My Grand Father comes from a poor big family, but through diligence, their Children have become successful in life. Several strange stories are attached to our family. Here I narrate two which I have experienced several times.
Death Comes in Three Knocks
Whenever a family member or persons connected through marriage will die, our family members hear three knocks at the door. They are not normal tapped, but rather hard as if a hand with sturdy knuckles wants to come in. The bizarre thing, the doomed Family Member never hears these noises. The warning is delivered usually weeks before the tragedy and may be persistent for some few weeks on rare occasions the day before the demise. My cousins will announce the omen, if a relative askes if there were manifestations. We said yes, but the doomed one dismissed the notion. Then we know who will be carried away soon. Last June 2022, we heard the taps and after this the wife of my Uncle died. This year, two aunts died and the same phenomenon occurred.
Be careful of Sixty
This was told by my Aunt decades ago while recuperating in a hospital. Aunt E said," Do you know no male member of our Family has reached sixty. All males die before they are 60". Then she mentioned the names names of his brother and cousins. Uncle R died when he was only 39. Her cousins succumbed to a truck accident, while two while sleeping, another brother from cancer at the age of 52 two days before he turned 53. A nephew had heart attack age 41 one year ago. Lately, my older cousins survived this evil. Three have reached 65, 63, 60. It seems our generation are still alive.
Thus ends my experiences.
There is no space and time in the spiritual realm therefore they do have the ability of precognition to see our future and what lies ahead. I think I would do exactly the same with my children if they had the skill to read between the lines.
Regards Daz