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A Helpful Soul


I am a person who believes in both good and bad energies that we have in the universe existing parallelly. And also since I was a kid, I have had some sightings of spirits and sense negative energies around me, but I was too naΓ―ve to ever notice them. This incident confirmed everything that I have been avoiding so far. I also have known that I get some dreams which can convey message of some sort about my real life and those around me, which I never considered as a gift but after some time I started noting them down on my diary since my family doesn't believe me.

I started working when I was 19 years old in a call Centre in Mumbai. It was mostly night shifts so I could manage my graduation studies and my job simultaneously to pay my tuition fees. I was working in a reputable company which I would rather not name in the year 2019. I had to do the last shift so if I came from college late I could still manage.

As it was a UK process, the timings I used to pick up for the shift was 5:30 pm to 2:30 am at night in UK time which was the last shift we could do. One night I was working late and it had been past 2:30 am because we had to leave notes on customers accounts and I had some follow-ups to do as well. As it was a Friday night and we were celebrating RNR (which is to reward best employees) and everybody logged out a bit early to go out and party. So the floor was empty around 3:00 am.

I was new with the job and hence had a take quite a bit time to complete the procedures and updates. It was colder than usual that night and quieter. I ignored assuming its just the AC and it was not my first time working late. A guy approached me and asked me if I was having any trouble doing the work and needed any help. I smiled and gently replied "No, thanks" because I didn't want my superiors to know that I am taking a lot of help as they were underestimating me already considering I was young and a fresher and it was a very toxic workplace. He also asked me when I was logging out. I replied "As soon as I finish working on the notes".

He said "Don't stay up late a lot and relax, stress isn't very good for your health". I was happy that someone finally understands and got back to my work. When I was finished, I looked for the guy but he wasn't there at all and I thought he must've left after talking to me.

The next day I came to my shift and I was searching for the guy, I couldn't find him. I logged in and I was checking on my emails and updates for the day when a strike of thunder ran through my spine and read condolence notice about the same guy with his picture. He died the same day he met me but in the afternoon by suicide under work pressure. I couldn't believe my eyes that how could it be possible when I met him just yesterday night. I asked my team leader and told him that I saw him last night. He made fun of me that I was hallucinating and said that the guy who died didn't report to work and was found dead in his apartment yesterday afternoon by his wife. I felt so sorry for him and decided to leave that workplace fearing the consequences that this job did to him.

Any questions and feedbacks are welcome:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lost-soul, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Lost-soul (1 stories) (5 posts)
3 months ago (2024-08-02)
Hello Tweed,
Thanks for reading my story
And I think I still wouldn't have been working at that place even if he wouldn't have told me anything. It was suffocating to work under such people who were sexist and toxic. You know they used to make fun of me and pass comments about how my parents are incapable of taking care of me because I was working and studying simultaneously and I used to get very upset because I was just a kid who wanted to do everything on her own and help her folks. I used to cry sometimes too but nevermind, some people just need to get a life.

Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
3 months ago (2024-08-01)
Hi, again, Lost: I once worked on a Call Center several years ago. It was more out of desperation than because I wanted to. I hate telemarketers/telemarketing. It's a VERY big company (I'm withholding the name of it, but I think it's the 'biggest' one around.).
We had scripts to read to the customers. Pardon me. Victims. Because we had to lie to these poor people to sell their lousy magazines. I despised lying to those people just to make a sale. You were not allowed to have cell phones in plain sight. They would fire you if you did. They were afraid of 'whistle-blowers'. You know. People that would 'expose' their unethical practices.
We were required to tell the customers that a big percentage of the profits from the magazines were going to local, or national charities. Not true. Only 3% of the profits went to the charities. The rest to the vendors, but the biggest percentage went to the OWNERS of the telemarketing company. Whose kidding who?
They were vultures. I took 8 months of 'that' dishonest, & essentially toxic environment. One night I told them 'what' they could do with their stinkin' job. I walked out. I didn't have another job lined up, or anything, but I just couldn't take the possible ulcers that were brewing in me.
You REALLY did the RIGHT thing by leaving there. Places like that can definitely affect ones health. Take it for me.
I sincerely hope all is so much better for you. I just had a little more to associate with your account. I hope you don't mind!

The Best
To You! 😁 😁
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
3 months ago (2024-08-01)
Lost soul,

I'm glad you have left that toxic workplace. I wonder if you had not encountered this man if you would still be working there, it seems like he saved you a lot of stress. He seems like such a nice soul and it's tragic he's no longer in this physical realm. I believe the UK and Australia need to be aware of the stress that call centre workers from India are under on a daily basis. It's simply not fair and it has to be one of the most stressful jobs out there.
Thanks for sharing and I'm happy to hear you're out of that place and doing better. All the best navigating your gifts. It's great you keep diaries they're a big help. 😊
Lost-soul (1 stories) (5 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-17)
Hello Linjahaha and Rajine,
Thanks for reading my story.
Yes, I did take that as a warning and left that toxicity behind and I totally agree Rajine, that coworkers have a huge role in messing up the experience for you, like my team leader.
Thanks for the comments 😊
Lost-soul (1 stories) (5 posts)
3 months ago (2024-07-17)
Hey RCRuskin,
Thank you for reading my story.
Great that you could relate to the story being worked at call centres, and you are right about being stuck, It can be exhausting when you cannot comment or say anything when the customer is just being harsh to you or simply stupid.
And yes it was cold the entire time, I had to get my jacket and that's why I remember this.
Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
4 months ago (2024-07-07)
Lost: Just a little addendum to my original comment about your account.
I'm willing to bet that after you told your team leader what you encountered, he 'may' have chided you, but, truth be told, you probably rattled his cage a bit. Seeing a man that you never met, & conversing with him nonetheless.
You probably left him more than a little shook. Just my 2 cents here!

The Very Best! 😁 😁
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
4 months ago (2024-07-07)
Hi Lost-soul

I to believe that the world (supernatural and not) are kept in balance between the good and bad.

It's sad what happened to that guy, a stressful work environment is the worst thing anyone can face, but it's good that you left while you could.
I believe that sometimes it's other coworkers that make for a toxic work environment.
Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
4 months ago (2024-07-06)
Dear Lost: I honestly think your encounter was a possible warning for you not to let yourself get overwhelmed, or overworked.
Like you mentioned in your account. It was a toxic environment. Look what it did to THAT man. It seems he was well-intended in trying to prevent the same fate happening to you.
It was a wise move to leave there. Good read!

The Best! 😊 😊
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 months ago (2024-07-06)
I worked in a call center once, a place I call "toilet paper" for reasons, but I won't name the actual company. Having worked on multiple projects, I have found that it is not the call center environment itself that is stressful. It is being stuck between customers and whatever client's really stupid processes.

Knowing your coworkers are going to help you out makes the job much easier, but still can't escape the client.

So, to your experience: Was it cold the entire time you were doing your after call work?

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