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Real Ghost Stories

The Lawns, Former Lincoln Asylum


Our ghost night at The Lawns was our inaugural event at this historic and grand building, we were greeted by a very helpful Daryl who made sure our brave ghost hunters did not go thirsty with an endless supply of tea and coffee to compliment the sumptuous buffet supplied by ourselves. Daryl was indeed a massive help in once again ensuring a full house of ghost hunters had a professionally ran paranormal investigation.

After a tour of the extensive building with it's multitude of rooms, and hidden staircases to get ourselves acclimatised to the layout of The Lawns, it was time to commence our search for ghostly contact. In a vigil hosted by Rosey, Clair, John, Maggie, and Julie stood in awe as a table moved literally as though it was on wheels in a table tipping experiment. Rosey then described how the table danced along the wooden floor with each participants fingers slightly on the table, at one point Jo our intrepid investigator moved further away from the table and asked the table to follow, the table duly obliged in following Jo, then Rosey asked the group to take their fingers off the table and they then called out for the spirits in the room to move the table, suddenly to the delight also of Stephen and Karen the table proceeded to move with nobody's hands near the table.

This phenomenon of a table moving by itself is something we have witnessed previously at other venues and it certainly gives some food for thought to any hardened sceptic who sees a table moving unassisted, possibly except from the spirit world. In fact Clair stated later that this one incident had changed her views completely on life after death.

In one of the upstairs rooms Stuart felt the spirit of a female called Francesca in the room, a sΓ©ance was then started and the spirit of Francesca did indeed make contact with Emma, Sally, Megan, and the group of brave ghost hunters asked many questions to Francesca, who through glass divination informed the group that she had being a resident of the lawns due to the fact that she had given birth to an illegitimate girl called Elizabeth, this revelation had a sobering effect on the group and brought Cheryl, Sian and Lisa near to tears.

In a vigil hosted by Mark and Philip a group of ghost hunters were attempting ghostly contact via the ouija board when the spirit of a little girl came through, who entertained the group by claiming to have passed at the age of seven and sadly didn't know the year she had passed, Sarah, Rosie, Jane and Michelle all chuckled when the spirit girl informed the group that she was frightened of Mark, the Simply Ghost Nights paranormal investigator, as an experienced investigator of many years Mark himself found this episode amusing.

Steve was conducting a vigil in the eerie Carholme Bar when the male spirit of a former patient of the Lawns proceeded to make contact with a fearless group of spirit seekers, the ghostly resident informed the group that he had lived their for many years until his death in the 19th century, the glass moved almost nonsensically most of the time in this vigil, it was as though the spirit was confused or just having a laugh at our questioning.

Some of the groups experienced some amazing spikes on the K2 which Mel and Simon claimed that even stunned them to the frequency of the spikes. There was some fantastic tapping on the table noted too, in one vigil the table knocked so loudly on request that it had Sadie, Rob and Laura opened mouthed at the knocking they heard.

Mel mentioned that some ghost hunters claimed that some of their electrical equipment started to go haywire, this was also mentioned by Clair and Stuart who also had their cameras what can only be described as interfered with by the spectral beings of The Lawns.

As the nights event came to a close we again spoke at length to the sheer volume of activity noted, again we can only assume that if you can provide an energetic approach to making spirit activity and with love and light, treating the spirit world with respect then they will more than likely to duly oblige in basically entertaining you with spirit activity, simply speaking you only usually get what you put into a paranormal investigation.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Simplyghostnights, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Coughs, making an odd noise that sounds unmistakably like bullshiat... Moongrim is right! So is everyone else here. Devious, I see what you were talking about now!

Now, I've been around a lot of farms in my life, and I've seen ton after ton of bullshiat... But never, in my entire LIFE have I seen this much bullshiat coated in so much sugar! Fearless? Geez, it sounds as if the lot of you combined have all the backbone of a chocolate eclair!

Seriously folks, your high teas and seance acts were so well over done in the past centuries that Sir Arther Conan Doyle himself
Debunked so many scam artists just like you! Table tipping? Really? And people still pay for this crap? You guys give people
Like the rest of us a bad name, and this story made me want to vomit. I'm sorry. This crap will never be put into my favorites list!
BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
I would have enjoyed the story more if it was sincere and if it had better grammar... That always peeves me.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
After DeviousAngel and Javelina said that they were a fully charging "paranormal group", I googled Simply Ghost Nights and found their site. This and all the other posted on this site are posted on their site also. That alone says ADVERTISING!
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Javelina ~ yes they certainly do need all the help they can get! πŸ˜†
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Javelina- yes, it does sound like a theater group! Oh my gosh! What the h$#k?
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Thank you for the explanation DeviousAngel 😁 I don't know if they have any show (and honestly I don't care) but as I'm not from U.S.A. Or anywhere near I had no idea who they were, and for what you told nobody should know either... It's a shame and it's sad that there are people acting that way! 😒

God Bless ❀
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
[at] BeautInside,
Oh yeah, Devious nailed it, But just to clarify, when she said they charge people? They definitely do that, but the charge is for tickets! That's right, they bring an audience into these places. Sound like a traveling theater group to you?

[at] Dragonstorm,
Maybe we should offer up some of our ideas for their cards, huh? These people obviously need help. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
[at] Javelina ~ you crack me up! πŸ˜† you know they are printing out little business cards as we type πŸ˜†
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
BeautInside - this so-called "paranormal investigation" group prides itself on putting together 'investigations' that they charge people for. Furthermore, their 'table-tipping' technique is one that has been used since the 1800s by supposed mediums and scam artists. They provide very colorful and wordy accounts with a lot of emotive words to appeal to the senses. You know who else does that? Mainstream media. The news. "I see that your home was destroyed by a tornado and your entire family was killed, but how do you FEEL?" That is what this group reminds me of.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Well, I don't know them but that's an amusing story πŸ˜†
Who are they?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
LOL! But don't forget the adjectives they are so fond of:
Brave charlatans
Intrepid charlatans
Daring charlatans
Fearless charlatans

I wonder what heir business cards say about them?
"Have table? Will tip" or "Charlatan Nights"?

They are legends in their own minds.

Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Well it's good to see a resurgence of the old tried and true: Table Tipping. The very things that old Harry Houdini got his bread and butter disproving. Respect is relative.

Harold Camping had/has a whole lot of respect.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
DeviousAngel and zzsgranny,
I got to admit this was a little over the top but entertaining all the same. I have to admit granny that I have been seeing stories by respected posters being credited as fake but then these kind of stories are not looked into.

What really gets me though, is the way it's described like "...we were greeted by a very helpful Daryl who made sure our brave ghost hunters did not go thirsty with an endless supply of tea and coffee to compliment the sumptuous buffet supplied by ourselves."

(1) I may not have read all of the other stories but who is Daryl?
(2) Unless added so that more words for the minimum word requirement, I don't think I need to know that you and the team was in giving an endless supplies of tea and coffee and that you brought buffet style food.
(3) I know that a person or a group going to do paranormal investigation (s) you need some courage and a strong heart and you have to be someone that can't be spooked easily and a person who are doing these kinds of investigations need to hold it together without being scared. So if your group is doing the investigations, I know you guys are brave and strong, you don't have to mention it in the story. If you have wanted to, you can do it in one or two places but all over the story.

Again, I think this was a little over the top for me.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
LOL...excellent way of putting it granny, indeed we have here the definition of charlatans. A group truly deserving of the title. πŸ˜‰
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
D/A: In my opinion, these people are the epitome of the word "Charlatans"...Regretably, their accounts are deemed credible, and therefore "publish worthy"... πŸ˜• ❀

Maybe these stories can serve as examples to those who have been trying to discredit more respected posters lately? πŸ˜†
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Of course you would witness the table moving at other locations. Table tipping is a fabricated tactic. WHY oh WHY do their stories keep getting posted? These guys are swindlers looking for money. Come up with something new already.

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