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Harbinger Of Death


The "Black Lady". Others call it the Lady in Black.

I only saw it once. But for me though, that one time was enough for me to know that this entity (the black lady) is the "harbinger of impending death".

I was a 5th grader in QESchool at that time, year 2008. We always change classrooms in every subject we take, so when it was time for our MAPEH (music, arts, physical education and health) class I decided to sit at the very front row because it was a subject that I was kind of interested in.

Right when I sat down I notice that I was directly facing an empty doorway. The classroom we were in was a detached single story building that supposedly consists of two classrooms, but the other room was converted into a store house holding only the best art projects of the students of the whole school. Maybe for convenience, an interior doorway or opening (a doorway without a door) was installed in the wall in between the two rooms just beside the huge chalkboard.

It was halfway through the class when I started to feel uncomfortable. My whole body just felt so heavy. It was as though something was pushing down on my shoulders. At that time, I didn't really feel troubled about it. So I brush it off, telling myself that maybe I was just tired.

MAPEH was the last subject we have for the whole morning and we would have an hour break for lunch after. So I thought to myself then, that I was going to go home after the class and I can rest or sleep for half an hour after having lunch.

I checked my temperature. Alternately moving the back of my hand pressing it on my neck and on my forehead. But the temperature was normal, nothing out of the ordinary. After that, the discomfort became worse. I also began to feel nauseous. But I just thought that I might have eaten something wrong during recess time.

So when the teacher started telling instructions for our next project and started writing a lot of things on the board, despite my discomfort, I also started taking notes. As my head kept looking up at the board then down at my notebook, my eyes would inadvertently pass by that empty doorway.

Even though I was seriously taking down notes at that time, I still caught sight of something. I stopped moving immediately. I stared down at my notes, doubting myself for what I saw. I even said to myself that I was still too young to start going insane. But curiosity really did kill the cat. When I tried to look up towards the board again I found myself looking directly at that empty doorway. I just thought that I saw something dark in my peripheral vision, but I never expected to see a woman dressed in black, with no feet and no face floating by the doorway on the other side of the classroom. I was paralyzed in fear. Thinking that if I moved even a little bit I might caught the attention of that thing.

My classmate who was seated right beside me started to cry. I realized she was also looking at the same direction. The teacher immediately noticed and was about to reprimand her but one of our classmates at the back row shouted that he saw a black shadow passing by that doorway. After that one shout, it became a series of affirmations from others who also claimed that they saw it too. With that, our teacher decided to stop her lessons and began telling us the rumored hauntings in that store room. She had a lot of stories to tell and when the topic eventually shifted to the one we saw, she said that there wasn't any rumors about a black shadow before.

When class ended I noticed that the nausea and the heaviness I felt before was gone. I went home for lunch, then shared to my parents what happened in class. They told me to be careful and that seeing something like that is a bad omen. I asked them why, and they told me that someone will die in that place (the school) 3 days from now. I shivered listening to that.

3 days later, I remember that I went very early to school that day. Although there weren't many people yet, but it's enough to know that something has happened. I saw both teachers and students gathered on the one lane road all staring down at the concrete. I went over to them to take a look. I was terrified at what I saw, then I remembered what my parents said.

When I saw some teachers were holding cleaning materials in their hands, I, and a few other fellow students helped to pour water to wash away the bloodstains on the ground. I noticed that it wasn't the only place that was stained with blood. There were other areas too. Some trees were stained a little and even the classroom porch of our English teacher was not spared. But the one thing that really scared me the most was the bloodied concrete on the small pathway which was directly facing the classroom where we saw the black lady. They say that it was where the body of the victim was found. The amount of bloodstains on the pavement there was also far greater than those of other places.

Later that day I overheard some teachers talking about what happened. They talked about why the victim was murdered, saying that the woman had a secret affair and was caught by her husband and was chased here at the school where she was caught and brutally murdered. They also talked about how the police were so irresponsible in doing their job, and even gossiped about the man whom the woman has an affair with, saying that he was shot by the husband in his leg but was still able to get away.

Then I learned the reason why the school was a bloody mess. Turns out, the husband killed his wife using a rock, smashing her head repeatedly until it turned into a mixture of blood, hair and brain matter.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, _Little-Miss-Skinny_, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-07-22)
Let's see if I can help clear a few things up here. DISCLAIMER: This is all US based, things might be a tad different in other countries.
First, the 'within 3 days' seems to be a very common time frame of things taking place with omens. I've heard it used quite often.

Now for some things that seem to be causing confusion;
*FACT: Crime scene cleanup takes place AFTER the body has been removed and all forensic evidence has been collected. Now who gets to clean up the blood? Up until the 1990s friends and family of the deceased. Even now it's up to them to contact cleaners who specialize in such things, or tackle the job themselves. Seeing that this took place in 2008 in a poor district and in the open, I can see that it's feasible school staff were doing cleanup. As far as having students involved... Well shame on the grownups!
*FACT: They haven't outlined bodies with chalk for quite some time. Now days it's not done, with improved crime scene investigation techniques and technologies, the risk of contaminating the scene is a bit too big. Instead, some markers (flags or little signs) are used to mark various evidences. And, of course, investigators take a lot of pictures with the body in place. But Hollywood does love that trope.
As far as the rest of the 'facts' in the story, let's remember it is based on a 13 year old memory of what was then a 10/11 year old CHILD. Kid's process things differently than adults, but it is that processing that becomes our memory. Much of what is told to us or overheard, as a kid becomes part of the 'facts'.
Let's take this: "smashing her head repeatedly until it turned into a mixture of blood, hair and brain matter." Umm... OK. A bit of biological fact here: a simple fracture to the skull takes about 16 pounds of force (assuming adult bone) but to fully crush a skull to the extent described would take approximately 1,200 pounds. More than likely brain matter wasn't really involved; at least not beyond a bit clinging to the rock itself, which is doubtful. * Fun gory fact: dried brain matter looks a bit like oatmeal and becomes hard like cement. The average person would not know what they were looking at.*
Now, let's play fair here; LMS never said all of that was laying about, she only mentions blood and "there were a lot of hairs (others were even gathered into wet clumps)." The problem with that is A) we don't know that it was the victim's and B) was it actually human hair or just things that appeared to be hair? I don't expect her to know. I do know though, especially if I look at things through my kid eyes, KNOWING there'd been a murder, and that there was blood, any dark, wet spot is going to translate as blood in my brain. So, let's say some water was spilt on the porch making that area dark and wet, to my kid brain that's another puddle of blood. Especially, if I don't go right up to it. Fact is, most of the blood would have been found where the victim met their ending. That's where it'd pool.
Hopefully this helps some.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-21)

I'm starting to think that there's a barrier language when trying to communicate with you. By this I'm not judging nor being critical of your command of the English language which, in my opinion, is excellent.

English isn't my mother tongue either and, quite often, I find it challenging to make my point across, therefore making easy for me to relate to the frustration you must feel at all the questions regarding the events described in your story.

Add to this the diverse cultural backgrounds of the members of the forum and, understandably, people are bound to have doubts about events for which there's no equivalent within every individual's personal experience.

I notice that you seem to get offended and react in an aggressive or defensive way not called for by the queries addressed to you.

You should keep in mind that the only thing the readers have to understand your story is the information provided by your narrative... Or the lack of information.

Try to think not like the author, but like a reader, of your story and see what has been fed to you:

A black lady witnessed by several people, a violent murder that was solved within hours by a corrupt and poorly equipped police force that, on top, didn't follow the more basic steps to preserve the integrity of the crime scene.

I know that all these happened a long time ago, and that you were little and some details may have been forgotten, and that some things might be done differently in your country but, - is it really that difficult to see that it's hard to take some of the "facts" you are presenting at face value?

All the questions have been asked trying to understand better the parts of your story that make no sense to the reader.

"Regarding this: "Not to mention the fact that they worked carefully enough as not to disturb the sleep of the people leaving across the street."

"When you wrote this, didn't you ever try to think that the police wouldn't be there if no one called for them"

Why such an aggressive answer? - Obviously, if the police went was because, somehow, they knew their presence was required but, wasn't there any loud sirens, vices, screaming, etc.? Didn't the bystanders and passerby make more noise than usual in the morning? What about all the water splashing and the brooms sweeping the ground? Wasn't all that loud enough as to attract your or your parents attention before you went outside heading to the school?

It seems difficult for you to accept that your story has several questionable points but, please, do not try to blame it on the readers if some aspects are unclear and difficult to understand.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
_Little-Miss-Skinny_ (1 stories) (7 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-21)
Hello Lady-Glow,

I know you're being satirical, but I guess you missed the point with regards to what the teacher said. It's very clear that the concern was related with the students and not those other aspects that you've mentioned in your comment. Should I remind you about the police not cleaning the blood themselves?

Anyway, let's move on to the topic of how "the police force did such an awesome job".

First of all, their scope of investigation is already narrowed down. It's a small place. Most of the people grew up there, and so, it's very likely for them to know every single person residing in the area. And also, gossiping is like a prevalent disease there. Probably, a lot of people already know about the womans affair. Therefore, questioning them and gathering information wouldn't be as complicated then.

Now if you're swiftly provided with the statements, descriptions, coupled with the obtained evidence. Wouldn't it help greatly in connecting all the dots that will eventually lead to identifying the criminal?

Not to mention, there might also be some other "possible" scenarios such as not needing to catch the murderer, because the murderer himself surrendered to the police.

So with that, it'd certainly be inevitable that "finding the motive of the homicide and pinning the details of the events" will be done in a short period of time.

Just know that some of the customs and methods doesn't always follow those of what you are used to nor even the most standard practice in your country. So it's really important to try to keep an open mind to understand certain things.

Regarding this: "Not to mention the fact that they worked carefully enough as not to disturb the sleep of the people leaving across the street."

-When you wrote this, didn't you ever try to think that the police wouldn't be there if no one called for them.

For all I know there might've been a great disturbance, and maybe, just maybe, I'm the only one who's asleep and was unaware.

And lastly, I'd like to clarify that what I wrote in my account is based solely on my own point of view. Where I only included the things that I have personally experienced. So please do understand that I couldn't just carelessly incorporate some other details (which I know little about) into the story. Hope you understand.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-18)

Thanks for your response.

The last contribution I will make with this story is that Lady-glow made some, I thought, really good points regarding the outstanding late-night Police work.

Welcome to an Internet Forum.😊


_Little-Miss-Skinny_ (1 stories) (7 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-17)
Hello Mack,

When something unusual happens, of course you're bound to commit it to memory. I don't know if it's normal or not but I just automatically register the details of an event specially when it's fear inducing and humiliating for me. I could even remember many details when I was still in kindergarten, how much more when the said event happened in 5th grade.

Just so you know, the school is called Quezon Central Elementary School Bukidnon. Feel free to search it on the web, and when you do see the pictures of how it looks like, just remember that it was taken Recently, and those paints and decors where all new. So imagine what it looked like 13 years ago. If you've seen the pictures then you'll know that conducting an investigation just like in the movies is simply impossible. This was in a rural area, not in the city. I have also mentioned before that the adults at that time said that there was corruption in the police department, so I doubt that they could hire a detective.

Ever heard of "Superstitious Beliefs"? Well, that two words were the reason why my parents cautioned me and said that someone will have an accident. Most countries have that two words, doesn't your country have it? A lot of Filipinos have strong superstitious beliefs specially those of the older generation.

You can't just say "So your parents both predicted that a murder would take place in 3 days at the school? That's highly unusual, and would put them as prime suspects, if I was a detective working on the case." without knowing anything. If you were a detective at that time, then you're probably not a good one. As you easily jump into conclusion and assume without looking at any evidence. That's why a lot of innocent people are wrongly put to jail because of careless assumptions.

"But the aspect that I really struggle with is the sight of teachers and students cleaning up what appears to be a brutal murder scene." -Then I think you grew up privileged enough not to encounter these circumstances, good for you. But for me, anything can happen.

That event might be disturbing and hard for you to believe. I can totally understand that. Sometimes, a person needs to personally experience something in order to fully understand it. To put it into perspective, I myself might not understand how those children in the war zone or those thrown into the battlefield survive. So it's acceptable to be skeptical, I won't argue with you in this aspect.

In explanation when you wrote: "I personally find it hard to believe that this murder wouldn't have been in the papers, on the news, and that the victim wouldn't have been identified."

-First of all, majority of the people in Bukidnon lived below poverty line back then. Which means most people could not afford to buy newspaper, they would rather use their hard-earned money to put food on the table than use it for something that could not be eaten. So the newspaper industry became nonfunctional. Second, I have mentioned it before that news in the countryside or in the rural areas could hardly reach the capital. The TV news station is only in Manila so the news were mostly focused in there too. Third, I have also mentioned this before that I'm not certain that the event might have been broadcasted or not in a local radio station because we don't own a radio back then. And lastly, I was 10 at that time. I find it a bit inappropriate for my age to express or have an interest about a crime. So I didn't gave it any other thoughts. It's definitely my shortcoming, I just didn't really know it was that important.

You also wrote: "To me, as you had it in you to provide incredible details in your story about things such as checking your temperature, how you moved your hand on your neck, where you were looking...etc,"

-Oh then why wouldn't I be able to provide those details? It's not something that I need to research or ask others about in order for me to know. It happened to me, isn't that enough reason for me to be able to provide the details.

Here's the rest: "so why expend a bit more energy to validate this account with some information around the school, and the victim?"

-Frankly, I would if I could. But being an ordinary citizen I don't have such authority to barge in a municipality building just because I would like to know the history of the place. In your country it might be possible, I guess it's pretty easy for you to go to a local library do a little reading and search about the annals of the place. But a library? What's that? Our school doesn't even have enough books for their students to use and we even have to share it with others. How about the annals? Well, if there ever was one I'm quite sure it couldn't be accessed publicly. With this, how do you expect me to acquire valid information about the history of the school? Besides, I transferred to that school in 4th grade. I have spent only a year there before the incident happened.

You might also be wondering why I didn't know the name of the victim. Well it's simply because I don't want to know. It's better for me that way, at least I won't be haunted by the fact that I know someone who died in such a brutal way.

Please also know that I truly tried not to take offense, but being indirectly perceived as someone untrue is just too much. Hope you understand.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-17)
"They talked about why the victim was murdered... They also talked about how the police were so irresponsible in doing their job"

You have to be kidding! If anything, the police force did an awesome job by removing the victim's corpse, finding the motive of the homicide, pinning the details of the events and even determining the murder weapon... All of these within the short period between the time you went to sleep the previous night and the time you went to school the following morning!

Not to mention the fact that they worked carefully enough as not to disturb the sleep of the people leaving across the street.

If they were able to convict the murderer even after the crime scene was so severely disturbed by washing off the evidence, perhaps it's because they had already gathered all the necessary information.

Impressive work, if I may say. Not impressed knowing that the rumors about the dead teacher may be untrue.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-11)

I've been following this thread and reading the intelligent, searching questions that have been put to you, and there's a lot to this story that just doesn't add up for me, personally. And I just can't let some things slide, for better or for worse.

So your parents both predicted that a murder would take place in 3 days at the school? That's highly unusual, and would put them as prime suspects, if I was a detective working on the case.

Also, for so many children / people to all see, at the same time, an "omen" of a murder that hadn't even happened is almost completely unheard of, in my experience. I could be wrong.

But the aspect that I really struggle with is the sight of teachers and students cleaning up what appears to be a brutal murder scene. From what I understand, (and this, I would assume would apply, logically, around the planet), the only people interested in or are motivated to clean up a murder scene are:

A) The vile person (s) who actually committed the murder.

B) Accomplices who are assisting the murderers to clean up after themselves. Almost as vile.

C) Police or professional cleaners who contract to police forces to literally clean up all the blood, brains, tissue matter etc that is left, AFTER the forensic team have moved through, painstakingly looking for DNA, hair samples, fibers etc. That could link the killer (s) to the crime scene. Without this DNA evidence, it's almost impossible to convict anyone.

The idea that teachers (supposed to be intelligent) would find that scene and then not only start washing up an obvious brutal murder, but also get students to mop up human brain matter is, to be frank, an absurd proposition, even in a work of fiction.

In terms of Lady Glows questions, you wrote:

"You also asked, "have you done any research as to confirm if they are FACTS or only rumors?"

-Who would have such leisure time to play detective. If the rumors doesn't personally affect nor concern you, then you won't feel the need to prove whether it's true or not, right? Most people would chose not to meddle too much specially if it has anything to do with the paranormal. Something as mysterious and unfathomable as that is not to be trifled with."

You could be correct when you suggest that perhaps the paranormal shouldn't be "trifled with" but providing basic facts / specifics regarding the actual murder to support your story IS something that should be trifled with, in my opinion.

Surely, the verification of an actual murder that took place at this un-named school, would help the credibility of, not only your story, but also help to add to the credibility of psychics who can actually foresee events such as this.

I personally find it hard to believe that this murder wouldn't have been in the papers, on the news, and that the victim wouldn't have been identified.

You also wrote, rather defensively:

"You also stated that it's easy to find information nowadays. Well, hate to break it to you but acquiring an accurate and detailed information about death records and the history of some place isn't as easy as it seems. Even you yourself would find it troublesome and laborious to do so. Moreover, I don't have it in me to go an extra mile just to prove every little detail about my experience. Besides, it happened a long time ago..."

To me, as you had it in you to provide incredible details in your story about things such as checking your temperature, how you moved your hand on your neck, where you were looking...etc, so why expend a bit more energy to validate this account with some information around the school, and the victim?

And finally you wrote that "it happened a long time ago"...which was my point I made in an earlier post; it seemed like it happened only yesterday, the way you wrote it.

Please know that I truly hope you don't take offence, or get upset about my opinions, but you must understand when you post accounts that are SUPPOSED to be true on this site, and your account has more holes in it than a family-sized block of Swiss cheese, then questions will naturally be asked.

Yours skeptically,

_Little-Miss-Skinny_ (1 stories) (7 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-09)
Dear Lady-glow,

Your question "Did the spirit of the murdered woman joined the resident ghosts of the haunted storeroom?" was in a way stated inadequately and wasn't actually elaborated enough, so I apologize if I misunderstood it.

And this is my answer to your "other" question. -No, there wasn't any reported sightings. But even if there were, it would be hard to distinguish nor identify if the ghost sighted was really of the murdered victim itself. Besides, we never saw her dead body and we also didn't know what she looked like.

You also asked, "have you done any research as to confirm if they are FACTS or only rumors?"

-Who would have such leisure time to play detective. If the rumors doesn't personally affect nor concern you, then you won't feel the need to prove whether it's true or not, right? Most people would chose not to meddle too much specially if it has anything to do with the paranormal. Something as mysterious and unfathomable as that is not to be trifled with.

You also stated that it's easy to find information nowadays. Well, hate to break it to you but acquiring an accurate and detailed information about death records and the history of some place isn't as easy as it seems. Even you yourself would find it troublesome and laborious to do so. Moreover, I don't have it in me to go an extra mile just to prove every little detail about my experience. Besides, it happened a long time ago.

Regarding your inquiries about the teacher. Well, all I could say is that she's a strict one. A very straightforward kind of person. I never really knew her that much so I don't want to assume whether or not she's a superstitious or a pragmatic type of person.

"Did you and/or your parents, or any of the neighbors hear the commotion?"

-Well, someone must've heard. The police wouldn't be there if no one noticed it.

"Was curiosity to go and check what had happened during the night, the reason why you "went very early to school that day"?"

My answer is: No, "curiosity to go and check" was never the reason. It was merely a coincidence. I've been arriving late to school for some consecutive days and my teacher told me off about it, saying that if I am ever late again then I would be marked absent for the day. That's why I went to school early that day.

I hope I answered your questions without any misunderstandings. Thank you for your feedback.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-09)

"Umm... I think I might have to go back and ask the spirits before I could answer this question🤣."

It seems like I didn't explained myself well enough, or you didn't understand my question.

To begin with, a violent and untimely death took place at the school grounds, that would be enough a reason to leave an imprint of the events, a residual haunting, on the vicinity of the murder; or that the spirit of the woman didn't moved on given the tragic circumstances of her death and stayed, somehow attached, to the spot where she died.

My question is, in other words, if there was any reported new and/or additional paranormal activity in the store room or somewhere else after the murder took place.
After all, your narrative suggests that the school is haunted by numerous ghosts and that they have been witnessed by numerous people.

It puzzles me the way you constantly mention "rumors" as the source of the hauntings but, have you done any research as to confirm if they are FACTS or only rumors?

Nowadays it should be easy to find out the history and use of the land before the school was built; and probably any death (teacher's?) that might have taken place there, should be registered in the annals of the town.

"Our teacher told us that some bloody handprints of a person would just randomly appear on the walls"

Were there any more witnesses whom could corroborate this event? What was the character of this particular teacher? Were they the superstitious or the pragmatic kind?

"We lived in a rental house just right in front of the school"

Did you and/or your parents, or any of the neighbors hear the commotion? I'm sure the woman must have screamed bloody murder, no pun intended, while she was trying to escape and before dying.

Was curiosity to go and check what had happened during the night, the reason why you "went very early to school that day"?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.
_Little-Miss-Skinny_ (1 stories) (7 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-08)
Hello The_Lost_Voyage_11, I'm quite uncertain where to begin🤣 but I'll try my best to fully address every inquiries.

-I remembered that there was a rumor indicating that the school was built on top of a cemetery. Personally, I think that it's true, because some tombstones were discovered at the school. There were also other classrooms that was converted into a storage room and most of them are rumored to be haunted. So I guess being "haunted" might be the reason why classrooms were converted into storage rooms.

-Our teacher told us that some bloody handprints of a person would just randomly appear on the walls of that room, and a lot of students even said that they have heard noises as if someone was crying inside one of those rooms. There was also a rumor that a teacher died on one of the other classroom so it was converted into a storage room and was used to store wooden chairs and tables. That room was also rumored to be haunted, because a lot of times some chairs or tables would just fall or move on their own.

-I think the figure I saw was an omen of what's to come, because the direction it was heading to coincides with where the victims body was found. Also, the figure I saw wasn't transparent nor see-through so I think its in a solid form. Although all I saw was a figure in black, I was still able to identify it as a "lady" because in our culture only women (specifically older women) who goes to church wears a veil or head covering that partially covers their face. I didn't see the face because its head was covered by a black veil. Moreover, the reason why I didn't see its feet might be because it was nonexistent. I remembered that the hem of its dress was clearly a few inches above the ground.

-We lived in a rental house just right in front of the school at that time and according to the news that circulated in our neighborhood; the jealous husband was eventually caught, and the reason why he shot the womans lover was because he was chasing him but he couldn't catch up so he fired a shot at him. The jealous husband was afraid that the loud sound of firing a gun would attract more attention that's why he chose to kill the woman with a rock.
_Little-Miss-Skinny_ (1 stories) (7 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-08)
Hello Lady-glow, I'll proceed to address your questions one by one

Question 1: Was there a chalk outline of the murder victim on the concrete?
-No, there wasn't. But there were a lot of hairs (others were even gathered into wet clumps). Moreover, a lot of adults back then believe that the police wasn't functioning properly due to corruption, so I guess they don't have enough personnel or materials (specially chalk 😂) to use to conduct a thorough investigation.

Question 2: Did the police agree to teachers and students cleaning the crime scene so fast?
-I'm not really sure how to answer this question as I have not spoken to a police officer about it.

Question 3: Didn't the school close for the day after such violent and gory event?
-In the Philippines, many accidents happen on the road leaving some of the victims body mangled beyond recognition. But after a brief stop, the flow of traffic would then continue. I think the principle is the same for what happened in the school. Furthermore, the school could not easily contact the parents as most of them don't have a cellphone. Dismissing the students is also not good as others would surely not go home immediately which increases the risk for accidents or unforeseen circumstances. So instead of telling the students that school is canceled for today, the school continued on as if nothing happened.

Bonus Question: Did the spirit of the murdered woman joined the resident ghosts of the haunted storeroom?
-Umm... I think I might have to go back and ask the spirits before I could answer this question🤣.
_Little-Miss-Skinny_ (1 stories) (7 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-08)
Hello BaiAnina! It was not covered in television news, as TV news coverage was mostly about the happenings in Luzon (where the capital, Manila, was located), incidents in Mindanao can hardly reach the capital. But I'm not sure if the rural radio station have covered/broadcast it (we don't own a radio back then, so I don't know).
_Little-Miss-Skinny_ (1 stories) (7 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-08)
Hello Rajine

Witnessing a tragic and bloody scene might be traumatic. But to some people, specially to those who seem to become accustomed to it, something like that happening is just a trivial matter for them.

Also, having to grow up in a very poor family and a not so good environment, children are bound to mature early. In my opinion, that might be the reason why the area wasn't blocked, why the school was still open and why the police have only taken the victims body and unperturbed about handling the blood.

I strongly believe that a crime must not be overlooked nor be dismissed without proper investigation. But back then, specially in some of the rural areas in the Philippines, catching a criminal and solving a crime is something more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-05)
Hi _Little_Miss_Skinny

That certainly is a tragic way to die, I've often heard about supposed omens appearances from spirits and signs just before someone dies in many different cultures, even experienced a few myself.

But I have to say that it's very irresponsible for the police to let teachers and students clean up the crime scene, weren't they supposed to block off that area? Why did they even allow school to be open until they finished with investigation and clean up.
BaiAnina (3 stories) (41 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-05)
Hi, Little Miss Skinny! I have to admit, I too am intrigued. Was this ever covered in the news and do you happen to know what became of the suspect? That was a brutal way to go, if it were true... A crime of passion, indeed. Is it also alright to ask where your school was?

It must've been a frightening experience to see such a horrible omen in broad daylight, a time when we generally should feel safe. I can't imagine the emotional stress that brought, especially if your classmates saw it too. Even worse, a violent crime happening in such a place and is sure to leave spiritual traces 😕
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-05)
I have the same questions as TLV plus some of my own.

Was there a chalk outline of the murder victim on the concrete?
Did the police agree to teachers and students cleaning the crime scene so fast?
Didn't the school close for the day after such violent and gory event?

Did the spirit of the murdered woman joined the resident ghosts of the haunted storeroom?

Knowing the way blood sticks to surfaces after it has dried up, I imagine that all that washing was pointless.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Thanks for sharing.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-05)
Hi Little-Miss-Skinny,

How long ago did this occur? 13 years ago? You were just 10 - 11 years old? You have an amazing memory! It's like it just happened yesterday!😲

Thanks for sharing.


The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-04)
Hello _Litttle-Miss-Skinny_, thank you for sharing your story and welcome to YGS! I'm intrigued by this experience and wonder if you could share the details/stories regarding that storage room, You mentioned that the teacher at the time said no one reported shadows but did tell you and the other students the reported hauntings in that room. I wonder if that's part if not all of the reason the room was converted from a classroom to a storage room? Perhaps the figure you saw was an omen of what was to come, perhaps not, if the room already had a history of hauntings. Do you know much about the non-haunted history of the building you had that class in, the detached building? The figure you saw, was it solid, or more like a shadow, any more details? There's something about the story I can't put my finger on, some detail that ties it all together and I believe it has to do with the area if not the building. I have a feeling there's a lot of negative energy in that particular area and it may be no coincidence that the murder that followed your sighting occurred in almost that same spot. Many people have sightings of figures like "The Black Lady" in many cultures and it is said to proceed a death, usually of someone close, a family or friend. You didn't indicate that you personally knew the victim and what is even odder is the figure was seen in the general area of the murder itself. I have heard of these entities being seen in the area where a person dies, like a grim reaper kind of character but usually it's someone already close to death, like in a hospital or sent home to be with family? At least to the extent of my knowledge. That's what makes me question whether the entity really had anything to do with predicting what was to happen or just linked to the negative energy in that area, especially the way it made you feel. Please forgive the questions, they are not meant to discredit your account, I believe you, I am just thinking aloud if you will, trying to put the pieces together. I am hoping it may also give you another perspective on what you witnessed and what may have happened in connection with the sighting. Did you find out any more about the murder in the years since, was the jealous husband caught? I find it strange that he shot the woman's lover but killed her with a rock? I know you caught wind of the teachers conversations which at the time could have been more rumor and conjecture than reality, so I'm wondering if you able to corroborate the facts of the case? I appreciate your time and story and am looking forward to your answers on these questions, you've got me thinking!

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