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The Man In The Sugarcane Field


I'm really not sure if I am able to describe this story in detail, because for the life of me, up to this day I still can't determine what it was that I saw. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

When I was a kid, I usually spend the whole summer vacation at my grandparents' house, along with my cousins in the province. We would all stay there for two whole months while my grandmother would patiently teach us the basic ways of living (as my cousins and I are city kids), and my grandfather would tell amazing stories at night before we go to sleep.

And during those times, since we were kids, we always did naughty things. One of the things I was always guilty of doing was stealing sugar canes from either the sugarcane fields, or from the slow-moving sugarcane truck. Of course the adults didn't really pay much attention to us, thinking we were just playful kids and stealing one or two stalks of sugarcanes wouldn't really hurt. Sometimes, they even knew what we came to their fields for, so the nice farmers would take out their bolos and cut out a stalk for us.

One afternoon, at around 2PM, my cousin (let's call her Cathy) and I were on our usual trip to the sugarcane fields. We were happily chattering and, since no one was around, we tried to steal one of the sugar canes.

All of a sudden we heard someone shout, and when we looked at the direction of the voice, it was a farmer. Someone we didn't know, and obviously he didn't know us as well. He kept yelling "Thieves! Thieves!" while he was holding up his bolo. We were so scared that we just dropped what we were holding and ran, deeper towards the sugarcane field, to try to hide from him.

While we were running, I kept looking behind to see if he was still hot on our trail. Cathy was a way ahead of me, because she was wearing jogging pants while I was wearing shorts, and the leaves were stinging my skin.

Deep into the sugarcane field, I tried to look back to check on our pursuer and I saw that he was nowhere to be found. I felt relieved that I actually smiled, and was about to turn to my cousin to tell her that the farmer was gone when I bumped into her.

Without thinking, I just said "he's gone, he's gone!" but I noticed she was standing as still as a tree, her eyes staring off somewhere. Instinctively, I looked at the direction of where she was looking.

Then I saw it.

It was a man, facing away from us. He was wearing a light blue camisa de chino (Google it to see how it looks like) and is wearing a blue worn-out corduroy pants. He had no shoes or slippers.

Would have been normal, right?

But what scared us was he was standing on his head. No, not the normal headstands where you put your hands on the ground and raise your feet. He was literally standing on his head, his arms on his sides. What's more peculiar is that when you do a headstand, your clothes should hike up because of gravity. His clothes were perfectly intact. It's as if someone took a picture of him, cut the picture and inverted it.

I didn't think about anything anymore. I grabbed my cousin's arm and we ran to the opposite direction. I didn't care if the farmer was out there to get us. A farmer would definitely someone I can deal with compared to a "person" standing on his head.

When we got home, my Cathy and I were so tired that we just collapsed on the grass inside the gates, trying desperately to catch our breath. Wordlessly, we just looked at each other with a knowing expression that what we saw was something not normal.

We have asked the townsfolk about it (since they would be the most likely to know about any peculiar things happening), but none of them could give us any stories or answers. They were even surprised when we told them our story.

Any ideas?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sylunedarkchylde, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Lord_Manyakol (13 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-14)
It could be the man who shouted at the 2 of you and the one you saw standing on his head is the same person. It might be that that person was a previous farmer there who was murdered and was left in the middle of the sugarcane farm.
spicynoodles (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-13)
Is the place somewhere in Negros Island? Since most Negros is known to have a wide fields for sugarcane.
_-Amer-_ (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-27)
OH MY GOD this story really scared me 😭 how this could be a man standing on his head

This is really strange! 😲

I think you should ask a Cleric about it maybe he will give you the right explanation 😨
cecil04 (6 stories) (62 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-26)
wow, what an interesting story!
To say the least, I have no clue what that upside-down man could have been - sounds paranormal to me though...

But there is lots of strange stuff happening in the province always!
I know a similar story from a province of the philippines, it happened to a friend of mine;

He was fishing with friends in between the fields (there were fishfarms and fields next to each other) and when he went back to the house all alone with his torchlight only, he saw somebody standing in front of the door of his grandparent's house.
He said he saw only a pair of feet, a little bit of legs and something that looked like the bottom end of a coat or something.
The feet and legs were all skinny and pale-grey!

After asking what he did then, he told me he dropped the torchlight and ran for is life back to his friends near the fishfarm.

According to my pal this happened in the middle of the night (between 2am and 4am something), so there was no chance that any of the relatives might have been awake waiting for the guys to come home or something.
Even if so, none of them is of skinny statue or even with grey skin, as I know most of them...

It's nothing helpful here I'm sorry!
But as I said there are lots of strange things going on in the provinces (here in phil); the country is FULL of stories 😲
quixoticqt (5 stories) (104 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
DeviousAngel's description of what she thinks it is sounds like a winner to me... But my thoughts while reading it sounded like eiter:

1: Some person had his head chopped off and it's spirit lost its head once so the body spirit was just like "Okey when I stand on you I know I'm not going to loose ya."

2: Before you went to go talk to the farmer I thought maybe he put some sort of spell on his crop and was like "Let's scare the kids not to eating my sugar anymore."

sylunedarkchylde (6 stories) (26 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
LOL kit_ty_nya! I was about to question you why you chose that username, but, you know, whatever makes you happy... 😆

And like Jav said, you're free to share our stories here. You may want to write one or two.:)

[at] DeviousAngel: Wow, that's quite interesting. This is the first time I read about that disorder. That is also a possibility. And if he IS a spirit, then that should explain his clothes not hiking up. I'm just so weirded out about him being inverted. I'm going to have my cousin answer that question about the line along his arm, though; because either I didn't see it, or it got lost in my memories.

[at] Javelina: It's nice to think about it that way. I hope he's just trying to point out that there's trouble up ahead (that's why he was facing the other way). *shudder* I wouldn't even want to imagine if he was facing us. 😨
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-01)
Thank you so much for taking the time to come here and give a more detailed description of what it was that you two witnessed that day. This experience was one of the more interesting accounts I have read about on this forum. I admit I am always fascinated with the experiences sent in from the Philippines. And I have to say, this one does not disappoint.
So far, DeviousAngel has been the only one to come up with a possible reason for what you saw that day. I am still at a loss for any explanation as to why he was upside down. I'm still puzzled by that. I read the article about the people who see things as upside down and it just doesn't seem to fit in this case. The people all had a history of traumatic brain injury, but what made me exclude that theory was that they could right their vision by increasing the amount of light in the area. This was broad daylight so that didn't fit the scenario. Being buried upside down could though.
I also liked LouSlips suggestion that he had placed himself directly in your path for a reason. What that reason was we probably won't ever know. However, the fact that he was there, and you two did come away unharmed, makes me think he may have somehow saved you two from something or someone very bad. Of course, that's just my opinion. But I do feel good about it.
It seems you two are no strangers to the paranormal, so it makes sense that you have been protected. This could have been an ancestor that showed up that day, who knows? But for him to keep his face turned away from you may mean he didn't want to be recognized, or it was just another way of making sure he didn't frighten you too much. One thing is for certain, he frightened you enough to stop you in your tracks. After that, it was up to you.
Thanks again for coming and giving your description. It's going to be a while before I'll get those dirty nails out of my memory. 😆

Jav ❤

PS~ I hope you decide to stay a member. Maybe you have some experiences you'd like to share too. 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-01)
Thank you for posting your perspective on this too... I think it is good to have an extra set of senses to observe what is going on.

When you say he had a black line going up his arm, what do you mean? Was it like something drawn on his skin, a string, etc?

This whole thing is so weird. He obviously seemed very much like a normal person, down to the nitty gritty details, like his fingernails. You guys must have been very close to him to see that level of detail. The only thing I can think is that he appeared that way because that was how he was buried. Since most spirits are intangible and do not have a physical substance, it does not surprise me that his clothing disobeyed gravity. Spirits often appear to float.

There is also a rare medical condition called inverted perception disorder, in which the affected person perceives objects and environments as being upside-down. Read more about it here:


Perhaps this being was a spirit that manifested upside-down because that was how he saw the world from time to time?
kit_ty_nya (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-01)
Hi all... This is sylunedarkchylde's cousin. I read all your comments and her replies.

Let me tell you what I saw. I am not very good with English so I'm apologizing as early as now.

When we were running in the sugarcane field, I was really scared that now I feel bad that I was running ahead and did not wait for her. It was my idea to steal the sugarcanes.

So yes, I ran ahead because I was so afraid of the farmer. I remember that there was a thick patch of sugarcane right in front of me, so I had to move a little to the left because you can't pass through it.

When I moved and passed the thick patch a little was when I saw the man standing on his head. I was so scared. I was afraid to make another step because in my head, if I go near he might lose balance, fall and get angry.

But at first I didn't think it was something bad, or something not ordinary. I just thought it was just someone trying to balance himself.

Sylunedarkchylde's description was correct. He was in an all-blue outfit (blue camisa de chino and corduroy pants), but I was able to look at it longer so she missed some things.

The man had the sleeves of his camisa de chino folded up, and there was a black line from his elbow to his wrist of his right arm. His feet was dirty covered in dried mud, and the nails of his hands and feet had dirt in them, like when you grow your nails a little and dirt gets stuck in them. (sorry, really bad at descriptions!)

But I started getting really scared when I noticed that his clothes were not behaving normally. Like what sylunedarkchylde said, his shirt and pants should have hiked up because of gravity, but it was like as if he was standing on an invisible floor in the sky.

When I saw this I felt like I was going to vomit. I was so afraid. I wanted to scream but I'm too afraid he will hear me. I wanted to move but I can't even move my mouth.

I could hear her voice, and I felt her bump into me, but I can't take my eyes off the man because he might do something while I'm not looking.

Compared to me, sylunedarkchylde thinks quicker. She does not panic, that's why I am so thankful she was there with me. When she grabbed my arm, that was the only time I finally got to move. If she was not there, I don't know what would have happened.

That's it.:)
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-11)
Wow! That will be interesting! I hope she'll sign up too. I believe you two share more than just blood ties. There is a connection that is founded there that, I believe, makes your spiritual connection much more intense. As if you being together brings the spiritual world forth with a higher clarity. Like turning on a light in a dark room.
Thank you for being so accommodating. This will truly be a treat.
And who knows what insights can be gained from this? Maybe this will catch on! 😁

Jav 😊
sylunedarkchylde (6 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-11)
I really appreciate everyone coming out and giving their insights about this.:) Yeah, I think I need to have a talk with my cousin... Which I will do over the weekend. I'll have her sign up here so she can respond to your questions, too.:) I'll be over their house this weekend. I'll keep you guys posted.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-08)
"DA" - Great insight. No, I believe that the OP believes what they saw was out of the ordinary and potentially paranormal. Just like I believe that George Lutz (now deceased, of Amityville) believed what he saw was real. In that sense, I don't think that the Amityville haunting was a hoax. Along the same line, I don't think that the OP is lying. Yes, the whole situation was strange. That's why I have so many questions.

Lou - I like your sense of humor. Sorry, I did forget to list you. There were a few others that I didn't list as well. Hopefully, they didn't feel left out.;^) I agree with your scarecrow assessment for the most part. I think the only way that it could have been a pseudo-scarecrow is if it were intentionally positioned like that and held up in such a way that the post was hidden.

Obviously, we disagree with certain other aspects. That's fine. Thank you for doing it respectfully. I do agree with the history part. However, that's a huge variable since the history is unknown.

Sylunedarkchylde - Thanks for taking time to respond after all that hoopla. Also, I appreciate that you do understand my inquisitiveness. I certainly don't think this is a hoax. Nevertheless, I was trying to think of logical, non-paranormal things first. Then, I started asking questions. And, again, I appreciate you answering them to the best of your ability.

Fear is a good thing as long as it's not extreme like a phobia. It's natural to fear things that we don't understand. So, I see nothing wrong with that either. I can also understand that you were brought up with the idea that screaming is not good behavior. Other cultures feel the same way.

You bring up a good point to somewhat counter Lou's argument. If it did intentionally position itself in your path, what did it want? And why was it completely motionless and facing away from you? Was it trying to keep you from continuing in that direction because of something dangerous that you could not see? I don't know. I'm not sure that its motives were altruistic or even that it had any motives at all.

I think it's definitely a good idea for you and your cousin to have a relaxed conversation about the incident. See what she recalls first. Then, ask questions of your own as well as some of the questions that we have asked. Again, thanks for the response and your understanding that I was not questioning your integrity.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-08)
[at] sylunedarkchylde,
Thank you for the reply. The reason I had asked if it had a smell is I had recalled something from another story posted not long ago. In that story the author and his friend gave this person/spirit a ride toward town. She asked them to let her out, and as they were pulling over to let her out, the authors friend made the comment that she had no smell to her, none at all. That struck me as very telling, and it occurred to me, at the time, that I'd heard people say they smelled something foul when it was perceived malevolent in nature. And some who've smelled perfume or flowers from a sweet natured spirit. But the 'no smell at all' is the most interesting to me. No particular significance to what it was you saw, but maybe a clue to keep in mind.
Thank you for your continued patience and I feel a personal apology from me is in order. So, I am sorry this got heated up on your thread, but on the other hand, it just made the experience more intriguing and mysterious.
Also, I think Louslips suggestion that it positioned itself in your path is very interesting also...


Here is a link to the other story I was referring to:

sylunedarkchylde (6 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-08)
Now, now...don't go around pulling each other's strings. Calm down, people. I will answer your questions as they are, and you are all entitled to your own opinions.:)

[at] Javelina - I called my cousin to answer your question if there was some sort of smell. We were both in agreement that we didn't smell anything peculiar. Or maybe, we can't remember anymore. If it did have a smell, it would have been very faint, because we would have smelled it from a distance since there was no wind at the time.

[at] TruthInDarkness - We are all entitled to our own opinions, and I personally take your questions just as they are. I don't feel anything about being told that I am lying--with this kind of story and bugging grownups for years about it, I am very much used to it. I just answer your questions as I remember them, and mind you, I don't have the same vivid recollection of the time since I am now 27. There will be some questions that you may ask that I cannot answer, but not because I am lying, but because I simply don't remember.

About "screaming", we didn't scream. We were hiding. Besides, culturally (for us), screaming is something we do not like. We think its...uh..."unrefined".

If you read my previous story "Older Sister Lucy", it shows how my family (especially my mom) condones being "scared". To us, giving in to fear is a rare luxury. We are brought up differently, thus maybe the difference in our reactions.

And I don't understand what that "thing" is as well, that's why I came out, wrote the story the best I could and am now reaching out to everyone who can shed some light on it.:)

[at] LouSlips: Thanks for your insights.:) If it positioned itself in our path... I wonder what it wanted? O.o I never really considered that one. Thanks for bringing that up.:)

Maybe I should have a long talk with my cousin about this, and try to ask her the same questions you are asking me now... Probably I can find some inconsistency that will tell us all what happened.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-08)
sylunedarkchylde, this is a very interesting account. I don't think I have ever heard of anyone experiencing an upside down entity. At first I was thinking scarecrow like a few others, but since you explained the reasons why it wasn't I am going to have to say that DeviousAngel had the best idea of why it was upside down. Thank you for sharing, and take care. 😊 ❤
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-08)
I realize that I did not make you preferred list of posters (sniff), but since you are so adamant about everyone's right to your opinion, here is mine:

Scarecrow: It IS very possible to make a lifelike scarecrow, hands and feet included. It is also possible that it was damaged, oriented upside down on purpose, etc... Very real possibilities. What makes them really scary is the face... Which makes me think it was not a scarecrow. If the O/P was indeed as close as mentioned, although it could have been hidden by the sugarcane foliage, they would have seen the pole that held it... Either from the ground, into the head; or from the ground and behind the scarecrow, away from sight. Here's the thing, when you mount a conventional scarecrow, the pole goes in the back, the face is away from the pole... The O/P was looking at the back of the scarecrow... Nobody puts the pole in front of the face.

1. No comment, don't care how old they were... If it sticks with you until you are an adult, you at least believe what you saw. No, I don't believe everything a 10-year old tells me; but I don't believe everything 40-year olds tell me either.

2. Couldn't disagree more... You don't scream when you are hiding. Also, this thing was not hiding. Why would it jump or react to the kids, when it intentionally revealed itself to them? They did not stumble on it, it positioned itself in their path, from what I can surmise.

3. The O/P and the cousin's reactions seem completely normal to me. They were not running from the apparition, they were running from a farmer... When they ran into this thing, it not only surprised his cousin, but likely blocked her path... It doesn't seem abnormal to me for a child to be frozen in fear, nor does it seem unusual for a second child to follow the other's gaze, and assess what appeared to be a human figure; especially since they were fleeing from one, in the form of the farmer.
4. I don't know why this would be confusing. Apparitions are a reflection of history, to some degree, whether it be a century ago, or a week ago. Times change and so do land uses... Just because there isn't a relevent use for land that would draw spirits in your opinion, does not mean there wasn't a building, cemetary, murder scene, etc; of relevance at this location in the past.

Warning: These comments are those of LouSlips alone. I, without coersion, have decided that this story has relevance and the potential as a paranormal occurrence, without consulting others for backup. My name is LouSlips, and I approve this comment.

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-08)
TID - sorry, I was away for the weekend and did not see this until now. But since you asked, I read your comments and I have to say that I agree with a lot of your questions. I do not think that the OP is/was lying either, but I think there was something weird going on. I have never heard of this type of thing before. It could be paranormal, but you bring up a good point--it seemed to have no interest or interaction with two running, frightened kids. Usually that says to me that it is not an intelligent being, but maybe something inanimate. Though it is definitely a bizarre situation.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-08)
[at] tid,
What I don't mind is opinion. What I do mind is my opinion being flagged as somehow passing judgement on yours.
One thing we do share on this site is... Our opinions. Just because they differ, doesn't mean you have to get your back up about it. The whole of the subject cries for guesswork and opinion.
Your own personal experience aside, if you weren't there when it occurred, and the author has done their level best to answer your questions, all that's left is theory. If the authors experience doesn't match your theory it's on you to either move on to the next story or come up with a new theory that the experience laid out before you can fall into. Not by trying to get the author to change the experience to match your theory.
So what if they were children when this occurred? You are going on the assumption that children will either lie or over embellish. That is not a fair assessment, in my opinion. After all, this wasn't a small black orb whizzing by and seen only out of your direct line of sight. This was an upside down man. Seen by both of them, stared at and studied in plain view and bright daylight for a good length of time.
What's so hard to understand?
It falls into the category of the paranormal for me. That's just my opinion.

TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-07)
Jav - Me? A crush on you? If anything, I think it's the other way around.

I was upset because of your tone and your accusation that I was asking for "a call to arms." I was not; as I thoroughly explained in my reply. I have no problem with people disagreeing with what I write. I do have a problem when I perceive someone as being disrespectful as I did you.

It wasn't so much of a stressful tone as me trying to get you (and possibly others) to understand WHY I am being so inquisitive about this story. As you can see, I have A LOT of questions. I was being emphatic due to my frustration that you apparently did not understand why I was asking the others to give their opinion. I wanted to see that they had to say. It might have helped answer some of my questions or given me more specific questions to ask.

Why did I "yell" at you to read my profile? As stated above, I was frustrated with both your lack of respect and understanding. I'm only going to react to someone harshly if I perceive them as being disrespectful. Eventually, I will ignore them if they continue to be that way.

With regard to the paragraph in my reply that begins with "One last thing... ", that was more aimed at several people, including you, who now seem to either be ignoring me or judging me because of some of the off topic comments I made under that one story.

Replies to your numbered statements:

1) I understand that. However, they also lack the mental maturity to analyze some situations; especially if they are already scared.

2) I said, "likely screaming." I'm sure that they were making plenty of noise running through the sugar cane even if they weren't screaming. People don't think rationally when their scared. Thus, screaming is not out of the question. Either way, I'm sure that they were making racket; enough racket to cause someone/something 4-5 feet away to react to their presence.

3) Wondering, even now, what it was is not where I have a problem. It's the fact that they allegedly went from scared about one thing to being curious about another within a maybe 2-3 seconds. In my opinion, this person/thing would likely have scared them even more and had them running away and, yes, possibly screaming. Yet, they didn't do this. They stood there long enough, despite the possible danger, to observe exactly what this person/thing looked like and what they were wearing, etc. I'm sorry. Being analytical, I just have to question this. It doesn't seem to be a normal reaction for 2 scared 10 or 11 years olds.

4) This isn't so much a response as it is an additional comment on my part. I can understand paranormal things happening in and around houses, cemetaries, other types of buildings, on roads where someone was killed, etc. Even forests or woods where it is known that certain things have happened there in the past. However, a sugar cane field with no historical reference to something having happened there? I have to question that. That's just who I am. I'm not saying that what they saw wasn't paranormal. I'm being inquisitive as someone who is trying to find out exactly what happened should be.

What is it that I'm having a difficult time with? Not your opinion! That's for sure! It should be immediately apparent from all of the questions that I've asked in the previous couple of posts as well as this one (albeit the "questions" in this one were written as statements) exactly what I'm having a hard time understanding. As far as being personally offended, it seems as though I'm not the only one. It's just that others simply give you a minus for karma rather than reply. As far as your other accusations about me insulting you and such, I'm not even going to entertain commenting on that because the statements are purely unfounded.

If I'm pissing you off, ignore me. Don't reply to my comments. It's that simple. In the meantime, I'll offer my opinion to people who seem to be more appreciative.

Sylunedarkchylde - I apologize for going slightly off topic. It just seems that someone is having difficulty accepting that I have questions about your story. Questions that I would truly appreciate having answered.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-07)
If I didn't know better I would swear you must have a crush on me... 😆 😆


Seriously, calm down man, I'm starting to worry about you. 😐
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-07)
Why are you so upset? You seem to be getting a bit over exited here, and for the life of me I don't know why you are reacting to my post in such a stressful tone. We have different opinions on a story, so what? I honestly am stunned by your reaction here.
We will have other stories we won't agree on in the future I'm sure. Are you going to react like this each time someone doesn't see it your way? Or is this something reserved for me alone? I certainly hope that isn't the case. But all this gnashing and wailing is over the top, if you ask me.

1) So they were 10 or 11 years old. They were at an age where the paranormal experiences are more likely to occur, many of us lose those abilities as we get older.
2) You are ASSUMING they were screaming as they ran. Why? They were trying to escape a man with a machete in hand chasing them. I would expect them to try and get away, not leave an even louder trail to find them.
3) What they saw was so surreal that it left them wondering even now, as adults, what the heck it was.
4) I could drag this list out much further, but I don't need to prove anything here. I gave my opinion.

In the end, it's only my opinion. Why are you having such a hard time reconciling that? What is it that you are having such a difficult time with? I would appreciate it if you wouldn't act so personally offended whenever I offer an opinion TID. Because it is plain to me just what your opinion of me is. And I am starting to get the feeling that you just don't like me. That being said, you should know how insulting your comment is to me. You know absolutely nothing about me. Yet it's obvious to me, that you are practically holding your nose at the mere thought of having to share space with me on any thread. This is not your personal space sir, this is a public site. Get over yourself, this isn't a game of win or lose.


PS~~You haven't pissed me off yet, but you are coming real close. 😐
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-06)
Some things about this story bother me...

They were 10 or 11 years old.

They were already scared and running away from someone.

They got to within 4 to 5 feet (nearly WITHIN personal space) and decided to stare at it for a few seconds before running?

With all of the racket they were making running through the field and likely screaming, this person/thing wasn't facing them? For a residual or even intelligent HUMAN spirit, I could possibly see that. If this was something paranormal, I'd venture to say it was neither of those. It stood, very still, on its head? Unphased? Not even the slightest curiousity of what all of the noise was? It did not have a fight or flight instinct? Just "stood" there completely motionless as if the kids weren't even there?

Can you not see why someone would question this event? I'm not stating outright that the OP is lying. Nor am I stating outright that what the OP saw was not paranormal. I am just analyzing the situation and having all of these questions. I don't understand the total lack of reaction on the part of the person/thing. Already being scared, I don't understand why these 2 kids (at the time) all of the sudden became curious when they saw something that I am sure looked frightening to both of them. Curious enough to linger for a few seconds... Which could have put them in great danger.

Am I really the only person who has all of these questions? Am I the villain just because I am questioning as to whether or not this was a paranormal event? Am I the villain just because I'm asking for the opinion of others? The OP's can do that. Why can't a person who comments do it? Is there a double standard here?

One last thing... Is it too much to ask not to be judged for what **I** believe in? I'm not stating that people who believe differently are wrong and I have the only right answer. It's merely what **I** believe. As for my view of religions (all religions), I gave **historical proof** of my "accusations". I was NOT picking on any ONE religion. If anything, I was picking on humanity AS A WHOLE. Myself included. So, please stop judging me. Just read my posts with an open mind just as you would anyone else's. If you don't agree with what I say, state why in your own post. If you do agree, do the same. If you're indifferent, then move on to the next comment. That's what I do. I think it's reasonable to expect others to do the same.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-06)
Jav - I'm not the only one who questions whether or not this was a paranormal event. JamesRobiscoe, generalchaos, and DARKNESS have all made mention of non-paranormal possibilities. So, why are you picking on me? I am just asking for others' opinions. Is that not reasonable? Yes, Rook and "DA" had already commented. However, Redphx and Daz have not. I would like to read what they think. Is that a crime?

And, yes, they were 10 or 11 AND scared! So, I think it's reasonable for someone to question what they saw. It's logical. It's all part of finding the truth; paranormal or not. What? If a 10 year old says that he/she ate all of their vegetables, you're going to believe them (beyond the shadow of a doubt) without checking to see if they did? Let's make it even more critical to be correct... You're driving and trying to make a left turn (in the US). Are you going to go just because your 10 year old (who is in the passenger seat) says it's OK to go or are you going to make darn sure that the coast is clear first?

READ MY PROFILE! I clearly explain the perspective from which I look at things.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-06)
[at] sylunedarkchylde,
I have read your other story (finally!) and the cousin from that story being the same one you went to the sugarcane field with that afternoon makes it even more positive proof in my opinion, that this was a paranormal event. Who knows what it was you saw? All I know is that it wasn't normal! It's obvious you two have both inherited your abilities, that's important I think. You certainly had a way of drawing them out when you were together, and that just might be the key here. I wonder what type of activity you two would still generate? Now that could be an interesting experiment!

Jav 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-05)
[at] TruthInDarkness,
I'm wondering what you meant by your last statement:

"I do think it's worth more input from others. Redphx, Rook, DA, Daz... Do you guys have any ideas?"

You tried very hard to debunk this account, to no avail I might add. Sometimes it's just that way. Paranormal experiences come in many shapes and sizes. And since the OP has answered all questions, with no real wavering on recollection of the experience as a whole, it seems to be nit picking at this point. If I'm wrong, I apologize, but the call for witnesses and more people to weigh in? What's up with that?
You may not trust my judgement when it comes to the paranormal, and that's fine by me, but a call to arms? Oh puhleeeease!

Jav 😊
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-05)
Hmmm... I'm honestly stumped on this one. Not that I'm an authority on all things paranormal. Definitely not. I don't know what to make of it. I do think it's worth more input from others. Redphx, Rook, DA, Daz... Do you guys have any ideas?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-05)
Thanks for the new insights on this experience. Now I'm thinking paranormal. Simply because of the complete oddity of the thing you saw. Add that to how close you were, the amount of time your cousin had already been staring in wonder at it before you reached the spot, and the clarity of visibility you had.
I do have one more question though. Did it have a smell?

sylunedarkchylde (6 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-05)
[at] Truthindarkness: I wish I'd seen it before we got that near! The sugarcane field somewhat dense. Imagine yourself running around a fully-grown corn field, only this isn't corn, it's like going through a maze of mini bamboos... Plus the leaves hurt like $# [at] %&.

I wish it was just something I could explain. Not to mention his clothes weren't hiked up like a normal person on a headstand would look like.

I'm not even sure if it's paranormal in nature. It looked too natural/human. I would easily accept it if that person was doing a headstand while leaning on something in front of him that we didn't see--the ground has piles of leaves that makes it soft, so he can easily put his arms on his sides and stand on his head if he had support. But I can't explain his clothes.: (
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-05)
Only 4-5 feet away?! That's nearly invading personal space! Are you telling me that you and/or your cousin didn't see this thing before you got that close to it? And if visibility was that poor, I'm surprised that you (plural) didn't run it over. If you were that close and this person/thing did not come after you, it either didn't want to hurt you, was dead, unconscious, or medidating. Still, although not impossible, I find it difficult to believe that a person could stand completely still on their head with their arms at their sides and their legs straight up. I think there are two possibilities here: 1) It was something paranormal or 2) it was something non-paranormal made to look like a person. Well, there is a third option, but we won't go there... For the moment.

You were already scared running from the farmer. That's another reason I'm surprised that you and your cousin didn't run right over this person/thing being that you stopped that close to it. Thus, I think there's a possiblitiy that what you thought you saw might not have been what it appeared to be.
sylunedarkchylde (6 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-01)
[at] TruthInDarkness: Thanks for your insights.:) I know what a scarecrow looks like, and we almost never use them here, especially for sugarcanes since birds don't eat them.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I can see as bright as day that it was a person. About your question on how far the man was, I'd say around 4-5 feet away. And I have 20x20 vision, so there is no way I can mistake it as something else.

And you may be thinking as I described myself as a "kid", I'm around 6 or 7. I was 10 or 11. I pretty much know what's what.

Of course we have ruled out the "scarecrow" thing when me and Cathy were trying to know what that was. And if it's just a trick of an eye, my cousin stared at it longer than I have, and she confirms that she saw the same thing as I did. So no, it's not a scarecrow.:)

About the WWII Death March guy, that was just a speculation. It's not something that should be accepted as true.:)

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