I spent a memorable night at The Lemp Mansion with my cousin, Cindy. It was memorable for me, because of the activity. Memorable for Cindy, because it firmly cemented in her mind that she would never return.
We stayed in the Charles Lemp suite. Charles was the last of the Lemp family to take his own life in the Mansion. Stories have circulated that he went downstairs and shot his dog then returned to his bedroom to shoot himself. This is not true. He shot himself in the morning, on his bed. He was the only member of the Lemp family to leave a note, and the fourth to commit suicide. Three in the Mansion and a sister in her home in another St. Louis neighborhood. Charles stated that when found, 'blame no one but me'. He left word that his last remaining brother, Edwin, was to have his body taken immediately, without any further preparation, and have it cremated, and to bury the ashes on his farm in St. Louis County. The burial spot of Charles Lemps' ashes will never be known. After the death of Edwin, all Lemp papers were burned along with valuable artwork and other items as requested by Edwin of his groundskeeper.
The night we stayed in Charles' suite, there was a party in the outside gazebo that lasted until around midnight. All other suites were occupied for the night, so any investigation we might be able to do was limited. We did wander about the house and took some photographs, did a little EVP work and took some video film. There was nothing remarkable. At around 1:00 AM, we decided to call it a night. I set up my video camcorder, which is not equipped with night vision, on a small table at the entrance to the room, pointing it toward a corner where there was a little light coming in through the window from outside. The guest table was set up in this corner and it included a coffeemaker, muffins and an ice bucket filled with ice, wine and orange juice. My reason for setting up the camera was to use it to record audio, as my tape recorder would make a rather loud "click" when the tape was finished, and the camcorder would simply shutdown after two hours. I did not expect any video to be useful.
I was sleeping peacefully for about an hour, but awoke when my cousin began to move around. She was hot in the room and finding it difficult to sleep. We spoke for a few seconds, and I drifted back off... but not for long. Almost immediately I was totally awakened by the sound of the ice in our ice bucket being literally tossed into the sink in the room. It was very loud. I asked Cindy, "What was that?" She replied, "I think it was the ice". We could both see the bucket sitting on the table and knew it had not moved, but there was no mistaking the sound we heard.
After awhile, I was able to sleep again, though I don't believe Cindy ever did.
When I reviewed the two hours of video tape the next day, I noticed that the little light that came in through the drapes began to distort after awhile. The camcorder self-focuses, and I assumed it was trying to do just that. Gradually it began to get more and more distorted. I continued to watch it, and reached the point in the tape where Cindy and I awoke just before the sound of the ice. There it was, on the tape, the recording of the ice being thrown into the sink. I was delighted to have caught it on tape! It was loud and sounded exactly as it had the night before!
I recorded a copy of that portion of the tape onto DVD to keep it safe. It was a very exciting night and a very good catch for me. I since returned to Lemp and spent an hour closed up in Charles' room alone, attempting to record EVPSs through asking questions, but was unable to get a response.
I will not give up. I continue to visit Lemp and will continue to try to contact Charles Lemp every chance I get. I recommend anyone who can visit this top haunted America site to go!
I haven't uploaded the video yet. I have another video from Lemp on youtube that is basically a walkthrough with downstairs dining and upstairs. Then I walk around the upstairs corner to the corridor that leads back to the old vault door, and there appears to be a man at that door, or on it. I have posted it on TAPS and some thought at first it was a man who stepped out of Charles' Lemp's suite, but that man looked out and then left through the main hallway door. The door is painted black, it is a bit shiny and it is worn in places, but it's still very interesting, because it is at Lemp. I have made quite a study of the Mansion and it's family. I consider them very special. I plan to "master it" and those who lived there. I know it like the back of my hand, and even though the man at the door seems easy to debunk, it is still strange. Anything can happen at that house. I will add my youtube link. The video I talk about in the story is hard, because I am having audio trouble on my computer and without it, the video isn't worth much. But I got some of the problem solved, and it may be my program for retrieving video from my camera. I am working on it.
The other death in the house was Charles Lemp was visiting the house and he ended up shooting his dog then himself. What I think is the weirdest thing about this story is, THEY ALL COMMITTED SUICIDE BY SHOOTING THEMSELVES! Maybe there was something happening behind closed doors, maybe this all started when William Sr. Was a kid, and he could of been abused by his father, and on down the line from child to child? Share your thoughts! 😆 ❤