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Labor Day Encounter


I am going to preface this story by stating that I'm not entirely sure what exactly happened to me, but based on other occurrences in my life and the experiences of others, I believe a supernatural element was involved.

This past holiday weekend, something extraordinary, although for me, unexplainable happened.

It's a long one, fair warning!

To provide some additional context to what occurred, I should explain that anyone that knows me, knows I enjoy listening to the old Casey Kasem AT40 countdowns from the 70's & 80's. I have an online station that plays them non stop 24/7, alternating between the 2 decades. Every holiday during the summer from Memorial Day-Labor Day, the station plays a marathon of the year end countdowns from 1970-1987. This was during Casey Kasem's original time there (he left for various reasons in August of 1988 but returned to reboot AT40 in 1998) this station specifically played only the countdowns from that time period of 1970 (when the show originally started) to when Casey left in August of 1988. I had heard these marathons before and enjoyed them, the best of the best from that time period, and when they end with the year end countdown of 1987, they resume normal programming (various countdowns from the 70's & 80's) I had caught them on Memorial Day and July 4th, nothing unusual.

This weekend was no different. I had just planned on enjoying an extended relaxing weekend after the crazy month I had and just listening to music, reading, napping, and having some good food.

One thing to note, is lately, I had wondered what the countdowns sounded like when Casey rebooted the show, I hadn't heard them from 1998 on, because my music tastes were drawn more to the past and I wasn't aware of any local stations that broadcast AT40 at that time (internet replays weren't much of a thing during that period as the internet was still new). I had also been wondering about a certain Celine Dion song from the late 90's and how it placed.

The weekend seemed to start off normal enough but on Sunday, I started to feel bizarre. I felt a sort of anticipatory energy, kind of like when you're patiently waiting for Christmas morning to arrive for presents etc. My body seemed to be on an alert awareness. I couldn't figure out why, there was nothing out of the ordinary that I was expecting (or so I thought). Either way it was disconcerting, the countdowns/music, actually helped keep me grounded, but I still felt adrift, if that makes any sense. It was unfamiliar territory, but at the same time, not alarming, just different.

For some reason, I had this nagging feeling lately to clear pictures off the wall in my bedroom. Where some people have cluttered homes, I have cluttered walls. I love pictures and paintings, and have put so many of them up, some of my walls can look like collages. For some reason Sunday, I finally cleared most of that wall, just felt like it.

The unusual feelings seemed to increase as night fell. I finally retired to the bedroom, to relax and watch TV. Around 9:30PM, things got interesting. Not to try for TMI but I suddenly started using the bathroom a lot, which was strange because it had been more than 4 hours since I had drank anything. I actually was starting to worry about dehydration, but I wasn't thirsty. This type of body behavior was abnormal to say the least.

Around 10PM. I heard noises like wood cracking near the front door which ironically was on the other side of the wall I had cleared earlier. I've heard similar noises before, and attributed them to the house settling, but the sequence of noises was different somehow his time. Then I suddenly got a feeling of something being very off, not my physical senses, more like a psychic or inner knowing. There wasn't time to think anything because the lamp by my bed started flickering and it never does this. I've had power interruptions before but not like this, the TV was on and wasn't disturbed at all. The light was on the side of the bed closest to the wall I mentioned. I 'saw' something pass on the left side, but it was very unclear, (I'm not even sure I saw it physically) it was kind of like watching the heat rising off a sidewalk on a hot day. At the same time, as I was considering how out of character the light was acting and the sudden onset of odd feelings, (I was more curious than frightened) it happened!

I felt an energy field/wave enter my body from the left side near my shoulder (at a close diagonal from the lamp) and move through my body and pass out my right side. Another crack of wood happened at the front door and everything seemed normal again except for the way I was feeling. I was wide awake, and too much had happened too fast. I didn't sense sentience from the energy, but there was definitely purpose. My rational mind was on overload and I think I went into a state of shock. Everything I picked up was from from my psychic/other senses and my mind couldn't explain it, so it dismissed the event.

The next day, sleep helped restore some sense of balance, but things still felt off. I was resting more than usual, I hadn't slept as much as I'd like to, and had bizarre dreams that I couldn't fully recall, but I enjoyed listening to the music, it was soothing.

Finally in mid afternoon, I happened to be listening to the year end countdown of 1987 as it ended. The commercial which announced the special they had been running all weekend long for all year end countdowns from 1970-1987 came on again and then it got bizarre again.

There was a pause and a brief interruption and then new music and a new intro played instead of reverting back to the regular array of 70's/80's countdowns. Then the announcement came on that the year end countdown for 1998 was being broadcast! This had never happened before, the station up to now was specific for the original run of countdowns from 1970-1988! The commercial I just heard stated the marathon would end with the 1987 year end countdown, yet somehow they were playing the top 100 songs of 1998! What's more, Casey announced that that particular Celine Dion song I had wondered about would be in this countdown. 2 birds, one stone, the very things I had wondered about in an offhand way came to pass!

I listened to the entire countdown, though it wasn't really my era, (I was worried if I turned it off, whatever I had been tapped into would end) and that experience was in of itself worthy of writing another post about, the effect it had on me! When it ended, the station reverted back to its previous lineup, I caught the next 2 countdowns just to check the air dates, and everything seemed normal or as expected at least.

I have no explanation, but when I started listening to that new countdown, my memories from last night and the previous day came flooding back, like some kind of puzzle pieces being put together, as if it all was on hold until this event! Even clearing the wall, when I tried to think about that part of it, a phrase from that movie came into my mind "Build it and they will come." That made me laugh, but I've had trouble processing everything else, whatever it was did affect me and it was significant.

I know that when the energy wave passed through me, I didn't get chills, it didn't feel negative, in fact it seemed more neutral than anything else. Whatever it was, seemed to pass through the front door at a slight diagonal, through the wall, the lamp and then me. Where it went, I'm not sure, I had a vague sense it moved to the opposite wall. A lot happened, very fast, but due to my alert/aware state and my natural curiosity I managed to mentally catalogue it. It didn't really start to hit me until Labor Day with that countdown. The lamp by the way is fine, no blown bulb, it's worked without a hitch since, just as it did before.

I can only venture guesses as to what may have occurred, in time I'm sure it will be made known to me. Perhaps even the countdown thing can be explained, yet the timing with it and everything else cannot! I still feel it noteworthy to share as that came though for sure!

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Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
1 week ago (2024-09-09)
It's only after something happens and the more you reflect on it, the more sense it will make, it indeed is a strange experience but I feel that the answer will come to you eventually.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (251 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-05)
Hello Tweed!

I have been musing about this for the last few days, hard to get it out of my mind! It may have something to do with the portal up the road, the one I wrote about before. It's in that direction the energy seems to have come from, and it's on the same side of the road as my house. I've only been in there a little more than half a dozen times since last year but still feel an energetic connection with the place. What's more, is I discovered the energy within that portal seems to peak around the equinoxes and solstices, not exactly on, but about that time frame and Monday was the new moon as well.

The energy thing reminded me of something that happened to my mother when she was young, I may have mentioned it in the story I wrote about my grandfathers house and I intend to ask more about it when I see her at Christmas.

Manifestation for me ironically seems to happen when I'm unattached to the results as I was here. That even seems to be a basic tenet of the whole law of attraction thing. However you are right, it's a lesson to watch our thoughts and feelings.

You were also spot on about listening to the countdown, it did bring back memories and music I had long forgotten about plus emotional reactions. As I said, I could write a post alone about what happened during that countdown, especially regarding listening to the song I had wondered about.

1998 was the year my grandfather passed and the funeral was unusual, it was a warm September Day and the cemetery was infested with ladybugs everywhere as if like some sign! I was switching majors in college, it was busy, I believe it was the year I also got really sick with some kind of flu bug.

The nostalgia around the Casey Kasem countdowns runs deep, when I was growing up those countdowns, when they were originally broadcast really got me through some rough times. Though I never knew Casey personally. He felt like a friend, someone that could lift my spirits with the way he ran those broadcasts. Plus he was Shaggy in the Scooby Doo cartoons, another thing that got me through those childhood years! Even though he's been gone for 10 years now, listening to those countdowns, he feels very much alive and well in the ethers, if that makes sense. There's no sense of time/space as we define it in those moments.

Anyways, sorry for the soliloquy, but you helped me put more pieces together with your comment and I thank you. I know the event will make sense to me someday, maybe sooner than I think!
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-05)
Lost Voyage, I live for this type of thing.

A love of nostalgia and immersing oneself in nostalgia really brings on all manner of manifestations and/or synchronicity. It happens to me a lot and I always thank whatever/whoever sends it my way, love it, just love it. However I never feel an energy enter through me, nor do I get urges to clear spaces like your wall. That's baffling and really suggests some otherness is communicating. Even though you didn't feel sentience with the energy that passed through it seems like it was drawn in by your thoughts/energy around the countdowns, particularly the thoughts about the Celine Dion song and 1998. Whatever is going on be careful what you think or wish for as it might have a higher likelihood of manifesting in the physical realm for now. Energy is neither good nor bad so try to keep it neutral or positive with your attitude/thinking. I'm talking as if this is still ongoing, I've really no idea, putting it out there incase it is.

You always come across as attuned to/aware of the energies around you so perhaps you were something of a beacon to this energy or this energy a beacon to you. The way you describe clearing the wall sounded instinctual. Build it and they will come, indeed. Great film.

You mentioned '98 not being your era but not wanting to turn it off lest it end the connection to whatever you'd tapped into. Wise move. Maybe you were supposed to be immersed in 1998 for some reason, personal growth/life lesson connected to that time I'd guess.

Really interesting set of events, thanks for sharing. I get the feeling the order it all unfolded has significance too, but I couldn't hazard a guess why, maybe this will resonate with you.

Cool stuff!

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