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Multiple Shadows In Room At Night And Other Phenomena


My name is Joe, I hope my first name will be sufficient. I am a 33 year old man living in Massachusetts in my own home. Along with me is my son, age 8, and my girlfriend and her three children, ages 9, 7, and 4. The children are with us a little more than half the time, as we both share custody with our respective ex's. They have only recently moved in the past few weeks, while my son as been with me since birth. I also have three dogs, all of which are very well trained, but protective of the family and property should someone attempt to come around when we are not home.

First, I have lived in this home for 9 years, some of the time I was married but the majority of the time I've been single. For as long as I have lived there, I have seen multiple black shadows moving around my room at night. These shadows range from human-sized to massive, blob-like shapes covering an entire quarter of the ceiling, usually in a corner over my bed. They move in such an odd way, seemingly gliding and swirling, akin to a lava lamp.

For the most part they tend to move around my bed, either settling directly over me near the ceiling or coalescing, standing at the side or foot of my bed. On a few occasions I have had them come so close as to block out my vision completely, and I had to back up to realize that it was literally "face to face". I say that in quotations because I HAVE NEVER seen a face or any detail. They are rarely in human shape, even if they are the size of an average man, it looks more like a mist or funnel cloud than a human form.

I have always felt uneasy, but never genuinely threatened. I am not the only person to witness these shadows, and at the time I am always awake, clear headed and typically blink several times and rub my eyes to ensure I am seeing what I am seeing and it's not just a trick of the eyes in a nearly pitch black room. I do believe in the paranormal, but I would consider myself a healthy sceptic. My first instinct isn't "it's a ghost" or "it's a demon". That being said, recently in my home these shadows have appeared more often than not, and I have had other things occur that I cannot readily explain.

I have, within the last few months, heard what sounds like footsteps when I am alone in the house and the dogs are all sleeping or in my line of sight. The dogs do react to the footsteps, but rarely bark, more of a perked ear and investigative look rather than a show of force.

I have been woken up to what sounds like conversation in my living room. Thinking I left the television on prior to going to bed I get up to turn it off only to have it go completely silent when I get close to the living room and the television is off.

Lastly, this past week, a glass dish was drying on my drying rack among other dishes. It had been washed close to 4 hours before, and had sat in room temperature the rest of the time. I would say "broke" but that's not accurate; "exploded" would be a better term for it. This occurred at approximately 2:30am, and I was in the living room, while my girlfriend was in the bedroom. The "POP" of the glass was enough to wake her on the opposite side of the house and was enough to scare the living crap out of me. No other dishes moved, no other dishes were affected, and there were shards of glass literally 15 feet away from the drying rack. It does not sit near a window, nor a vent for temperature fluctuations. I am at a complete loss of what caused it to shatter so violently.

Anybody with any kind of insight into what is occurring in my home out there I ask to please share what you know; I am open to any suggestions to explain the phenomena. Thank you all, and my you find peace, happiness and love in your lives.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, joe090306, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-28)

If you don't feel like it's a ghost then perhaps you are living in a home of which already may have had a subdued poltergeist. TV on and off, a glass smashing and faceless blob types of shadows may be the poltergeist trying to align itself with your own thoughts and emotions.

I believe consciousness is fundamental to our reality and we create what we see as we go. On the plank scale of our universe the atoms and the molecules that flow through your home can interact with the atoms and molecules that flow through your mind via the microtubules and synapses that collapse the wave function field transforming some interactions that present themselves as a separate entity.

You did move in at a time when you just separated from your ex, the faceless shadows may be this poltergeist trying to reattach itself to your mindset.

Cleansing rituals can work just from the power of belief you are disconnecting this displaced surge of energy out of your home. It may only work if you really believe it will work.

Regards Daz
Cosmos (26 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-28)
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the story. It's really interesting. I think the comments so far are quite helpful, especially the rook's cleansing method. Although my wife and I don't experience anything abnormal, we enjoy doing it, and it help us to feel great afterwards.

As for the shadows you mentioned that "they do not disappear when they are noticed", so I was wondering if would that be possible to take a picture of them or perhaps to capture a footage? Have you tried it before?

Thanks once again for sharing your story with us. I hope soon all these stop, so you and your family can have a peaceful life.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)
I cannot add to all of the great comments thus far. I can only say that I believe you and your residence is in the throes of a verifiable, class-A haunting. The only question you have to answer is can you live with it? If not, then I suggest hiring a reputable paranormal research team to record your haunts. They can give you help as to how you can rid yourself of these incidents.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)

"at least it'll be a story your kids can tell their kids when they put you in "a home" someday"

I read both of your comments without mishap but, when I got to that part, it was so funny and unexpected that I spilled some of my ice water. Good night. 😆

- Maria
WisconsinLady (1 stories) (52 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-08)
Adding to my previous comment, you could try using candles and/or incense set with intentions (what you want the candles or incense to help with). My go to is candles. Spiritual stores have candles with certain herbs and such added, and they come with intention suggestions. You could also go to any store for colored candles. Black candles are used for protection. Any black candle works. My candle came with the words to say out loud: "From east, south, west, and north; above and below; I am protected." They use a semi-colon, so it must be true. I'd throw in something about removing negativity from your house and replacing it with love and happiness. Yellow candles are for happiness. Mine says "God within, awaken and fill me with bliss, joy, and happiness." Perhaps get your family together when you set the candle intention and light the candle (s) together.
And if this doesn't help, at least it'll be a story your kids can tell their kids when they put you in "a home" someday.

Side note: when I was pulling out my candle intention papers (they come with every candle and I save them all) from my "already used jar" to dictate to you, all I was pulling out was the yellow happiness papers. It felt like my candle papers were trying to tell me to heavily suggest yellow candles to you. It was a little weird and creepy. Or just the laws of probability.

Restating: not saying you are a bad person or created only negativity. I just think any strong emotion can accumulate over time in some instances. ❤
WisconsinLady (1 stories) (52 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-08)
Hi, Joe! Thanks for sharing your story. I think all the comments so far are very good and informative. I'm going to throw in a different suggestion, just for additional options for you:
I believe that strong emotions and energy in a location can accumulate over time into form and eventually entities. I would consult someone who knows reiki and see what they suggest. If your house has seen intense emotion (like divorce and family change), having someone push out any past negativity to replace with good energy might be a good step. I'm not saying you've created a bad environment, btw! The energy flow in your house might just need a tune up. ❤
(I think my words make sense here... 🤔)
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Joe - I don't have personal experience with shadow people, so I only know what I have heard and what I have read on this site and the general consensus seems to be that they are not harmful. You seem to be convinced that they are benign and therefore I tend to believe you.

However, just because you have become accustomed to them and are not frightened does not mean that other members of your family or friends will not fear them. Even if I had harmless shadow people in my home, I would definitely not want them swirling around me. That would be extremely disconcerting and yes, I would do my utmost to be free of them. They do not belong in your home.

I believe you have at least one other entity in your home which caused your dish to explode and pulled the covers off the children. I consider those acts to be aggressive.

I don't think you want your children to dig their heels in and tell their mom that they don't want to visit their dad anymore because he has ghosts in his house.

Just ponder on it.

Regards, Melda
joe090306 (1 stories) (2 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)

After doing some research, like you I am not entirely convinced that my situation fits the mold of what would be considered classic "shadow people". These shadows in my house are not shy, at all, in fact quite the opposite. They almost seem curious. They do not disappear when they are noticed and they don't seem to be in any particular hurry getting to where they are going. Like I said before, it's like watching a lava lamp made out of pitch black glide around the room. That being said... I have the entire house to myself tomorrow, as the kids will be in school, and my girlfriend has work. I just may try and sweep some of this activity away. I'll keep you posted.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)

It's hard to add anything of value to Lealeigh's comment. In my opinion, you can not take chances to 'analyze' them (for lack of a better term) when they are already bothering the children and doing things potentially dangerous.
Just imagine another glass dish exploding when someone is around!

If you are fine keeping them around, it would be a good idea to lay some rules about what is allowed and what is off limits.
Perhaps you should consider asking for the help or a medium or a psychic to communicate with them. Just don't trust anyone, there are many charlatans trying to make an easy buck.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
I feel like I should add that I don't know what I think shadow people really are. Like you, I don't believe that they are ghosts or demons. There may be many different kinds of things that look like shadows to us.

The one that I saw years ago didn't have any discernable features either. It was just like a black shape cut out of matter. It was the middle of the day when I saw it.

It was there for a full second and then it was gone; it didn't fade away or even move away.

- Maria
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)

I, for one, think that your situation is already escalating. Many of the accounts that I have read of shadow people say that they are something that generally avoid being seen; they are often seen in the corner of your eye. I have seen one once in my life and "he" either didn't know he had been seen or wasn't interested in me. Either way, he was gone right away and I never saw him again.

The ones in your house are aggressively interacting with you. They behave in a way that demands a reaction from you and are possibly feeding off of your reactions. It is almost certain that they won't stop without being forced to.

It really bothers me the way you describe these things getting in your face. I consider it quite a bold action. As far as pulling the blankets off of the children, well, that seems kind of traumatic for them.

The shielding and cleansing method that Melda provided the link for, I have used myself and I can tell you that things are much "cleaner" in my environment.

Let us know if you decide to do it.

- Maria
joe090306 (1 stories) (2 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
[at] Lealeigh- Hello, and thank you! First, I do not own an aquarium, typically I do sleep with a fan on in my bedroom, but doubt its auditory pareidolia due to the fact that I've not experienced it prior to this and have been sleeping with background noise for years due to tinnitus.

[at] Melda- Thank you very much for the link, I have studied it extensively and may very well give it a try if thing continue to progress the way they have been

[at] Lady-Glow- I can't help but want to try to explain it, it's just in my nature to try to understand it. To quote one of my favorite authors "Knowledge counters fear, it always has."

As for questions you all seemed to have, the children have mentioned that while they are going to sleep they have experienced things as well. Only my girlfriends two youngest, who share a room. They claim that their covers are being pulled off the bed, and hearing voices having conversations. The conversations are probably my TV (they go to bed early and we are up for quite some time) the covers thing I cannot explain. I do go into the room and check and have never seen or heard anything to see give me pause in the room. Other than mentioning that in passing, and when doing so did not seem upset in the slightest, they seem completely unaffected.

Since first writing this, I have not been awoken by conversation or heard footsteps. I have seen the shadows moving in the room, but again, nothing I was horribly alarmed about. The only "new" thing is now myself and my girlfriend hear what sounds like someone moving something around in the next room, like knocking or banging. Typically in the kitchen, when we are in the living room and only at night.

I do have questions for you all. You all seem to be in agreement that I should be attempting to force these shadows out of my home. Why do you feel that way? Is there a precedence in shadows being malevolent or harmful?

Thank you all for your kind words, and advice! I look forward to hearing more from you!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Forget about trying to explain the phenomena, the activity taking place at your house has escalated too much for comfort.

Joe - I agree with the previous posters, it's time to put to stop to these disturbances before they get worse.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Joe - Living under those conditions can be extremely unpleasant.

I always worry about the children and the effect this has on them. Living in a haunted house was terrifying to me as a child and it didn't help being told that I was having nightmares or simply dreaming. I knew I wasn't.

Please do try to send these entities on their way, not only for the sake of you and your partner but especially for the children. I have added a link for a house cleansing by a highly respected member of this site, Rook. You can also approach a priest, minister, pastor, if you prefer. There are a number of cleansing methods but do have a look at the link below.


Regards, Melda
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Hello Joe and welcome to YGS,

Wow! That's very unnerving! They are showing aggressive behavior for shadow people and it goes without saying that those guys need to hit the road. Your intentions go along way in setting boundaries with anything, living or otherwise.

Do they also bother the children?

I do have an idea about the voices. Do you have an aquarium in your house? Years ago, I lived in a house with a long fresh water aquarium and for weeks I would hear what sounded like conversation at the end of my house between a man and a woman. I only heard this when the door to my bedroom was shut. I came to realize (or convince myself) that it was the sound of the pump and the action of the water; the sound waves were being echoed by the long hallway at the other end of the house. When we sold the tank to a friend, we no longer heard voices.

Just a shot in the dark; I don't know yet whether you have an aquarium...

- Maria

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