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Real Ghost Stories

Haunted Encounter


On a Wednesday night, my boyfriend and I went on a romantic date to a hotel. Everything seemed perfect as we cuddled together, but suddenly, my boyfriend's demeanor changed. He expressed feeling negative vibes in the room, particularly near the cupboard where I had retrieved my blanket earlier. Goosebumps pricked my skin, and a shiver of fear ran down my spine.

We decided to remain silent, focusing on the subtle details that heightened the eerie atmosphere. The air conditioner emitted strange noises, and I struggled not to let my thoughts spiral out of control. My boyfriend insisted that we were not alone and advised against speaking, suggesting we ponder our next steps quietly.

Out of nowhere, he began swearing at an unseen presence - an old tradition in our culture believed to drive away malevolent spirits. Despite the tension, I couldn't help but hold back a nervous laugh. Yet, deep down, terror gripped me.

He instructed me to dispose of our leftovers, including flushing a bottle of water down the toilet. As I obeyed, the cacophony of noises from the bathroom only intensified my anxiety. Amidst the chaos, I thought I heard someone weeping, but I reassured myself it was just my imagination.

Upon leaving the bathroom, I discovered my boyfriend had been sincere about his actions, further unsettling me. He comforted me, assuring that the entity would not harm us and that we were safe to leave.

As we hastily gathered our belongings and exited the room, I whispered prayers for protection. Upon reaching the parking lot, we glanced back at the hotel window we had closed, only to find it wide open - a chilling confirmation of our suspicions.

Reflecting on our evening, I recalled a moment earlier when I caught a whiff of strong perfume along a desolate roadside, surrounded only by bushes. Was that the beginning of our encounter with the unknown, or was it merely a haunted spot along our journey? The question lingered, shrouded in the unsettling events of the night.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, dazybloop, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lwgrn4real66 (6 stories) (51 posts)
11 months ago (2024-04-11)
I truly believe, "if you look for it,you'll find it"! I've had many, what I call "unexplained experiences" off and on through the years. No demons. Nothing ever tried to hurt me. But all of my unexplained experiences, I've NEVER, EVER messed with any of it! Meaning, what happened,happened. I never pursued any of it. I couldn't tell anyone what's out there, I just know what I've experienced.
Rajine (14 stories) (925 posts)
12 months ago (2024-03-15)
Hi dazybloop

Since you have been there twice and I'm guessing that nothing happened the first time, then I think that it was something that followed you and your boyfriend, maybe a passing spirit perhaps.
dazybloop (4 stories) (19 posts)
12 months ago (2024-03-14)
Hi BravelyKegger.

Maybe you are not aware of the fact that I live on an island named Mauritius. There are a lot of things that are not familiar to other people, but our country is multicultural, we have people of all kinds, Hindus, Muslims, Chinese, Tamil, Marathi, Christians, Catholics... You name it. Let me tell you that our ancestors immigrated here from various countries, Africa, India, Madagascar etc... And each of us respect our culture and religion, I have friends of all religions and we are always united, listen to our national anthem if you have time. For me God is only one, god resides inside each of us so that makes us God? We are all devotees of God, the only difference is that we pray differently. For me, God is only one and we are unaware of the fact that whoever we pray are people blessed with special abilities who did good deeds and sacrificed so many things for us, I'm a Hindu and I pray to God that we have been praying because our culture is like this. I cannot change the fact that I'm a proud Mauritian and respect all religions but people can surely change their mindset! Note that I'm an religious person ans just like I feel negative entities, I do feel positive sometimes after praying. Thank you.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
12 months ago (2024-03-14)

What makes you think this was a demon?
What makes you think that all encounters involve demons?

Why do you advise anyone to pray to Jesus regardless of their faith? And by this I don't mean that I don't believe Jesus Christ wouldn't help anyone calling to him, but probably his wouldn't be the first name coming to the mind and heart of a non Christian person.

Perhaps you should read the comments guidelines of the site, specifically the part that says:

"This site offers discussions on the topic of ghost experiences, with people coming from various cultures, so please avoid proselytizing or preaching, unless the author of a story specifically asks to receive feedback from that religious perspective...It's fine to share what your religion has to offer as a possible explanation, but everyone has their own, they certainly don't come here to be converted, so please, don't push it on others as irrefutable fact."
BravelyKegger (2 stories) (19 posts)
12 months ago (2024-03-14)
All of this could stop if you accepted Jesus as your protector and savior. Demons operate on fear and vulnerability, but their power was stripped away at the cross Jesus died on. All authority had been given to Christ once he rose from the dead, and those who have been redeemed by him share in his authority and power. It's honestly laughable how weak and pathetic demons really are when you mention the name Jesus, sadly people do not know who Jesus really is and the security we have in him.
dazybloop (4 stories) (19 posts)
12 months ago (2024-03-14)
Hello Ranjine,

Thank you for commenting, I have been to that place like 2 times before and i'm unsure if the place is really haunted or is it an entity that followed us or was already following us? Guess it will remain a mystery because I will definitely not try to contact the entity, I don't even know about its intentions.
dazybloop (4 stories) (19 posts)
12 months ago (2024-03-14)
Hello lady-glow,

Thank you for your questions. We were on his vehicle which I have always travelled in it with him. And the perfume was definitely not familiar because neither of us have ever smelled it before and upon smelling the perfume, I did feel uncomfortable, not that the perfume wasn't good, but it was different from what i'm used to.

And I have known my boyfriend for years now, I'm unsure if any of my departed loved ones have been present at that time, I don't about his family now...
Rajine (14 stories) (925 posts)
12 months ago (2024-03-14)
Assuming that you got the perfume smell (again assuming that fragrance is not familiar to you and no one you know uses it) on your way to the hotel, I'd say that it could be a possibility that whatever it was probably followed your'll, but if not then maybe that hotel room is possibly haunted.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
12 months ago (2024-03-14)
Hi dazybloop.

Was the aroma of the perfume familiar to you or to your boyfriend?
Were you walking or riding a vehicle?

Not being judgemental but, perhaps a departed loved one, either yours or your boyfriend's, wasn't happy about your romantic date and wouldn't have approved of it in life?

Thanks for sharing.

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