The "Black Lady". Others call it the Lady in Black.
I only saw it once. But for me though, that one time was enough for me to know that this entity (the black lady) is the "harbinger of impending death".
I was a 5th grader in QESchool at that time, year 2008. We always change classrooms in every subject we take, so when it was time for our MAPEH (music, arts, physical education and health) class I decided to sit at the very front row because it was a subject that I was kind of interested in.
Right when I sat down I notice that I was directly facing an empty doorway. The classroom we were in was a detached single story building that supposedly consists of two classrooms, but the other room was converted into a store house holding only the best art projects of the students of the whole school. Maybe for convenience, an interior doorway or opening (a doorway without a door) was installed in the wall in between the two rooms just beside the huge chalkboard.
It was halfway through the class when I started to feel uncomfortable. My whole body just felt so heavy. It was as though something was pushing down on my shoulders. At that time, I didn't really feel troubled about it. So I brush it off, telling myself that maybe I was just tired.
MAPEH was the last subject we have for the whole morning and we would have an hour break for lunch after. So I thought to myself then, that I was going to go home after the class and I can rest or sleep for half an hour after having lunch.
I checked my temperature. Alternately moving the back of my hand pressing it on my neck and on my forehead. But the temperature was normal, nothing out of the ordinary. After that, the discomfort became worse. I also began to feel nauseous. But I just thought that I might have eaten something wrong during recess time.
So when the teacher started telling instructions for our next project and started writing a lot of things on the board, despite my discomfort, I also started taking notes. As my head kept looking up at the board then down at my notebook, my eyes would inadvertently pass by that empty doorway.
Even though I was seriously taking down notes at that time, I still caught sight of something. I stopped moving immediately. I stared down at my notes, doubting myself for what I saw. I even said to myself that I was still too young to start going insane. But curiosity really did kill the cat. When I tried to look up towards the board again I found myself looking directly at that empty doorway. I just thought that I saw something dark in my peripheral vision, but I never expected to see a woman dressed in black, with no feet and no face floating by the doorway on the other side of the classroom. I was paralyzed in fear. Thinking that if I moved even a little bit I might caught the attention of that thing.
My classmate who was seated right beside me started to cry. I realized she was also looking at the same direction. The teacher immediately noticed and was about to reprimand her but one of our classmates at the back row shouted that he saw a black shadow passing by that doorway. After that one shout, it became a series of affirmations from others who also claimed that they saw it too. With that, our teacher decided to stop her lessons and began telling us the rumored hauntings in that store room. She had a lot of stories to tell and when the topic eventually shifted to the one we saw, she said that there wasn't any rumors about a black shadow before.
When class ended I noticed that the nausea and the heaviness I felt before was gone. I went home for lunch, then shared to my parents what happened in class. They told me to be careful and that seeing something like that is a bad omen. I asked them why, and they told me that someone will die in that place (the school) 3 days from now. I shivered listening to that.
3 days later, I remember that I went very early to school that day. Although there weren't many people yet, but it's enough to know that something has happened. I saw both teachers and students gathered on the one lane road all staring down at the concrete. I went over to them to take a look. I was terrified at what I saw, then I remembered what my parents said.
When I saw some teachers were holding cleaning materials in their hands, I, and a few other fellow students helped to pour water to wash away the bloodstains on the ground. I noticed that it wasn't the only place that was stained with blood. There were other areas too. Some trees were stained a little and even the classroom porch of our English teacher was not spared. But the one thing that really scared me the most was the bloodied concrete on the small pathway which was directly facing the classroom where we saw the black lady. They say that it was where the body of the victim was found. The amount of bloodstains on the pavement there was also far greater than those of other places.
Later that day I overheard some teachers talking about what happened. They talked about why the victim was murdered, saying that the woman had a secret affair and was caught by her husband and was chased here at the school where she was caught and brutally murdered. They also talked about how the police were so irresponsible in doing their job, and even gossiped about the man whom the woman has an affair with, saying that he was shot by the husband in his leg but was still able to get away.
Then I learned the reason why the school was a bloody mess. Turns out, the husband killed his wife using a rock, smashing her head repeatedly until it turned into a mixture of blood, hair and brain matter.
First, the 'within 3 days' seems to be a very common time frame of things taking place with omens. I've heard it used quite often.
Now for some things that seem to be causing confusion;
*FACT: Crime scene cleanup takes place AFTER the body has been removed and all forensic evidence has been collected. Now who gets to clean up the blood? Up until the 1990s friends and family of the deceased. Even now it's up to them to contact cleaners who specialize in such things, or tackle the job themselves. Seeing that this took place in 2008 in a poor district and in the open, I can see that it's feasible school staff were doing cleanup. As far as having students involved... Well shame on the grownups!
*FACT: They haven't outlined bodies with chalk for quite some time. Now days it's not done, with improved crime scene investigation techniques and technologies, the risk of contaminating the scene is a bit too big. Instead, some markers (flags or little signs) are used to mark various evidences. And, of course, investigators take a lot of pictures with the body in place. But Hollywood does love that trope.
As far as the rest of the 'facts' in the story, let's remember it is based on a 13 year old memory of what was then a 10/11 year old CHILD. Kid's process things differently than adults, but it is that processing that becomes our memory. Much of what is told to us or overheard, as a kid becomes part of the 'facts'.
Let's take this: "smashing her head repeatedly until it turned into a mixture of blood, hair and brain matter." Umm... OK. A bit of biological fact here: a simple fracture to the skull takes about 16 pounds of force (assuming adult bone) but to fully crush a skull to the extent described would take approximately 1,200 pounds. More than likely brain matter wasn't really involved; at least not beyond a bit clinging to the rock itself, which is doubtful. * Fun gory fact: dried brain matter looks a bit like oatmeal and becomes hard like cement. The average person would not know what they were looking at.*
Now, let's play fair here; LMS never said all of that was laying about, she only mentions blood and "there were a lot of hairs (others were even gathered into wet clumps)." The problem with that is A) we don't know that it was the victim's and B) was it actually human hair or just things that appeared to be hair? I don't expect her to know. I do know though, especially if I look at things through my kid eyes, KNOWING there'd been a murder, and that there was blood, any dark, wet spot is going to translate as blood in my brain. So, let's say some water was spilt on the porch making that area dark and wet, to my kid brain that's another puddle of blood. Especially, if I don't go right up to it. Fact is, most of the blood would have been found where the victim met their ending. That's where it'd pool.
Hopefully this helps some.