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I Think I See My Dead Brother


I'm Hannah and I'm 16. First things first, my brother passed away in a car accident Jan.20,2010. He was 27... At night I feel him everywhere I go, but last night I was walking in my house at about 3 in the morning (I couldn't sleep) and right where his ashes are I saw a man sitting next to them. I wasn't scared and I am a strong believer in the paranormal, and I felt like I shouldn't be scared. All I saw was the back of a head and it looked like there was a dark spot on his head (which makes sense because my brother was killed from a blow to the head in the crash). Anyways, I called out, Jeff (my brother), and the man moved his head to the side like he was listening but it was dark. I couldn't see his face, so naturally I turned on the light and he was gone...

I'm not sure who it was but I think it was my brother. I feel like he doesn't know he passed away. I know this sounds crazy but he accidently OD'd on his meds while driving. That's why he lost control of the car. There are two ways he could have died and the people who got to his body (as in the ER people) said he could have died from the blow to the head or before he crashed when he OD'd, so in my opinon maybe he doesn't know he's dead... My mother thinks it was him also because she has had a similar experience but she never saw him. Just heard him calling MOM when she was sleeping... Anyone know?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hannahxomichal, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ams112700 (27 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
Well I am terribly sorry you lost your brother but maybe it is him and he just didn't want to leave you guys so he didn't pass over to the other side. It is possible I am sure of it. God bless you and your mother. (Your father if he is there too!) :)
Serenity (1 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
I'm sorry you lost your brother sweetheart. I lost mine too in an accident a few years ago. It's awful to have them ripped away so brutally and so young. My brother visited a few times but I experienced it as a feeling rather than seeing or hearing him. I think it's hard when they've died so suddenly - There's all these loose ends they never got to tie up, all the goodbyes they didn't have time for. Over time my brother came by less and less - I think as we adjusted to our loss, he adjusted to his.

I think he's just checking up on you and trying to say goodbye. He's not stuck, just visiting. I believe that showing his wound is a sign of his trauma - he was in shock still even in spirit. Perhaps it was to show that it was the blow to the head that physically killed him, rather than the acciental overdose. Maybe showing you the wound was even meant as comfort because a blow that fierce would have meant an instant and painless death.

Stay strong - it gets easier to bear.
TJR (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
We are a reputable paranormal research group that does these kind of investigations. If you are interested, we have plenty of equipment to try and get evidence and we do a professional job. We will document and verify every piece of evidence that is found. We do not charge the client for this. Afterwards, after we review all of our evidence we will send you a dvd of all the evidence we did find. We would love to try and help your family.
You can email us at acknowledgingsupernaturalspirits [at]
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
Hi Hannah... It is possible for some spirits to be under the illusion that they are still alive and let me explain... There are three levels of spiritual consciousness in my opinion... The one we can most relate to... Is when we dream... Where the prolific vision is somewhat blurred... The ultimate level is when our spiritual consciousness is fully conscious... In other words the realities of life and death, this world and the next are clearly understood and accepted... Most spirits in this state of mind cross over to the next world with out any hitches and can astral project themselves back here from time to time... The spirits who don't know they are dead, function in what they call a lucid state of consciousness, were there reality is meshed into ours and there perception of reality is upside down... Its hard to say whether your brother is here on visit or confused about his current status... I would suggest to talk to him in mind and ask him to go into the light... Let him know that his there and tell him you and your mum will be ok... He could be just wanting to let your know his there as well... So sorry to hear about the loss of your brother, but take heart in knowing you will see him again one day...

Aussie. ❤
hagi (1 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)

OK, sorry if I caused you more pain.

Good luck in your quest of the truth.

I have updated my profile for you all to see where I come from.

hannahxomichal (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
I would much greatly appreciate it if you don't comment on my story anymore! I am trying to get answers about MY brother not to get schooled about your "god" sorry but you are just making more problems here && to even say my brother was a "jinn" is rude and disrespectful to my brother who I feel is here just as much as you and i, this is my story and I would like you to stop posting. Thanks.

Its fine (: you didn't see the things hagi was saying before all of this started (:

Thank you for your support during all of this, the things that were being said by hagi hurt me greatly, for one he didn't even condolence the fact I JUST lost my brother, and I thank you for seeing the pain he was causing, and standing up for me and my story. ❤ ❤ ❤
hagi (1 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)

You have many misconceptions about me and Islam in your post. Please do not try to educate others about Islam and Jinn when you have little knowledge of them and where the knowledge of them is derived from. Jinn can be good and bad, as you say and how I say in some of my posts. The bad jinn are referred to as shaytan in the Quran and they are said to be open enemies to humans. Their goal is to mislead humans to go to hell. The Quran also invites jinn to follow Islam and there is chapter dedicated to jinn speaking about how a group of them entered Islam. So obviously some I believe are extremely good, and they are of all types and cultures, just like humans. All of above info can be found in the Quran in multiple places. There are many authentic Hadith, sayings of the Prophet, that give great description of jinn in every facet of life. This is more where you will find the detailed information about how jinn look, act, and what they do.

Of course God (Allah) is good. He created everything, so whatever we love is due to him. Therefore, all thanks and praises belong to God.

Your logic of evil Jinn cannot be created by God because God is good does not make sense to me. He created humans too, of which some are evil... Does that mean that us humans are not in existence right now? God created jinn and man, only so that they would worship Him, alone. Their evil comes from their own free will. God wants us to be good and leads those that ask for his guidance and help, for those that are sinners God has no trouble leaving them astray. It is a test by God to see who is the best in deeds.

I don't claim to know exactly what the ghosts are or their intentions, how can I or anyone else know that? I am merely adding suggestions to what they could be, sorry if I sound too confident in my posts. I will try to form my posts more as suggestions and less as "Yes, this is beyond a doubt a jinn" as I come off to some people.

I will add a big description of jinn in my profile for you guys so I don't have to write spam posts like this too. Unfortunately, my story doing this, and talking about my many experiences, was not accepted I guess.

You call it a ghost, I call it a jinn? There is no difference in that that I see of. Ghosts are jinn for me, the same thing, MOST OF THE TIME (I believe they can be other things as well, let me repeat that for the 10th time). Would it help if I just say ghost in place of jinn for you guys? That is not a big deal for me, but I do believe it greatly hurts the credibility of my comments as I would sound like most other people on here, meaning my comments would not stand out as much and look to come from a different perspective. If I say jinn than people can get a much better explanation of what is going on, or what I am talking about...
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
Hannah, I must apologize for agreeing with what Hagi had posted on his first post. By the time I read your story his comment was hidden for being voted down so many times and I was unaware of it's content. I was, foolishly I might add, attempting to be diplomatic. Now that I've gone back and read what was originally said by Hagi I'm ashamed and embarrassed for saying what I did, I didn't mean to cause you any more pain than you've already endured. Again, I'm deeply sorry and ashamed by the callousness I displayed. Deane 😢
SmokeyEyes (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
DC - Telling someone who is grieving and thinks their loved one paid them a visit, that people cannot come back as spirit is hardly offering comfort.

And hagi, your beliefs being different to mine are not my problem with you. My problem is that the posts you comment on nearly always include you calling spirits 'jinn' and telling people that jinn are bad and there to mislead them. You think everything is Jinn! I believe you are the one misleading people. I refer to Islam. Where Jinn are spoken of in the Qur'an, they are mentioned as being of a smokeless flame. It doesn't say that they take the form of a lost loved one to hurt the living. Jinn are believed to be free thinkers, just like humans, and have the ability to be both good or bad by choice. Jinn are usually invisible to humans, and were created by Allah. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Allah meant to be good? In which case, why would he create something so evil?. Since Jinn are said to be bound by the same judgements as humans, why would they all choose to be bad? Perhaps your understanding of Jinn from teachings, has been lost in translation? If that is the case, then I appologise.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Hagi, I think you make a pretty good point and from where I sit you are just trying to offer comfort and advice to someone who's obviously in pain. Don't let any of us slow you down. I know you mean well. ❤
hagi (1 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Sorry to upset you again. These comments are just that, comments. Just because my belief is different from yours on what the ghost is here doesn't mean your comments are any better than mine. I am not here to push my ideas on anyone, just take it or leave it. Don't get angered by it. I don't see anything I said as offensive. The underlying message of my first comment was meant to offer some advise so she could get passed her brothers death and not pursue a life long obsession of trying to communicate with this jinn. I believe this sort of thing is fruitless and will haunt her forever (as in her thoughts). If anything it will lead to more problems when she tries to communicate with it directly or via third party individuals that work with jinn.
meangirl_26 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
hannah, I am no expert here, but what I know based from experience is not to use the ouija board to communicate with them.
Maybe you can try talking to him when you see him again. BTW, my condolences, I hope you and your family are doing better now.
hannahxomichal (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
You didn't hijack anything haha, to be honest since hagi was the first post I saw I was a little upset myself I thought everyone was going to say that. But I'm happy I was wrong lol,& do you know of anyways I could talk to my brother?
SmokeyEyes (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
hagi, you find my being angered by your posts offensive? You clearly don't know what the word means. Anyhow, your post here that I was referring to, angered me because you basically just told hannah, who lost her beloved brother not even a year ago, that it wasn't him because ghosts arent people, and that she saw a jinn, which by your 'beliefs' is not friendly in the least and means to mislead her. If you believe so strongly that ghosts are jinn, then why are you posting on a ghost story forum? If anyone paid attention to you, they'd live in a world where they believed just about everything they see, feel, hear, or even live as (subculturally) was evil, satanic, 'out to get them'.

Hannah, I appologise for hijacking your post. I didn't mean use a ouija board though, I should have been a little clearer sorry! I wouldn't use one myself. I don't need to invite more trouble in lol. All the best, L&L
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
your brother knows he's passed from what I think he may feel bewlidered, wondering why it happened so soon. I feel a lot of saddness. Make sure you tell your brother that it is ok to leave. Tell him to go to the light. I am very sorry for your loss. But please for your brothers sake help him to the light so he can find peace. He knows that he is dead but I don't think he wants to accept it. Again I am sorry for your loss.
hagi (1 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
SmokeyEyes - "And hagi, really? I haven't seen 1 post from you that doesn't make me angry."

Wow, all my posts you read made you angry? What angered you exactly?

That is quite offensive to me since I am here just sharing my personal knowledge and belief in hope of helping people. That won't happen if I keep getting bad karma points. People that dislike me, please try to keep an open mind, you are after all on a site that is trying to explain about paranormal activity. And sorry if I upset you, I hope this comment doesn't anger you too.
ZiShu (281 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
I highly believe this is your brother.
I do not believe he is still here because he doesn't know he is dead. From the looks of it he seems to know he is dead. It has been almost a whole year, that would be enough time for him to realize what happened to him. The main reason spirits still exist on Earth because they chose to be here, either it be something they are attached to, the belief that there is no life beyond Earth and spirit world, or they are not ready to move on.
Contact me please, I have friends who will be able to speak to your brother for you and help him move on.
hannahxomichal (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
Hey, thank you for the comments, if I was going to talk to my brother, how would I do that? Just saying I don't do ouija boards or any other thing that could bring out someone other then my brother, some people have some strange ideas, but I really want to contact him. Please help.
SmokeyEyes (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
hannah - If you believe it was your brother and you weren't scared, then there is a good chance it was him. As has been said, he may not realise he has passed. I had identical twins, and 1 was too sick to survive for long (just long enough to let us meet her and love her, and bring her sister to us safely), but ever since my daughter (the surviving twin) was a baby she has seen her sister. At 2, she told me her sister 'came to play' (we established that this was in a dream) and she is now 9, and it still happens, only while she's awake too. It's normal for us to hear about their 'visits'. My only worry is the latest visit, but it's still very comforting to know that even with 1 in the physical and 1 in spirit, twins still have a very special bond. My other children have seen her as a white light (I'm assuming it's an orb?), so it seems they have a sibling bond too. If you want to speak to your brother, I'm sure someone here can help you to communicate safely, and I hope you both find peace soon. L&L

And hagi, really? I haven't seen 1 post from you that doesn't make me angry.
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-01)
I'm sorry to hear about Your Brother I would Had miss if I Had a Brother or sister But I an only child like I say I am sorry to hear about your brother and he is there to see you and your mom He didn't know he died so It's best let him know that he need to go the light.
shamby (15 stories) (100 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-01)
I agree with you, he might not know he has passed, especially since he died so unexpectedly. And I agree with Cookie, try talking to him and tell him what happened. It seems like he can hear you, since he turned his head when you called his name. I can't imagine what its like to lose a brother, I love both of mine so dearly. I'm so sorry for your loss. Hope this helps!
Cookiegal96 (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-01)
Hello Hannah, Of course losing some one very close to you may hurt and make you feel lonely. But I do happen to Believe that there is an after life! I think there is NO way the world formed by it's self. Basically what Iam saying to you is perhaps you need to help him get to heaven, he is earth Bound. Confused try maybe talking to him and help him realise he is dead, Hope it helps sweetie xx ❤

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