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Real Ghost Stories

Return Of The Dead


I have no idea if it's his spirit or ghost, but every night, 2:15 am exactly, I wake up to my long dead dog, Charlie, standing in the doorway of my bedroom. His decayed body standing in the doorway, one eye staring at me as the other hangs out of his half exposed skull. Decayed, bloody, and the smell, oh the smell, stronger than an elephant's trunk. Then, he runs and jumps on my bed, getting right in front of my face, panting, I gag every time.

It isn't normal, seeing him, hearing his paws around the house, occasional barks, whimpers, my parents are convinced I'm crazy, but I see him, hear him. I don't know whether I'm hallucinating or actually seeing it anymore.

The timing is impeccable every single time, decaying more and more each time. I've been researching these encounters, nothing so far. Every night, 2:15 am, at my bedroom doorway, staring at me for exactly 3 minutes and 48. 94 seconds (I timed it 10 times), before finally moving onto my bed, staring more for 7.37 seconds EXACTLY, before biting my neck, and then disappearing.

At this point, my heart rate is at exactly 137 BMP exactly. This is where I pass out. I have no idea why this happens, but it happens every night, exact time, exact amount of time, everything.

When he was alive, he was always so sweet. What changed exactly? He got oral cancer and we had to put him down and then buried him next to the back porch on our house. Maybe he's angry he was put down, but why would he come for me? Shouldn't he go for my father? My mother? I had nothing to do with the decision of putting him down, I was as nice as I could be to him.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Winchester_999, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

blosomes (24 stories) (150 posts)
3 weeks ago (2025-01-28)
Hey Winchester_999,

I have the same question as valkricry's. It will not attack you even after death, and the appearance... I DON'T think it will be ugly or scary.

Do you still do your measurements of your timings? If so are they still the same. You have numeral evidence but do you have any physical evidence? Like marks, wounds, dirt from nowhere, etc.

2:00am to 4:00am in some culture is considered as a demon's hours, where paranormal stuff happens occasionally. If you have strong "sixth senses" you will feel them strongly.

If you insist on the event is paranormal think of another spirit imitating your loved canine. Or even a curse? Well, you need lots of researches for the background. AND the most important is try to do a mental check-up too before things get worse.

Best blesses ❤
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 weeks ago (2025-01-21)
Perhaps it's not your dog, but something else?

I just lost my dog on Monday after he's been sick for a while, having him with me for the past 11 years does not feel like I've had enough time with him.
SashB (10 stories) (15 posts)
4 weeks ago (2025-01-20)
Winchester 999

It saddens me to read your story. I am a doggy mom. I have 6 of them. I love them so much and cannot even imagine how I would react if anything were to happen to them. It may may be a few things that could be the issue:

1.You are guilt ridden because he has passed, and as you say it was not your decision, so your subconscious mind is probably overworking.
2. I agree with Val as when our dearly departed appear to us it is normally not in a scary way and most certainly not decaying and somewhat demonic.
3. I just need to ask, you did say that he bites you on the neck. Do you experience any sort of pain when you awake?

I ask this because I used to have that experience and I would awake with marks and body aches and pains.
Also I am not sure how religious you or your family are, I was going to suggest to maybe offer some sort of prayer in whatever faith you follow. Maybe perhaps keep a bible in your room next to your bed, or maybe perhaps sage smoke through the home. These are just suggestions. I do know that salt works wonders. Please respond as I would love to know more.

All the best
Love & Light
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
4 weeks ago (2025-01-18)
Winchester, I've several questions. How long ago did Charlie pass?
It's quite unusual for spirits (those known to us) to appear damaged, especially those of loved pets. Generally, we see them as we knew them. There are exceptions of course. But what you describe, the being more decayed as he appears, I've only experienced as a Hollywood trope. (Not saying you're fibbing, mind you, it's just very unusual.)
BITING your neck!? And you time that and your BMP before passing out? I just can't imagine the nerve it would take to do that. How long has this been going on? Does his bite leave a mark?
I've got to ask, are you on any medication, or doing recreational drugs that might cause hallucinations?
I've a theory, but I'll wait for your answers first.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
4 weeks ago (2025-01-18)
I do not think this is the spirit/ghost of your dog. It sounds quite evil and demonic.

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