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Evidence Gathered On A Research Project In Marietta, Ga


I have been asked over the last 39 years of Research if "Ghosts" are Real.

Well...they say a picture is worth a Thousand Words.

I was asked to look into Reports of Strange activity at the Old Marietta Cemetary in Marietta GA some years back.

I assembled a Team of Volunteers who were Interested in Paranormal Activity Research, and Emplaced Cameras (42 of them), EMF Field Sensors, Thermal field Sensors, Motion Detectors, and Digital/Analog Recording Devices.

At 2:30 on the Saturday morning, I decided to do a Field Sweep for Datum, and take some 35mm shots behind the Sexton's House. I was doing it because of the Sensor "hits" that were occurring in that area. I was utilizing a Canon EOS 35mm Camera body with a 50mm lens, ASA 800 Sepia film, utilizing No Flash in order to gather Datum in the Ambient light.

After completion of the Datum portion, we broke down and packed the Equipment. Upon returning to my Office, I began to evaluate the Datum.

It was readily apparent that some Significant Activity had occurred, because of the Frequency if spikes in the EMF Field logs, and "hits" on the Thermal and Motion Sensors. In Addition, several photos had emerged that defied "normal" explanation.

I decided to have the roll of 35mm film that I had exposed that Saturday morning Developed in a One Hour shop. Upon returning to the shop, the attendant was extremely nervous. I inquired as to her discomfort. She stated the Developed exposures had one showing a Lot of "something" going on. She went on to say at first glance it appeared the camera had moved during the exposure... But discovered the Tombstones were Not Blurred... Indicating the camera was Steady.

She asked what was the setup on the camera, and I told her. She was taken aback at the No Flash statement. Knowing that I am an old Researcher, she asked if she was looking at a picture of Many "ghosts"... 14 in all. I replied that it was a Distinct possibility.

Evidence Gathered On A Research Project In Marietta, Ga

I went back to that are in the Daylight hours the next day to record the names on the tombstones in that area. I then visited the Newspaper in the area to obtain, if available, Obituary photos of the names I had gathered.

Having gathered the Information and photos, I set about Analyzing the Photo. I was able to Identify Positively 3 of the Entities in that photo.

I then sent a copy of that photo, with the Negative, to an old School friend who was the Head of the Physics Dept. At a University. I asked him to Analyze the photo, and form his Conclusion. 3 weeks later, He called and told me it was the Real thing and Proof Positive of the Existence of " Ghosts"...and wanted to know what I had photographed. I replied that it appeared to be a Nexxus... A rift in the boundary between this Dimensional Plane and the Parallel (black energy) Dimension.

I went on to say that I didn't know exactly how the conditions were Nominal at the Time to capture that Image... But I would find out. And if he expected me to Replicate that shot... He was on a Drug!

If I can figure out how to attach a copy of that photograph on this Site, I shall do so.

It took another 2 years of digging (some of the Data I needed I already had and was overlooking)...but as a Result of that shot and the Conditions therein present, I was able to Objectively Determine the EXACT POINT on the PKE Index that Pure Living Energy TRANSMUTES to a Corpreal Form of Matter that can be seen, felt, and photographed.

That Project, and the Information gained therein, has opened up a Lot of Exciting possibilities in Matter Transfer and Time Transfer.

What may be considered "science fiction" Today will be Science Fact in the Future.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ManinBlackAtlGa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

robmkivseries70 (1 stories) (39 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-18)
Just from following the discussion, I would agree that a bit of healthy skepticism is always warranted. These days I'd be less skeptical of pictures shot with 35mm film just because it's less easy to fake something. I'd like to see more pics from the OP, or at least, the original in a larger format with more detail. As they say,"I want to believe." Is tempered with,"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Better pictures would be helpful to that end.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-03)
It is very difficult to discern fake from real when it comes to photography. I think many are fake and those that are genuine are just a misunderstanding. Maybe if a photo is sent to someone who specializes in that area clears a photo for tampering, I will remain especially doubtful.

I have faith in the judgement of the ygs flock, however, whether that's a good or bad thing lol 🤔

All we have are our own experiences and the human sensory system can be rather faulty.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-03)
DirtCreature I would really appreciate a scientific approach to this sort of investigation, I just don't really see how it's possible. Photos, videos, evp's, and even EMF metre readings can be faked, pretty easily. Also there appears to money in doing so. At this point I really don't know what I would require as 'proof" other than a totally spectacular inexplicable personal incident...
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-03)
I strongly agree, Cuddlebear. I never understood the purpose of any of that equipment ghost hunters use. I can't watch any of those shows because they feel like a giant mockery to scrape up big mounds of money. It is akin to table shaking and fake ghost photos during the big Spirtualist movement of the past.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-03)
Well this is about as good a point for me to add this as I'm likely to see.

I have been working in the field of electronics since 1982, and I began studying electronics in the mid '70's. I have attended USCG ET A School (the primary Electronics Technician school for Coast Guard members) and USN EW A & C schools (Operator and maintenance for Electronic Warfare Technician in the US Navy) plus about a half dozen other classes for a variety of electronic equipment given by either the Navy or the Coast Guard. In the Coast Guard and for ten years after my enlistment I worked with communications systems on floating assets. In this capacity I became very familiar with EMF metres and used them extensively for the purpose for which they were designed. We used them to map out safe zones around antenna groupings and looking for spurious electro-magnetic radiation from a variety of electronic equipment.

I am always suspicious of "ghost hunters" who use EMF metres as "proof", or even evidence, of their claims. I have never heard one of these guys explain what these metres measure or how they do it. I do know that you can very easily get one to react to anything you want, even to the point of making it seems as though it is responding to questions. Given that the metre is sufficiently sensitive it can react to almost any piece of electronic equipment.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-12-02)
Actually, Biblio, I followed your comment easily enough (sound logic as usual), but I just couldn't pass up the chance to possibly learn something new, on the 'grammar front'.😊 Thank you for helping to further my education a bit!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-02)
It has become common practice to use the plural 'data' as a collective noun in colloquial speech; this is because of prepositions.

For an example sentence, I'll use a generic statement: "The list of data is printing now; I'll bring it to the meeting." The subject of the sentence is "list" which is singular, and the word 'data' is the object of the preposition 'of.' The prepositional phrase 'of data' is adjectival (adjectives answer "Which one? What kind? How many?"), describing 'the list;' however, the object of the preposition supplies the significant information, thus is commonly confused with the subject. Stating "the data is printing now" is fine, because it is understood that there is more than one fact involved; "datum," one the other hand, indicates that the is only one fact of any significance to be used.

The same phenomenon (conflating the object of the preposition with the subject) is found in the name "The United States of America." Strictly speaking, "States" should be the topic, 'United" tells what kind, "of America" describes where, and "The" is the definite article to specify that no other analogous group is intended. However, when asked where they live, inhabitants of this country will proudly name "America."

I hope that clears up my correction of the erroneous use of "datum" by the O.P.; while the conflation of the plural and 'collective singular' data confuses no native English speakers (nor English as a Second Language speakers, in general), I had to "stick my oar in" when subjected to repetitive abuse of the decidedly singular "datum."

Please note that *IF* 'datum' had been my only issue, I would have left it alone. As I had other remarks to make, I threw it into my reaponse comment.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-12-02)
lady-glow, yep I see the chain like thingy too. Except for the sepia coloring, I see nothing that ties it in with the written description though. Certainly, nothing that I could compare with a photograph of someone and identify them.
Perhaps the OP submitted the wrong picture?

Meanwhile, Biblio, I have a grammar question! You said, ""Datum" is singular while "Data" are plural...", I would have said, "Data IS plural", which made me wonder, is 'are' used, because data is the plural, even though to my ear it sounds very awkward? I say, "The data is complete", should that be "are complete?" 🤔
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-01)
Valkyrie - I think I can see what resembles a chain links on the string like artifact floating on the left side of the picture.

I hope Man-in-Black comes soon to discuss this picture. 🙄

Actually, one part of me thinks that this might be the picture of 'the haunted bonnet' that MikeChandler promised to post not that long ago.🤔

Atlanta, Georgia, paranormal investigator... Too many coincidences or just my wild imagination.😉
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-12-01)
Am I the only one that thinks, in the bottom right hand corner of the picture is a bright rectangle that looks suspiciously like a florescent light?
Twilight, you aren't alone, I can't see a single tombstone either.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-01)
I feel like I just read schizophrenic word salad.

When it comes to ghost pictures, I am skeptical since they are so easy to fake. Unless I capture my own, I am a little more open.

Unless I am seeing a clear image of an apparition, a random blur is not convincing to me.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-01)
ManinBlack, I'm confused by the photo you shared 😕 you said that the person that developed your picture, was frightened by what they saw in it, and you say that there's multiple spirits that are seen in it, that make this actual evidence of the other world, but from what I can see, it looks like an unfocused photo of something I can not identify. I know you said that the camera was not moved while this was taken, as the background is supposedly still in focus, but I don't even see that 😕 I can't make out anything in this photo, that would make me believe that something paranormal was captured. So I don't understand how you say so many others were taken by surprise over what they could see in it. I'm not trying to come off as rude, and saying this is all fake, I'm just trying to understand what exactly I'm supposed to see in this photo, that you say is proof evidence of spirits? Hopefully you can clear up my confusion on this, and hope to hear back from you soon 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-01)
Yeah, I think the entity on the top right corner of the picture was the model for "The Scream" by Edvard Munch... Not sure about the other two, though. 🤔
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-30)
Greetings, ManinBlackAtlGa.

"Well...they say a picture is worth a Thousand Words." True. However, this picture is tiny, so they'll have to be monosyllables.

"Datum" is singular while "Data" are plural; you can't sweep a site for a single fact, as "daylight" would constitute the total findings.

"Nexxus" is a hair salon and a brand of hair-care products; "nexus" means "a connection" or "a link."

You express that "the conditions were Nominal at the Time..." The word "nominal" has two meanings: existing in name only (but not in reality); a tiny quantity of money.

Out of curiosity, what did your friend mean when he identified one image as "a rift in the boundary between this Dimensional Plane and the Parallel (black energy) Dimension." There's a "black energy" dimension? It's connected to this one through random holes in the time/space continuum above graves? If there is a breach, then energy and/or matter will pass through it; how has this dimensional breach failed to shift the gravitational constant of our universe?

Your excitement over your calculations is clear from the all-caps "TRANSMUTES." I'd be excited, too, if my friend who is head of a Physics Department handed me the information necessary to validate Alchemy and prove that chemistry and physics are frauds perpetuated by failed alchemists.

I can only imagine that the "Exciting possibilities in Matter Transfer and Time Transfer" include the return of the ten minutes of my life that it took to write out these observations about your story.

I'm calling for a pile of B.S. Blankies right here; if we use enough of them, we may be able to clog the dimensional rift.


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