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Strange Goings On In Health Care


When I was younger, I got Pleuritis or lung sack inflammation one Christmas. It hurt so bad I had to be admitted to hospital.

I remember how they were hymn singing on TV and I sat in my hospital bed, because it hurt lying down, and I watched through the curtain less window as large white snowflakes drifted through the black onto the hospital courtyard far below. I felt very lonely and tired and missed my family. The room was small, with two beds with a screen between them, mine being nearest the door and the other near the window, but the other bed was empty. At last I managed to fall asleep fitfully, but I kept waking because of the pain, and sometime during the night I discovered they had admitted another patient.

I lay in the half dark lit by the snowfall and the little lights on all the panels in the room, and I looked at the screen and listened to my roommate. They were rustling the sheets and breathing, evidently sleeping badly too. As the screen was backlit by the light from the window, I tried to make out their silhouette but I couldn't. I thought that I'd say hello in the morning, and at last I managed to fall asleep.

As you can guess by where I'm posting this, I peeped behind the screen as I got up early in the morning, but the bed was empty and made. I asked a nurse if my roommate had left already, I thought it strange that they'd gone out even earlier. She said there had been no other patient in my room.


As this didn't reach the minimum word count, here's some other hospital related mildly odd events:

I've since worked as an assistant nurse in old people's homes, mainly dementia wards. It's hard but rewarding work.

One thing I've noticed is that in three separate places I've worked, regardless of the age of the building or the alarm system used, it's been common for the alarms to go off in empty rooms, and due to the nature of the care, rooms are empty because an occupant has recently died and another hasn't had time to move in yet. In once place during the beginning of the covid pandemic, with ever more empty rooms and death in the air, the alarms were going off in the wrong rooms constantly.

There was this time a few years ago when a man had just died. He'd not been the easiest patient and some had even refused to go in to him because he was violent and howled truly horrible things at them. I was working night and the funerary service would come pick him up in the morning. As usual we lock the door to an unoccupied room (well by someone living) so no other patient would wander in. Then the alarm went off in his room.

I can tell you it wasn't fun to creep down that corridor and fumble with the keys. I snaked my arm in to turn off the alarm without entering the room, but then was so uneasy I had to turn the lights on low to make sure he wasn't, what? Wrongly declared dead and standing by the door ready to pounce, as he could do when alive? The corpse had moved? I wasn't sure what I expected but everything was the same. Silly as it sounds, I said good night to him after I'd turned the alarm off because there was such a feeling of pressure or how to say in the room, that right then I felt certain he was there. I figured that even if I couldn't help him with whatever he wanted, I could at least be polite.

The funerary service guy came by early in the morning, and I helped him dress the man. It's not as scary as it sounds, just a part of the job. By then there was no strange feeling in the room any more.

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Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-13)
Those are some scary happenings you experienced there for sure. Seems those kinds of places are ripe for paranormal experiences. I had to go to a nursing home during Christmas years ago. I couldn't stop smoking and it was making me very sick. So I prayed to God for help. I was crying and also asked for my guardian angel to be here for me as well. Weeks later I was at church for a friends funeral and fell all the way down the stairs! 😳 My ankle was broken so badly the bone was almost through the skin. While I was in a nursing home recovering a young girl came in very early in the morning and loudly said "GOOD MORNING!" I rolled over in bed and glared at her (I'm NOT a morning person) then turned away for more sleep. Strange, but I never heard her enter or leave? Later I asked about her, I was told there was no "young girl" like that working there. The building was very old, and it used to be a home for girls.

Thank you for sharing your story, that gave me chills when you reached your arm in the room to turn off the alarm.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3179 posts)
3 years ago (2021-07-09)
Wow! Very interesting and unnerving experiences.
Thanks for sharing.
Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
3 years ago (2021-07-08)
Hi Skade

Hospitals tend to have more ghostly activity due to the passing on that happens daily, it can be both frightening and scary.

The alarm incident reminded me of something that my cousin had told me some time ago, he works in a security company control room and one night this particular house alarm went off and the censors in each room would go off simultaneously, so naturally he would send over a security guard to the house to check if everything is in order, however the guard said that there was nobody in the house and that the neighbors were out and will only be returning the next day.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
3 years ago (2021-07-08)
Hello Skade,

I can totally relate to your story, I've had many experiences in the health care/medical field that are so similar to yours! I suppose it shouldn't surprise most of us who work in hospitals and care facilities because when one is transitioning from the living state to cessation, during the death process there is a tranference of energy that can be felt within the room and beyond - and sometimes that energy can linger long after the body is gone, as you probably know.

Many years ago, when I first started training as a nursing assistant in the first acute care facility I ever worked in, I experienced what I believe was a prankster type spirit. I was training with another CNA during the night shift, in a newer facilty. During our first week of training, we noticed that a call light and emergency door alarm would activate all throughout the night in one particular room, yet nobody was occupying that room. Often in that same room, the bathroom light would be turned on for no reason, the light was motion sensor activated which meant there had to be some sort of activity in order for the light to stay on. Most of the staff believed that room was 'occupied' by a spirit that liked to play pranks. The RN who was supervising us told us to disregard the alarms and light issues because that room was never used for patients - she didn't gave a reason why, but my guess was because it had so many electrical issues. One of my most chilling experiences happened in home health care, at a clients home where the home's security system would constantly malfunction, the kitchen appliances would turn on by themselves, and the house was always felt cold even during the hot summer months. Something I never had gotten used to when I worked at that client's home, was the dense, physical pressure that I would feel when entering the client's bedroom - it felt like being under water. At that particular home, I never felt comfortable while working there. When I first started out in the nursing field, these types of experiences used to put me on edge, but now I've just accepted that these experiences happen from time to time.

It's comforting for me to know that I'm not the only one who's felt this way 😉 Thank you for sharing your stories!

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