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Seeing Red Eyes At Night, Need Help


Bit of background first, the first time this happened it was a number of years ago and I was probably at least 13 or 14 years old the first time it happened. The area I live in is kind of rural. I live across from an orchard, with one house on a small hill above us right next door, and one slightly below us on the other side of our house with a massive wooded area directly behind our house. The house above us next door is kind of separated by a line of trees. We can still see each house just there's obviously trees, and the road is like... 20 to 25 feet maybe 30 away from the front of each house.

It was night, so pitch black outside. We don't have any street lights where we live because again, kind of a rural area. We have a grape arbor near the middle of our property, I can literally stand on our deck and look to the house above us and the TOP of the grape arbor is just below ground level with the section of land their house sits on. Behind the arbor is a bit of lawn and some garden and then the tree line, and there's a thick tree between where our grape arbor is and our neighbors mailbox with red reflective discs on it. Blocked by the tree, you can't even see their mailbox, so I know what I saw was not those reflective disks.

It was DARK like pitch black dark, I had just opened up our kitchen door to let our dog outside to use the bathroom and the motion light goes on because of the door and my dog WOULD NOT step outside. All he would do, was peer outside TOWARDS our neighbors mailbox and stare. I thought ok it's Maine, does he see a racoon or a fox or maybe one of the neighbors cats?

No, I looked up and ABOVE the grape arbor, more towards where the thick tree is that blocks the view of our neighbors mailbox were these two glowing red eyes. I thought that ok maybe it's just an owl or something, I don't know. I tilted my head, and it COPPIED me, the eyes TILTED to match my movement and BLINKED. Our motion light doesn't even reach 5 feet past the deck, so I had no clue what it was I couldn't see anything past the light. My dog freaked out, like full on claws scrambling against the tile floor, snarling and barking as he RAN deeper into the house and my reaction is obviously look down when my dog starts freaking out.

I looked back up and it was STANDING just out of view of the light like maybe another 6 feet past the light? So much closer, the eyes were LEVEL with my own and I'm still standing in the door, the deck is a good foot off the ground and the door has a step leading up so that's two feet right there, and I'm like 5 foot maybe 5 foot 2. The red dots or eyes were LEVEL. WITH MY HEAD. I have NO idea what it was at the time, I just slammed the door shut and locked it and went to my room and acted like I saw nothing.

Fast forward some years, and literally like three days ago I started to hear just like a tapping noise when it would start to get dark. I'd look out the window, nothing's there, tapping's gone. Another time I could have SWORN I hear my dad calling me so I call out back asking what he wants and I get nothing. I look out the window to the driveway and his work truck is still gone, he's not home. The other day I saw the same thing I did years ago when I was a kid. Red eyes, just this time near the trail that leads outback into the woods.

I shut my blinds, made sure the doors were locked, lights off, and just I guess pulled a "Nope, didn't see that. No one's home you got the wrong address, goodbye" sort of mentality I guess? I'm curious as to what it is I saw, the red eyes thing. I can deal with spooky sounds just fine, I can deal with that I'm good that doesn't bother me. But it's the eyes, the red eyes that look like they'd be about SEVEN FEET off the ground that's freaking me out. If ANYONE has any idea what it might have been that I could have seen, I would GREATLY appreciate some input here, because now I just don't bother looking outside out the windows when it's dark, I pull the whole "If you don't see it, it's not there." thing, but some of the windows on this house DO NOT have blinds or shades, and it's the ones in the kitchen THAT FACE THE WOODS. It freaks me out, because I always feel WATCHED at night if I'm in the kitchen now, and those windows? Those windows are on the top floor, the basement door and windows are below them. It's a two story drop out those kitchen windows.

I just I would really love it if someone could give me any sort of input as to what the heck I might have seen because I don't like it, and I want it gone. I want it gone like, 6 years ago sort of gone, so just... Any input at all is helpful at this point.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, StarBird, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Zander (7 stories) (147 posts)
6 months ago (2024-04-15)
I would check for Bigfoot sightings in your area. There is an online database by state and county. BFRO
Spooderman (1 stories) (15 posts)
6 months ago (2024-04-11)
Hey Starbird,

I just wanted to let you know, that after reading your story and analysing all the comments, whoever it is, means no 'direct' harm. In my opinion, it may be a jinn or even an angel. I have had angel encounters in my life a few times but since this one has 'red eyes' i'm doubt it of being an angel. All I want to say is that you probably did something which hurt the being with the red eyes. In my religion, we believe that there are both bad and good Jinns. However, if we throw random stuff in random places, they could get hurt as they are unseen. It doesn't matter whether the Jinn is good or bad; if they get hurt they might want to take revenge or at least just let you know that you did something wrong. In order to avoid hurting someone, me and other people of my religion (muslims) just recite the phrase, "In the name of God" before pouring or throwing something somewhere, especially if it's outside the home.
There's nothing to be worried about but it would be great if you could ring up someone who knows about these unseen beings. Like, someone who can sense their presence and tell you about what it is actually there for.
However, the places that you're seeing this being might just indicate that this particular thing may be a bit harmful even if it can't directly get in contact with you. Notice too, that it is always outside your house, which may mean that your house is guarded by angels which is why it can never get inside. Also, please stay alert of the different smells you can sense around your house, especially outside. Although, it's better not to spend time outside the house during evening and the after hours. So I would highly suggest contacting some religious personnel who could help you further with this situation. As for now, stay safe.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-03)
Hi StarBird,

Sorry this is happening it sounds very creepy. However these red eyed beings have been freaking people out for years and years. Honestly if you click around on this site you're bound to find loads of other experiences similar to yours. Good news is nothing bad ever happens to the people experiencing them. They seem to want to observe but that's all. Personally I feel they're nature spirits, some kind of guardian of wooded areas. You'd be surprised how often people see them in rural or garden settings. Most of the time people call them shadow entities or shadow beings or shadow people. They're often reported as tall, with long 'shadowed' bodies and red glowing eyes. I saw something like this a few years ago I would describe what I saw as having a dark 'smoke' like body and slightly glowing red eyes, not super bright like others have described. This entity was inside my home. But I wasn't freaked out. (I'm a bit of an oddball like that.) What was curious about my encounter was the face of the being started to morph into that of old teacher. Said teacher passed away about a year after my encounter. My feeling about that was this entity was trying to tell me this person was ill and that I should contact them before its too late. But I made that connection years after the fact. I believe the entity entered my home because it was aware I talk to the trees it was connected to. (I'm an oddball remember)

I don't know what the entity in your area is up to but maybe it mimics your movements because its curious you can see it. I got the impression from my experience that eye contact is their strongest form of communication with us. As Twilight says as long as you're cool with nature your red eyed being should be cool with you.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-02)
Native Americans in your area have all the answers to your outside visitor. But you have to do the footwork. Some worry about attachment just by mentioning its name. Good luck
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-02)
StarBird, it sounds like what you experience within your home, isn't related to what is going on outside of your home (which again, is like my experience, as we have activity in our home as well, but it's not what I experienced, the night I encountered what was outside our house). I'm still going to lean more onto it possibly being something elemental, that you're experiencing outside. I don't really know what all attracts something of that nature, to our yard, but I have a pretty good idea what attracted mine, at the time I experienced it. Have you done anything outside, that may be something that isn't exactly respectful towards nature or something? For me, as silly as it sounds, the only thing I knew I was doing then, that might have angered an elemental, was me hating all the spider's we have around our house, to where I would go out my way, just to destroy their webs etc, and I'm ashamed to admit now, I was really enjoying doing so, to where I would make a game of it, and like I said, was destroying one's that weren't even in my way. Without going into further details on my part, I realize now how childish it was of me, to behave that way towards nature, and I'd say I definitely learned my lesson, as what all happened to me during that time, made it very clear that something wasn't happy with me, and how I was treating spider's. Now I am very respectful of nature, even if I am afraid of some of it. Once I realized the problem though, and apologized, it stopped, and I no longer experienced any of what I had, afterwards. I still feel thing's outside some night's, watching from our woods, but nothing like I did the night I ran in fear, into my house, with who I believe was my spirit guide, screaming in my head, to run now. Sorry for such a lengthy comment, but like I was saying, if you possibly have offended something, it might be causing your siting outside, otherwise, I don't know what else may cause an elemental, to show itself, and keep trying to scare you like it has. Then again, it could also be something else entirely, I'm just suggesting this as 1 of many possibilities.
StarBird (2 stories) (3 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-02)
To Twilight1011, yes I've always heard stuff in the house, since I was like a little child. Footsteps up and down the hallway, tapping on the walls, footsteps in our attic which is the weirdest one since we have no flooring up there, it's jut insulation and beams, and the only way into it is like a tiny hole about a foot wide by maybe a foot and a half long?

You just push up on the board and it pops open and you crawl in, no one goes up there though because it USED to be in a closet before the home was remodeled years ago. Now it's literally just right above the tv in what's now the living room.

The noises INSIDE the house don't bother me, they never really have. I could just literally ask it to stop and it will, it's the stuff OUTSIDE the house that freaks me out. Mainly again, those red eyes.

To Rajine, we aren't getting another dog. Our last dog passed last winter and he got sick out of nowhere and just... It was a horrible experience, nothing we did seemed to help him and the day we went to take him to the vet, he had already passed sometime earlier that night before morning so we... Don't really want to get another dog after that.

To CantunSEEit74, we don't get deer in our yard. Turkeys? Yea, had some out back the other week even. Deer? No, not in the yard. We have an apple tree on the property, if they want apples, they are more than welcome to help themselves. I don't mess with Native American anything. My grandad on my dads side said we had Blackfoot Indian way back in our family line, but it was all word of mouth so we have no idea if it's true or not. I went digging for info a number of years ago to see if it was true, didn't have the best time with that so yea no, I don't mess with that stuff anymore.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-02)
StarBird, welcome to YGS ☺ As for my opinion of your experience, I couldn't help but think of a somewhat, similar experience I had posted here, called "An evil presence outside". Which I've come to believe was a type of elemental. It makes me wonder if that's possibly what you're experiencing as well. With what I've read so far, that you've mentioned of this, I'm a little confused on this detail, so are you saying that you're also experiencing thing's inside of your home, as well as outside, or is it just outside that's the problem?
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-02)
It seems these visitations happened on the same property. If this is true, I would put apples on the back side of the trees 9 ft up where red eyes see's first. A peace offering and if it eats apples praying will probably not help if it is born from the land or a native spirit. A piece of twine jammed through an apple with a screwdriver and just knotted a few times will be an easy pull down. I have seen deer standing on their back legs head in the apple tree so 9 ft is safe. At 5 ft you need a ladder. Could be an ugly bigfoot cousin.
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-02)
Hi StarBird

Take it from me, if you've read any of my stories on here, praying might feel like it's not working, but trust me it is, I know it's hard but don't show fear, it's easy for people to give advice, but only few of us have been through crazy incidents to know exactly what it feels like, as long as you have faith nothing bad will happen to you, I suggest that you get another dog as well.
StarBird (2 stories) (3 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-02)
I did that the first time? Told my gran back then and she gave me a bottle of holy water and told me to put it on the corners of each window and door and pray and yea, I did but I'd still hear stuff.

I don't look out the windows once it's dark out. I will go out of my way to turn my head AWAY from the window, even if the blinds are down and closed. No matter where in the house you are, if it's dark out, I feel watched. I don't really think praying has done much, as much as I hate to say that. I even tried using sage to smudge the house at one point a few years back, because I always hear stuff. I just got used to it after awhile.

It feels worse now, because I don't have a dog anymore. I just got fish. I don't really have a dog that can lay on my bed and alert me if something happens or if it hears something like my last dog used to do.
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
7 months ago (2024-04-01)
I say as long as it's not inside the house you don't have to worry, as much as you can, avoid being out late, anything with red eyes in my opinion is demonic and malevolent and trying to take it head on is not the best idea, what I suggest is cover the windows that has no blinds or shades and pray as much and as often as you can.

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