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Real Ghost Stories

A Glimpse Of Kapre


When I was around 8 or 9, on weekends we'd gather on the sofa and stay up until midnight watching TV shows. At the end of the shows, they'd play the national anthem, indicating that no more shows were airing for the night. My father would then wake my siblings and me to move to our bedrooms. Before heading to bed, we need to use the bathroom for a quick pee. However, I was too scared to go to the bathroom at night because it was dark, and there were a few steps from the sofa to the kitchen, and then to the bathroom. So, I decided to pee outside near the doorstep where the lights were on. It felt safer because I could still see my parents inside the house.

I was sleepy, and as I looked around where we parked our car, behind it was our Sari-Sari Store. Above the store, stood a huge watery rose apple tree that had been there since my grandparents got married. As I gazed up at the roof, I saw what looked like "figures" that seemed human. As I focused, I realized it was a huge dark-coloured man, sitting on a tree branch, and swinging his right leg, almost like he was just chilling there.

I froze in shock, recognizing him as a "Kapre," a creature from Filipino folklore. Terrified, I rushed inside while peeing my pants. My parents asked why I was so scared, but I couldn't explain. I couldn't believe I'd seen something I thought was just a story. As I near 30, I still wonder if it was real or just a sleepy illusion. But I know what I saw that night. I've never told anyone about it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dumpp101, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 months ago (2024-12-04)
Has something happened previously for you to come to that conclusion? If not then there's nothing better than trying.
Dumpp101 (3 stories) (3 posts)
2 months ago (2024-12-04)
Hello [at] Rajine,

No, I haven't spoken to my parents about it because I've come to the conclusion that they won't believe me.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
3 months ago (2024-12-01)
For as long as there's been spooky stories and folklore, trees have featured in many of them, spirits good or bad usually attach themselves to trees, have you ever spoken to your parents or anyone else in your family about this? Perhaps they experienced it as well over the years.

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