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Possible Demon


It's been about 30 years ago, when I was 13, but I remember this story like it was yesterday. I was a somewhat rebellious teenager and had always been interested in the supernatural. In addition to doing "typical" rebellious teenage things like sneaking out, skipping class, etc I also started listening to heavy metal music and still do. The difference at that point in my life is that I started getting deeper and deeper into devil worshiping music, NOT Satanic. I was raised as a Christian and still attended church on most Sundays due to my parents "forcing" me to go. I never believed that much which is part of the reason I think I started going down the path I took.

The more I listened to these bands and lyrics the more fascinated I became with the occult, specifically devil worship. Being the dumb and naive kid I was, I began "praying" to Satan. I had no idea what I was doing, I would just close my eyes and pray to him. I would ask for things that were on the more sinister side, which I won't discuss, and I would ask for him to reveal himself to me or show me a sign that he could "hear" me.

Over the course of a few months I literally began to feel myself change mentally. I began having more and more evil thoughts and I started fighting with my parents (who were great parents) more often. I knew I wasn't my normal self but I also justified everything in my head to normalize my thoughts and actions. The more evil I felt, the harder and more often I prayed to Satan until one night and morning changed me to this day.

It was a school night so I said my normal nighttime "prayers" before going to bed. Sometime around 2-3 a.m I awoke from a deep sleep. I wasn't having any nightmares or dreaming, I just suddenly woke up with a strong feeling that something or someone was watching me. It wasn't a good feeling in the slightest bit, whatever it was felt evil and malicious. I didn't feel any temperature changes and didn't hear a thing, it was just a feeling. I was in bed, facing the wall so my back was turned towards my bedroom door. I was scared but I had to look to hopefully calm myself down and realize it was all in my head. I slowly rolled over and standing in my doorway was the silhouette of a man wearing a suit and a fedora type hat holding a briefcase. Although I couldn't see his facial features clearly I could vaguely see the outline of a neatly trimmed beard as well. Based on my doorway, I would estimate he was 5'10 or so. He just stood there staring at me so I rolled over and closed my eyes, scared to death but I still felt his presence.

I wasn't dreaming and I never went to sleep for the rest of the night. Hours later I finally rolled back over and he was gone but the door was still open. Since it was a school day, I needed to take a shower which was downstairs. I was still so scared about what I may see around every corner that I literally ran to the shower and went as fast as I could. As hard as I tried, I could never even close my eyes because I was afraid of seeing him again and I was afraid of what I might see after opening them.

I ran back up stairs to my brother's room, who slept across the hall from me, and wouldn't leave his side which was extremely unusual for me. I asked him if he heard anything that night or ever got up for any reason and he denied it, I could tell he wasn't lying. He began to know something wasn't right with me based on my actions, questions and probably how I looked. I can't remember what I said when he asked what was wrong but it wasn't the truth.

My brother had recently got his license and we went to the same school so he drove me every morning. As we headed to school, about a 30 minute drive through all urban areas such as neighborhoods, strip malls, etc I just looked straight ahead. Like in the house and shower, I was afraid to look anywhere else but what was right in front of me. At some point we reached a red light, and like in bed, I had that same feeling that I was being watched. Once again, I had to look to hopefully give myself comfort that it was all in my head but boy was I wrong.

It still creeps me out as I type this but standing there on the corner, about 15-20 feet from my window, was a "man" wearing a dark grey suit with a fedora type hat and closely shaved beard while holding a briefcase staring right at me! I almost had a heart attack and whipped my head around to look straight ahead again. Seeing "him" literally took my breath away like someone just hit me in the stomach. My brother was obviously oblivious to all of this and listening to the radio loud enough that he probably never heard me gasp. As we drove off, I kept my head straight but shifted my eyes to the passenger side mirror and I could still see him standing there as he slowly turned his head and never took his eyes off the car until we were out of sight.

I was a mess all day, I couldn't concentrate and didn't even want to go home but when we got home later that day I asked my dad if he ever got up that night for any reason, specifically to check on me and he said no. He has also never owned nor has he worn a fedora hat and I always slept with my door locked. My parents had no idea I had occasionally snuck out at this point so they had no reason to check on me either. Needless to say, I immediately stopped praying to Satan and even started praying to God although I wasn't a big believer in either. I also stopped listening to the same music although ironically I still listen to some of it to this day but I took a long break, lol. After another month or so, I eventually started feeling "normal" again and even my parents commented about how different I seemed during those months I described above.

To this day, I don't know what to think. I'm agnostic for the most part but atheist every other day, lol. If it weren't for this story, and a few others I'll share, I would be 100% agnostic but whatever "that" was, was pure evil and I don't think it's a coincidence that I invited it into my life. Part of me wants to blow it off 30 years later and say it was all in my head but it happened exactly how I described it and it wasn't a dream. Even if I rationalize that it was a dream, that doesn't explain the unlocked door or the "man" on the street. There's too many things that happened for me to think it wasn't real.

Thanks to anyone who read this. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome even if I disagree;)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, amon, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

amon (1 stories) (10 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-13)
Thanks Rajine, I'll be busy over the next few weeks with holiday stuff but keep your eyes open, I may be able to sneak one in. I did think of another story I can share as well that is short and sweet, bittter sweet, but I'm not sure if it really fits in with what they're looking for on this site. I'll have to read the guidelines again before I try to submit it.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-13)
Hi again amon

I'm looking forward to reading more about your experiences.
amon (1 stories) (10 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-12)
Lol, lady-glow! I've been a long time lurker and I believe I've seen your name come up on several replies, great to get a personal welcoming from you! I listen to mostly all genres of music now, heavy metal is still one of the main styles but there are even so many different genres of metal that I don't know them all. I like everything from Fleetwood Mac (RIP Christine Mcvie) to Willie Nelson to dragging my wife to see Adele. I just happened to be in a dark phase of my life at that point plus being a rebellious teenager who wanted to experiment with the paranormal didn't mix well.

Your idea of a spirit guide or guardian angel sounds much more comforting to me then my interpretation. I do like to think there are things like that out there watching over us and I never thought of what I saw that way.

Thanks for your interpretation/opinion of what it may have been, that definitely makes me rethink the entire encounter. I'll be sure to read the other story shortly, thanks for the link!
amon (1 stories) (10 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-12)
Thanks for the reply Manafon, I don't disagree with you. If you read my little bio, I'm agnostic one day and atheist the next, lol. So that kind of makes it hard to completely believe in demons. Although, that experience is one of the primary reasons I'm still on the fence. It could have been a spirit as you described or a demon in human form. I don't claim to know, I just leaned towards demon since I happened to be praying to Satan at the time.

Anyways, glad to have met you and thanks for your feedback! Keep an eye out for my Quija stories, I'll try to get to them in the next week or two. I'm about to take a mini vacation and stay at one of the most alleged haunted hotels in TX even though nothing happened last time I was there.

In the meantime, take care.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-12)
Hi amon--I should've connected your user name and Deicide, with Amon being, as you well know, their original name. Thanks for clarifying your distinction between Satanism and devil worship. I'm familiar with Anton LeVey's Satanic Bible but wanted to be clear on your distinction. Glen Benton is certainly a controversial figure, but upside down cross burned into his forehead or not, seems more like a person who courts controversy to draw attention and publicity to himself and Deicide. He often seems to just enjoy antagonizing others and being contrary. There are a lot of people who do this to varying degrees.

All that aside, I did want to be clear that I believe you experienced something paranormal and that your door could have been opened by the figure you witnessed. I also think it's very possible that the spirit was attracted by your prayers. That said, I am not a believer in demons but do keep an open mind. It just struck me that through your praying, you might have made yourself vulnerable to a not-so-friendly spirit who took advantage of your state of mind. Lady-glow might well be on to something with her idea that what you saw was a guardian angel trying to teach you through "tough love."

You certainly seem to have experienced something unusual, and the fact it has stuck with you all these years is a testament to that. As an aside to lady-glow, I also love Chopin and Vivaldi 😉
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-12)
Hi amon.

Welcome to YGS.

As a person who prefers classic and romantic music, I have no idea of the groups and musical genres you're talking about. In my youth, I considered KISS to be kind of shocking.

This might sound like a long shot but, in my opinion, given your age, this vision may have been a move of tough love made by - divinity, your guardian angel, a spirit guide, or other-, trying to show you what could come your way if you didn't change your ways.

In other words, like a wake up call to make you react while there was still time.

Your story reminds me of another one published not too long ago, in which the OP reports to have seen a dark figure in their room after attending a concert of "Iron Maiden". After reading both, I definitely prefer to stick to Chopin and Vivaldi!


Thanks for sharing.

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Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-12)
Hi amon--Like you, I was a rebellious teenager who listened to heavy metal and had great parents but fought with them regularly. It's normal for teenagers, in general, to fight with their parents, but there is a higher chance of kids who feel like outsiders or are dealing with ostracism. I was curious to know what you meant when you wrote, "I was getting deeper and deeper into devil worshipping music, NOT Satanic."
I listened (and often still do) to all kinds of metal--from Death and Morbid Angel, to Entombed to Venom. Are any of these bands "devil worshipping?

I believe that if you focus your attention and energy by praying to something, you can indeed attract spirits. I had a very weird period in my life when I became addicted to using a Ouija board alone. Long story short, I awoke one night to find "something" that I initially thought was my girlfriend pressed up against me. When I put the light on, whatever had been there was gone (this incident is detailed in my account, "The Open Door of a Ouija Board.") I stopped using the board immediately but strangely have absolutely no recollection of what I was communing with. It's like my memory was wiped clean.

It sounds quite likely that you attracted a spirit, and maybe one that wasn't pleasant, but there isn't anything to suggest it was demonic beyond your feeling it was evil. Maybe the figure had been a very bad person in life. I think a lot of what you experienced was a form of guilt, mostly unconscious, because of your Christian upbringing and your connecting disparate dots to create a "whole" in your mind. I believe the spirit could have unlocked and opened your door but think the man you saw on the street might've just been a person staring at you. I have been stared at many, many times in my life. When I was a teenager, it was often because of how I dressed and my long hair. It seems quite likely this person was staring at you for similar reasons. I also think the appearance of the man is general enough that you could transfer your fear into thinking it was the same spirit that appeared to you in your room. Of course, there is a possibility it was the same dude, but a lot of people look like the man you described.

I look forward to your clarification about the difference between devil worshipping music and Satanic. Very interesting account.
amon (1 stories) (10 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-10)
I'm very grateful my story was published and even after "editing" it myself several times I still look at it and think of how many corrections I could have made to make it sound more fluent and comprehensive. Anyways, this was my first story and I only I have a few more.

Rajine, I kind of learned my lesson. Long story short, the few more stories I have, and will share, kind of tie into this but occur a few years later. To be continued...
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-10)
Hi amon

Hopefully I hope you learned your lesson, when you play with fire you will get burned.

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