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Spirits Can Become Members Of Your Family


To start my story I must give you some background information. I am a divorced mom of four children, three girls and one boy. After my second marriage me and my children moved in my new husband's home in a small rural area in Texas. His home was a new build over a creek bed on an old stagecoach trail in the 1800's. The home was built some 18 years ago and he has been the only owner. While during some landscaping I dug up some beautiful small river rocks which I brought inside my home, washed and used them as decor in a glass vase. I only mention this because I saw a psychic and she asked if I had brought anything new into my home lately and this had been the only thing. She told me that I had a spirit who was a young boy who lost his mother figure near a body of water and was looking for her. I prayed about him that he would tell me his name and that night I had a dream where I was following a small boy of eight years old or so and was calling out the name Shane. Until this point, I called him little one when I spoke to him.

After this incident, things began to happen such as the television would turn on during the night by itself on a gospel station with music. Also during the Christmas holidays my musical decorations would start playing during the night to where I finally had to unplug them. My oldest daughter invited her boyfriend to sleep on our couch and he was using a floor fan because it was summer. During the night the fan would turn off and he would say turn the fan back on, so the fan would turn on for a second, then turn back off. This went on for a while before he got angry and said just leave it off then. In the morning when I woke up he told me the fan was broken but the fan was set to high but was not moving. I turned it to off and back to high and it worked.

One night after midnight I was standing in the hallway talking to my family in the living room when what I thought was my eight year old son ran past me into the kitchen. I called his name to see what he was doing in the kitchen and he said he was not in the kitchen but in his room. There is no way he could have run past me again without my knowledge. He always wore white undershirts to bed and what ran past me was wearing white.

I would wake up at 12:22 some nights and would hear crying but all my kids would be asleep. Some nights I would hear Momma being called out but again all my kids would be sleeping. I have not really experienced any pranks, sometimes I will feel as if someone has touched my back but I am all alone. Once when I was painting my kitchen bending over to get more paint on my roller, someone brushed the hair out of my eyes but again I was alone.

My middle daughter woke me up during the night to tell me that her blankets would not stay down, they kept rising and she was angry. She said it was like someone was trying to get into bed with her and she was fighting for the covers. I politely but sterning told my little one that was not nice and to stop and he did.

We had a hurricane come through our area and a large oak tree top fell on my home. I was in the room that it fell into at the time and suffered minor cuts and scratches but the amazing thing was my son was in his room when he heard the commotion. He tried to come out of his room but someone was blocking the door, he assumed it was his younger sister so he pushed her out of the way only to find out later she was still asleep in her room.

My youngest was wearing a cross necklace when she went to sleep but in the morning it was nowhere to be found. I told Shane that it was not nice to take things that did not belong to him and the next day it was right in front of my daughter's bedroom door where it had not been before. The same thing happens to my husband at least twice a month but we always find it in the bed.

My middle daughter wears a heart necklace and the heart pendant will be on the floor but the chain is still clasped. He enjoys his pranks and I think he enjoys being in our family.

I hope you do not think I am crazy because I experienced this, I would not have believed it either if it hadn't happened to me. There are many other instances, this is just a few and you should see how he can move small balls all around our home. I just want people to know that not every spirit is bad; our little guy is just as welcome here as my own children are. Family and friends have asked why I don't make him leave but he is just a little boy and he is no threat to us. I kind of like the idea that he has adopted us and I have told him he can stay as long as he likes.

I hope you have enjoyed my story, I have never written about this before.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, justme2day, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Gayatrishiva (3 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)

I know this comment is late one as its almost two years. I have this suggestion ie light a candle thinking of this little boy and I believe this will make him find light to cross over. For someone people they cann't cross over for example if they died unatural death like accident where their real time haven't come yet. So these souls linger around until that time and then will leave. Thay can also leave if someone now since the little one loves you... You can light a candle for him. I am sure he'll find the light.
believer21 (3 stories) (56 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
Maybe little shane feels a need to protect, who knows what whould have happen if your son had come in to the room the tree feel into. There is a chance he's not moving on because he feels he can help you. Maybe he watched his mother pass and being unable to help her is rectfiying the siuation now.
If he was a demon things would have esclated by now, seeing as how they havnt I think its safe to assume he's not evil. ❀
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
What a great story. I had an art teacher in high school many, many moons ago and she told us (her students) about their ghost and how "she" had become part of the family. I too want everyone to know that there are ghost out there that do NOT mean us any harm - that they just want to hang around.
Putting this story in my faves - thank you for a good read. ~Cheryl~
justme2day (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-16)
[at] roseinbloom,

I did not feel your comments were negative at all, I want my little one to be with his real Momma but unfortunately I do not know how to get him there. This is the first time in my life that I have experienced anything like this. For all who commented that it is sad that he cries, I know it hurts me too but until he is ready, my hands are tied. I talk to him on a daily basis and will continue to let him know he should go and it is totally okay with me. He has an attachment to our family not only me, maybe he had no siblings in his past life, who knows? Take care!
shobha (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-16)
Are you sure this isn't a demon trying to get you to trust him? Be careful, with ghosts you can never tell-things aren't always what they seem.
roseinbloom (4 stories) (117 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-15)
Dear Justme, Sorry, I see that, without trying, I may have offended someone on this site. I know this, because this will be the first time, I have a negative rating on my comment. However, reading all the comments, I see that several posters, share my point of view, for example snowhite, farielike, and blue_raven80. I believe it may even be you, who has rated our comments. Please, just know, that no disrespect, or finger pointing was ever meant directed at you. My comment, came from the fact, that you mentioned, Shane, does not speak to you and the only communication, you get from him, is when, you hear him crying and calling out to his mom. I don't know about anyone else, but when I hear, a child cry, (such as Shane does), and call out for his Mom, I know all is not right with the world, as we know it. If this child, is truly content, with the situation, as it is, he would not be weeping and calling for his own Mother, at any time.
I feel, that Shane, maybe highly intuitive, and feels he would somehow dissapoint, you, the person he has come to count on, in this realm. Thus, he is relucant, to move forward. He may even be afraid, as most children are, of moving to the unknown, so he just stays, here, with the person, he has found comforting, in his present state.
Please, know that this is only my opinion, and has no bearing on you as a person, on a personal level. I would like everyones' understanding, in that, my tender maternal instincts, have played a large part on how I came to this particular opinion and conculsion.
Thank you all for your understanding.

😒 πŸ˜• ❀
faerielike (15 stories) (268 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-15)
Poor little Shane! As much as he is loved on this earth, I hope that he gets the courage to go to the other side and meet up with his natural mother!
I enjoyed your story, and I hope I get to read more of Shane's antics on here! ❀
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
What a cute story. Thank you.
Shane is a lucky little boy to have found such an understanding environment.
Just as a curiosity, and nothing else. You said that the psychic felt this little boy lost his Mother, to the Creek bed possibly (you actually said body of water, but that does not mean THIS creek bed, it could have "traveled down"). Did she happen to mention if she felt where HE passed?
Might be nice to lay out a few flowers, is all I am saying.
Wado (Thank you)
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
I really love this story, and no you're not crazy. Grannies right, he'll let you know when/if he's ready. In the meantime just enjoy him, nothing wrong with that at all. 😊 ❀
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
If I will be in your shoes, it will make me cry when I hear the crying of the child. I'm really vulnerable when it comes to children. I really breaks my heart when they cry or they are hurt.

justme2day (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
[at] roseinbloom

I have tried to tell him to cross over and that his Mom is waiting for him but he remains. I feel bad for him when he cries but I do not know what else to do. I will try to pray for him again and will keep you all posted. Thank you for your comments.
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
"I know you're not crazy, if you are, then the entire lot of us are!" - zzsgranny

LOL! I agree! Well at least you can tell your little one to behave. Have you asked him how did he lost his momma? Poor boy, he must have missed her so much. 😭
justme2day (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
[at] Miracles51031

My son was 8 years old when we moved in, he is now 20, my middle daughter was 11, now 23 and my baby daughter was 3, she is now 15. When things first started happening they were scared but I told them that spirits are just people and they soon adjusted. We have strong Christian values and we always tell our children that death is not goodbye but a see you later. We now all laugh at his pranks! Thank you for your comments!
ParanormalActivity (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
that is so cute. Yeah to all you people out there not all ghosts/spirits are bad.
roseinbloom (4 stories) (117 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
Dear justme2day, I liked your story. However, I am concerned, for the small boy entity, because, it seems to me, that he is somehow separated from his, "real mom".
Maybe you should try to cross him over to the light, so he can be with his own family members. I know, you have come to have feelings for him, but just put yourself in his position. Or maybe, think, that if it was one of your own, you would feel better, having him near, rather than wandering, and searching, and having to find a, "substitute", mom, and family.
I feel you would want to do the "right" thing by him, so just, pray and think about it. Your heart, will tell you what the correct course of action should be.
What ever you decide, God Bless you and yours. 😊 ❀
AloveB85 (2 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
This is a nice story. If anyone found you crazy, what would that make them for even coming to a site like this? Plus a alittle crazy is good for the soul.:)

Im glad he is a sweet boy, and not wanting to harm anyone. I've never had experiences with ghosts or spirits of children.

But with all the stories I have read on this site, and the experiences I have had, I'm glad to know there is peace with some spirits/ghosts or entites.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
justme2day - your story is like reading one of my own. Not to draw attention to my story, but I have one posted here "I Need My Mommy" that you might find an interesting read on a boring day.

Ghosts of children are the ones I'm more acquainted with. Everywhere my children and I have lived for the past 18 years, we've had at least one. We currently have 2 that we know of, possibly 3.

I had to laugh when I read about the necklaces and the chains being clasped. I recently had an experience with my earring that is very similar. This is a story I have promised to submit.

You said you have an 8-year-old son and a younger daughter? How do they deal with your ghost? My little boy is trying very hard to not be surprised when ours talk to him πŸ˜†, although they do tend to catch him off guard.

I truly enjoyed your story. If you haven't, and I know some people get tired of reading this from me but I don't careπŸ˜‰, start keeping a journal. You might be surprised by what you learn. I've been keeping one since 2002, but my entries go back 32 years.

Again, great story!
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
There are lots of people on this site who have lived and still coexist with spiritual residents. Zzsgranny is one of them, and I lived in an apartment for 14 years with one. So we understand the "you're going to think I'm nuts" feeling. LOL! But you are not nuts, and even though the spirit of this child would be happier if he passed over into the light it doesn't seem like he is ready. He knows that you acknowledge him and seems quite comfortable for now. I think he will go when he's ready. And as you said, you will be there to help him make that transition. Thanks for sharing your story. Good luck, and take care 😊 ❀
justme2day (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
[at] snowhite,
I have told him that he should move on if he wants to see his Momma soon after I actually saw him but he is still here. I also told him that he can talk to me but all I ever hear is the crying and calling to his Mom in the night which is not very frequent.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
justme2day: Well, just from reading your post, I'd say your friend would probably increase the activity... You may hear him crying more often, or he may get frustrated, and start doing things like poking, or pinching... Or he may manifest to you in a dream... It varies, just as we do as individuals... But trust me, you'll know...

Please keep us posted... ❀
snowhite (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
I think the best way for you to let him move on is to tell him he need to go to see the light where he can also sees his mother there. Sometimes a spirit doesn't know he or she is dead, it is up to us to let them know there is a better place to go, in that way their spirits can be in peace.
justme2day (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
Thank you for your kind words and my husband never experienced any activity until after I found the rocks and brought them in my home. How will he let me know he wants to move on? I would miss him and his antics but I would help him if he wanted to.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
justme2day: Great story!...I know you're not crazy, if you are, then the entire lot of us are! πŸ˜†...

It's nice that you and your ghostie have found a way to co-exist...You're probably like a lot of us in that during our haunt's "vacations" we actually miss them... And I agree that if he's not being troublesome, leave well enough alone...We're too quick sometimes, to insist that our friends really need to move on...However, there may come a time when he let's you know he's ready, and you're going to have to be strong enough to understand and allow him the freedom...

Did your husband ever experience anything prior to your family moving in?...

I really enjoyed this account, and thanks for posting! 😊 ❀

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