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Old Charleston Jail Tour


We recently took a trip to Charleston, South Carolina on 7/07/08 to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary and took a haunted old jail tour. While we were waiting outside to be called in for our tour, we snapped a few pictures outside the front of the jail. Upon looking at the pictures taken, we looked on the digital camera and noticed an unfamiliar face show up in the picture above my wife in one. We took another picture to see if the object appeared again, and it did not. I have shown it to many people, including the tour guide and they all think that it is a ghost/spirit from the old Charleston, South Carolina jail.

Old Charleston Jail Tour

Please help me verify the chilling experience!

I took the picture in our digital camera night setting, but it does not seem like a double exposure or other camera error because of the location and position of the face in the photo and the facial features do not resemble my wife at all.

Site for the jail: (it is known to be very haunted!)


I will attach the photo if I can find a place to do this so everyone can review. We also have the full size image for review too.


Gene & Jenna

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GeneJazz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

vanlewie232711 (1 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-30)
Hi I am from Charleston Sc! I truly miss that place! But I will say that I know for a fact that old jail house is haunted. During the summer if you are standing by the jail windows you will see lights going on and off but they are not normal business lights, hear the rattling of the chains on the walls and hear moans and groans and screams. I went 1x and that it is the only time I went for sure. But in your photo I see other spirits and some on top like guards would be stationed you know? Well if you ever get to go back I promise you check out the battery after dark and visit the grave yard with John Hancock buried in it it will certainly live up to its history! Oh and go look up the Jenny house she was an 8 year old that died on broad street due to house fire in the late 1800... And of course the old slave market that now operates as a flea market its the best and hopefully you will see the old ladies making the beautiful craft of sweet grass basket weaving. Its a dying art
elnoraemily (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-21)
The streaks next to the head look painted. The pixels seem to match though. If it is a fake picture, no offense, then it's done well
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-16)
WOw!That is what I call a freaky photo. Thanks for sharring. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
All of what Bellissima said, plus the added double triangles in the far right lower corner. I inspected that, with only the means in which I have, and there appears to be a hand wrapped around a bar. I am not photography expert, but if this was MY photograph, I think I would be taking it in to be examined.
Very interesting start to a relationship here on YGS. Welcome, GeneJazz.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
Wow GeneJazz! That is one freaky photo! I see the face and form behind Jenna, above and to the left.But, I can also see a misty form close to her body, under her arm, on the right side of her (in the pic) that looks like it is standing a distance behind her.And, back over to the other side and under her elbow I think I can make out a face and upper torso. The features look feminine to me. On the same side of her it sort of looks like a face peeking out from behind her.Also, right under the same arm and between the two I just mentioned, I kind of see the lower part of a skull, partially blocked by her arm. I usually have a really hard time seeing actual forms, mostly I just see the mist unless the figure is highlighted or outlined. Everything just jumped out so clearly to me in your photo! If this picture is caused by some explainable fluke, (and by that I'm definitely not trying to imply you are passing off a phony!) then I have to say I don't see what it could be. It would be a pretty amazing fluke, I suppose there's no way to definitely rule that out. If the photo has authentic spirits in it, and I think it does, then it is the best picture of its kind that I have ever seen.I'm really impressed by it. Thank you so much for sharing your story and photo, I loved it!
Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
Hi GeneJazz and welcome to your ghost stories. As for the ghost in your picture, it does look like a man's face, and after reading about the old jail, it could be one of the old slaves, or one of the others that might have been in there and died. Sorry I couldn't help you out, but there are other people on here that might be able to. Thanks for sharing your story, and hope that you can get help with the answers you are looking for. 😊

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