.

I realize that English is not everyone's first language on YGS, so I do try to be very understanding when those unfamiliar with idiomatic conventions are expressing their responses to questions. That said, the effort involved in trying to decode your responses is quite taxing. It is very difficult to determine which problems are typographical errors, which are lazy "TXT talk" (thanks, Lady-glow for including the guidelines in your first response), and which are the result of a miscommunication.

Your dropping vowels from random words is irritating, as it turns complete words into crossword puzzles; while I presume that "frm" is supposed to mean "from," it also could be farm, frame, firm, form, forum, or frum. (I'm skipping names like "Ifrim" as obvious improbabilities.)

Reading your sadly muddled diction (e.g.: "dat day n heard d full story") is a painful exercise at best. No one is perfect, so regular YGSers are tolerant of occasional spelling errors or imprecise diction; however, your responses seem to be deliberate obfuscations of the information sought. For those YGSers who find English difficult because it is filled with confusing words or rules, your statements must appear to be peculiar gibberish at best.

Now, I'm going to take medicine for the headache I got while trying to read your responses.
Rocky-sur05 (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
The ghost story I hav written is not my own experience but my aunts experience... So it was difficult for me to gather all d ingormation. But I tried my best to narrate watever possible details I could get from my family members wo wer present on dat day n heard d full story frm my aunt
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-20)

You read my mind. I was hoping that the author of this story would answer everyone's question: "Has this apparition been seen by anyone else?" Instead of an imaginary question about egg consumption.

I am not trying to be unkind. I thought that if the author "needed help" then we are trying to be helpful by asking if the spirit of the woman has been seen by anyone else. If there have been other witnesses, their different perspective (s) might shed more light upon this mystery.

- Maria ❤
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-20)
Bear in mind that dogs are not made for eating cooked meat or eggs (though they can get away with it on occasion), and that onions and garlic are poisonous to them. If the dog was small and ate two whole eggs with onions and spice and all the things I imagine make a meal delicious, it seems feasible to me that the poor doggo's last meal was the cause of its demise.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-20)
"how can persom (person) eat eggs all d (the) time n (and) all over d (the) day wiyhout (without) being bored... I wonder if she is dead how can she eat eggs"


It is well documented that, during a residual haunting ("essentially a playback of a past event which may have been traumatic, a life-altering or possibly even routine that took place at the location. The events create an impression, a disturbance or an imprint on the atmosphere of the location which later takes the form of a residual haunting." Wexford Paranormal), all the sounds, the smells and even the setting of the event repeat themselves every time the haunting occurs.

It has nothing to do with the woman's ghost having the need for eating eggs in the afterlife, what your aunt saw was an event that was a routine for the lady.

I have to disagree with your statement "she was stupid women wo (who) robbed other people eggs n (and) ate them too"

You don't know what her circumstances were in life. Perhaps eggs were the only food she could afford, or she had severe allergies to other kind of animal protein. It is easy to understand if she got upset at "anyone maddelling (meddling) with her stock of eggs".
Try to put yourself in her shoes, it is normal to get mad when something is stolen from us regardless if it was a diamond or today's lunch.

It seems like your grandmother knew the woman fairly well. Is she sure that the lady killed her own dog? Would it be possible that the dog had a previous health problem or someone else poison it?

"Later my granny cleared this that it was a spirit of a worker woman who was involved in construction of that building and fell from the terrace and died at night."

Do you mean that the woman was staying/living at the construction site?

This story is not your own experience but an event that happened to your aunt over 40 years ago. - What kind of help do you need/expect from this forum?
Are you in any way affected from your aunt's experience? Have you or any other family member seen the ghost of the egg-eating-woman again? Are there any other disturbances in your house that might be caused by this particular spirit?

No offense intended but I'm a bit surprised and confused with the way in which your last comment is written, - you did so well narrating your story! It almost seems that the story and the comment were done by two different persons.
I'm not being critical, but you should keep in mind that English is not all the members' first language (myself included), and all those abbreviations can make a text really hard to read and understand.

From the "Comments Guideline":

"This is not a chat room, so avoid abbreviations and SMS language ("u" instead of "you", "n" for "and", "coz" for "because" etc) as it is juvenile and unreadable. We want to have mature conversations about the delicate topic of ghosts, using TXT talk only attracts the intellectually lazy crowd."

Thanks for sharing.
Rocky-sur05 (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-20)
But I think she was stupid women wo robbed other people eggs n ate them too... 😠 😠 😠
Rocky-sur05 (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-20)
She is spirit of that worker wo fell frm our building terrace, she used to even like boiled eggs n sometimes she was spotted boiling eggs in container, she would sometimes make omelette adding onion tomato n eat it for lunch, but usually she liked egg fried in pure ghee for dinner, but she hated otheer non veg stuff, I wonder how can persom eat eggs all d time n all over d day wiyhout being bored... I wonder if she is dead how can she eat eggs, my granny stated thatshe would buy eggs in bulk from a wholesaler n store them in earthen pot, but sometimes her grandson used to come n rob few eggs, n she would get annoyed, so she used to hide it, she was very attached to eggs n anyone maddelling with her stock of eggs, she would curse dat person, omce she sat to eat her dinner n got up in d middle of fud to respond to voice calling her out, meanwhile her dog ate all d eggs in her plate, next day her dog was found dead... Sucj was her love for eggs, I think she would eat atleast 6 eggs in a day, n never her stomach got upset...
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-08)
The old woman's ghost apparently bonded with your relative through eggs prepoared with ghee. I wonder if anyone else in your family has had an encounter with this woman.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-07)
Hi Rocky-sur05,

You said that your Grandfather built the place where you are living in 1950 and that the woman who met with an accident or foul play was a worker who was connected with the construction.

I was wondering if she was connected to your family in any other way. Like a family acquaintance or something.

When your Grandmother confirmed that there had been a death of a similar woman did she tell you or did she tell your aunt? Has anyone else reported seeing her?

Thank you for sharing your story, Maria ❤

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