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Real Ghost Stories

The Architect Who Haunts His Buildings Until Today


I had just moved into a new apartment block which was modern with spotless, neat framework and an immaculate garden. My neighbors were pleasant and good-humored young adults and we all bonded very quickly. We had the type of relationship where you can talk about absolutely anything, as bizarre and unfounded as it may be, and we would still consider the speculation as earnestly, delicately and helpfully as we possibly could. In a nutshell, we were all very good friends who could suffer the shenanigans playfully and find the humor in any situation.

On one evening, I was lying in bed unable to sleep as I didn't feel tired at all. Most of the time when this happened, I would try and catch a glimpse of the flower garden outside of my window which would have an ambiance of variegated and hued lights and sometimes bright, tiny specs of dusts dancing in-and-around the flower beds. I have never seen faeries but I do believe that there were faeries in that garden. I would even leave my curtains open because of the charming, elegant and fascinating spectacle which I enjoyed before falling asleep. On this occasion, I turned onto my back facing upward towards the ceiling with my room in full field of vision, and only the dim light from my open curtains.

A figure appeared before me, at the foot of my bed, a man who appeared to be having a troublesome time forcing his way out or through some sort of saturated, blackened porthole. His face appeared and I first acknowledged his enraged, bitter, wrathful and resentful disposition. He was shouting at me as he came closer and closer but I could not hear anything and he was held back within the thick, smokey cavity. To this day, I believe that I incited something of hatred within him or provoked him in some way. I was absolutely petrified, I couldn't breathe as I sank further back into my bed pulling the sheets all the way up to my eyes staring at him in horror. And eventually, the phenomena subsided as he, with unwillingness and disfavor, was pulled back into the porthole from whence he came.

The following morning, we had a new tenant and such it was that I could not resist the anticipation and thrill to share my obscure experience with him. As we sat around the table, about 7 of us, I went on to describe the pudgy, infuriated man whom had charted to visit me the night before. He didn't say or think much of it, instead he shrugged and responded in an apathetic and dull tone, to the effect of, "hmmm, well there are no ghosts anyway." In response, I swore fervently to my experience and detailed the account with even more passion and conviction.

A few days later, a few of the guys and their girlfriends offered to show me the grounds and I accepted as I needed a walk and to enjoy a bit of the outdoors. As we reached the top of the hillside, my friends rested against the three or four pillars that were available while I caught my breath and then began walking around the small but charming architecture. Suddenly, I saw the mans face, again! Only, this time it was in the form of a stone, grey sculpture mounted on a wooden assemble about 1m high and 30cm in width. I screamed in elation and hysteria, "this is the man! This is the man I saw inside my bedroom the other night! This is him!" My friend, Johnny, while resting on a pillar looked up at me and said, "Kiki, that is the man who built this estate." And, I replied, "No, way! But, this is the man I saw the other night that I was telling you about!" He signaled me with his hand to the plaque β€Žon the other side of the sturdy wooden mounting and said, "read it for yourself!" Well, I whisked briskly around the sculpture looking for the plaque, until I found it, and it read "Sir Edward Clarkson, built Mysiferi Heights in 1870, Lived 1835 - 1909".

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, KikiGirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)
rookdygin! I'll give you one if you'll give me one? I don't mind a cold one, but, a warm 'pint' can work too!

... I feel like an idiot. But did I get a karma 'pint'?
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)
RandyM! I did want an karma/award point! That is very observant and intuitive of you.

I think the reason that you mention a campfire ghost is because the details in this article were changed and as such became the apex of the conversation.
I hear you about the fact that most people do not have many paranormal encounters, if any. Unless, he/she is a trained medium who deals with this kind of thing on a daily basis.
In my 32 years, I have had enough encounters to possibly count on two hands ghost-wise anyway, I think. I do have a very valuable tool though which has given me personal insight into the ghostly realm. I am planning to publish my article, however, it has been a bit tricky because I am not sure if I correctly recall all of the details, and in this case the details are critical.

I appreciate everything that you said and I think I understand, more or less, what you are getting at. I don't have anything to prove, and I know that I am fortunate to have always been very intuitive and such, my experience with the sixth sense is in the "thick-of-it". Like everyone else, I have ignored my gut-sense as far as possible, but, maybe not as much as others, and so I am not saying I am a studied medium or psychic either.

I hope you will understand all of this too!

Best of luck!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)

Please pass a KARMA 'pint'...I do enjoy a cold one every once in a while. πŸ˜†


RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)

I know I'm not helping to end this thread by commenting now so I'll be brief.

You seemed very determined to keep trying to convince everyone here that your stories are true. I may be wrong but I'm going to tell you now that the first thing that sends up a red flag to me is when someone starts or ends their story with, "I have lots of paranormal experiences or stories'. Those may not be the exact words but you get the point.
While some are sensitive to the other side or live in a place of high energy. For the most part the vast majority of people go their whole life without even having 1 experience and especially not a bunch.
True honest to goodness paranormal events are very very rare. Most times peoples' experiences are misreading normal and natural events.
But its OK to make a mistake. It keeps us mortal.

I have belonged to a very serious small group of people for 7 years now that are involved in a scientific study of the afterlife.
I like YGS because I see some echos of what we are doing in that group. I'll tell you now we don't give a rat's rear end about thrills and chills or even seeing a ghost for that matter. Our goal and mission is simple. Learn as much as possible about what happens to us after our bodies expire. I mention this so you fully understand there are many here that really don't have an interest in "campfire ghost".
They are truth seekers who want the same as I do. To know what's out there after I time is over. Please don't take those statements as me accusing you of making up stories. Just so it helps you understand how passionate some here are to learn and help others.

I believe it is human nature that we take information we obtain about something, like a story, and draw up our conclusions fairly early in the game. After that we tend to just dig in and look for evidence to back up our position unless something comes to light that makes us change our minds. I say this because I want to offer you some friendly advice about your 2 current stories. Be it mistake on your part or a mistake on the readers part I feel I can assure you that the readers have formed opinions that probably are not going to be changed.

Considering that as a strong possibility, it may be best to learn what we all can from this episode
And move on now. Those who believe you will do so and those who don't aren't going to be swayed.
Take what you have learned and apply it to next time. That is really what a big part of our life lessons are all about. Learning and doing better. So simple yet we humans tend to struggle with
The simple stuff the most.

One last thing. My understanding is that "Karma" pints are a little nicety but don't really mean much and many here don't pay any attention to them. I didn't look good on your behalf in the early going you were seeming to want to "award" point to those who agreed with you. Just saying.

Hope next time it goes better and have a good day
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-30)
valkricry mod, thank-you for leading the way. Although, I have got to be honest I'd like to ask Brokentree, what it is exactly he knows about meds?
But thank-you again. Your suggestion would've worked to start off with, and now your comment was most useful, also.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-28)
I think comments are straying pretty far from the story. You either believe the OP's story, or you don't. There are many, many other accounts to read, so before this escalates farther I suggest moving along.
BrokenTree (76 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-28)

"All Readers, I was open and honest in my responses to comments from the word "go!" I have answered the same questions a hundred times. This is how I came to the conclusion that we need a better way to communicate with each other. If it is within one persons right to say "your stories are puffballs of your imagination, maybe you worked at an upper-class brothel, her stories are not up to snuff" and so many other condescending and abusive comments. What is stopping me from responding in the same way?"

Since you quoted me twice in this ranting little paragraph, I will answer your final question.

Your meds, Kiki, take your meds.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-28)
Thanks for your clarifications, KikiGirl.

One of the best ways to write the stories you wish to tell, or to create poems that communicate your feelings, is to resume reading well-written fiction. You used to have more time to do this as a student, but as a young adult, you may resume the practice & build it into your daily schedule --even 30 minutes in the evening on weekdays is a good idea-- but to strengthen your writing skills, read, read, read!

If your studies included contract law, or if written contracts are a part of your job, then this would explain your remarkable clarity of purpose and communication in your response about them. Clearly, written contracts are a topic with which I have a passing familiarity, but in which you are well-versed. Reading fiction, biographies, or history will have a similar effect upon your creative writing skills.

Your written description is very clear, for example, in your response to my 9th comment/question. When I was reading the initial narrative, I could see you and a group of friends hiking up a hillside, perhaps to the south or south-west of the complex, there were trees near and around the hill off to your left (east of the hill), the sky was clear blue with wispy stratus clouds in the upper atmosphere, and a pleasant breeze from the west. The buildings were behind you, and -when everyone turned around to sit, they were closer than I'd expected; they seemed to be built on poured-concrete (possibly beige-painted?) basements, with two storeys of red (red/brown) brick "ells" (like hospital wards, or dormitory wings) projecting at right angles out of one (or more?) central structure. The ells -which had rather wide windows set into the ends of each level- were flat-roofed, or only slightly-sloped, in my mind's eye, but I was more concerned that when your narrative perspective turned around to the sculpture, I could see nothing. When you responded,"The truth is I had difficulty describing the structure. It was about 1 meter in height, wooden and on top of the structure was a stone sculpture of a mans head. I am accustomed to seeing much larger sculptures, typically, historic sites and statues. I couldn't equate the two, it reminded me more of a sizable trophy stand..." I had a better grasp of what you were trying to say. Now, my mental images that accompanied your initial narrative may bear no resemblance to the **actual** physical structure, or it may be weirdly accurate; that was not my concern. My concern was that your description in the ending descriptive passage was complete blank in my mind.

Now that you have also clarified what you were trying to communicate with the word "cavity," I also have a better sense of your meaning. "The portal looked very much like a black, meshed hole in the air" gives me a clear image of an amorphous, irregularly-shaped area which can be bent, shaped, and pushed by the individual inside it, but it is a space which snaps back to the original dimensions very quickly, like an elastic band or a latex balloon, frustrating the entity trapped within. Again, this may be exactly what you saw, or it may be that you're thinking, "well, not quite, but it's close enough." Either way, your description (in the clarification) triggered an image with which I could work to understand your encounter.

Honestly, I know how eager writers can be to express their ideas; sometimes, saving the narrative to a document on your computer for one hour, then returning to it with a fresh perspective to proof-read it *before* pasting it into YGS and submitting it, will help you to self-edit. Re-reading the narrative immediately after you have written it will catch some errors, certainly, but leaving it for an hour to wash dishes, to go for a walk, or to listen to music will give you just enough time for your brain to stop seeing what you think you've written and to see the descriptions with fresh eyes. That way, you can see statements which may be misleading, incomplete, or inaccurate, giving your the opportunity to correct them before everyone else reads the story and gets muddled.

Thanks again,
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-28)
People who work in brothels aren't second class citizens. Don't mince my words.

Dodging questions and sucking up to other members isn't being 'open and honest'. I don't trust you.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-28)
Thank-you to everybody who responded!

I am going to repeat something I have said several times. If somebody had taken particular interest in this article, had made personal contact with me and asked for the building name and other details, and stated the nature of their business which is connected to or at the very least something like; they are writing an article for [reason] and that my identity would be kept confidential, I would possibly supply those details.

Now, I am going to answer Biblio because I KN0W that his questions are direct and without criticism or malice. Simply put, he is not being rude or offensive.

I understand that English is your Major and so you will always be looking at a story from that angle when you are reading. 0n the other hand, I have not addressed syntax since I was 18 years of age. Also, my writing style has always been very different, descriptive and complicated when compared with my peers. I did receive several awards in High School in English and participated in Writing Contests; stories and poems mostly. When I was thirteen, I entered contests on the internet out of personal interest and I won a poetry contest and several publishers expressed interest in my poems, as a result.

When I was trying to describe the portal, it made sense to me, figuratively, to describe the portal as a cavity. A cavity is a hollow space on a surface and in my case the portal looked very much like a black, meshed hole in the air. It was not something I had seen before and it is not something I have ever heard somebody describe, hence, it was the best way I could describe it. Troublesome was used to describe his predicament, disposition and in association to his general demeanor. When I use a word like "troublesome" it is, most definitely, a play-on-words to explain an overall theme and give to better describe the entire scene. I agree, "obscure" is not a word used to describe an experience in this context. I am only trying to highlight that in and of itself the experience was unusual and unclear to me. I can best describe what happened, but, I am not a studied or seasoned paranormal expert. So, in my eyes and in the eyes of the person with whom I am talking, the experience was unusual and out of the usual bounds of our knowledge and experience. But, once again, I could have chosen a different word other then obscure, unusual perhaps?

Biblio - quote: "You do realize that nondisclosure agreements are apply only to contracts such as the operating budgets for such structures as Safe Houses for the Witness Protection Program or Covert Observation Posts?"? I am not sure I agree there but our laws in SA are different to the USA and the UK. However, you are getting closer to what the actual building was. I would like to note on your point that is exactly why people think that they can discuss anything. If you are talking at a party with friends or in a social situation among people you trust then you can get away with firing your mouth off. But, should you publish an article, on an international level that thousands of people might very well read, (maybe not on this site but if a facebooker took your story and started using it as a theme and built awareness around it, and you did or didn't know?) And, the article involves directly a business, organization or company. The company has the right to know that you are doing this. If you have not sought their permission to do this,
They can say that you are piggy-backing on them while blemishing the organizations name...
They can say that you used their name unlawfully or without their permission and sue you.
They can say that they were not notified that you were remarking on their company or services on an online group and they can sue you, and anybody else, who made use of the article or profited, in the process.
In another story of mine, I went so far as to say "A Crisis and Trauma Center" and it worked. But the focus of this story, which I only later realized was centered on the building its name and the architect. That is why I appreciated the Mods suggestion.

All Readers, I was open and honest in my responses to comments from the word "go!" I have answered the same questions a hundred times. This is how I came to the conclusion that we need a better way to communicate with each other. If it is within one persons right to say "your stories are puffballs of your imagination, maybe you worked at an upper-class brothel, her stories are not up to snuff" and so many other condescending and abusive comments. What is stopping me from responding in the same way?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-28)
Greetings, KikiGirl.

Thank you for responding to the questions I asked you! Manafon did make me feel a little concerned when he pointed out "I have questions that I put to the o/p as well but the deluge of negativity and off topic digressions might have scared her off. There are unanswered questions I hope the o/p will answer..." I was concerned I might have overwhelmed you with the number of issues I raised. As I stated when I listed my concerns/questions, I can seem to be rude when I'm simply curious about what the intention was in someone's written account.

While my questioning may seem intense, there's a reason for it: Verbal and Ideological dissection is simply the way my brain works. This means that as I read or listen to others' statements, I pull apart each sentence for the syntactical structure, the grammatical nuances, the scansion, alliteration (consonance & assonance), symbolism, motifs, themes, biases, cultural assumptions, puns, lacunae, logical flaws, faulty parallelisms, non sequiturs, rhetorical appeals, allusions, metaphors, colloquialisms, etc., while evaluating what the layers of meaning -both overt and covert- reveal about the thought processes of the writer/speaker, and extrapolating forwards from the current topic to logical extensions of the statements made and potential justifications for those future outcomes in the mind of the writer/speaker. I know it looks convoluted when written out like that, but it really isn't; it's just developing the habit of analytical, deductive, and inductive reasoning while paying attention to the details.

Though in one or two instances your responses to these questions were vague or incomplete, I'm perfectly happy to accept your statements about numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9. (A helpful hint about #8: "he, they, who" are subjects in sentences; "him, them, whom" are direct -or indirect- objects.) As for "from whence" being a term you'd seen before, notable writers including Charles Dickens and Mark Twain have made that error, too.

I'm afraid that you wrote responses to questions 2, 4, and 7, but you didn't answer them.

On point #2, "troublesome" means "causing problems for others." The definitions you supplied support my critique of your usage; they do not help to support your reasoning.

As for #4 (cavity), you stated, "Once again, I was making use of various English concepts. I am unsure whether it is a similie or a metaphor in this case, and I could not think of a word that could accurately describe the portal. Google definition of a Similie [or, spelled correctly, "Simile"]: "Noun: simile; plural noun: similes. A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid."

Kiki, I am an English teacher and a librarian. I know what a metaphor is; I do not need you to supply the definition of a simile. I can tell the difference between a Homeric simile and dead metaphor; I can illustrate the nuances which distinguish an extended metaphor, a controlling metaphor, and a metaphysical conceit. Claiming "I was making use of various English concepts" is an inaccurate statement. A cavity is a a hollow space formed within a solid mass; etymologically, this word is derived from "cavus," the Latin word for "hollow" (also, see "cave," "concave," and "excavate"). Cavity is not the word you wanted to use.

Your justification for "obscure" in answer #7 is that "obscure is also used in common discussion to describe an 'unusual" event.'" If you type "obscure synonym" into the google search engine, you'll discover synonyms both for the adjective and for the verb forms: for the Adjective form, "unclear, uncertain, unknown, in doubt, doubtful, dubious, mysterious, hazy, vague, indeterminate, concealed, hidden, abstruse, recondite, arcane, esoteric; mystifying, puzzling, perplexing, baffling, ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, Delphic, oracular, oblique, opaque, elliptical, unintelligible, incomprehensible, impenetrable, unfathomable, little-known, unknown, unheard of, unnoticed, undistinguished, unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, minor, lowly; nameless, anonymous; unsung, unrecognized, forgotten, indistinct, faint, vague, nebulous, ill-defined, unclear, blurred, blurry, misty, hazy; dark, dim, shadowy; (literary) tenebrous; (archaic) caliginous;" for the Verb form, "hide, conceal, cover, veil, shroud, screen, mask, cloak, cast a shadow over, shadow, block (out), obliterate, eclipse, darken; (literary) bedim, enshroud; confuse, complicate, obfuscate, cloud, blur, muddy; muddy the waters of; (literary) befog, becloud; overshadow."

Now, I used Google so I could copy the material and insert it into the comment with ease because it would take ages to type in everything I found in my Oxford English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Thesaurus, the American Heritage reprint of Noah Webster's Dictionary of American English, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th ed.), Funk & Wagnall's Dictionary, Roget's Thesaurus, Fowler's Modern English Usage (2nd ed., which corrected flaws in the 1st, but before other editors buggered it about in the 3rd and 4th editions), and Steps to Writing Well (both the 2nd & 3rd editions). The closest information I could track down is that about a decade ago, then-modern hipsters (as opposed to those of the Beat generation) used "obscure" as a derisive term to describe poseurs, per "Not mainstream; weird. Trying to be different; a rebel." Despite my being surrounded by teenagers for the last 15 years, I've never heard anyone misuse the word "obscure" in this way.

Your prose style, for whatever reason, became much more focused and clear in your recent post about contracts and nondisclosure agreements (other than your neologism "genuity," by which I suspect you mean "authenticity," not "ingenuity"). I enjoyed studying contract law when my wife took the Bar Exam; you do realize that nondisclosure agreements are apply only to contracts such as the operating budgets for such structures as Safe Houses for the Witness Protection Program or Covert Observation Posts. Requiring a tenant to sign a nondisclosure agreement for an apartment is basically demanding that he or she give up any and all legal claims in lawsuits, police protection, health safety issues, etc., as the moment a complaint is registered, the landlord/owner then has the right to press a countersuit, using the contract signed by the tenant to negate the tenant's right to file the complaint in the first place? I'm pretty sure this ludicrous clause would be impossible for the landlord/owner to enforce in a court.

As with several others, I'm trying to understand your perspective, here, but I'm having a tough time reconciling your diction, typing, and explanations with your previous claims. I'm pleased that you've recognized that you did make some errors in judgement, and that you will avoid undermining future submissions with deliberately falsified information. Perhaps your efforts to avoid lawsuits for post-mortem character defamation filed by the descendants of pudgy architects were the reason I was not 'connecting' with your stories in the first place. It is sad that your endeavors have --to greater or lesser degrees-- had the opposite effect, in that you've alienated some members who wanted you to disclose details to make better-informed comments in response to your accounts.

Take care,
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-27)
Kiki, I've followed this thread silently and every time you speak about contracts and confidentiality of this dwelling it points to one thing in my mind; a brothel or some kind of 'high class adult entertainment' service.

Peppa Pig is lame
Peppa Pig, a registered name of an insanely ridiculous cartoon aimed at goodness knows who. Guess what, no dramas for calling it lame. That's public opinion.

Google are evil.
No dramas here either.

Things get taken down from websites where a violation has been reported. Stating an opinion is not a violation unless it is slanderous and/or promotes or demotes in the favour of a rival entity (company/business)

Saying Tesco is haunted is me giving my opinion.
But if Sainsburys (a rival company) say Tesco is haunted, indicating their better, this could be argued by Tesco to be slanderous.

Someone staying or living in an apartment complex who gives their opinion based on their experience that a location is haunted is simply someone stating their opinion. No problems.
Confidentiality agreements and contracts? Errm the only reason I can fathom for these being drawn up would be to protect the identity of the people/parties involved. I can only imagine this would be 'desired' if public opinion was at stake. Sooo I'm guessing this was a wealthy boys club or at least was used as such at some point while you were there. Your trepidation suggests either you had intimate knowledge of such an event, and are scared of being identified, or this is all back peddling and smoke screening to obscure (there's that word again) something else entirely.
There are a few other reasons these contracts might be drawn up, but your prose ruled them out for me and I wouldn't want to educate a potential deceiver by suggesting them.

Manafon meant well when he gave you the benefit of the doubt. It was only after his nice comment that you started replying. Now this is getting out of hand and peppa pig ridiculous.

I have more on your wording and 'not reading for a decade' 'excuse'. But I'm tired and I think it best you quit while your at least somewhat ahead.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-27)
0kay! I am quite upset about the comments I received on this page and I now I am even more concerned about the way in which Readers and Authors communicate on a story, the karma points that are used to reflect a positive reaction or negative reaction to comment/s, and how issues are dealt with on site. I actually, wanted to make use of the word rapport in light of the current issue. I see the Google definition clearly states rapport as "a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well." Suffice to say, I think we all have very poor rapport at this time.

I encourage you to visit some of the pages/links on site so that you can verify for yourself, the amount of times, a video or picture is no longer able to be viewed because of the following: "This video is no longer available due to copyright claim by [NAMEREM0VED] Films and Televisions inc..." or "The youtube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement."
I bring this to your attention, only to make light that the law/s of a Country address things like this because/therefore it is N0T ALL0WED. As soon as, you start dealing with an outside or third party, there are rules with regards to confidentiality, security and business etiquette where a Contract was signed. You are not allowed to discuss the organization or services rendered, you are not permitted to post information about the organization on a website or other media forms, unless, there was a breach of contract by the other party. I do not know if seeing a ghost counts as a breach of contract? Lol.

I would further like to note that Readers would like full disclosure of or within an account, and this is why as soon as the question/s were raised with me, I was honest and explained that I had originally thought that the story could be understood without the specifics, but later realized that it would hinder the credibility of my account. I use the word account and not story because an account refers to one being "accountable" meaning the story and its facts must be true. I could write a story also, and I believe this is the root of WHY people are so skeptical when you read accounts on this site.

When put in such a way, I realize that;
People are looking for the truth on this site, so, they expect the Author to provide the most honest possible account of his/her experience.
By people, and when I say "people" I mean fraudsters and liars come on site and publish untrue stories, make up tall tales and misdirect the Readers on site, such is it that, it has piqued the atmosphere of doubtfulness and mistrust. As a result, some Authors may find themselves being accused of lying when they are not. With this in mind, the YGS community needs to best evaluate their 'control/s and policies' on the way in which Readers and Authors communicate on a story, the karma points that are used to reflect a positive reaction or negative reaction to comment/s, and how issues are dealt with on site.

I realize that there are several ways I could have managed this better:
* I could have/should have said within the body of the story, either at the beginning or in the end that I had changed the information. (as manafon1 suggested)
* I could have/should have remarked or made a statement that differed from the details but was still true. For example, "the sculpture of the man's face resemblance to the spirit was uncanny and such I knew it was him. On the placard was the date the building was built, the architects name and DOB." (as valkricry mod suggested)
* I could have/should have stated the genuity of my article in my opinion or thought/s within the body of article. (as I stated in response to:
Brokentree: "I am not taking you for a ride. As I said in my last comment, ALL of my stories are true. It is quite strange that I have avoided posting stories because I fear their genuity, and I actually had an odd or off feeling about this story. However, once I had put the story down in black-and-white, it seemed more believable. Such is it that readers comments can confirm a writers hunch." And as stated in response to Temilicious, "thank-you for not attacking because I am a new member. My stories are all true though I can't account for other factors. I mean, maybe, somebody was playing a prank on me?"
* I could have/should have anticipated the Readers reactions to the above taking into account that they do not have all of the information, their feelings and that the comments may entail some negative light.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-27)
Sorry to interject, but I do have a query I'm hoping you could resolve. I don't think anyone else has answered this but I may have missed it:
1) it was stated that the details were changed to hide the location
2) it was later stated that those same details were made up because the correct details could not be recalled

Not wanting to sound negative, but is there done clarity that could be added around thus inconsistency?

I'm sure there are valid reasons why someone may need to change names or place names when posting an account, but I think it is best to state that details have been changed up front
elnoraemily (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-27)
" I am not saying it is not important if the house was or was not a crematorium, I am pointing out that it was an idea introduced at the very end of her story and yet, it got all of the readers attention. What she experienced while living in the house was/became completely ignored."

However, there is a real and obvious reason for this: her story was based on the fact that there was a crematorium upstairs in her home. She based her room being hot and some other odd facts on that. With a lot of us on here understanding that is a highly impractical place to put a crematorium and body preparation area, it casts doubt on her entire story. If the base of the story doesn't check out, the other parts of the story now stand on shaky ground.

"maybe you got some erroneous information?" That was all that needed to be said"

It can be said, yes, but why should the parts that don't make sense be ignored? How exactly can quality, true stories be the base of this site if we allow anything to slide?

This is a page for true stories only. If a story presents itself as true, but nothing in lines up, it will come under fire.
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-27)
Hi, I just wanted to give you a little insight as to why the people commented as they did in the crematorium house and likewise in yours. I am on a search for the truth, as are many others on this site.
When a story has even the smallest amount of untruth, that means it's very possible there could be more. There are posters here that can spot many inaccuracies that I could not because I am very gullible. That is what kept my attention on this site. They can call the bull very easily, and in turn help us gullibles from getting the wool pulled over our eyes.
I have seen two different types of people here, ones like me who are on a search for answers, and others who are looking for attention, and for them it is more of a game or fun.
I did feel they came down on you pretty hard regarding the vocabulary you used, but I feel in their own way they were expressing that they felt you were trying to be someone you weren't, I think that came through in the words you used.
If this is at all the case, remember nobody can truly love you unless you love yourself. If there are instances where you feel lonely and desire attention, I always like to recommend self reflection.
Take time to look inside you, who do you want you to be, where are your personal goals as a person. Remember becoming a better person has nothing to do with the outside. I give this advice not in any attack, I practice this advice regularly and hand it out wherever it might be needed. We all have room for improvement, and we can't learn until we realize we don't have all the answers.
I wish you the best ❀ trentinray
BrokenTree (76 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)


No Corporation is going to track you down from this website.
You answered my questions with more twisty answers or rather non-answers.
I too am done.
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
...the more you try to answer our questions the more confuzzled I become.

I'm probably going to get a negative for what I'm about to say, but I feel you just enjoy the attention.

I'm out, sorry.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
Hi KikiGirl--I did notice that a couple of things I asked were asked just prior to me posting my comment. I was writing mine up at the time and didn't realize others were beating me to the proverbial punch.

I would suggest that in any future stories you care to share on YGS that you do include real names of historical people and especially of places. If you can't for a valid reason, as with this recent account, simply state that at the outset.

Although you aren't allowed to give exact address numbers, you can give town, neighborhood and street names. I just did that in my last two accounts. It helps confirm to the reader, who feels so inclined, to look up the place/location to be sure it is real. By confirming that the reader can feel the account is built on an honest foundation.

In one account I submitted a few years back, several members uncovered further information of a haunted apartment building I lived in that offered possible answers to some questions and theories on previously unconsidered possibilities.

In short, being open about all aspects of what you're presenting can prevent receiving the third degree later!
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
elnoraemily! 100% correct I think you are describing it correctly although I haven't been to a museum in... Almost forever.

This is also true! You cannot give out incorrect details, because, I had to, or, because maybe you don't remember quite exactly, the details. I read a recent story on here where a girl provided several accounts where she thought she was experiencing paranormal activity and in the last paragraph, she wrote, "I only found out when we moved that our house used to be a crematorium". Because her story did not make sense in relation to the way her house was built, everyone simply ignored her stories/happenings/accounts while in the house, and focused on, if ever, her house may have been a crematorium. I am not saying it is not important if the house was or was not a crematorium, I am pointing out that it was an idea introduced at the very end of her story and yet, it got all of the readers attention. What she experienced while living in the house was/became completely ignored.
It was somewhat suggestive to a reason as to why the house was haunted, but, any human being is going to try and explain something they don't understand. I did take note of one users comment which I felt was useful and pertinent "maybe you got some erroneous information?" That was all that needed to be said.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
Manafon1, I never decided to share my accounts on thinking that people would believe me even though my stories are true. After being on this site for a bit, I understand just a little bit regards WHY people think that Authors come on here and BS. There are some stories where the Author guideline states, to the effect of,: "I will read the comments and need help with what I have experienced", and then the person has not returned to the site or responded to any of the comments.

Question 1: "...without letting readers know you had done that? What exactly are your concerns in giving out these names?"
Answer: I, kind of, thought that readers might expect information to be changed in some circumstances. I have said several times now that I cannot use such a large and reputable organizations details in my story.

Question 2: "You didn't answer the question concerning your apartment building being new but the estate being much older. Please clarify what exactly this estate is."
Answer: Quote - Reply to Comment by KikiGirl to elnoraemily: "I was shocked when I read the placard because I honestly did not think that the building/s were so old! I do know that some of the building/s have add-ons which are more recent."
I only realized how long this place had been around when I read the placard and it provided the date the building was built and when the architect was born et cetera. The building might have been used as something else before and later, there were some changes and rooms or buildings were added on later.

And, just a note on revealing the architect and the place. I wanted to include a picture o the sculpture so I did a search on the internet. I could find details about the organizatin and its locations and projects but no pictures from inside the building/s or of the sculpture.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
OMG!... Really?... Yikes!... Your following comment misguided me into believing you're a non native English speaker:

"... I used to have excellent knowledge and usage of the English language but I stopped reading as much in the last decade. This is why I sometimes don't describe a person, place or object with the right words et cetera. This is incredibly frustrating for me as I used to write with correctness, trueness and accurate description, so I naturally try my very best to use the language correctly, but, I do still fail at times."

Even if you haven't done too much reading during the last decade, you still live in a country where English is spoken 24/7... How could you have forgotten so much about it? Have you had an accident that affects the brain memory and language centres and, perhaps, causes hallucinations like a side effect?

I'm sorry, but your explanations are not answering our questions, if anything, they are making your story look more confusing and incredible (hard to believe?) than it was at the beginning.
elnoraemily (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
"I remember my Brothers girlfriends friend coming to sleep over at our house and I scared her so much by joking that her room and the house was haunted"

I'm afraid to say that this isn't exactly building my confidence about the honesty of this particular story.

"The building is part of a corporate group"

This would make me think that the building itself was new, not old. Not that new buildings can't attract spirits, but I am still a bit lost as to whether or not the apartment itself was his building.

The main problem is that when you present a story as fully honest (as is the point of this site), it casts a lot of doubt when important details are completely fabricated.

If I am understanding the statue correctly, it is a bust atop a wooden stand, such as how a bust would be displayed at a museum?
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
valkricry mod, you are one-hundred percent right! 0h! I see your point now! You mean instead of changing the name of the building, architect name and D0B, I could have simply said "it was the architect who had built the building and some other details relating to the building such as his D0B and the date the building was built".

And, finally! I have the correct description: "a stone bust, displayed on a wooden pedestal". This experience was several years ago but I do think it was as you have described with the metallic placard on the wood below the stone sculpture. I did not know where to look and my friend gestured but unclearly, so, that is why I said, I "darted around" searching for the placard. I think there was a placard on each side of the wooden pedestal.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
KikiGirl--I really wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and hoped your answers to everybody's questions would clear up the murky aspects of your account. In large part your replies have only made your story more unclear.

As lady-glow asked, why would you change the name of the estate and architect (and Clarkson's date of birth) without letting readers know you had done that? What exactly are your concerns in giving out these names? Do you have a fear of being physically attacked by the apparition you saw? Since he didn't physically do anything to you the one time you saw him why would you think that? There doesn't seem to be any logical reason to create the false names and date of birth.

You didn't answer the question concerning your apartment building being new but the estate being much older. Please clarify what exactly this estate is. I can understand language causing some of the issues people have had with your story but I was hoping you would explain concerns several people (myself included) had to major aspects of the story itself. You haven't. I would strongly suggest revealing the real names of the estate and Sir Edward Clarkson to prove the place and man are real and not mere fabrications.

I hope you can clear the muddy water of this account but after reading your replies to everyone I am forced, at present, to join the skeptics.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
lady-glow, English is my first language *lol. Please read my comment to Brokentree. To be honest, I did not feel like I absolutely HAD to provide the details on the building & architect when I considered releasing this article because the story, sort of, proved itself. It was only when I wrote the article that I realized that the information would be critical in confirming the story as true or untrue, but, I decided on my first point and published the article anyway.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
I don't understand. You state," The name of the "estate"/place and the character Sir Edward Clarkson and his DOB was changed. I do not know what sort of implications, much like my story, "A Spiritual Physical Encounter" could surface if I divulge the information. If somebody approached me directly, I might be willing to give the the name and location." Why even mention it in the story then? You could have easily just said," On the plaque was inscribed the name of the architect and the date - 1870- he had designed the estate." Then just tell us you are uncomfortable with divulging the details as it might make your location too public. As lady-glow points out, deliberately giving false information, casts a shroud of doubt over your entire experience.
The other problem I have is the statue you describe (sounds like a stone bust, displayed on a wooden pedestal to me) is facing away from the plaque. Normally, plaques are fastened below the 'front' side of the statue; so as you look at his 'face' the plaque is below it.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
BrokenTree I would like to answer some of your questions:
Question 1: "You have indicated that you have changed the name and DOB of the architect. Your reason is to "hide" the location, if I am getting that right. Why? You did say that you went up to a total stranger and told him about what you saw."
Answer: The building is part of a corporate group. As merely a person who made use of their building / room or services for a short time, I cannot go onto a website and list / provide information or affiliate / associate the Corporate Group with a television group / personal interest/s group / religious organization or other third parties.
Moreoverly the services entailed in the Contract Agreement I signed did not include ghostly night visits and association with the groups and interests, thereof.
Note: "You also mentioned your other stories and state "implications" if it is known where they are."

Question 2: "You are a young adult but you quit reading a decade ago?"
Answer: I am 32 years of age and I finished high school in 2003. I do not read as much as I used to when I attended school, and we completed a book every three weeks as a minimum.

Furthermore, I did not change the architect and his D0B to hide the location, I simply could not remember the exact details, just that he was born somewhere in the 1800s I think.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
BrokenTree, I am not taking you for a ride. As I said in my last comment, ALL of my stories are true. It is quite strange that I have avoided posting stories because I fear their genuity, and I actually had an odd or off feeling about this story. However, once I had put the story down in black-and-white, it seemed more believable. Such is it that readers comments can confirm a writers hunch.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-26)
elnoraemily! I was shocked when I read the placard because I honestly did not think that the building/s were so old! I do know that some of the building/s have add-ons which are more recent.

And, as I said in Question 9 in response to Biblio, I am accustomed to seeing much larger sculptures which are all of the same material. I see this was, in fact, very unique as a few people have commented on this.

Rookdygin And Temilicious! Also, receive karma points. Rookdygin, thank-you for looking up Mysferi Heights, even though the publishing isn't connected to this story, I see connections elsewhere, even if I am not entirely sure of their association. Also I would like to revisit the building to re-view the placard as I am sure it stated his title as "Sir" or another term. It is something I would like to confirm.
Temilicious, thank-you for not attacking because I am a new member. My stories are all true though I can't account for other factors. I mean, maybe, somebody was playing a prank on me? Maybe, I distort things in a way that will make sense to me? I don't know. I am going to use a quote by RC "Put 2 and 2 together and come up with 17,905"

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