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Real Ghost Stories

The Pocket Watch


My name is Greg and I grew up in northern Connecticut. First off, I'd like to state in high school I was a devoted atheist. I had a small circle of friends, my friend Aaron who was incredibly deep into the occult, horror movies, witchcraft, things along those lines, my friend Jennifer who was one of my closest friends (We are married now) my friend Edward who was also a big atheist and Peter who came from Germany and was a devout Catholic. My friends and I were usually out everyday well into 3 AM, one day we wanted to play capture the flag at night, which at the time seemed to be a great idea. We were wrong.

We split up and made it a 2 on 3 game. Me and Aaron were the members of our team. The place in which I lived had a lot of wide open space and plenty of woods so strategically I knew everything about the area. Me and Aaron sat around for about 45 minutes; he then leaned over to me and said "Greg, where's that trail go to?" The trail he pointed to went to a rather rundown house. I replied back to him "Oh that trail? Yeah that goes down to the "Garbage Hut" it's pretty much the longest trail in town." Me and my dad called the house down that trail the garbage hut because the house literally looked like it was patched together from sheet metal and cans. "That's perfect" Aaron said to me. To be honest I was beginning to get scared. I didn't believe in ghosts at all but something about the trail itself had sent bad feelings into me. "No, that's a terrible idea. It would take us at least 15 minutes to walk that whole trail and the others would never even be able to find us." I replied straight away. After much deliberation I had been suckered into following Aaron down that trail.

Upon reaching the garbage hut I had felt cold. I zipped my hoodie up and stood there starring down the wrecked house. Aaron asked me who lived there and I told him that the man who lived there was in jail for tax evasion. Aaron opened the door and I had sprung up in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing!?" I had shouted I ran in after him and this is where I began to feel nauseous. The inside of the house smelled of rotting meat and excrement. We walked around the house for a few minutes. (Around the kitchen and living room pretty much) Aaron and I heard growling, like a huge dog growling. We decided to leave but not before Aaron spotted a beautifully detailed pocket watch and took it for himself. As we sprinted down the trail I could have sworn I heard the galloping of a large dog behind us. Neither of us was in shape to sprint the way we did but we cleared that trail. After realizing we were not being followed we went our separate ways and called it a night. I was up for the rest of the night watching TV because I needed to hear and see something to distract me from that incident.

The next day Aaron calls us all up and invites us to his house for the night. At this point I was so reluctant to have anything to do with Aaron because I thought it was morally wrong to take that pocket watch. When all of us were at Aarons it felt freezing, I wasn't the only one who felt cold so I felt some comfort in that knowledge. Aaron was showing off the pocket watch and the more he waved it around the less comfortable all of us felt. Edward complained of a stomach ache and had been violently vomiting most of the night he was there. He left fairly early around 11 PM. Peter had church the next morning so he left shortly after. Jennifer and I were the only others left. Around 1 AM we heard a tapping on the window. Aaron went to check it out because he thought it was his brother Charles coming back from another vicious night at the bar. It turned out it was nothing. Jennifer was very tired and she decided to drive home. Before she left she pulled me aside and asked me if I wanted a ride home. I don't know what came over me but I just said "...No, I think I should stay here." Jen was uneasy and left me behind.

It was around 3:30 AM and Aaron was out of it. I turned to him and said "Dude, you tired?" he opened his eyes and said in a very firm voice "No." All the questions I asked him were either answered with "Yes." "No." or he would stare at me blankly. He got up slowly and opened the door to his basement I followed him and the image of what I saw was forever burned into my mind. He got halfway down the steps and then and turned around. I said "Aaron, why did you wait so long to grab the beers, man? Everyone is gone." His pupils disappeared and he smiled. He stuck his tongue out at me and his tongue had become increasingly longer. The shadows at the bottom of the steps were dancing and swirling and all of a sudden I heard screaming and doors opening and closing. I broke out in a sweat and ran as fast as I could out of the house. I sprinted until I couldn't breathe and even afterwards I ran. I had arrived at my house and woke my dad up. I told him everything. My dad nodded his head and told me "Greg. You need to go back to church. You need to find God again." After that night I had never missed a Sunday and I have found myself praying almost every day.

A few days afterwards Edward and Peter told me that they had gone back to Aarons because Ed left his backpack there. Apparently no one was home at all. I had only seen Aaron a few times after the incident but after 2 weeks him and his family had vanished. I haven't seen Aaron since junior year. I wish I knew what happened to him or if he is still alive.

Did I really see all this or is there even a possibility that he and his family are still alive?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, chevygard33, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

M1cr0b1al (3 stories) (38 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-01)
Moongrim: I completely agree with you. This seems as though it's a religious person's writings, in some kind of weird attempt at convincing non-believers that there really is something.

I'm sorry, but I just don't really buy it this time.
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-16)
WOW! Creeepy story! I believe you and the good part is that you went back to church. In my opinion, your friend was possessed with whatever spirit that is tied with the pocket watch. I hope he found his way out of the mess.

Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
LOL, that's true, that's true. I'm having a night, lol. I keep saying the same things repeatedly. I feel like I'm losing my mind!

Penny ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
Pendragon: Haha I definitely can see where your coming from it is a bit out there I was just saying we will never know really for sure. I could see this being one for the twilight zone hahaha.

Dan 😊
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
Darkness - It starts out sounding fine, but the part where his friend physically transformed so quickly? That's what sounds fishy. Even truly demonically possessed people go through, usually, a time period where they slowly start to look, well, dead. It doesn't happen instantly. This sounds like someone watched a few too many scary movies, and wanted to make his own.

Penny ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
To previous posters I wouldn't be to hasty to throw it away as untrue you will never know for certain, as weird as this story sounds a lot of things happen in this world which we will never understand. 😕

Thank you

MyChaoticPeace (1 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
I have to agree with Moongrim, pen, and Troyarn. It just doesn't sounds like a real occurrence. It doesn't stand out as something that could be real. I mean, why would the pocket watch of a otherwise normal and living person (or criminal) have some sort of demon attached to it?

How does an entire family 'vanish'? How is an Atheist 'devote'? It doesn't sit right with me.

Sorry if I've offended but it's my honest opinion.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
Why do I keep being voted down for stating an opinion that has been matched by at least one person before me, and another after me!? I give up. *sigh*...
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
I agree with Pendragon. Sounds made up... Like something a teen might like to see in a movie. I really miss the true ghost stories I used to read. I'm seeing more and more stories on here that resemble horror films just a little too much. Hope things get better.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
I'm going to agree with Moongrim. An Athiest is not a religios person. In fact, they do not even believe in any sort of higher or lower power. If you meant Satanist, well, it is not the same thing as Athiest, not by a long shot. There was the first mistake, because most religious people believe that if one does not believe in/worship the Christian/Catholic God, they automatically worship Satan. I, personally, am leaning towards the Greco-Pagan Gods (Think Ancient Greek Myth). Does this mean I worship Satan, because Hades is one of the core Gods? No, it doesn't. It just emans I have a healthy respect for the afterlife. Athiests do not worship anything, therefore they can not be "devoted".

It sounds, to put it bluntly, that this is another immature, though well-writen, fake story, taking up space in Martin's inbox when people who need help may be trying to submit stories.

It just sounds like you're trying to turn those of us, like myself, who are indeed athiest or agnostic, into Christians, which is something that, I assure you, we do not want. We are quite hapy with out the Christian God, and an Athiest wouldn't even believe that he had seen a demon of any sort infront of him/herself, only that they were dreaming.

I'll agree that it sounds creepy, but it's just a spooky story, made up to suit the needs of the author - to tell us, though subtly, that "God saves us from all, and those that do not believe will burn."

I doubt this. Ending rant now.

Penny 😠
Aaron_G_B (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
wow I would never be able to sleep again you are a very strong person it would take years for me to get over that
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
That was a nice little story.

And that's all it was- another story invented by a religious fanatic.

Devoted Atheist- yeah right.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-12)
Oh wow that was creepy, I actually have goosebumps! 😨 I probably would have needed years of therapy after seeing something like that. I'm glad you, your friend, and now wife got away from whatever was possessing Aaron. It definitely sounds like the entity was attached to the pocket watch. I'm not sure if it was a demon, or just an extremely malevolent spirit. Whatever it was it was definitely EVIL! I'm glad you found your way back to God, and wish you and your wife the best. Thank you for sharing your story. Take care 😊

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