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My Doppelganger Incidents


Incident # 1: When I was in college, my uncle told me something that happened when I was around 6 years old. One night, he and his friends were drinking inside our compound. He went out to buy cigarettes, and as he returned, he saw me running down the street toward our gate. Suddenly, I was hit by a taxi. He yelled at the taxi driver, then panicked and rushed to tell my parents, but they were confused. My father told him he might have been drunk and explained that I had been asleep on the couch. However, my uncle was terrified and convinced he had seen my doppelganger.

Incident # 2: One day, my sister and I were talking about ghosts. She told me she had seen my doppelganger. After returning from church, she went to the kitchen and out of nowhere, saw me walking toward my room. She asked me questions, and I nodded in response. A few minutes later, when she went to my room to check, it was empty. To her shock, she had received a message from me an hour earlier saying I wouldn't be home until next week.

Incident # 3: It was late at night when my friends and I were hanging out outside our house. Two of my friends were passing by and stopped to say hello. As we continued talking and laughing, those same "two friends" returned and told us they had just seen me on the way to the store to buy something. They were confused and asked how I had gotten back so quickly when they had just seen me heading toward the store where they had just come from.

It still creeps me out to this day.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dumpp101, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 months ago (2024-12-01)
It's believed that we all have a doppelganger out there somewhere in the world, this might also be a spirit or something that is taking on your appearance, because of its close proximity to your home and being seen specifically by family and friends.
Dumpp101 (3 stories) (3 posts)
3 months ago (2024-11-28)
Hello lady-glow!

Thank you so much for commenting on my post, I see that you find it interesting, and I appreciate it.

Here are my answers to your questions: My uncle stopped the taxi and yelled at the driver. He then checked under the taxi to see if I was there. In his shock, there was no sign of my body at all, and the taxi driver was equally confused. Not knowing what to do, he panicked and quickly rushed to tell my parents what had happened. Cause he really saw me that night.

Secondly, I'm not convinced about the "imprinting" theory, as most of my time is spent asleep due to working in the BPO field. I don't have a repetitive daily routine, as much of my time is spent outside of work. I also don't have any knowledge about the "ability to project my thoughts away" that you mentioned, but I'm curious to learn more about it.

Lastly, yes, most of the events took place either inside or near our house. I am more convinced that I am dealing with a mimicking entity, as there have been several instances where my relatives and friends have told me they "saw" me in various places, even though I wasn't actually there with them.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 months ago (2024-11-27)
Welcome to YGS.

Hi Dumpp101.

I find these experiences to be intriguing an unnerving, though, in my opinion, the first one is a bit questionable given the involvement of alcohol.

Do you know if your uncle saw "your body" laying on the street after the taxi hit you? Did he approach the place of the accident to check if 'you' needed help or were badly hurt?
Did anyone go back to the street to check if a kid had been hit by a car, regardless if it wasn't you?

As for the other two incidents, from my own viewpoint, could have been the imprint left by the energy of an action you repeat constantly or, perhaps, you have the ability to 'project' your thoughts away from your physical body and some people can see this energy.

Did these events happen in the same house you saw the kapre from your other story? Would it be possible that you're dealing with a mimicking entity?

Thanks for sharing.

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