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Real Ghost Stories

The Little Girl And Bumps In The Night


This is the first time I've submitted anything to this site, but from reading other peoples accounts I wanted to submit what happened to me.

A couple of years back I was on holiday with my family. We stayed in a converted farm house for a week. I thought it was going to be relaxing, but when it went dark that was another thing.

I'm quite a light sleeper, or I found that out during that week. My sister shared a room with me. One night she got up to go to the bathroom I woke. When I looked to the foot of my bed I saw a girl staring at me. I thought it had to be my imagination, so I rolled over and tried to get back to sleep, covering my head so I wouldn't be tempted to look. When my sister came back into the room, there was no one at the foot of my bed.

The next night I woke, hearing my family yelling about my sister needing to go to hospital because she banged her head. I was about to get up when I saw my sister still in her bed, fast asleep. I thought it might just be a one off.

But then the next night I woke to hear a bang from upstairs followed by my Dad saying Mum had hurt herself, banging her head also. I woke my sister up, and she went upstairs to see if my parents were alright. They were fast asleep too...

I just feel so confused. This has never happened to me before... What do you all think?

Any comments would be appreciated!

Thank you so much for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miss_Violet, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Nasa97 (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-04)
Did you tell anybody about the girl you saw?I have always wanted to know how it feels to have a ghost encounter.I think it would be kind of cool.Did you ever think seeing the girl was something out of the normal?
spica (2 stories) (55 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-01)
I think the little girl is just playing with your family and you or that place is taken over when she died. I also think that maybe she just want to be friends with you. Or maybe she needed your help any you don't want to help her, she tried to scare you...

God Bless you always!
Spica ❤
raingrl01 (5 stories) (151 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-05)
I don't think the boy is trying to hurt anyone. I think he just wants a family. He tries to play with my son at night and I have to tell him to leave my son alone and that it is time for bed. After that he is quiet for the night. He's just a boy that is lost. I did write a story about it. It's called Whispers In The Night. There is also a part 2 to the story. I'm glad that you are no longer bothered by this spirit. You are lucky that she didn't follow you. Good luck with everything! ❤
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
is the boy spirit bothering you? I mean is it evil or just a annoing thing in your life? Did you write a story about it yet raingirl01?
Miss_Violet (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
raingrl01: Luckily I was only at that place for a week since it was our holiday. It was meant to be relaxing, but the night time kept me on edge! I never realised a week could be so slow... I think you're right. There was definitely a message there. I have a feeling now it was because of a head injury. Maybe her own family suffered that, and she was trying to pass it on through me hearing my own family in trouble. Thanks for sending a message ^^ How are you with your boy spirit?

Confused: Thank you for your message too ^^ Don't worry, I wouldn't use a Ouija board! It's better to leave things go that you have very little experience with.
raingrl01 (5 stories) (151 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
Hey Miss Violet! Interesting encounter you had there. I'm guessing that you've never had another? I'm dealing with a little boy spirit in my house right now. I know that it's scary! I'm glad that your mom and sister weren't hurt at all. I wonder if that little girl died of a head injury? The way you heard about your family having to go to the hospital after hitting their head. Maybe the little girl was trying to send a message that way. Good luck! ❤
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-04)
no its ok. You allowed to write due to its for comments. Its just sad how only a few posted on her story...
Confused (3 stories) (29 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-01)
Well, Miss_Violet, I will not intrude in your personal conversation with zoajet, but I will say that I strongly advise against using a ouija board. It opens a portal and makes it possible for uninvited spirits, and even demons in some cases, to come through and plague you and your family.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-01)
The only part which was sceary was when I heard foot steps and saw no one for a while then after the last time I heard it I looked behind and then back to the front. When I saw her that was the scarest part. She poped out of no where. She likes to said a song that's on youtube, lol. Its called "aizume by mamiko noto" if you want to hear. I'll send an e-mail also to you.
Miss_Violet (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-01)
Aww, I can definitely see why you didn't run away! A ghost who reminded you of a polite Japanese girl couldn't be scary! And my email is "rankoeds [at]" ^^ I'd love for us to be email penpals! It'd be great keeping in contact with you:)
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-01)
lol yup plus if the ghost can't talk, for some reason when recording, it picks up what it trying to say. The girl for me reminded me of one of those polite japanese girls that you would see in an uniform japanese school. Hey what's youe e-mail by the way?
Miss_Violet (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-01)
Recording is definitely a good way! Just in case I turn away again, at least I'd have a way to see if the ghost said anything on the recording afterwards! And, lol! I can definitely see why you didn't run away when you got back up 😆
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-01)
well even if it scears you to make you move away, I still thing you should have somthing that can record so if you run, you could press record befor and when you come back and its gone, play what was recorded to see if it try talking to you. Oh by the way, that happen when I was 8. The only reason I didn't run after getting up was that she was cute, lol.
Miss_Violet (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
That's definitely a scary first time! I can understand how you would be so surprised, I would have fallen back too! You're right though, seeing ghosts for the first time does show a person's 6th sense is getting better. It's really an eye opener to me. You see, I come from a family where my Dad dismisses ghosts completely, saying there's no such thing. But he just isn't open minded enough to see them, or feel they're around us. Thank you for talking to me, and showing me my experience wasn't my imagination playing tricks on me! If I see another I'll do my best to remain calm and see what they want!
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
I was at my school and a little girl about 12-14 following me (at first I hear foot steps that following me but when I looked nothing. After 3 or 4 times of looking behind me, when I turn back around, she was infornt of me. The surpirsed made me fall backwards. She held a hand out to help me up, but she wasn't able to grip a living person. (meaning I went right through, and almost fell frontward. She then keep saying "can we play" (now the thing is the night before I watched a scary movie) So I agree and got less sceared. Her name was Himiko and still see her today (stalking me. Just kidding but I do see her one in a while.) Any ways that was my first time. And being able to see a ghost just means your 6th sense is getting better.
Miss_Violet (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
This was the first and only time I saw an actual ghost. I have had a few times where I felt like I was being followed by someone, and heard the footsteps behind me but saw no one was there. It's mostly those feelings I get, where either I'm being watched or followed. What was your first time?
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
Well I was scare my first time too. I just leart so much that makes the ghost fear me. Was this only time you had one?
Miss_Violet (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
Yes... I wish I wasn't scared... I always end up thinking of a better way I could have handled things afterwards, not during. You sound brave! And you might be right, my Mum said when the glass moved she and her friends ran out of the room screaming, so I don't think they closed the session properly at all. Thank you so much for your comments ^^!
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
Well I Can see what you mean about being sceared but for me, I never get scear any more, its kind of funny, some spirts are afraid of me. Maybe your mom never closed the sesion properly.
Miss_Violet (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
Zoajet, I wish I had spoken to the girl when I first saw her. It just happened so fast, and I was scared. I can't help but feel she might have wanted to show me something. And I've never used a Ouija board before, but my Mum told me she had when she had friends over her house.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
The little girl you inored what trying to scear you for not looking at her. She may of needed your help but you didn't. It you hear the nosie again, have somthing that can record and record it. Then play it back to see if you can hear any hidden words. Talk to her and if nothing stops, have an exocism done. By the way you ever used a ouija board?

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