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Red Eyed White Alligator


I was 4 years old, and I had never seen anything like this before. Even to this day I have never seen anything like it.

I grew up with a single mother. We lived in public housing. No woods, no way it was an animal. However this is what happened to me, and I still can't explain it or name it even due to attempting to do research on it.

Like I said I was 4 years old, and I woke up in the middle of the night. Everyone in the house was asleep, but I heard a woman's voice calling me into the living room. I didn't know who it was, but I felt drawn to go to the living room. I was scared because the house was dark. The only light on was coming from the bathroom, and the bathroom was in the hallway near the living room. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I walked down the hallway slowly, and I started to feel really thirsty. I remember clinging to the wall that was mostly lit up. As I got closer to the living room I started to hear this growling, but it didn't sound like an animal. Plus we didn't have any animals in our home. (Public housing doesn't allow animals). I remember walking and the growling got louder. Then I saw it. There was it was. These HUGE red glowing eyes. There were no pupils. The eyes looked like two round balls. What looked like the toy balls that you smack on a hard surface and they light up. But they were VERY red. I mean I've never seen a red like this since or before. The eyes were intense, and I noticed the thing had a face. The face was what I can only describe as an alligator/crocodile face, but broad like an alligators. His (I assumed him) arms were in a position where he was in a lunging form. Even the skin on the face looked like an alligators. However the skin on his arms was like persons. He was as white as milk. His nails were long. I remember this thing as if it were right here.

As I was looking at it the growling stopped. I looked back into its eyes and it said to me come here to me. I started to back up down the hall, and I remember as it lunged at me I ran as quickly as I could down the hall. I couldn't scream, but buddy I flew down my hall almost like I was flying. I ran into my room and jumped on my little sisters bed. I woke her up and told her what I saw. Then I told her that we needed to protect our brother and mom. She calmly said okay. I was crying, but she was calm. (Not sure why) I remember we walked down the hall to the bathroom. We went into the bathroom, and she grabbed the hair spray, I grabbed a plunger. We were going to protect our brother, and our mom. Plus I wanted my mom to see this thing. We sat in that bathroom for literally 30 minutes talking about what we were going to do. Finally we decided that she would spray its eyes then I would fight it with the plunger. As we exited the bathroom me in front because I didn't want her to get hurt we walked down the hall towards the living room. We got ready, and the growling started up. As I got to where I could see it my mother came flying out of her room and yelled at us. Which of course caused us to jump and cry.

We explained in the bathroom what we were going to do, and she laughed at as. Then she brought us into the living room, and turned the light on. Under the coffee table (plain no glass too poor for anything that had red lights on it) there was nothing. However the window was open. Which my mother thought she had closed. She of course gave us a whipping for being up, and waking her up. Then she sent us to bed.

I'll never forget that experience for as long as I live. It's pretty much burnt into the back of my mind, and I fear that one day that thing might come back. Which scares me or worse come after my children. This is no lie. No imagination gone ramped. This was as real as you and I. Am I alone in this experience? Also WHY me? (Other than my mother messing with a Ouji board? (Which I don't believe in fully).

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kf2123, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ghosty24 (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-07)
i know this is a paranormal website, but I thought
it was cute how you got the hairspray and plunger
Like you were going to fight that thing!
kf2123 (3 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-09)
I'm a little less than naive, but thanks for the confidence boost. I wish I were still naive things are easier that way. Saddly I'm not naive, and this is only one of the things I have witnessed. My entire life has been filled with things similar to this, but not as intense as this. I haven't seen the entity since I was 4, but I highly doubt that it hasn't been around since. Through out my life I have had the same feelings off and on no matter which house I've lived in. I've had all 3 of my children pulled off me or my bed when they were newborns. My oldest was sleeping in my bed with me due to breastfeeding, and he was a month old. I woke up to him screaming and being half way under the bed. There were NO marks or anything on him. My daughter was sleeping on my chest when she was 4 months old. I woke up for no apparent reason that I can remember to watch in fear as she slowly slid off of my chest. I caught her before she landed on the floor. My youngest I was living in a completely different state, and I fell asleep with him on my chest. I hadn't moved, and my husband was in the bed (he's a light sleeper due to being in the military). Anyways I woke up to his sudden crying and there three feet away from our bed laying horizontal about 2 feet from his crib there my 3 week old baby lay on the floor with his legs tucked up underneath him, and his arms under his face with out one single mark on him. Like he had been being carried off, and sat down at his bassenette. Everytime things like this happen I start to have the same feelings I did when I was a little girl, and I saw him the entity under the coffee table in the living room. Last night I was talking to my mother, and she stated that she believed me about it because when she was younger she saw a glowing red eyed entity standing at the foot of her bed, but she said she started singing church hyms and it went away after she uncovered her head. She said that its body and face were pretty much covered in all black when she saw her red eyed thing. I'm not sure if it's the same thing or not, but it might be hence what the entity said to her when she messed with the ouiji board. Last night was the first time she actually told me about it. Thank you everyone who's helping. I really appreciate it. I just wish I could find out more about this thing so I could figure out how to get it to go away and actully go away not just send it away for a little while so it can come back even more pissed off to the point that I see it instead of feel it.
JustinEckert (2 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-07)
I understand what you mean when you say your naive like I said before all people have different opinions it could of been anything and I believe that it wasn't your imagination I don't think that you should be so nervous though. If you at all can try stay calm what happened to you happened a long time ago if the "thing" was going to come back and finish the job I think it would of by now most children are targets for entities like that although if you do have a family keep a close eye on the children. I hope I'm helping
kf2123 (3 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-07)
Btw apology accepted Mike. I understand that people tend to lie about things due to many reasons. However my stance on things like this. I believe in these things due to actually seeing them so my adult logic can not just push it out and laugh it off. Also the other thing. I find NO reason to lie to a bunch of strangers. I don't know you and you don't know me. I have no real connection to any stranger to the point that makes me feel I need to lie about anything. I think in a sociology stand point many people tend to lie more to people they actually know and are in physical contact with but know none the less more so than lie to people that they do not know. Sorry if that came off strange, but hopefully you understand what I'm talking about. Anyways, just know I wouldn't lie to you or anyone on here. The paranormal isn't a "lying" matter. Especially something that touched my soul this deeply and has haunted me now for the past 19 years. I just had a birthday so I'm no longer 22 I'm 23.
kf2123 (3 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-07)
I'm not sure if it was a demon. I was 4 and I have only seen it once. I lived in that apartment until I was about 7 years old. If it was a demon then I'm glad I got away in time. My mother did use a ouiji board. But it was suppose to be just play. Also, my family wasn't evil. However I didn't have a great family either. I mean I had a lot of really bad and dark things happen to me as a child. A whole lot of things that are very personal, and I have some issues from it. But I'm not sure if it was or wasn't a demon in the living room that night. All I know is that it freaked me out, and I'm still freaked out about it from time to time. The majority of the time when I hear a bump in the night in my home I sit up and listen closely because I'm worried it's come back to finish its job. Thank you everyone for your input. I appreciate it very much. Thank you.
Vikstal (4 stories) (64 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-06)
Well, call me naive but I reckon there must be a greater purpose behind it all other than just being horrible to someone happy. And if the person/family isn't eil then how is it possible that they attract such a negative thing?

And while I'm rather skeptical about it all then I believe another member/moderator on here who said ouiji board isn't any different to other spirit contacting tactics.
JustinEckert (2 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-05)
also the point of the demon is very simple. They exist to cause pain and suffering. They often target happy family's and weak minded people. They may be known as fictional characters but believe me they exist and are very dangerous.
JustinEckert (2 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-05)
Ok vikstal I understand your point people aren't just evil for the sake of it but a ouija board is a dangerous item to mess around with. Even if the person using it isn't "Evil" a demon can still be summoned. I understand that all people have difrent opinions about the paranormal but if you do believe in ghosts then demons can't truly be that far from your mind.
Vikstal (4 stories) (64 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-04)
Okay all this demon talk... Why would there be "a demon" out there? What is the purpose? No one is evil just for the sake of being evil.
JustinEckert (2 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-04)
Ok I just read your story and my personal opinion is that it may have been a demon. If your mother truly did mess with a ouiji then she could of summoned a demon even if she didn't mean to. I think that it is a 50 50 chance that it may come back but I'm unsure. If you experience any more activity like that I reccomend hiring a paranormal team or a priest. It is up to you and keep in mind if it is demonic running away will only anger it be prepared in that case. I hope I helped you and if any one else out there needs help or advice just ask.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-02)
kf2123-It appears I have rushed to judge. Please accept my apology and allow me to explain myself. Too many times have I offered advice to someone who claimed to need advice only to find they were unwilling to answer questions or to even thank people for their time. I guess I've let it aggravate me too much. I should have allowed you more time. Sorry and thank you for sharing your story.-Mike
kf2123 (3 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Thank you EVERYONE including the person who stated my story "might" be a fake, and seemed skeptical due to my delayed response. I'm married and have 2 very young children SO I don't really have a lot of time to dabble on the computer. However I've been having a lot of weird stuff going on lately, and find my self up really late. I'm actually glad that this site posted my story. As for the comments on the mythical creater. I don't believe that to be it. Also I'm 23 back when I was 4 early 90's we lived in a housing project. Which was for people mainly on the welfare system. In the town in which I live it still is. Also, my mother couldn't afford cable television, and god knows regular analog tv doesn't show things in the nature of what I saw that night. I appreciate the fact that there are peers of my own whom fully believe me because what ever that alligator/ human thing was; was real. I don't think anyone could make it up, and I'm glad that people believe me. The days before this occured my mother had played with a ouiji board in our home with her husband his mother and sister. She told me what happened. However I was NOT in the room. I was however in the back bedroom sleeping. The next few things I'm going to tell you are what my mother told me happened. (Remember I was in bed while she played with a ouiji board, also note I love my mother, but as an adult I find my mother buys in full heartedly on things like the ouiji board and other misc things of that nature.) Anyways, the night of the ouiji board incedence my mother told me that they had the lights off in the kitchen, and were all sitting around the table. (keep in mind she told me this when I was an adult and I was telling her for the millionth time about the alligator man I had seen). Anyways, she told me that they were asking the ouiji board numerous questions. She said that every time she tried to ask it a question the board would spell out b*, and when she asked why it would say god. (I didn't believe this, but she did) Anywho, she said that she countinued to ask and the ouiji triangle thing started to spell faster. She said that the last time she asked everyone looked twords the laundry room because they heard a noise, and then she said that all 4 of them saw this huge shadow hand reach across the shelves in the laundry room, and knock down my baby brother's boxes of cereal. She said that they ran out of the kitchen, and ran to the back of the house. (I remember them waking us up, and us running out of the house and across the street) Of course I was freaked out and crying I was 4 years old. (I even remember us going back into the house to grab somethings, and my mother sitting up a tape cassette player on my brother's high chair (the kind that has the recording option), and we left the house. However my step-father's mother at the time brought the ouiji board with us to her house, and put it in the laundry room. I can recall us staying up, and my brother playing in the kitchen. He was playing with some of those actions figures they had back in the day like heman. Anyways, he was playing with those, and he kept stopping and walking to the laundry room entrance and trying to hand the toy to someone but no one was there. Then he'd kick his leg out a little, and then go back to where he was playing by himself in the kitchen and would continue playing. Only to stop playing, and go back to the laundry room entrance and try to give the toy to the same invisible "playmate". I literally sat there and watched him. I tried to talk to my mother about it, but she wasn't trying to listen to me. When I went back into the kitchen I remember seeing my brother standing there kicking his leg like he was having a seizer or something. (I didn't know what a seizer was when I was 4, but I knew something wasn't right). I yelled for my mom, but she didn't come until he started to cry. She scooped him up and carried him off the my step-grandmother's bedroom. (now going back to what my mother has told me) she told me that when she took my brother to the bedroom she noticed that he had these red thick welps on his back, but when she tried to wipe his back with a wet rag it seemed to create more. She was freaked out really bad about it. (going back to what I remember) we stayed the night there at my step-grandmother's place. When we got up that morning we went home. The house stunk like rotten eggs, but the trash was already taken out. Plus the house was freezing cold, but the housing projects I lived in when I was 4yrs old didn't have a/c units. It was government housing for people on welfare and a/c in the early 90's for stuff like that was expensive. Anyways, The house smelled rotten. Plus the air seemed thick. It's hard to describe, but it was weird. Plus it was in the middle of July 91'. So that's why it was strange for the house to be so cold. Moving along, I remember walking into the kitchen, and my mother was listening to the tape she recorded while we were gone during the night. You could hear people talking as they walked passed the windows in the kitchen, but then there was a dead silence. Then there was this growling noise. It was horrible. Like the kind that came from the alligator thing, and it was terrifying to say the least. My mother stopped the tape when she realized I was in the room. After that a few days later or so I saw that alligator man thing. I pray to god above that thing NEVER shows up again. I couldn't handle it to be honest. Also for the question of did I personally do anything to see this thing. No, I was a victim of my environment, and why it wanted anything to do with me. Um... No friggin idea seriously. I mean I could always sense weird stuff. I still do from time to time, and I woke up once and saw my great grandmother in my room peeking out of the window like she did before she ended up in a hospital bed slowly dying of alzteimers diseas. Also for the last commenter my mother was playing with ouiji board because she wanted to see what would happen. She told me that they talked to a woman who was very nice, but there was this male presence who said he wasn't human, and kept calling her a b*. She knew these things because what ever it was would talk the other three people, but wouldn't talk to her. I don't know anymore than what she would tell me. All I know is that this alligator/human thing did happen, and it's real what ever the heck it is. I'm a grown woman with a family, and ever since I've actually writen this down I have been really nervous every since. I mean I feel stupid, and try to think it away, but I literally haven't been able to sleep for over a week with out being exhausted. I listen for every bump, sound, noise, and keep checking in on my children because I'm freaked out that this thing knows I've told people about it, and it's going to exact it's revenge. I'm not nuts I promise, and I didn't steal this off of a movie or tv show either. This thing really did happen, and every since I've writen about it I've been freaked out, and noticed that my youngest child (boy) has been very restless through out the night. He usually isn't and sleeps really peacefully. I think maybe I made a mistake telling anyone or I'm just letting fear get the best of me. (scoffs at self) I sound redicilous, but I'm very serious.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
Sorry guys, but I just had a feeling, so I looked on Google to search for half man-half alligator. It only came up with Jake the Alligator Man and something about Sobek. But Sobek didn't seem evil. Maybe the entity decided to be an evil version of Sobek, lol πŸ˜†Sorry about Jake, it honestly looked real to me, haha.
And sorry for hijacking your story, kf2123.
Love & Light, Rachel ❀
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
I am going to agree with Darkness. Spirits/entities will often take the shape of something they believe a child will either find appealing or horrifying in order to get there attention. You and your sister were brave to come up with a plan to defend your family against it. Thanks for sharing your story with us. 😊
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
Has anyone else noticed how many authors state that they need help and will participate only to fail in doing so? This story is a bit fantastic but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I saw no blatant dishonesty or omissions so I decided that if I could help in any small way, I should. However the author's failure to respond confirms the skepticism I initially felt concerning the believability of this story. So as far as I'm concerned, tell me more about this jackalope-thingy!
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
I think Jake was two legged alligator who choked to death on a swimmer.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
I don't know what you saw, but I don't doubt for a second that you saw it. Mostly, I'm just commenting to say that I think you and your sister were incredibly tough kids. Kudos for being willing to stand up to the unknown to protect your home and family. ❀
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
Wait a minute... The Jackalope isn't real?... I paid big money for that!

Go (odbye), Buckeyes?;)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
Lou: Yeah, looks a lot like the way Barnum made his "Jackalope", no?...The thing that concerns me about the Jake is, where did they get the human parts? 😨 πŸ˜†
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
You are joking, right?

I believe the author stated that this creature had the head of an alligator, not the other way around. Also, from the link you sent, it seems a bit odd the human section of this novelty act is mummified, but the reptilian section seems intact. Seems like this "species" days were numbered from the start... Since it has a human ribcage, it must have human lung capacity. Wait. Why am I even writing about this...

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
kf2123: In all honesty I believe that what you saw was a darker spirit which took the form of something which would frighten you. The fact that your mum has dabbled with the Ouija Board aswell, only would increase your chance of having witnessed this. I had a little chuckle sorry about the plunger and the hairspray that's awesome.😁

Thanks for sharing.

Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
Sorry, but upon reading this, I had a distinct impression that this thing could be mythological (Egyptian). Sobek perhaps? Check this out Sounds weird. Other than that, it could be a demon.
Love & Light, Rachel ❀
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-29)
I normally steer clear from ouija board claims. I have heard a lot of bad things attributed to the misuse of these boards. I cannot understand why these nasties would need the ouija board in order to manifest in one case and not in others.

lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2011-03-29)
Ouji boards only work if you truly believe in them. If you do, then a you're opening yourself up. Since your mother played with one, maybe she believed enough 'something' came through. Once you're done playing with them, you need to 'close' the door. 'Why you'? Children tend to be more vulnerable than adults. Therefore, considered easier to scare. More fear, or energy, to feed off from. Hope things eventually worked out for you.
aiafaith1 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-03-29)
That is a very unique story. It really is. I'm not sure how this happened exactly. Did you do something to make it appear? I know you were only 4, but like did anyone summon it by chance? Plus, I'm just saying for the heck of it, I've seen an albino alligator in an aquarium recently, but it had pupils-slits to be exact.

Best Wishes
~Aiafaith1 πŸ˜† ❀ πŸ˜†
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-29)
It sounds like it was demonic. Why it was after the children I would have no idea. I must say that you were a brave little kid. I would have run into my mothers room after that one.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-29)
Being from the heart of "Cajun Country",I know a little bit about 'gators. So, when I read the title of your story I figured that I might have something (if nothing paranormally based) to offer. I must confess this isn't something common to the bayous. And so all I can offer is to say where I would start my investigation. I would look into local folklore and Native American myths. My hunch is that there is a spirit whose description fits and a cautionary tale told to children as well.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-29)
I am absolutely without an idea of what this might have been. All I can think is that it might have been some kind of evil spirit trying to scare you guys. I'm surprised that your mom was able to hear you guys awake but couldn't hear the growling. That suggests to me that it was either just you or just you two that heard it. Did your sister ever mention hearing it growl?
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-29)
In my opinion, I think this being/spirit had evil/demonic intentions, and I can't say for sure if it will ever return however there are somethings that you can do to protect you and your family if it is to ever return.

Depending on your religion, you can say prayers over your home and your family. If it does return you can also have a priest come and clean your house.

You can also try and stand your ground, and tell it firmly to leave and to leave your family alone.

However, in terms of the last suggestion, if you do that, please be prepared for in case it becomes violent and such. But it may just go smoothly and easily.

Amberly527 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-29)
First of all let me say that Ouji Boards are not something that should be taken lightly. When used improperly, they can bring about things that were completely unintended. Thank you for such a detailed account of the story. Just wondering, were you present when your mom used a Ouji Board? Do you know what her intentions were (maybe to contact a deceased relative)?

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