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Real Ghost Stories

Do Not Watch


The story I am going to tell you had happened 11 years ago, when my sister and I were still children. Before I start, I should tell you a bit about my family history. When my grandfather left my grandmother, she came to live at her parents' house. So my father and we were all born and raised on my maternal great-grandparents' land.

My great-grandmother died in 2003 and as Mauritian traditions go, they brought her body home for the funeral. Well, for those who are not aware, women usually bathe the body before putting on the clothes which are, most of the time, the bridal clothes of the person.

That day, my sister and I were both watching how they were bathing the body. Well, we were small, so we were very curious about funerals (weird, isn't it? I know). I remember at that time my mother strictly told us not to watch because it is bad omen. I stopped watching, but my sister, being smaller (she was 6 at that time) and more stubborn, kept watching. It's important that I tell you that, at that time, my sister was ill (she is asthmatic and frequently has asthma attack). So as some of you may know, people say that when a person is ill or pregnant, they are very vulnerable to supernatural things.

Everything went well at the funeral, but after one week, my sister's health began to deteriorate. She constantly had serious asthma attack. She looked like someone who was about to kick the bucket and we were all very scared. And one week after that, she began to wake up every night and cried that someone was strangling her. She even did the gesture with her hands, like you would do if someone was strangling your neck. The time that she woke up was 1 am and it was like that every night.

At that time my grandmother, my mother and my sister used to sleep in the same bed, as my mother was afraid to sleep alone with my sister knowing that at any time my sister could get really sick so she needed someone with her. One night my grandma woke up to go to the bathroom and as soon as she got out of bed my mom felt like someone got on the bed. She pulled my sister closer to her and closed her eyes tight but as soon as she did so, she felt like someone was literally pulling my sister away from her. She held firm but it was very strong. My mom tried to scream but no sound was coming out. But as soon as my grandmother came back in the room, that evil presence left my sister and went away. Let me tell you that when my great-grandma was alive, she was scared of my grandma though the latter was her daughter.

The battle between that evil being and my family continued for 4 months, with my parents taking my sister to every temple, every church, and every known and unknown religious place. They were so miserable and at wits end that they even took my sis to witch doctors (I have no prejudice against witch doctors, I believe that while they are not so reputable in my country, there are good ones also).

My brother was still a baby at that time, but he was completely neglected because of that. I had to take care of him, though I was still a child myself (I was 10 at that time). Finally, one day we got to know from someone that there was an old lady who had a boon. I forgot where she lived but I still remember her face. She was a nice lady and was very sympathetic towards us after knowing what we went through. We had to take my sis several times to her place and then ultimately, we started to see an improvement in my sister's health.

Allow me to clear something, she was not a witch doctor, just someone who got a gift from God. (I know some of you may not agree to that and I welcome your opinions). She didn't use black magic or whatsoever, only equipment like holy water, etc. Gradually, that evil being started to drift away from my sister and finally after 1 month, she was completely normal again.

On the last day, the lady told us that if we had delayed in bringing my sister to her, she would not have survived long. The purpose of that spirit was to kill my sister. She also told us that it was indeed my great-grandmother and she was not meant to die at that time (though she was very very old). She died from shock. We knew the reason she got that shock. But it's irrelevant to the story. She could not accept her death and she needed something to hold on to and as my sister was ill at that time, she was the perfect victim. The reason she tortured my sister so much was because she wanted revenge, though we had nothing to do with her misery. She could not hurt the real people who made her suffer so as a consolation, she hurt my sister.

My sister is completely fine today. She is a 17 year old teenager leading a normal life, going to school, having fun with friends. When I ask her if she remembers what she went through at that time, she says she doesn't remember anything. I am happy about that, because I want her to have a normal life, and to be a terrorised and scared all her life.

Thank you for being patient and reading my story. It's a bit long I know, but each part was important and had to be mentioned for you to understand better. This was the only malevolent spirit we came across. I had other encounters (this time good ones) which I am going to tell you about next time.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jane01, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-19)

Thank you for understanding why we ask some of the questions we do. There are many people here with lots of experiences and while we may not have ALL the answers we try to figure something out based on our own... And of course we all bring our unique perspectives to the 'table' so you get the advantage of multiple answers for a single question.

Of course I will read your next submission... Lets see if we can refine what your Family may have experienced during this period in time. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, knowledge is power and if you do not ask, then you can not learn.


Jane01 (4 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-19)
freakedoutfreddy: no not the people preparing the body, otherwise I guess nobody would be volunteer to carry out the task...
freakedoutfreddy (1 stories) (77 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-18)
Jane01: do the people preparing a body for a funeral get bad luck? 😕
Jane01 (4 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-18)
[at] rouk: thank you for trying to find reasons behind what we experienced. I didn't want to soil the reputation of my great grandma because she was dead despite the pain she caused us, that's why I didn't say how she was when alive but I guess I should tell you. She was not a nice person. But I don't want say more about her in respect for the dead, however vile she might have been. I hope you understand.

But to make you understand more why I am saying it is my great grandma, I will write another story, this time on what my aunt experienced during those times, I hope then you'll understand better...

Do read it when it gets published... But sincerely thank you for taking the pain to find answers for me... I appreciate it...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-18)

Thank you for a reply. We suggest doctors because, well we care and want to make sure everyone is OK. 😁 and because ALL natural causes must be ruled out.

Now that we have established a doctor was seen and all that let us theorize as to what this may have been...

You stated that its tradition to NOT watch the body... If someone does then the spirit of the deceased will haunt them. What if this is partially true... What if a spirit is attaching itself to individuals who watched the body being prepared... What if this spirit uses the 'tradition' to instill fear into an individual... Then after some time has passed it moves on to another individual for a fresh 'fix' of 'fear energy'. I suggest this because I do not believe your grandmother would do those things to her a grandchild... May be she would if was was that type of person in life, but that is not the impression I got from your experience.

Again thanks for sharing.


Jane01 (4 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-18)
elnoraemily: this story is about ghost, so I skipped the part on visit to the doctor. To answer your question it's the first place my parents took my sister...
Jane01 (4 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-18)
i understand everyone's point of view...
[at] Vasrod... To tell you the truth I don't know the answer myself as to why we can't watch the body... But it's a tradition purported for generations and with time people forget why they do all these and they just carry them out... Especially in my country where traditions are becoming less important day by day...

Yeah my parents took my sister to various doctors across the country... But nothing could be done... The doctors prescribed inhalation pumps, gave medicines. My mom used the pumps every night but they were of no use...

It's true my sister had frequent asthma attacks when she was younger but none were like that... Normally after each attack she would remember everything... But after the ones I mentioned in the story, she did not remember anything... She said she only remembered the time when she went to sleep... And during the attacks she would look straight ahead as if looking at someone and I asked my mother again about it as I was still small at that time and she confirmed that sometimes when my sis could talk during those attacks she would say that someone was strangling her and one time she said that grandma was strangling her...

And during those hard times, my mom says she was always getting wrong vibes in the house... I also mentioned that she had those attacks at 1 am everynight and after reading your comments I asked my mom about that and she said that that was the time my great grandma died...

Well there could be a rational explanation behind all these as some of you said but after all we went through at that time I can't be so sure... But thank you all for listening to my story and for your sincere comment...
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-04-17)
I am going to be a complete spoil sport here, but if your sister had severe asthma, all of this can be explained.
Her asthma could have have very well been set off at night by something as simple as a bad dream or even dust on the bed sheets. Since she was six, she would have been very scared and she would have felt as if she was being strangled because of her effort to get air into her system.
As someone who suffered from croup as a child, I can very honestly say that these sorts of attacks feel as though someone is trying to murder you. Croup closes your airways and swells your throat. People who cannot breathe will often reach in front of them, claw at the air or even claw at their own faces and throats.
My main question to you is, knowing how sick their daughter was, when these symptoms starting showing up why did your parents take her to a witch doctor and not a medical doctor?
It seems highly unbelievable and horrific that parents who know their child has a breathing problem would ignore her known problem and put her health on the line.
wolfavera (2 stories) (7 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-16)
I am a bit curious, what was the shock that killed your great grandmother and who did she want to hurt? I understand if it is a personal matter. She is very lucky to have survived.
rajasdeshpande (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-16)
I'm very happy that your sister survived. Please don't mind but I think that your great-grandmother was very cruel.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-16)
Rachel806: on a previous post on "A demon named Celia Heart" you say your father performs exorcisms and you have helped him.
Could you please explain to me the need to take you to a witch doctor after your aunt's spirit attached to you? 🤔
Couldn't your dad help you?
Like Rook, I too would like to know where on Kansas you found a witch doctor.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-15)
I second Vasrod's question and counter with my own.

Did anyone, at any point take your sister to see a Doctor? I ask abecause my wife is a life long asthmatic and the littlest things can set her off... Remember EVERYTHING normal must be ruled out... A What time of year was this... Could there have been a plant in bloom that caused your sister. To react with an attack?

Everything you describe... With the exception of 'something' trying to pull your sister away from your mother... Could be related to an asthma attack.

Thanks for sharing.

Oh one more question... This one for Rachel806... Ok it's really two questions...

You say you are a medium... Are you saying you have studied and trained to be able to contact/channel spirits? Or do you really mean to say you are sensitive who can feel, hear and/or sometimes see a spirits presence?

Second...Where did you find a witch doctor? Just curious.


Rachel806 (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-15)
I have had the same experience but much much worse my aunt had passed away from murder (she was poisoned) we went to her funeral and my older cousin was helping prepare her body due to the fact he was her son. Later on when I went to see my aunt at the time I was 6 or 7 and I was very susceptible to paranormal things and so my aunt attached to me I was actually taken to a which doctor and I remember it clear as day I even saw her face at night but it was pure evil scared the living daylights out of me to be truthful. But I later found out that I am a medium and that is another reason she latched onto me it was horrifying but soon you relies spirits don't remember their past so she didn't remember me even though I was her favorite I was thrown off my bed into the wall all of that but I do forgive her.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-15)
Amazing story. So gladd it had a happy ending. I love hearing about the different culture's traditions. Thankyou for sharing.
SilverWolf77 (1 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-15)
It's very distressing to think that the great grandmother attacked her innocent great grand daughter like that. Was she a kind or evil person in life?
Vasrod (2 stories) (11 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-15)
I'm very happy that your sister survived. But I'm curious, why is it bad omen to watch a body being prepared for a funeral?

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