I recently stumbled on this website and I'd like to get your take on an experience I had two years ago.
First a little back ground. I'm a twenty-seven year old construction worker. I've never done drugs and at the time of the story I had and still have stopped drinking alcohol.
I'm what my mother explained to me is called an empath; I can pick up on feelings, emotions, and even experience them myself no matter how I was feeling previously. Like getting angry due to someone nearby even if I had been happy moments before.
I've had small paranormal experiences all my life. It ranges from whispers to feeling a presence and even seeing shadow figures.
This is my first experience with what I assume folks call sleep paralysis but I'm unsure if that's what it would be classified as.
One, day I came home from working a twelve hour shift. I had come back from working on an old house renovation. This home has been on the coast of Mississippi since about 1940 to 1950. While there the entire building felt heavy and almost depressing like someone turned on an energy vacuum and sucked it right out of you.
When I got home from work I was so exhausted that I decided to get straight to bed. I laid in my room all electronics including the TV off and slept for a bit.
I suddenly woke up do to a strange sensation, it was cold and I mean like cold fear gripping me. I tried to get up and look around but I couldn't move anything except my eyes. I tried forcing my body to move even mentally scream at it to move. I noticed the tv that was previously off before I fell asleep was now on.
I thought that was strange the tv was on a blue screen. Then I noticed this for lack of a better term crimson mist slowly spread across the tv and out of the mist appeared a horned black silhouette.
The silhouette seemed to be staring at me. When I saw it my blood ran cold. I began mentally freaking out ordering my body to move, but the most I could do is get my fingers to twitch slightly.
As I lied there slowly losing it I felt a warmth suddenly envelope me and what felt like a hand on my back. Then I heard, "Bojack, wake up."
The only person whoever called me that was my grand father but he'd been gone for over a decade when this occurred. I blinked and whatever spell or what have you I was under was gone - I could move again. I looked at the tv. It was still on but the mist and figure were both gone.
This is my first time experiencing anything like this at all and I'd like your take on what happened to me that day. I told this experience to my girlfriend now fiancé and she thinks it was just a bad dream.
What do y'all think if I may ask?
I've had plenty of sleep paralysis experiences over the years, even then I still have no idea why it occurs, as much research as I have done I'm not able to find anything definitive, but when it does I usually just say a prayer, the last time I did have sleep paralysis, which was quite recent, was actually very terrifying.
But from reading your story and reply, I feel that there's a supernatural connection as to why you suddenly had experienced sleep paralysis and you and your coworkers constantly feel drained and tired.