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Ghost Tours and Haunted Hotels from Massachusetts, United States: Page 1

Are You Haunted Adventures?

We are a group of paranormal enthusiasts partnered with Central NH Paranormal Society and Haunted In New England TV Show. Our first adventure was at Parsonsfield Seminary in a full overnight investigation. Our tours will be organized by Maryella Blundo of Dream Come True Travel and also Eric Perry w...

Haunted Boston Ghost Tours

Step through the shadows and discover the chilling and ghastly tales of murder, revenge, lust and heartache... The best way to see Historic Boston is by foot. Our 90-minute long walking tour takes you through the historic and haunted streets in search of the countless ghosts rumored to haunt the ...

Salem Witch City Ghosts

Located approximately 17 miles north of Boston in what is considered the North Shore sits a unique, smaller city that began with the intent of a simple, religious way of communal life. In 1626 Salem Town was founded by Roger Conant who governed Salem peacefully until he was replaced by John Endicott...

The Salem Night Tour

* Washington Inn * Ghost Hunt * Paranormal Investigation The Night Tour is a 90 minute walking tour lead by lantern light. Our expert story tellers are licensed experienced, and play real Salem historical characters. Salem is not your average American town, Nathaniel Hawthorne o...

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