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Death Comes In Three Knocks And The Curse Of Our Family


My Grand Father comes from a poor big family, but through diligence, their Children have become successful in life. Several strange stories are attached to our family. Here I narrate two which I have experienced several times.

Death Comes in Three Knocks

Whenever a family member or persons connected through marriage will die, our family members hear three knocks at the door. They are not normal tapped, but rather hard as if a hand with sturdy knuckles wants to come in. The bizarre thing, the doomed Family Member never hears these noises. The warning is delivered usually weeks before the tragedy and may be persistent for some few weeks on rare occasions the day before the demise. My cousins will announce the omen, if a relative askes if there were manifestations. We said yes, but the doomed one dismissed the notion. Then we know who will be carried away soon. Last June 2022, we heard the taps and after this the wife of my Uncle died. This year, two aunts died and the same phenomenon occurred.

Be careful of Sixty

This was told by my Aunt decades ago while recuperating in a hospital. Aunt E said," Do you know no male member of our Family has reached sixty. All males die before they are 60". Then she mentioned the names names of his brother and cousins. Uncle R died when he was only 39. Her cousins succumbed to a truck accident, while two while sleeping, another brother from cancer at the age of 52 two days before he turned 53. A nephew had heart attack age 41 one year ago. Lately, my older cousins survived this evil. Three have reached 65, 63, 60. It seems our generation are still alive.

Thus ends my experiences.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Manila78, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
1 year ago (2023-08-27)
Hello Manila 78, I can relate to the three knocks and the passing of a family member it only happened to me a few weeks ago when my 89-year-old mother-in-law passed away and several times over the last 14 years when a beloved family member crossed over. I don't think of it as a curse, but rather a blessing that those in the spiritual realm are giving me a heads-up on these moments in life that none of us can avoid.

There is no space and time in the spiritual realm therefore they do have the ability of precognition to see our future and what lies ahead. I think I would do exactly the same with my children if they had the skill to read between the lines.

Regards Daz
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (78 posts)
1 year ago (2023-08-11)
Hi Manila78 Told by your aunt decades ago. Some families just have bad luck. Lady glo mentioned maybe a curse and you just have to hope not. Some families just are not healthy or lucky. Being told decades ago did you find yourself trying to fill your bucket list early, taking risks, hitting on the hottest chicks, driving 100 mph. Do you now think they lived their natural lives. Hey, you're still here to tell your story and I wish you the best. Thanks for sharing and good luck out there.
bandet888 (86 posts)
1 year ago (2023-08-09)
Did anyone try to answer the door when the knocks happened? An interesting story though.
Rajine (14 stories) (868 posts)
1 year ago (2023-08-09)
Hi Manila78

There's a belief that death usually comes in three's, coincidentally it's happened plenty of times in my family as well, I've been through a similar experience which I posted on here a few years back although the three knocks occurred after my grandfather passed away.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
1 year ago (2023-08-09)
Welcome to YGS.

Hi Manila 78.

It must be unnerving knowing that a family member is going to die soon, it's strange than only the person who's going to die doesn't hear the knocking.

Do your family discuss this knocking with the person that doesn't hear it? If so, does the affected party get prepared for their imminent fate?

I'm not sure if having this omen is a good or a bad thing. In the one hand it allows the family to get somehow ready for an upcoming loss, but then, I imagine, it must be sad to know that a loved one will be gone soon.

What makes you think that your male relatives are affected by a curse and not that all those deaths are a strange coincidence?
Are you aware of someone in the past willing to hurt the men of your family and actually putting a curse on them?

I mean, it's really strange that so many men have passed away still at young age, but it would be important to consider if there were any other factors like health issues, high risk activities, congenital illnesses, a difficult childhood, and others that may have had an impact on their deaths.
I really would like for these events to be a rare coincidence instead of a curse, and hopefully more of your male relatives can live long and healthy lives surpassing their 60's... And if it were a curse, hopefully it has waned over time and passing generations.

Thanks for sharing.

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