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The Knife


I believe I was 7 or 8 when this happened. I am 16 now and still don't understand how or why this has happened and I have been studying the paranormal since this happened. This is my story.

My uncle (in the Marines) gave my dad a really long and very big knife, which he no longer needed or wanted. My dad gladly took the knife, but stored it up on top of the cabinets so none of us children would get it and hurt ourselves.

As soon as we got the knife, odd things started to happen. Bowls would fall out of the cabinets, all the TV's in the house would turn off or on randomly. My dad, being the huge non-believer he is, shrugged it off as power problems with the breaker. Soon I started to hear and see shadows all over the room (as I write the TV. And lights are flickering on and off).

Then one winters night as I got up to get a drink from the bathroom, I heard a voice say "Get back to bed NOW!" I did not know the voice and didn't know where it was coming from. Being just a small child and being very afraid of the dark I ran back to bed and covered my head with my blanket.

In the morning I awoke to hear my mother screaming. The knife was on the floor, with my uncles picture wrapped so tightly around the handle, the imprint of the knifes handle were on the photo. My mom ran from room to room making sure nothing was stolen and making sure everything was still locked.

She got up on a chair to get the knifes case down and to see how much the dust had been unsettled. The dust was still perfectly on the box. It had not been touched. She screamed again and asked me if I heard anything that night, because she thought she had heard a strange voice. I told her I had and she woke my dad to see she take on it. He (of course) said we were just being stupid and blamed me for doing the act.

The house was a trailer house that used to belong to my great grandmother that we moved onto a piece of land. She was the only owner of it before us. Now I'm just wondering, why, and how it happened.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Yuffie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Yuffie (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-10)
I no longer live their. But before we moved we had other things happen. The T.V.s would turn on and off and change channels randomly. My Sega would randomly play games by its self. I live in a new loction now and in a new house. I have checked into this more and the more you know about the paranormal (and I know alot), the more the paranormal is going to be around you.
❤ Yuffie ❤
princess123 (7 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-31)
I agree with everybody, my dad is a none believer and still, he doesn't argue with me or my mam, or anyone else in the family, for when my dad was younger and him and my nanna lived in the colonel Linskill, they heard and seen strange things. I am not joking! Although back then he still didn't believe, and my nanna would tell him what had happened to her. My dad also had an experience, but I will tell you the rest of my story, when I am able to post one.

Thanks for reading xx

Princess123 x ❤
jazzi001 (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-31)
that ia a very scary story. 😨 your father is stupid and blaming you... Very interesting. I think I'll research this and give you my results! May you and your family be safe.
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-31)
I'll go with KimSouthO on this one. And as a former Marine, yep... We collect all sorts of things like this but rarely give them away.
Rosie93 (17 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-30)
I think AuroraRosa has the most insightful opinion on this experience. You should definitely try to figure out what the spirit wants, but I'd stray away from trying to do it yourself... Try consulting a paranormal investigator or some sort of expert. It sounds to me like the spirit is not a benign one, so be careful. It could be a dangerous situation.
Best of luck! ❤
AuroraRosa (2 stories) (55 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-30)
I agree with some of the other posts. There's something living in that knife and it's ticked off at your family. You said your uncle was in the marines? Maybe he killed someone with that knife and whoever it was hung around to get revenge on the family. That might explain what the picture was doing there, then.
And yeah, it's kind of stupid for your dad to blame you since you said it was up too high to get to.
If the spirit is mad at your family it wouldn't hurt to try to talk to it, but that's just a suggestion, I'm no expert on this stuff. I read somewhere that you're supposed to ask them what they want, but if it is mad that might not be a good idea. Hope things work out for you.
Sqweeky1297 (30 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-30)
Hey clark_w_griswold yuffie means when they were write the story at that moment the lights and t.v again. Like they did when the writer was 7 or 8 years old. Duh!
clark_w_griswold (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
how could the tv and lights be flickering on and off when you were writing this if you are 16 now and this all happened when yo were 7 or 8?
Doesnt make much sense
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
"The knife was on the floor, with my uncles picture wrapped so tightly around the handle, the imprint of the knifes handle were on the photo."

Was a photo of your uncle crumpled around the knife handle? I don't quite get what you were trying to explain...

Sorry...just a little confusion

Also: Are you still having problems? You mentions the t.v and lights flickering as you wrote this...
cjswing (guest)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
'Soon I started to hear and see shadows all over the room (as I write the TV. And lights are flickering on and off).'

No mate they arent

'She got up on a chair to get the knifes case down and to see how much the dust had been unsettled.'My mom ran from room to room making sure nothing was stolen and making sure everything was still locked.'

Such a common thing to check for unsettled dust when a knifes lying around where kids might touch and you think someones broken in!

Verdict:Nice little story of lies.
megster717 (9 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
goodness your dad was so ignorant!
Like a seven or eight year old would touch a knife.
You should investigate that house for hauntings or more paranormal activities.
shadowman (17 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
well I'm guessing it was your uncls marien issue knife and I bet that he went to war with it and that something is attached to it or the knife itself is posesed or dosent like that your uncle gave the knife away just my theary good story I had a verry simerlure happening I had a brandnew bowy knife on my dresser that's about 7 foot and I was sitting on my bed beside it and got this bad feeling and I looked up just in time to see my knife slide from the back of my dresser of a blanket and to the flore kreeped me out
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
Okay, I will not go so far as to blame your father for his accusations. Like most human beings, he was looking for a reasonable and logical explaination.

Second, do you have any idea why your uncle did not want the knife any longer? Generally with individuals in the military, if they come on to a possesion such as that they keep it as sort of an heirloom. Was there something negative for your uncle attached to this knife or the memories with the knife?

How on earth could it possibly be anything to do with your grand mother as she had nothing to do with the knife and all occurances since the knife arrived have had nothing to do with her? That theory will prove to be false.

The worse thing to do in these situations is to jump to conclusions without trying to find reason and evidence.

Have you had any further experiences or occurances?

Thanks for sharing,

God Bless!
triscint (1 stories) (31 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-29)
Its not your grandmother bothering you... I think that knife is most likely curesed or pesesed by a spirit...
Necropolis_Seraph (6 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-28)
It's also possible the knife itself might have something attached to it. Since this was given to your dad by your uncle, its possible it has a history. It might be a good idea to research where the knife came from and what it was used for.
SummerEclipse22 (6 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-28)
I agree with Ghostluver, the land could have been haunted or it cuold have been your great grandma. One question though, did you ever find out why your uncle's photo was wraped around the knife? Because maybe whatever it was, had something aganist him. Hope you and your family will be okay. By the way I think it was unfair that your dad blamed you for what had occurred.

Cool story 😳
Ghostluver (4 stories) (123 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-28)
I think That your father is very stupid and unreasonable for blaming you for the act! I think that you have some big activity going on in your house. It might be the ghost of your great grandmother. Or the land might be haunted by an unknown owner. Very interesting. I think I'll research this and give you my results! May you and your family be safe.

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