I lived in Faribault Minnesota-it's a small town where everyone knows everyone. Well there is an old insane asylum that is now run down. It's boarded up and has been there for years. Teenagers like to go in there and mess around and do drugs.
Well I have been in that place and it's creepy! As I was walking through the tunnel and it leads to the old asylum, well I was walking through there as I heard screaming seeming like it was far away but it echoed so far.
I got to the end of the tunnel. As I walked to the asylum, I was with friends- we all got to the end even though we heard screams. We were thinking it was the wind. As we started to walk to the asylum we saw a figure standing at the end of the tunnel and we looked at it for 2 sec and after that it disappeared.
So we continued on and went through a hole in the front door. We all got inside and looked around; we were on the main floor when we saw old instruments that were used for the insane years ago and as we walked around, we entered a room that a guy died in. There was an old newspaper sitting on the ground of the room saying that he was here cause of schizophrenia.
He had murdered his family and then was placed in the asylum. He was tortured with tools well you know like electric chairs and things like that, He died in 1946 the place was condemned in 1984.
We walked towards the room and we started to hear talking wondering what it was. Well my friend got attacked and had disappeared.
So we kept walking to try and find him so anyways we walked into a room for children there were 20 beds, We walked in there looking for him still nothing-we heard a noise in the far corner of one of the beds, someone appeared there. It was a child that was tortured while living there so we bolted out the door.
As we ran outside we ran into our friend we asked him where he was but he said he could not remember... But then after we walked through that tunnel I had a strange figure following me as I was walking but after I walked out of the tunnel it disappeared... Still never went back to that place.