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Real Ghost Stories

Marietta Ghost Tour


This is not the scariest experience but I think people in the area would like to know about it and I can't find any stories listed for this location so I have decided to post it.

A few years back, I think it was the summer of 2009, my husband, daughter and I went to Marietta Ohio for a weekend get away. We saw that a ghost tour of downtown was offered so we put that on our must do list.

We met the tour guide, a self-described paranormal investigator, at the fountain downtown around 9pm. There were 10 or so people on the tour. The guide was great, she took us inside the historic hotel, which we were excited to hear was reputed to be quite haunted as we were staying there, and walked us past a few other buildings with their own spooky tales.

The last stop was an old theater, which she took us inside. She told us that it had been unused for many years but a civic minded group was working to restore it. It had originally been a vaudeville style stage theater and later a cinema. Of course it seems all theaters have to have an array of ghosts and this one was no different. She enthralled us with tales from days past and with recent accounts from those working on the current refurbishment. Then we were allowed to wander through the seats and stage.

I fell back and was telling my daughter they had done quite a job setting the mood; I actually thought I saw something when we first walked in from the lobby. She asked me if it had been in the section on the right about 5 or 6 rows up. I was startled because that is just where I thought I had seen something. She said she had thought it looked like a middle aged woman that was a very pale white. I had not been able to see enough details to guess age or sex but agreed that what I saw was a pale white.

We tried to eavesdrop a little on the others to see if it sounded like anyone else had seen it, but everyone was just commenting on how "cool" and "creepy" it was. Maybe it was just the lighting and the power of suggestion, but one of the reported ghosts was thought to be that of a wealthy female benefactor who had been very involved in the theater.

Neither my daughter nor I like to draw attention on to us, so we did not mention to the guide what we thought we saw, but now I wish we had.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nysa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-29)
No worries Fanny! I am sure I have been unnecessarily rude when something struck me the wrong way, & if I have not yet just wait I am sure I will. I love the debate opportunities on this site, but it is inevitable that we will get riled at times. Don't give it another thought.
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-29)

I feel I should apologise to you for a comment I made to you when I first joined up. You probably don't recall it and I can't rmember the name of the story it was under, but I was definately rude to you.

I think you were having a disagreement with either Jav or Indigo, again I can't remember. Regardless I was a total jerk to you and it was uncalled for.

Please accept my apology, I am truly sorry.

Fanny ❤
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
Crossing my fingers that a get selected for a business trip with my work so that I could come to Ohio in either December or January. If I get the change, I would come and check the Marietta out.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
Nysa, I see you're in Ohio. I have a question for you, if you could contact me at:
Stephyw2001 [at]

I promise I won't sell your e-mail address 😁 haha.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
That is such a cool idea Geetha. I do like to keep my eye out for stories in public places that are close-ish but how awesome would it be to go on a haunted world tour. I am reading The World's Creepiest Places & I was just thinking last night how fun it would be to use it as a guidebook.

I do recommend Marietta for a lovely place for a vacation. They have a really great old hotel you can stay at that is also reputed to be quite haunted.

The only thing about this experience is that it was so brief. I think that is why I really want another crack at it, I want it to last long enough for me to feel more confident about what we saw. It helps a lot that my daughter saw it too though.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
To Miracles,
Why would anyone want to be normal? To be a loonie means being special and if you get weird looks for it than their are the weird ones... Like you, I would be a loonie any day.

To Nysa,
Like Miracles said, it would be great if you got the chance to go and visit the place again. If you do, keep us updated.

After reading many stories like Nysa's, I have another goal in my heart. That is to visit many of the places mentioned in the stories so I can experience some of the things myself.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
Nysa great story I could actually smell the nostalgia associated with it, in agreement with the loonies here sounds like a very interesting place to visit. I have always liked and been pulled towards the stories of haunted theatres and cinemas very cool indeed! 😊

Thanks for sharing your story.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
great post nysa thanks for sharing.
Have to agree with you and miracles going back to the theater sounds like a great idea and the thought of a romantic ghost tour sounds sweet getting close to a loved one while not showing just how scared your feeling 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Very cool experience! It sounds like you both might have had a glimpse of something that may have been the benefactor you heard about. I love old and spooky places like that, and I think it would have been awesome to see what you both saw.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-09)
Nysa: Pretty cool!...I think you possibly saw the old benefactor, and unfortunately for everyone else, they were too busy to notice 😆...I agree with Miracles, your daughter validated your experience and vice versa... Always nice to have someone else to experience things with you! 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-08)
Nysa - lol, sounds like you had one of my "dumb blonde moments" 😆 Parkersburg...Portsmouth...yep, I can see how that could happen LOL. See? I didn't even question "across the river" LOL.

Disney sounds like a great place to be at Halloween. Saw a friend's pics on facebook when they took a trip a couple of years ago. It looked like they had a great time.

And would those people who gave you "those" looks be of the "normal" persuasion? I try to avoid "normal people" at all costs. They just don't seem to understand me 😉. Me? I'll stick with the Loonies 😆
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
You said Portsmouth, why was I thinking Parkersburg? Duh me. I still haven't been but I have heard about it. I think an acquaintance of mine went a few years ago & recommended it to me. My town also started having a All Hallows ghost tour a couple of years ago. Last year I wrote a program for our museum to be on the ghost tour. It was so much fun. We are going to Disney World for Halloween so I don't think I will be able to get down there this year.

I suppose finding a ghost tour romantic isn't that unusual around here, but I have gotten some strange looks in years past when I told people we were going to Cincinnati to see a cemetery or going to watch The Wolfman for Valentine's Day.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Nysa - I'll have to check and see if it's still happening this year, but there's been a tour for the last couple of years. One year Steve from TAPS came in for it. Unfortunately I didn't get to go 😢. Friends of mine have a hand in it. No theatrics or anything, just touring the haunted part of our town.

And believe it or not, I think a ghost tour would be a great romantic activity 😉. I think many others would agree 😆
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
I probably will do the tour again, they do still seem to offer it though I don't know if it still has the same stops. I think my husband & I might go to Marietta for Valentine's day & believe it or not a ghost tour is our idea of a romantic activity. If it all works out & we do go through the theater again I will definitely update.

I have never gone to Portsmouth for Halloween, we don't get across the river much. I take it there is a special tour for Halloween?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Nysa - have you ever thought about going on that tour again, if they still offer it, to see if you experience something?

I realize because the mind would already think it saw something, a lot of people would "leap" to the conclusion there was something there, but I think you would be more likely to look closer at the situation because of that very fact. And I truly mean that as a compliment. I think it would be great to be able to return to a "haunted location" after possibly experiencing something to see if there really was something there. The fact that you and your daughter both experienced something helps you validate each other's experience though.

Side note here LOL, have you ever done the tour at Halloween in Portsmouth?

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