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Back From The Dead


I am going to tell you is about a very strange experience which my uncle (father's brother) had many years back. He was working in a morgue (where dead bodies are kept) as attendant. It was nearing night and my uncle had to deliver a dead body to its family. So, he along with his two friends loaded the dead body into his ambulance and were on their way to deliver the dead body to its destination, when suddenly it started making movements by itself!

Initially, my uncle thought that it was his imagination, as he and his friends had lot of alcohol that night, but suddenly their joy turned into fear, as the corpse sat up, like a living human being and said to him and his friends, "Stop your ambulance here. I want to visit my home," and got down from the vehicle and told them all, including the driver. "I am going to visit my family members. Do not move from here, otherwise you all will be responsible for your death." He then visited a home in the area and came back and once again turned into a corpse as he laid back on the stretcher.

The three went inside and asked about the man, they all said "No one came inside," and "where is our family member's corpse?"

They became more frightened on hearing their statements. My uncle got so frightened, that he resigned from the job. Till now, my uncle and his friends still think about this incident and still wonder what happened exactly that night and get scared to death on remembering that night, while remembering that dead man's face. Waiting for your comments and views on that night and this story. Will read and participate in the discussion.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Amchi1986, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

KenS80 (1 stories) (44 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-01)
I have a great deal of respect for anyone who has the backbone to apologise CantunSEEit74. Bravo. Your comment to Amchi1986 is very encouraging and it would be so pleasant to see more encouragement coming from those of us who can speak fluent English.

I watch many shows and documentaries on various countries too CantunSEEit74. I do agree with what you say. I also speak to many people online from India and other countries too, and I feel completely sure we can all learn and support each other more.

I enjoy your stories Amchi1986. Persevere and keep your stories coming.

Cheers, Kent
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
7 months ago (2024-03-29)
Amchi1986 I must say I am very disappointed in myself for my comments on your story Amchi86. I hope you can forgive me. I know that English is not everyone's first language and I send all of you respect on that added learning curve. I must say I really enjoy the many shows showing India and the ancient stone buildings and Temples. You live in an amazing place, and I hope your life is good. I must remember the story, language transfer into English is probably a challenge. I only speak English and my wife corrects me often. Don't give up just take your time when telling your story. Your story on this site may outlive you, make sure it is well written for years to come. Take care.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
10 months ago (2024-01-03)
Thank you, Val. There are some other comments on this story that probably deserve the same treatment for the same reason.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 months ago (2024-01-03)
It's painfully obvious that the commenting guidelines are not being read by some of you. "... People publishing their stories deserve to be addressed with respect so this web site can be a safe haven for people wanting to share their experiences. If you disagree with the authenticity and the veracity of a story, you can express your opinion, as long as it is respectful ("I have an another theory for what happened", "I do not believe this to be true because...", etc). However, you cannot be abusive toward the author ("your story is lame", "you're a liar", "you're wasting our time", etc)."
If you commented and it disappeared, I probably deleted it for those reasons. Your comment was tantamount to bullying and totally uncalled for. Here's a novel idea, if you do not like stories by a particular Poster, you just bloody-well don't read it. Questioning a story is fine, explaining WHY you find something difficult to believe is fine, but doing so cruelly is NOT fine.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-31)
On the first page of this site, it states share your ghost story. YOUR GHOST STORY, YGS. YOUR! Not everyone else's stories. There are many Immediate family stories here that are shared but do you really feel anybody should have over 10 stories that they were not present at or did not witness themselves. That person should join this site and participate in the discussions and share their stories.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-31)
Ok people if I am going wrong I am sorry. I have just narrated experiences which I and people known to me have had.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-31)
Freakedoutfreddy has a point, - what was the cause of death?
It is not unheard of people waking up after being pronounced dead.

As for what the man did once he enter his house, there's no way to know. Neither the three workers nor the OP were there to see what really happened.

"people do correct me if I am going wrong. Sorry once again."

In my opinion, it's wrong from you to retell stories that you haven't witnessed without asking more information from the people who experienced them. And this has been brought to your attention more than once but you have done nothing to improve your work... And keep on submitting poorly detailed and incomplete narratives.

"who wants to read more stories from this poster."

Personally, it's not like I wouldn't want to read anymore stories, but definitely would like to see better quality on his work... You can do better.
freakedoutfreddy (1 stories) (77 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-31)
The only spirits I see in this story are the ones the morgue workers drank. What was the cause of death? Maybe the dead body was in catatonic state, woke up and went home to pee behind the bushes.
I propose a social experiment, ask who wants to read more stories from this poster. 😉
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-28)
Lovely Lady Glow,
I take responsibility for increasing karma points to all kinds of comments, be it repetitive or containing a bit of 'tit for tat'.
I know my sister also does this, we read a comment, then we give it a karma point, minus or plus, whichever we feel appropriate.
That way we know we've read the comment, as well as it being our system of voting based on the substance of the comment.
Sometimes some posters get picked on, which is sad, and other times they post stories that are just that, stories which our loyal and knowledgeable members debunk.
Hopefully that explains my contribution to the mystery of karma point
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-27)
I will help you my dear friend. Just keep on asking questions, whichever come to your mind. I will definitely reply.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-27)
Thanks for your answer. I just read up on Hindu beliefs and practices about death, https://www.hinduamerican.org/blog/5-things-to-know-about-hindus-and-death and now realize my questions are better directed to the deceased's family.

I'm pretty certain neither you nor your uncle could help further.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-27)
They were hindus. And we hindu people cremate our dead bodies.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-27)
Amchi, I'm still trying to figure out what questions I would like to ask your uncle. Some depend on answers to other questions, though. Happily, one of my questions was already asked and answered. As they neared the house, the corpse itself apparently got up and went to visit, but the occupants of the house reported no one came in. And this was the address the body was to be delivered.

What religion did this family practice? There are many religious and spiritual traditions in India, so I'm wondering what beliefs and behaviors were involved.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-27)
See friends if you feel that I have angered you all Or hurt your feelings I am really sorry for that. My intention was not to hurt anyone. If you readers feel that I am going wrong somewhere, just correct me. Would be extremely thankful to you all. Take care. May God bless you and your families.
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
I have to admit this story is really bizarre, I'm having a hard time believing it, I get that it's not your personal experience but do you think perhaps it's just a tall tale?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
Attention all.

It's obvious that we are dealing with a troll... Just look at the way good comments have been down voted while irrelevant and repetitive ones are getting positive points.

Sadly history is repeating again and unfortunately it has to happen again with a poster from India.

We have seen this pattern in the past, possibly created by a person or a group of people with too much free time and little to do other than trolling this forum.

I'm sure the moderators will put a stop to this circus.

In the meantime, please stop feeding the trolls.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
My intention was not to hurt anyone's feelings on this website. Sorry. It won't take place ever again.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
Friends I am really sorry if I have hurt you or hurt your feelings. I am sorry friends. This will never take place ever again. Sorry, people do correct me if I am going wrong. Sorry once again.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
Sorry if I hurt your all people's feelings. Really sorry. This won't take place never ever again.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
Cantun, please don't think this way and get angry for no fault of mine. We have a huge family background both from my mother's and father's side, so let me clear this fact. So don't feel angry at me, just clarifying my comment. Take care. May God bless you and your near ones.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
I have many uncles and aunts my dear friend, both from my mother's and father's side, since they both have a huge family background. Sorry if you mistaken me. Will answer all your questions
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
Ok I am sorry. Ask me now. I am free. Sorry if I hurt your feelings
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
At the rate you are going you're going to need your own website and you should not give answers to stories that are not yours. Usually if you call out the Yarn spinners they will stop and go away but you will not stop. You cannot believe everything your told let alone put them on this site. I really want to know how many relatives you have so if you have 6 aunts and 6 uncles each will have 6 stories. So 12 relatives X 6 stories from each relative let's see now 12 x 6 is way too many secondhand stories that you will also be commenting on and you were not there to witness and we haven't even mentioned all the second cousins. I feel they should not print another of your fabrications unless you're in the story. At least it will be coming straight from the horse's mouth. Ok I am done BITXHING.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
Yes rcruskin you can. But I will reply to them, only when I get time as currently I am busy with work. You can just make a list of all your questions, rather than asking one by one. It would be better for you and me, so I can answer them in one go, whenever I find time from my work. Take care. May God bless you and your family always. Bye for now.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
I can quite agree with the stay away from social media attitude. And I am on some [un]social media...

Would it be possible, with permission from you and your uncle obviously, for me to ask some questions and he answers?
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
Sorry friends my uncle always keeps away from social media. And can I say something if you don't mind Mr poliexterly
It is not like that as if I have a answer for everything, I have just spoken the entire story as it happened with him and his friends. Please don't misunderstand me. I have spoken what is the truth.
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
Really dude, don't your uncle know there's social media? 🤔 🙄
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
My friend Amchi, you always seem to have a convenient answer to everything. Even if it's not the most convincing
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-26)
See, my uncle left this area where we stay and now stays far away from here. I don't know much more about the above mentioned question, I only have the information which he told me and I don't know about other things. Just want to know reader's opinion on this story, based on the story I have written.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
10 months ago (2023-12-25)
Amchi is this uncle still alive. How long was dead body at morgue, did they clean him after he relieved himself of solids and fluids when we pass, no body bag? Was ambulance refrigerated, did they mummify him so he could lay around the house I know some religions burn their dead, and some push them into the river. If uncle has passed than you cannot answer these.

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