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Possible Possession Or Sleep Walking


This happened two nights ago. I had fallen asleep around 7 pm and I woke up at 10 and went out to my living room. My mom said I had been woken up twice but I had no memory of being woken up. First she said she had woken me up and I had been speaking to her in some type of different language.

She said was trying to get me to go to dinner and, she said I'd gone to the table looked at the food and, went back to my room then she said my dad woke me up still no memory and, I'd confirmed that I was going to be out in a few minutes. I had absolutely no memory of any of that happening I have had friends tell me that when I slept over at their house I have sleep walked.

Never have they said I talked and what really freaked me out was the speaking was in a different language. Because first off I don't know any other language and my mom had no knowledge whatsoever what I was saying. Also, she said she had asked me what I was saying and I repeated it again but was pointing at her.

Also I do believe in spirits and a few years ago I had a dream where I thought I heard a friend in my room I tried to turn to see him but I couldn't move and when I woke I still couldn't move.

Is it possible I have been slowly possessed by some sort of demon? It really is starting to worry me. It might start becoming worse and I would really like your guys opinion about this. Like I said I have apparently sleep walked before but never talked. It started out hilarious to me, then it started getting terrifying. It has been happening more and more it started with awful nightmares now I'm speaking odd languages. Please help me figure this out!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, static989, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

bpr (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
i work with my dad at a physcic research company and there has been many cases like this, actually I'm exactly like you I do the same thing but I speak in japanese and in french and I'm only 13 once I actually almost killed myself I highly recomend you go to spiritualist and get help. I wish you the best luck ❤
Mosha (3 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
I had a similar experience, although I didn't speak another language. I went to bed at night time and woke up around 5am went downstairs and asked my mother why my pc was not working and told her about a future event that took place a week later. I still can't remember it until this day. Just wait and see what happens. Until then stay safe:-) ❤
TeenWith-aGift (guest)
13 years ago (2011-07-23)
Hey I apologize, I'm new to this website so I thought I'd stop by and help out, What your saying makes sense, although I am 17, I understand your statements, also, I agree with you on to the seek medical help first. It is common sense, I would advise anyone to think logically first, That's what I was going to go through with emails, But now I understand these threads and will surely go by what the rules are, I apologize for my last post, It was simply an ignorant act. But now I understand, Thank you zzsgranny for pointing that out for me.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-22)
Brandon: Unlike another site that you're probably familiar with, we keep the advice on the author's thread... That way, anyone else who reads it in the future can benefit... It is highly advised by the site owner that if you are a teen under the age of 18, you really shouldn't post your e-mail address...

I hope you consider his advice, as it is given with your safety in mind...

That said, I believe the suggestion that the poster seek a medical professional's opinion first, before going down the "demon" road, to be more sound than jumping to the conclusion you have, in your youthful wisdom and experience, surmised...

Please use common sense first and foremost, before causing someone undo anxiety over something that, in all likelihood, has a much more mundane and explicable cause...
TeenWith-aGift (guest)
13 years ago (2011-07-22)
Okay, Static989, I am someone with a gift and am familiar with these symptoms. Now if all that you are stating is true, I believe, You do indeed have a Demonic Spirit that has infested in you. What really assures that it is demonic is that how it spoke another language, Now, normal spirits, They don't have that much energy, unless your body is an open portal. But how do you feel when you wake up? Usually these things feed off of your energy therefore leaving you drained. I know how to get rid of these things, and I would really encourage you to send me an email ASAP so we could talk more. There I could root out possibilities. There is a good possibility what granny is saying is very much true, But speaking with you I can sort it out if you do actually have a problem, My email address is on my profile, Email me and remind me of who you are, We'll sort this out.
-A Teen, With a gift.
Diskonnekted-X (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-22)
As Everyone Else Has Said, never jump to spiritual or demon conclusions so easily. Try and come up with a rational explanation first so try going to your doctor.

Usually when people sleep walk it is because they are stressed or trying to deal with a difficult situation, So try and calm down and sort out your problems first.

If none of this works though and you are still experiencing these things and you feel uncomfortable, you should try talking to the spirit and ask it to leave if it is making you feel uneasy. If it does not leave you should get someone to bless your home. So then all evil will be rid off.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-22)
oh yes and examples of what people do.

I hold converstations with people. Turn off alarms. Speak on the phone and text. Have conversations with myself all while in deep sleep. My husband learned to stop asking me questions because he wouldn't get answer that made sense. He asked me one day how to measure tablespoons of butter I replied that it is only 5/13th of 200 cm.

I had a friend who would turn the water off on my toilets when she would sleep walk. I had to start locking my bathrooms!

My dad once called the cops on me as being a runaway when I was a kid because he forgot that he agreed to let me stay the night at a friends house. Jerk

So there you go not possession just sleeping.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-22)
No this is not possession. This is sleep walking and talking. You can be asked to be taken to a sleep clinic to see why you are doing this. This isn't paranormal just a sleep disorder
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-22)
I realize that talking in your sleep can be a little freaky. I've actually answered the phone and talked to people in my sleep. Now that can get freaky! And chances are, that if you walk in your sleep then you will most likely talk in your sleep too. I wouldn't worry too much about that though.
Thank you for sharing.

PlagueRat (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-22)
You can add me to the list of sleep talkers. I've had so many conversations with my mom in my sleep that I couldn't count if I tried. I've also had phone conversations, and replied to text messages in my sleep. Sometimes I'd look back and they wouldn't even make sense:P I've never tried to fix my "problem", I just accepted that I was a heavy sleeper (and you'd learn to be too if you had a mother who came into your room at all hours just to tell you one little thing haha) so unfortunately I don't have any advice for you. I'd look into what the other posters have suggested though.
KK78 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
I agree with everyone; I'm sure you were sleepwalking. I do every now and then. I would want to see a doctor, I think you should. You probably weren't speaking another languange, just gibberish. As far as I know I don't sleep talk, but I may.
lazria (9 stories) (82 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
I agress with the others, please get your mom to take you to the doc and get checked out. It sounds like you were sleeping walking; I used to do it a lot when I was young, to the point of my parents putting a chain on the front door because I would try to leave the house. Never once did I remember anything I did. My hubby also sleepwalks; he's asked for food, soda, gotten up and smoked, had conversations with me and people in his dreams, all of which he doesn't remember a single bit. If it worries you, talk to your doctor. If he/she checks you out and can't find any logical reason, then and only then consider a paranormal one. Good luck and take care.
ineedausername (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
there have been times I have sleep walked into my parents room, told them a few sentences and walking out. I have recently learned that I call people in my sleep, sometimes it is not even english that I mumble to people.
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
I agree with zzsgranny. I have carried on conversations in my sleep with my eyes open and having no recollection of them taking place. I have told stories, sang songs and who knows what else not to mention striking out at people when they try to wake me with my eyes open and speaking jibberish and can't remember it ever taking place. I'm forty and been doing this since a kid so I wouldn't worry about it unless your hurting yourself or someone else. Sleep walking is dangerous and you should see a Dr. About all of this before assuming the worst. I understand that it is confusing and scary but just hang in there.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
perhaps you are recalling a past life... As far as the speaking part.
While my 4 year old son is not speaking in diff languages, a lot of the stuff he has said to me has me convinced he has lived before. I also have a 6yr old boy who never once said the things my 4 year old does... Just crazy out of this world things for a 4 year old child to ask. Example... Just the other morning, he crawed in my bed, very early and still have asleep, says to me "Daddy, I just want to go back"
Me: "Back where?"
boy: "I...I just want to go back UP"
johntravis28 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
Sorry. I agree with previus posts, this sounds like sleep walking and sleep paralysis to me. I've a few times woken up in the morning on the couch having no recollection of leaving bed. I doubt I was posessed though.

If it is becoming a problem then you really should see a doctor or maybe even a sleep therapist about it

Best of luck

oriundusmorimur (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
Honestly I've been known to talk in a German accent in my sleep; it's not as weird and uncommon as you think it is. It's probably normal brain activity. If it persist and is worrying you, speak so someone about it who may help in such a situation but, as many have said before, don't be too quick to point to paranormal. Being brash about it will not help the situaton and will deter the process of changing it so think carefully and rationally and don't let your fear cloud your logic. Good luck, which ever it is:)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
Go Granny Go! I agree with Granny and Miracles...

Please do not jump to the 'demon' conclusion unless everything and I mean everything else has been ruled out.

As far as 'sleep conversations' go I've had one with-in the past 3 weeks. My 15 year old daughter came in, 'woke me up' (cause I was sleeping... I work 3rd shift) and asked permission to go to the mall with friends... I asked ' who are you going with?' she told me...'who's taking you' she said 'Tony' (Family friend) and I apparently said 'sure, you can go'. Problem is when I did wake up and she wasn't home I got mad... Chores were not done ECT... She came home, told me she had asked permission... I didn't believe her until her older brother (18 years old) said he'd heard the conversation from his room...?... I had absolutely no memory of any such conversation happening... Our youngest (He's 12) even said our daughter had come into my bedroom and asked...

So please, make an appointment, rule out anything natural and physical before 'Leaping' to a paranormal conclusion.


Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
static989, I agree with granny and Miracles, go see a doctor first before you jump to any conclusions. I used to sleepwalk and a few nights ago I apparently when I was sleeping, I was sleep-talking. Of course I have no memory of this, as most sleep walkers/talkers do. So it just might be a case of talking gibberish in your sleep.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤

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Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-20)
static - I agree with granny. There have been many times my daughter has come home late and has held conversations with me that I don't remember having. She has told me this the following day.

My little boy got up two nights ago, came into the living room where I was, held out his right hand, said something I didn't understand, he repeated it and then I understood him to say "see it fits." When I said "okay," he turned and went back to bed. He was sleepwalking. Not a normal thing. He doesn't remember this.

Since this appears to be bothering you, ask your mom to keep an eye on you after you go to sleep until you get an appointment with a doctor. You can also set up a video camera if you have one or borrow one if you don't own one. That way you can see what you're doing for yourself. It could be a very simple case of sleepwalking and, as granny said, just gibberish... Mumbling in your sleep. Just don't make the mistake of reading too much into it. It'll drive you crazy and make you see "demons" when there aren't any there. You don't want to do that, okay?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-20)
static: First of all, calm down...Now, I think you need to ask your Mom to take you to a doctor... You mentioned that you have sleep walking episodes, so I don't know why you would jump to the "demon" conclusion so suddenly...

Are you sure you were actually speaking another language, or were you possibly just spouting jibberish?...Anyway, you may well have talked in your sleep before, and no one heard you... Your Mom just happened to be the first...

I'm a very heavy sleeper... And I've had several people tell me that they've carried on conversations with me, with my eyes open and looking at them, that to this day I can't remember! 😆...It was a big joke when my kids were younger, that if they wanted to do something, they would wait until I was napping to ask because I always said "yes"!😆

Put your mind at ease, and talk to your Mom... I don't know how sleep walking is treated, but I'm assuming your docor would know...

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